Groups for achievements for Ad Infinitum?
I asked friends and the 80% less healing ones I just started activated the challenge mote the people loading in after dident recive the buff so no harm there.
I pugged all of them in the LFG.
I finished Ad Infinutum a few days ago, it’s taken me about 3 weeks (I already had 1 book and a few pages, you need 4 Research books, 28 pages, and can get a maximum of 4 pages per day)
A lot of the challenge ones, I did when they’re up for dailies/daily rec, I asked when zoned in if I could do the -80% challenge mote. No one said no.
(edited by Haleydawn.3764)
Mai Trin you get by just doing the fractal as always, concentrating on Not Dying™. There’s a lot of time leeway for it, as long as the players can avoid constantly getting downed, or dying during bombardment phases.
Remember, remember, 15th of November
Some with pugs, some with guildies. Mind you the guildy route was way more enjoyable since people knew I was doing the achieves and went out of their way to help. Definately pugable though.
That said, as far as I remember (since it’s now quite a way back) the biggest bottleneck are the fractal research pages required during each step.