(edited by HARMANATOR.2368)
Guide on what to do after defeating all Arah explores!
I thought I clicked a leveling video when I saw that many signets.
I thought I clicked a leveling video when I saw that many signets.
You must be in a terrible group if you can’t keep a signet warrior up :P
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
You must be in a terrible group if you can’t keep a signet warrior up :P
No problem keeping them up or around. My back just hurts a bit after doing so.
You must be in a terrible group if you can’t keep a signet warrior up :P
No problem keeping them up or around. My back just hurts a bit after doing so.
Lol. Yes “Signet noob warrior”, but when you get good enough, with a good enough build, with a good enough group you can pull off Signets and call it pro, and proceed use it in all bar certain sections of PvE content. Although guildies and friends do seem to have an aweful lot of back problems… ^-^
You must be in a terrible group if you can’t keep a signet warrior up :P
No problem keeping them up or around. My back just hurts a bit after doing so.
Maybe one day you will be able to…
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
All I learned from this is that there is a /deaths and across all 6 of my 80s I’ve died 1247 times. I have enough /age that I’m embarrassed to say it…how has this guy died 2200 times. Shoot I already feel like I’m face down in the dirt a lot but 2200… :O
Maybe one day you will be able to…
Maybe one day I will be able to come up with a utility setup that offers nothing to my group, I need to get back to the drawing board on this.
Maybe one day you will be able to…
Maybe one day I will be able to come up with a utility setup that offers nothing to my group, I need to get back to the drawing board on this.
What could you possibly offer to your team that the other warrior / 3 guardians in your team can’t? Anyway, I’m not even sure about the validity of that statement, but you disregarded a well worded and reasonable post because you took offense to 1 build?
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
What could you possibly offer to your team that the other warrior / 3 guardians in your team can’t? Anyway, I’m not even sure about the validity of that statement, but you disregarded a well worded and reasonable post because you took offense to 1 build?
this… doesn’t make any sense, where is this well worded reasonable post???
All I learned from this is that there is a /deaths and across all 6 of my 80s I’ve died 1247 times. I have enough /age that I’m embarrassed to say it…how has this guy died 2200 times. Shoot I already feel like I’m face down in the dirt a lot but 2200… :O
Lmao my /deaths seems to cause much amusement for those who know me also ahem on a more serious note I guess I can only say it comes down to my personality/playstyle/warrior and the amount of time my /age is in dungeons, and how much of that age in dungeons is pushing our group to the limit of its dps and the fastest possible speed at pulling/killing enemies. Dieing and repair bills don’t phase me, especially with the amount of damage I can put out at the same time as decoying so the rest of the group can damage as safe as possible. But bottom line is…its a massive number…and I’m strangely proud of it lol.
Maybe one day you will be able to…
Maybe one day I will be able to come up with a utility setup that offers nothing to my group, I need to get back to the drawing board on this.
Try not to downplay the builds of other because it doesn’t fit your “omgthisistheonlyproperwaytoplaythisclass” build and. If you had the privelege of playing with the people I do you’d understand why I have such a build and how it works better than any shout/flag/survialUtilities ablities builds you obviously believe warriors are meant to use. Also, even if the ablities in the video are equipped at that time doesn’t mean these signets/ultilites don’t change depending on specific situations requiring it. Your way may be the slow safe standard generic way of playing a warrior and works fine, but I rarely pug now, and with my groups and their abilites, there is no need to play so conservatively, and to go further “utility setup that offers nothing to my group” would be completely incorrect. My abilities and playstlyle offer whats needed to the group, they play accordingly, and I play as such in return to their abilities and playstyle. Not sure why you would think killing enemies faster and easier doesn’t benefit the group.
But to conclude, I(we) play and complete the hardest content GW2 has to offer and do it in record speeds so if proof is what you need there it is. If you still don’t understand that’s fine, your welcome to your own opinion, I would just have to say once you play on a high enough level you will come to understand.
Understanding may also help when you know my friends and I mindset is: “slow fights are boring/bad fights”
Maybe one day you will be able to…
Maybe one day I will be able to come up with a utility setup that offers nothing to my group, I need to get back to the drawing board on this.
Try not to downplay the builds of other because it doesn’t fit your “omgthisistheonlyproperwaytoplaythisclass” build and. If you had the privelege of playing with the people I do you’d understand why I have such a build and how it works better than any shout/flag/survialUtilities ablities builds you obviously believe warriors are meant to use. Also, even if the ablities in the video are equipped at that time doesn’t mean these signets/ultilites don’t change depending on specific situations requiring it. Your way may be the slow safe standard generic way of playing a warrior and works fine, but I rarely pug now, and with my groups and their abilites, there is no need to play so conservatively, and to go further “utility setup that offers nothing to my group” would be completely incorrect. My abilities and playstlyle offer whats needed to the group, they play accordingly, and I play as such in return to their abilities and playstyle. Not sure why you would think killing enemies faster and easier doesn’t benefit the group.
But to conclude, I(we) play and complete the hardest content GW2 has to offer and do it in record speeds so if proof is what you need there it is. If you still don’t understand that’s fine, your welcome to your own opinion, I would just have to say once you play on a high enough level you will come to understand.
Understanding may also help when you know my friends and I mindset is: “slow fights are boring/bad fights”
A fellow signet warrior who actually realizes how powerful this build can be if played well!
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Try not to downplay the builds of other because it doesn’t fit your “omgthisistheonlyproperwaytoplaythisclass” build and. If you had the privelege of playing with the people I do you’d understand why I have such a build and how it works better than any shout/flag/survialUtilities ablities builds you obviously believe warriors are meant to use. Also, even if the ablities in the video are equipped at that time doesn’t mean these signets/ultilites don’t change depending on specific situations requiring it. Your way may be the slow safe standard generic way of playing a warrior and works fine, but I rarely pug now, and with my groups and their abilites, there is no need to play so conservatively, and to go further “utility setup that offers nothing to my group” would be completely incorrect. My abilities and playstlyle offer whats needed to the group, they play accordingly, and I play as such in return to their abilities and playstyle. Not sure why you would think killing enemies faster and easier doesn’t benefit the group.
But to conclude, I(we) play and complete the hardest content GW2 has to offer and do it in record speeds so if proof is what you need there it is. If you still don’t understand that’s fine, your welcome to your own opinion, I would just have to say once you play on a high enough level you will come to understand.
Understanding may also help when you know my friends and I mindset is: “slow fights are boring/bad fights”
I do not think you understand your class mechanics well enough to make statements that berate others about high enough level.
From a simple DPS/more damage perspective, in which you pride yourself and your group to be striving towards. You are using Signet of Precision. 90 Precision (+40 more with traits), on use of full adrenaline. Compared to one of the many superior alternatives, example: Banner of Strength (close to 100% up-time with tactics), which is 90 Power/condition damage to you AND all of your allies.
I’d recommend you to take a look at the Damage Formula, Precision under almost no situation is superior to power in a 1-1 ratio.
Furthermore, from the video it also looks like you are using a 5% critical strike Sigil, both on your Arah sword that you transmuted and on another weapon. In which it is proven from time and time again greatly inferior to many of its alternatives, Force, Air, Fire, Frailty. Here is a nice post that should help you out at bit on reaching that “high enough level”.
Yes, you can complete everything in this game in non-optimal builds, and do it in non-substantiated “record” speed. There are many well written threads about the lack of PvE challenges in this game for a reason.
P.S I don’t play warrior. I also think you should get some knee pads for your buddy there that is blindly backing up anything you say.
(edited by Kevin.2176)
I’m just gonna disregard the bottom part of your post as it has nothing to do with the build itself. You are right now assuming that;
1) There is no other warrior in his group of players that may be using banners. Heavy armor professions have been proven again and again to be the absolute strongest. If you don’t know this I’m beginning to question how experienced you really are.
2) You are assuming that he is NOT the major damage dealer in his group. The rest of his group may contain characters built for support, in which case giving them power and condition damage would be less beneficial than pooling damage on himself. Which leads me to;
3) You are forgetting that your crit % have a very real effect on your damage as a warrior, since you gain might (also, Sigil of Strength), bleeding (which also increases damage by 10%) and vulnerability(optional) on critical hits. You are also assuming that his party can’t keep up boons. If they can (like any decent team with at least two guardians) you will want to get Empowered from your 10 points in tactics. If you want to specc even more points in tactics, well, you kinda lose out on the whole thing about being the DPS player (back to point 1) as you would lose out on extremely important traits such as Heightened Focus (which is why you have Signet of Fury in the first place, to swap to axes and eviscerate and still get damage / crit bonus), Slashing Power and Berserker’s Power.
You obviously don’t know much about warriors, and you even admit to not having played with them (/facepalm). Signet warriors work fine in general PvE, just because a reddit post two months ago told you otherwise doesn’t make it true.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I do not think you understand your class mechanics well enough to make statements that berate others about high enough level.
From a simple DPS/more damage perspective, in which you pride yourself and your group to be striving towards. You are using Signet of Precision. 90 Precision (+40 more with traits), on use of full adrenaline. Compared to one of the many superior alternatives, example: Banner of Strength (close to 100% up-time with tactics), which is 90 Power/condition damage to you AND all of your allies.
I’d recommend you to take a look at the Damage Formula, Precision under almost no situation is superior to power in a 1-1 ratio.
Furthermore, from the video it also looks like you are using a 5% critical strike Sigil, both on your Arah sword that you transmuted and on another weapon. In which it is proven from time and time again greatly inferior to many of its alternatives, Force, Air, Fire, Frailty. Here is a nice post that should help you out at bit on reaching that “high enough level”.
Yes, you can complete everything in this game in non-optimal builds, and do it in non-substantiated “record” speed. There are many well written threads about the lack of PvE challenges in this game for a reason.
P.S I don’t play warrior. I also think you should get some knee pads for your buddy there that is blindly backing up anything you say.
“I do not think you understand your class mechanics well enough to make statements that berate others about high enough level. "
Coming from someone who doesn’t even play a warrior, sorry for replying seriously >.> didnt realised you were just trolling. But for anyone else who might have been curious on what my response was going to be:
Wasting time placing flags, waiting for its cooldowns, picking them up, running around with them. We move too fast for this pesky playstyle, and each second wasted doing that is 1 less hit others and I haven’t damaged an enemy. Not to mention all the encounters where the buff is wasted since your silly if you and your team want to hug your flags to get a the buff from it. Having said that there are rare occasions I have decided to use flags to fight certain bosses.
Sigh, no idea why you are trying to have such a discussion without actually have understood playing a warrior. DPS is only half the reason I need to be crit’ing all the time. And I’m not going to bother explaining why if you don’t already know. Again my comment before about not understanding peoples builds etc etc, and you link to information you’ve gathered from other sources to base your ideas. No offence but there are good players and great players. Sometimes all the research and practice in the world won’t get you to cross that barrier. And greater players are capable of creating new/better/different ways of playing instead of always basing their playstyles off what they learn from others. And as for your research “Tested by auto-attacking with axe with 56% critical chance.” …no need to say anything further.
Done arguing with you sir, please don’t respond unless a comment to do with the video.
I’m still keen to hear feedback on what everyone thought, feel free to post I’d like to know if you guys found it a little amusing at the very least ^-^
Other than ad hominem statements, you have provided 0 substance on why signets are superior, aside from you are just too lazy to use flags/or be useful in any other way other than dying 2200 times.
DPS is not “half” of the reason you want critical strike, every by-product of extra precision contributes DIRECTLY to your damage, be it from might stacks, bleed, adrenaline, vulnerability stacks. Do you even read the tool tips of traits you put points into? Biggest problem is most of these effects have an ICD/restricted by your attack per minute, additionally, the value of precision does not scale linearly as with power. Critical strike sigils are bad for that very reason, you do not get the same weight out of the same stat budget.
Do you even understand how the damage formula works? You can’t alter the game mechanic no matter how amazing you play. The best of the best would be utilizing the most efficient/optimal ways of doing something and excel at it. Execution would not go far without basic math. There are more information on that page rather than this guy auto-attacking, that is a very small sample size. You can find out most of these information yourself by doing simple math on attacks/minute vs your own critical chance/proc chance.
It seems to me that you don’t really understand the basics of game mechanics. It even saddens me that the content this game provides do not demand anything of that level. I’m sure anet will continue to promote this style of play, as majority of their gem sales depends on rewarding the mediocre.
Are you just trolling? You provide no arguments as to why “your” utility skills would be better, you ignore any facts that tells you otherwise, and you then proceed to blame others for not providing facts to support their own opinion. You can add fancy latin expressions to your post as much as you want, it still doesn’t change the fact that your posts contain no reasoning and no proof.
Well done I guess, you made me bite.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
(edited by Gab Superstar.4059)
I will use smaller words and simpler paragraphs next time if it helps with your reading comprehension.
I’ll help you with this last reply, you are on your own after this. My last reply was a direct response to the post prior to it. Main point being precision/critical strike is not superior to power, even taking into consideration every on-proc effects.
It is fairly obvious I won’t list every single ability that is superior to the said signets, as it is highly encounter/situation dependent, Banner of Strength was a simple example. I’m sorry to inform you that your unsubstantiated opinions are not considered as “facts” (lol, I laughed at this).
Okay. At least now you are being honest about the fact that you can’t provide anything to back up your statements. Thanks and good bye.
And it’s a good thing that you realize that utility skills are “highly encounter/situation dependent”, maybe then you will also realize that you don’t HAVE to run signets throughout an entire dungeon (you can actually change skills whenever you are out of combat). I mean, I don’t usually see Guardians run around with Wall of Reflection(?) when they are doing general PvE. In Ascalonian Catacombs I expect everyone to switch to it though.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
(edited by Gab Superstar.4059)
Other than ad hominem statements, you have provided 0 substance on why signets are superior, aside from you are just too lazy to use flags/or be useful in any other way other than dying 2200 times.
DPS is not “half” of the reason you want critical strike, every by-product of extra precision contributes DIRECTLY to your damage, be it from might stacks, bleed, adrenaline, vulnerability stacks. Do you even read the tool tips of traits you put points into? Biggest problem is most of these effects have an ICD/restricted by your attack per minute, additionally, the value of precision does not scale linearly as with power. Critical strike sigils are bad for that very reason, you do not get the same weight out of the same stat budget.
Do you even understand how the damage formula works? You can’t alter the game mechanic no matter how amazing you play. The best of the best would be utilizing the most efficient/optimal ways of doing something and excel at it. Execution would not go far without basic math. There are more information on that page rather than this guy auto-attacking, that is a very small sample size. You can find out most of these information yourself by doing simple math on attacks/minute vs your own critical chance/proc chance.
It seems to me that you don’t really understand the basics of game mechanics. It even saddens me that the content this game provides do not demand anything of that level. I’m sure anet will continue to promote this style of play, as majority of their gem sales depends on rewarding the mediocre.
So you’re basing your wall of garbage on a screenshot as if no one really changes their skills? Yeah? Then you’re really downplaying someone due to that person taking a signet instead of a banner? Really? And you don’t play a warrior? Wut? Then you’re gonna use 2200 deaths as an attack when in reality there are lots of good reasons for that number to be that high?
Take your tunnel vision play style and go work on those challenging story mode dungeons. Oh wait, those might be too hard. Better use your optimal build then.
(edited by Shenrei.2057)
I will use smaller words and simpler paragraphs next time if it helps with your reading comprehension.
I’ll help you with this last reply, you are on your own after this. My last reply was a direct response to the post prior to it. Main point being precision/critical strike is not superior to power, even taking into consideration every on-proc effects.
It is fairly obvious I won’t list every single ability that is superior to the said signets, as it is highly encounter/situation dependent, Banner of Strength was a simple example. I’m sorry to inform you that your unsubstantiated opinions are not considered as “facts” (lol, I laughed at this).
You sir keep believing what you believe. I’ve no desire to school you with that attitude.
So you’re basing your wall of garbage on a screenshot as if no one really changes their skills? Yeah? Then you’re really downplaying him because he took a signet instead of a banner? Really? And you don’t play a warrior? Wut? Then you’re gonna use 2200 deaths as an attack against him when in reality there are lots of good reasons for that number to be that high?
Take your tunnel vision play style and go work on those challenging story mode dungeons. Oh wait, those might be too hard. Better use your optimal build then.
That is a video, YouTube are known to host videos, not screenshots, sorry. I wouldn’t have written any of that if the op didn’t go on and make outlandish statements regarding how critical strikes is superior, and further brag about his superior high level group play that I can’t understand.
This game isn’t challenging. Please don’t act like it is.
So you’re basing your wall of garbage on a screenshot as if no one really changes their skills? Yeah? Then you’re really downplaying him because he took a signet instead of a banner? Really? And you don’t play a warrior? Wut? Then you’re gonna use 2200 deaths as an attack against him when in reality there are lots of good reasons for that number to be that high?
Take your tunnel vision play style and go work on those challenging story mode dungeons. Oh wait, those might be too hard. Better use your optimal build then.
That is a video, YouTube are known to host videos, not screenshots, sorry. I wouldn’t have written any of that if the op didn’t go on and make outlandish statements regarding how critical strikes is superior, and further brag about his superior high level group play that I can’t understand.
This game isn’t challenging. Please don’t act like it is.
Do you want the OP to purposefully switch skills in the video to show you that he knows it’s possible? Also you started this whole thing with your first post. No facts to back your stuff up as usual, but I guess I don’t need to mention that anymore >.<
By the way, why do you feel the need to bash on OP’s build when you say this game is not challenging? He can obviously complete his Arah runs just fine, so why do you have a problem with it?
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Video, screenshot, who cares. You get the idea. You like pointing out trivial things and making them into a big deal?
There are certain situations where critical strikes are superior depending on what your current critical rate is, along with what you are trying to accomplish within a specific group dynamic.
By the way, your first sentence is a run-on sentence. Why are you posting again when your last reply was supposed to be your last?
Do you want the OP to purposefully switch skills in the video to show you that he knows it’s possible? Also you started this whole thing with your first post. No facts to back your stuff up as usual, but I guess I don’t need to mention that anymore >.<
I sure hope he knows its possible. But based on what he said about how amazing Signet of Precision/precision the stat is in general, I have my doubts.
No facts to back it up? You seriously need to recheck your reading comprehension. Here is a summary, precision is a inferior stat to power because of the following:
1. Non-linear scaling
2. ICD on proc effects
3. Same stat weight, example: 5% crit vs 5% damage
4. Diminishing return/value highly dependent on critical damage
5. Fury devalues precision stat greatly
This is why that signet is non-optimal.
Video, screenshot, who cares. You get the idea. You like pointing out trivial things and making them into a big deal?
There are certain situations where critical strikes are superior depending on what your current critical rate is, along with what you are trying to accomplish within a specific group dynamic.
By the way, your first sentence is a run-on sentence. Why are you posting again when your last reply was supposed to be your last?
The point where critical strike exceeds power in terms of raw % damage increase is when:
Critical damage is greater than 100% and critical chance <= 33.33%
If you can meet this point then, yea I guess you are right. (Hint: you are not going to meet this without some unrealistic gearing choices)
Do you want the OP to purposefully switch skills in the video to show you that he knows it’s possible? Also you started this whole thing with your first post. No facts to back your stuff up as usual, but I guess I don’t need to mention that anymore >.<
I sure hope he knows its possible. But based on what he said about how amazing Signet of Precision/precision the stat is in general, I have my doubts.
No facts to back it up? You seriously need to recheck your reading comprehension. Here is a summary, precision is a inferior stat to power because of the following:
1. Non-linear scaling
2. ICD on proc effects
3. Same stat weight, example: 5% crit vs 5% damage
4. Diminishing return/value highly dependent on critical damage
5. Fury devalues precision stat greatlyThis is why that signet is non-optimal.
So you basically discount the fact that Signet of Fury lets you use your burst skill while still being able to maintain the effects of your adrenal based traits? Contrary to what you seem to believe signets actually have an active effect as well (maybe you don’t use these a whole lot, I mean the game isn’t really challenging is it).
But yeah keep ignoring whatever you must to try and prove your points, it only makes you look more and more ignorant about the warrior (something you already admitted to being).
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I’m fairly sure I mentioned that in an earlier response I made. Again huge reading comprehension. You can do the math on the effective DPS gain by using that wonderful signet vs its passive. (sure its probably great situationally, again anything probably is amazing when the stars align).
Keep blindly defending your signet champion tho, he sure knows when to back out.
I’m fairly sure you didn’t, but then again I’m not a native speaker so I guess my reading comprehension isn’t top notch. Oh and by the way, found this video of a sub-par Signet Champion doing a faster CoF run than the one you recorded (and without the fotm team composition you seem to have used). Maybe you should go bash the comment section in furious anger.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
(edited by Gab Superstar.4059)
I’m fairly sure you didn’t, but then again I’m not a native speaker so I guess my reading comprehension isn’t top notch. Oh and by the way, found this video of a sub-par Signet Champion doing a faster CoF run than the one you recorded (and without the fotm team composition you seem to have used). Maybe you should go bash the comment section in furious anger.
I love challenges.
The signet on use mention was the 5-6th post I made. Feel free to link this video btw. The CoF video I posted is a regular run (the skype convo is the audio track anyways). I’d love to do a speed clear vs whatever time you guys have. Let me know.
Edited my post with link. Doesn’t seem to be some form of speed clear though, no potions / food like you had, and a bad team composition.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
-insert silly argument-
Welcome, Ladies & Gentlemen, to the future of the Guild Wars 2 dungeon community where we talk down and insult everyone who doesn’t follow the perfect and mega ultimate superior statistical builds.
WTKitten are you on about? What’s it to you how he plays anyway?
It’s not really a bad team composition, given the objectives in that dungeon. Personally I’m not a fan of the multiple signet builds, as it’s primarily personal utility rather than team-wide utility, but w/e. It could be argued that increasing ones personal DPS can be their contribution.
Two warriors, two rangers. Single target DPS, which is probably the most demanded DPS in that dungeon is pretty kitten high. I would probably argue that it’s a really ideal team composition.
Rangers will almost always fall short in terms of damage to guardians and warriors. Furthermore, current meta promotes stacking up and spamming boons / combo fields in almost all of the dungeons, something rangers often have trouble doing since they rely on positioning for their bleeding. While rangers are good for the poison on the last boss, having two of them is redundant and poison can be accomplished better through using consumables.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Grats on your traveler’s Ceremonial scimitar of rage O_O
I will still be doing this as I have 0 use for those tokens atm though something better than nothing I guess T_T
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
-insert silly argument-
Welcome, Ladies & Gentlemen, to the future of the Guild Wars 2 dungeon community where we talk down and insult everyone who doesn’t follow the perfect and mega ultimate superior statistical builds.
WTKitten are you on about? What’s it to you how he plays anyway?
Grats on your traveler’s Ceremonial scimitar of rage O_O
I will still be doing this as I have 0 use for those tokens atm thoughsomething better than nothing I guess T_T
lol ty
-insert silly argument-
Welcome, Ladies & Gentlemen, to the future of the Guild Wars 2 dungeon community where we talk down and insult everyone who doesn’t follow the perfect and mega ultimate superior statistical builds.
WTKitten are you on about? What’s it to you how he plays anyway?
I don’t know about you but I’d much rather someone tell me what I’m doing incorrectly rather than say nothing at all. I guess you value your feelings over improvements? Sure I probably come off a little strong, but it is kinda hard to respond when the first reply I get is your group is horrible since you can’t carry a signet warrior.
Btw thanks to Gab for posting that video, I had no idea you can skip those bridge packs. The video also perfectly illustrates my point about Signets (especially Precision one) being trumped by superior alternatives. There are three stationary fights in that video (two since you guys just dumped 300 karma each to bypass an encounter). There were plenty of downtime for banner placement and repick up, you would also have 100% coverage on all five of your party members. Since I obviously didn’t see any banners in your group that AoE group power/condition damage/precision/critical damage increase would be far superior in that scenario than your personal stats increase (yes, this includes your on use effects).
We did a similar run and we were able to beat your time with faster boss DPS (video in the same YouTube account as the other CoF video you guys conveniently thumbs downed). Group composition could definitely be a factor as we had 1 extra Guardian over your 2x Rangers, obviously I’m not going to match that composition just to prove a point. Nevertheless I welcome any additional speed run challenges you or any group brings up.
I’m glad I could teach you how to play the game. I’m also glad you managed to beat a casual run we did for the daily reset by 15 seconds 12 hours after me posting >.<, with a much better team composition, not to mention your oh-so-superior builds. And why are you talking about banners? The discussion was not about my team composition in runs, it was about what you assumed the OP’s team composition was, leading you to make statements that may not be relevant because of it.
I don’t know about you but I am not the one to enforce strict rules on builds and team composition (as evident by the two rangers), when I am just running casual runs with my guild and friends. And why do you even bring up the karma part, out of curiosity. Iirc you popped potions and food yourself on the 9min run. You earn 1800 Karma per run and a gazillion from the new daily / monthly (OP’s video very related). If I want to sit and chill for a couple of minutes instead of fighting I think I have the right to blow 1/6 of the Karma I can make in 7 minutes on that.
Oh and accusing me of thumbing your video down? What are you? 12?
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I’m lost.
How does the OP have anything to do with builds to begin with?
Talk about derailing a thread >_>
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|
I’m lost.
How does the OP have anything to do with builds to begin with?
Talk about derailing a thread >_>
^ >.>
This argument went from slightly legitimate to just throwing kittens around. Multiple signet warrior builds are inferior to warrior builds involving other utility skills which provide more universal utility as well as party wide. As shown in Gab’s video of the 7 minute CoF, multiple times the warriors ate dirt, mostly because the person recording the video appeared to be running glass cannon specs or something similar (~17k hp o_O). If the team had simply thrown a couple skills such as banners, or shouts onto their bar then the team would have had a smoother time, less people getting downed and ultimately resulting in a faster run.
An important thing to remember, you don’t do damage if you’re dead. Remembering that banners provide offensive utility as well as defensive, they’re a much more solid investment than signets which more often that not, their actives remain untouched (again, referring to the 7 minute video). Not really arguing that Signet of rage or Healing signet aren’t worth the investment, however I do feel that War banner is probably superior in most situations in this so called ‘meta’ you seem to think exists.
Kevin said that it is an inferior to have your three utility skills consumed by three signets, and he is correct. However you shouldn’t have taken it so personally, he never said you cannot run it, he never said it’s the worst thing ever. He said there were better alternatives. If running multiple signets, that’s fine. Do what you find fun and what makes you happy, but it’s not really an excuse to ignore when a different skill(s) is a better option.
You also don’t really need to spy kit that encounter, I’m assuming you just did it out of laziness but it wouldn’t have been a surprise to me if you struggled to survive it via kiting around with that team composition, given it seems that 1-2 of your warriors seemed to have totally neglected vitality and perhaps toughness.
That’s funny, because it appears as if in your CoF video Cookie, your warrior goes down twice while I only go down once in my video. Especially considering you run two guardians and a more defensive build on the warrior(?). It also appears as if my damage while downed is just slightly below your thief’s when you are up and fighting, so your comment about not dealing damage when dead will be disregarded. We also finished our run quicker than you, which would imply we have better DPS. Granted, you might not have been looking for the perfect team composition when recording it, but then again, neither did I when recording mine, as previously stated.
Whether or not you believe I need spy kits to survive that encounter I leave up to you, but given the first paragraph it does seem like I “survive” just as well with my signet build as your warrior does with his build. Spy kits also lets you hang around the spots where Acolytes spawn, which leads to faster kills than if you were to be frantically kiting the mobs around the room.
I am not personally offended by the fact that Kevin is bashing Signet Warriors, I’m just offended by the fact that he needs to direct his anger at the OP, just because he had signets equipped in a video he posted here. I don’t personally run signets all the time (check for example latest video I uploaded to my channel), but at least I can realize the value most of them have, something you seem to be unable of doing.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
I’m glad I could teach you how to play the game
. I’m also glad you managed to beat a casual run we did for the daily reset by 15 seconds 12 hours after me posting >.<, with a much better team composition, not to mention your oh-so-superior builds. And why are you talking about banners? The discussion was not about my team composition in runs, it was about what you assumed the OP’s team composition was, leading you to make statements that may not be relevant because of it.
I don’t know about you but I am not the one to enforce strict rules on builds and team composition (as evident by the two rangers), when I am just running casual runs with my guild and friends. And why do you even bring up the karma part, out of curiosity. Iirc you popped potions and food yourself on the 9min run. You earn 1800 Karma per run and a gazillion from the new daily / monthly (OP’s video very related). If I want to sit and chill for a couple of minutes instead of fighting I think I have the right to blow 1/6 of the Karma I can make in 7 minutes on that.Oh and accusing me of thumbing your video down? What are you? 12?
Understand that not everyone lives in an Australian time zone, you make it sound like we were trying for hours on end to skip 2 packs of mobs. I guess I should have included the end with 60 tokens.
CoF path 1 run time is asymptotic to its NPC dialogs, yes the amount time you shave as you get closer to that point will be very small. Nevertheless our Effingy was 20-30 seconds faster than yours, feel free to attribute that to class composition over superior builds, it is obvious you refuse accept Banner being better in many situations despite your own video evidence.
Anyways, was my assumption not correct? Banners are not provided in your party. There were plenty of down time window and the situation (CoF Path 1) were perfect for such use. Yet you have conveniently ignored this statement for several posts now.
I’m not trying to change anyone’s play style, I just want to bring to sight things people often overlook.
I use food/potion for almost every single path I do (it is an old MMO min/max habit). I bring up karma because you bypassed an encounter from using it, am I not correct? I never made a statement about you can’t use it, you really need to stop reading between the lines.
I’m glad I could teach you how to play the game
. I’m also glad you managed to beat a casual run we did for the daily reset by 15 seconds 12 hours after me posting >.<, with a much better team composition, not to mention your oh-so-superior builds. And why are you talking about banners? The discussion was not about my team composition in runs, it was about what you assumed the OP’s team composition was, leading you to make statements that may not be relevant because of it.
I don’t know about you but I am not the one to enforce strict rules on builds and team composition (as evident by the two rangers), when I am just running casual runs with my guild and friends. And why do you even bring up the karma part, out of curiosity. Iirc you popped potions and food yourself on the 9min run. You earn 1800 Karma per run and a gazillion from the new daily / monthly (OP’s video very related). If I want to sit and chill for a couple of minutes instead of fighting I think I have the right to blow 1/6 of the Karma I can make in 7 minutes on that.Oh and accusing me of thumbing your video down? What are you? 12?
Understand that not everyone lives in an Australian time zone, you make it sound like we were trying for hours on end to skip 2 packs of mobs. I guess I should have included the end with 60 tokens.
CoF path 1 run time is asymptotic to its NPC dialogs, yes the amount time you shave as you get closer to that point will be very small. Nevertheless our Effingy was 20-30 seconds faster than yours, feel free to attribute that to class composition over superior builds, it is obvious you refuse accept Banner being better in many situations despite your own video evidence.
Anyways, was my assumption not correct? Banners are not provided in your party. There were plenty of down time window and the situation (CoF Path 1) were perfect for such use. Yet you have conveniently ignored this statement for several posts now.
I’m not trying to change anyone’s play style, I just want to bring to sight things people often overlook.I use food/potion for almost every single path I do (it is an old MMO min/max habit). I bring up karma because you bypassed an encounter from using it, am I not correct? I never made a statement about you can’t use it, you really need to stop reading between the lines.
How do I refuse banner being better in many situations? I attempted to counter your argument that signets are inferior, by stating that you are assuming a lot, such as OP’s team not including another warrior that uses banners, or maybe the fact that he was NOT in a dungeon at the time, he was actually in a city called Lion’s Arch. Maybe you should stop reading through the lines? Not once have I stated that signets are superior to banners. I have on multiple occasions however acknowledged the fact that switching skills and using a variety of them throughout a dungeon is a hallmark of a decent player. I can actually give you an example of what I wrote earlier in case you have trouble finding it;
“And it’s a good thing that you realize that utility skills are “highly encounter/situation dependent”, maybe then you will also realize that you don’t HAVE to run signets throughout an entire dungeon (you can actually change skills whenever you are out of combat). I mean, I don’t usually see Guardians run around with Wall of Reflection(?) when they are doing general PvE. In Ascalonian Catacombs I expect everyone to switch to it though.”
Oh and for me “dumped” has a negative cling to it (blame my English education if it’s wrong I guess), like you are assuming I just totally wasted that karma for no reason. I totally have the right to “dump” 300 karma so that I can stand around doing nothing for a couple of minutes, just as much as you have the right to “dump” some cash to make the run more pleasurable.
I’m not ignoring the fact that banners could have been used during that run, but then again, I never claimed it was the “perfect” run. I just pointed out in a funny way that warriors using signet builds are not totally useless, and can actually perform quite well, something you seem to not believe in, since you think it should never see the light of day once you hit 80.
Anyway, continue calling out people as idiots through cute one-liners on the forum if you believe it will help “bring to sight things people often overlook”.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
How do I refuse banner being better in many situations? I attempted to counter your argument that signets are inferior, by stating that you are assuming a lot, such as OP’s team not including another warrior that uses banners, or maybe the fact that he was NOT in a dungeon at the time, he was actually in a city called Lion’s Arch. Maybe you should stop reading through the lines? Not once have I stated that signets are superior to banners. I have on multiple occasions however acknowledged the fact that switching skills and using a variety of them throughout a dungeon is a hallmark of a decent player. I can actually give you an example of what I wrote earlier in case you have trouble finding it;
“And it’s a good thing that you realize that utility skills are “highly encounter/situation dependent”, maybe then you will also realize that you don’t HAVE to run signets throughout an entire dungeon (you can actually change skills whenever you are out of combat). I mean, I don’t usually see Guardians run around with Wall of Reflection(?) when they are doing general PvE. In Ascalonian Catacombs I expect everyone to switch to it though.”
Oh and for me “dumped” has a negative cling to it (blame my English education if it’s wrong I guess), like you are assuming I just totally wasted that karma for no reason. I totally have the right to “dump” 300 karma so that I can stand around doing nothing for a couple of minutes, just as much as you have the right to “dump” some cash to make the run more pleasurable.
I’m not ignoring the fact that banners could have been used during that run, but then again, I never claimed it was the “perfect” run. I just pointed out in a funny way that warriors using signet builds are not totally useless, and can actually perform quite well, something you seem to not believe in, since you think it should never see the light of day once you hit 80.
Anyway, continue calling out people as idiots through cute one-liners on the forum if you believe it will help “bring to sight things people often overlook”.
It is not an assumption when the OP DIRECTLY admits to not have such in their group. I’m not sure why you are arguing and making assumptions for the OP when he directly make statements about such.
Wasting time placing flags, waiting for its cooldowns, picking them up, running around with them. We move too fast for this pesky playstyle, and each second wasted doing that is 1 less hit others and I haven’t damaged an enemy.
It is funny how you changed your tone from Signet warriors can rival banners to Signet warriors are not completely useless. Anything, literally ANYTHING can perform “well”, you can probably run with no slot skills and still do fine in current level of exploration, the point of this post is about whats more effective, not just some relatively level of acceptability.
Regarding the Karma thing. You are more easily offended than I imagined. You should really reexamine yourself before making statements about others getting angry all the time. You are assuming for “no good reason” part very heavily, going back to reading between the lines. You used karma to bypass an event, yes? That is the end of the statement, not a single claim is made about you have the right to or not, no one really cares.
How do I refuse banner being better in many situations? I attempted to counter your argument that signets are inferior, by stating that you are assuming a lot, such as OP’s team not including another warrior that uses banners, or maybe the fact that he was NOT in a dungeon at the time, he was actually in a city called Lion’s Arch. Maybe you should stop reading through the lines? Not once have I stated that signets are superior to banners. I have on multiple occasions however acknowledged the fact that switching skills and using a variety of them throughout a dungeon is a hallmark of a decent player. I can actually give you an example of what I wrote earlier in case you have trouble finding it;
“And it’s a good thing that you realize that utility skills are “highly encounter/situation dependent”, maybe then you will also realize that you don’t HAVE to run signets throughout an entire dungeon (you can actually change skills whenever you are out of combat). I mean, I don’t usually see Guardians run around with Wall of Reflection(?) when they are doing general PvE. In Ascalonian Catacombs I expect everyone to switch to it though.”
Oh and for me “dumped” has a negative cling to it (blame my English education if it’s wrong I guess), like you are assuming I just totally wasted that karma for no reason. I totally have the right to “dump” 300 karma so that I can stand around doing nothing for a couple of minutes, just as much as you have the right to “dump” some cash to make the run more pleasurable.
I’m not ignoring the fact that banners could have been used during that run, but then again, I never claimed it was the “perfect” run. I just pointed out in a funny way that warriors using signet builds are not totally useless, and can actually perform quite well, something you seem to not believe in, since you think it should never see the light of day once you hit 80.
Anyway, continue calling out people as idiots through cute one-liners on the forum if you believe it will help “bring to sight things people often overlook”.
It is not an assumption when the OP DIRECTLY admits to not have such in their group. I’m not sure why you are arguing and making assumptions for the OP when he directly make statements about such.
Wasting time placing flags, waiting for its cooldowns, picking them up, running around with them. We move too fast for this pesky playstyle, and each second wasted doing that is 1 less hit others and I haven’t damaged an enemy.
It is funny how you changed your tone from Signet warriors can rival banners to Signet warriors are not completely useless. Anything, literally ANYTHING can perform “well”, you can probably run with no slot skills and still do fine in current level of exploration, the point of this post is about whats more effective, not just some relatively level of acceptability.
Regarding the Karma thing. You are more easily offended than I imagined. You should really reexamine yourself before making statements about others getting angry all the time. You are assuming for “no good reason” part very heavily, going back to reading between the lines. You used karma to bypass an event, yes? That is the end of the statement, not a single claim is made about you have the right to or not, no one really cares.
Okay, I will break this down. You ASSUMED he had no banners in his group when you wrote your first post in this thread, correct?
Before he replied with what you cited above, I pointed this fact out, correct?
Oh and if you think shaving 15 seconds of a CoF run is the difference between using a “not completely useless” and a top tier build, you really need to get yourself reexamined.
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
(edited by Gab Superstar.4059)
Okay, I will break this down. You ASSUMED he had no banners in his group when you wrote your first post in this thread, correct?
Before he replied with what you cited above, I pointed this fact out, correct?
Based on his critical strike Sigil on multiple weapons and the assortment of Signets, yes I assumed he is misinformed about warrior optimization/group synergy. This is further validated by his own statements.
Oh and if you think shaving 15 seconds of a CoF run is the difference between using a “not completely useless” and a top tier build, you really need to get yourself reexamined.
No, I’m not that misinformed, sorry. I don’t make performance comparison on a single isolated sample with extremely large range of outside-variables. Fortunately, almost every single warrior abilities’s scaling coefficient has already been easily figured out, game mechanics determines effectiveness, not some random runs.
Okay, so we have that sorted out.
Now, do you believe that dropping the “I thought I clicked a leveling video when I saw that many signets.” will help OP “bring to sight things people often overlook”?
Devonas Rest 4 lyfe
Okay, so we have that sorted out.
Now, do you believe that dropping the “I thought I clicked a leveling video when I saw that many signets.” will help OP “bring to sight things people often overlook”?
I don’t expect the OP to change his perspectives at all based on some of his responses, and yours too (I assume you run things with him as well). I can only hope he’ll see the flaws in his ways after he spent sometime reading some of these posts.