Hard dungeon

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Frost.1503


I would like do somethings of really difficult.
Now I found Fractal lvl 50 really easy just long and every dungeon seems easy too.
Can you give me some advice?

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You could try soloing FotM 50?

I remember the first time I tried doing that it was challenging. Should keep you busy for a while.

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

I would like do somethings of really difficult.
Now I found Fractal lvl 50 really easy just long and every dungeon seems easy too.
Can you give me some advice?

Look up Sesshi’s videos. He or she has some of the best challenging content I’ve seen.

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Also forgot about this.

This was the absolute most challenging thing I’ve ever attempted, and it’s duo.

I’m not sure how much easier a third person would make it.

I don’t suggest you do this specific thing yourself, but what I’m doing is just showing something ridiculous that was actually quite fun to try to attempt. There’s a lot of ways to have fun and make things kitten this game, you just need to be creative.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


If you want a real challenge try heading over to the General Discussion forums and convincing them that warriors aren’t top-tier in DPS.

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silferas.3841


@Lorgus aren’t challenges supposed to be beatable?

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Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: GrimmR.3541


I would like do somethings of really difficult.
Now I found Fractal lvl 50 really easy just long and every dungeon seems easy too.
Can you give me some advice?

Look up Sesshi’s videos. He or she has some of the best challenging content I’ve seen.

Sesshi is a guy, just fyi.

toxic since 2012

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


If you want a real challenge try heading over to the General Discussion forums and convincing them that warriors aren’t top-tier in DPS.

You mean top dps. Because in terms of tier they fall behind only to ele, thief, and the odd engi, in practical dps (not some idealized scenario for a ranger, for example), and no group will run without one simply because of banner of discipline.

And it’s all context sensitive. In a pug or lower skilled group I can bet you the warrior is the one pulling the larger chunks of damage.

It’s really kind of unfair comparing any class to frostbow and meteor shower. Compare a D/F ele to a warrior and it gets closer.

(edited by Zenith.7301)

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silferas.3841


@Zenith unfair as it may be it’s not a valid argument to just ignore the presence of those things (frost bow, meteor shower) in this game, especially since neither of the two are gimmicks and are regularly used in dungeon runs, therefore if you were to realistically compare DPS nothing besides Ele qualifies for top tier. I guess it’s all about viewpoint, but personally I find taking all the variables into account to be the logical default rather than completely omitting several important DPS variables only because it doesn’t seem fair to other classes.

Also warriors do have wind-up time because of adrenaline (15% dps difference) and considering the speed at which most bosses are killed I find it hard to believe that if we considered realistic dps contribution as a chunk of HP a character has taken from the boss throughout the duration of the fight, warriors would stand anywhere near the top.

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Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iris Ng.9845

Iris Ng.9845

Every dungeons become hard mode when I roll my ranger. On the other hand, they all become a zzz mode with my warrior. Ranger’s personal DPS feels so much nicer and their buff is potentially more prominent on targets which can’t be crit.

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Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If you want a real challenge try heading over to the General Discussion forums and convincing them that warriors aren’t top-tier in DPS.

You mean top dps. Because in terms of tier they fall behind only to ele, thief, and the odd engi, in practical dps (not some idealized scenario for a ranger, for example), and no group will run without one simply because of banner of discipline.

And it’s all context sensitive. In a pug or lower skilled group I can bet you the warrior is the one pulling the larger chunks of damage.

It’s really kind of unfair comparing any class to frostbow and meteor shower. Compare a D/F ele to a warrior and it gets closer.

Actually D/F ele is always better if you’re in a group, when compared to warrior.

Warrior benefits the least out of all classes when surrounded by others because in a solo setting its offensive buffs are still there for itself. Regardless of PS builds in a group or DPS builds, warrior will be peaking above 20 might and be using banners.

D/F ele, on the other hand, provides no unique offensive buffs to itself but rather permanent fury and might. In a solo setting D/F ele optimizes DPS with strength runes and sometimes strength sigil too, so that they can maintain 25 might. In a group, however, D/F ele optimizes with scholar and without strength sigil. In other words they won’t be the only person contributing with might gain and they’ll have banners. In this scenario, D/F is far beyond warrior.

In a solo setting D/F is still better DPS than warrior but not by that much. I spent a good while in heart of the mists testing it with different runes/rotations and D/F ele usually averages around the same in a solo setting as a warrior does without using glyph of storms/ice bow.

Also, the argument you’re making about pug warriors dealing more damage than other classes is just as valid as me claiming that the average pug warrior is a terribad rifle + axe/axe warrior. It’s subjective to your own experiences in dungeons and means nothing. When we’re discussing DPS I see no point in calculating and comparing it to that of random people in pug groups rather than comparing the classes based off of what we know they can do and what we know we all here do.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nikaido.3457


and no group will run without one simply because of banner of discipline.

That is true of optimized speedrun groups, but take that sentence in the other way, it also means that no one will let a second warrior join their group because it’s an incredible loss once you already have the banners, while people will be far more likely to let more than one thief, or an engie player, in casual speedruns. And most serious speedrun groups almost always have two ele, it is the real gold standard, hell there are records that were done without warriors but none were done without eles. While not having a war’s banners is a loss for the group, not having eles would be far worse than not having warriors and I consider the class to be mostly disposable for casual runs, while I wouldn’t really want to run without any ele.

As for pugging.. I’ve seen both side of the equations. The banner buffs from my warrior didn’t contribute as much as the sheer personal dps of my ele in 99% of pugs. Pugged runs become noticeably faster when I play on my ele, as opposed to anything else. This is very particularly true for dungeons that are icebow friendly like AC and TA, if you have both an ele and a war character and chose to bring your warrior in pugs you must really love wasting your time. Buffing pugs is not as worthwhile as bringing the top dps.

- “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

(edited by Nikaido.3457)

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


probably solo dungeon or breaking the speed run record of sort.

I tried solo dungeon a few times. It’s quite fun. That being said, it’s not really rewarding unless you sell dungeon path, which is something I dont’ enjoy doing.

If you are good though, you can probably solo a dungeon faster than most pug, and you don’t need to wait for people.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


If you want a real challenge try heading over to the General Discussion forums and convincing them that warriors aren’t top-tier in DPS.

You mean top dps. Because in terms of tier they fall behind only to ele, thief, and the odd engi, in practical dps (not some idealized scenario for a ranger, for example), and no group will run without one simply because of banner of discipline.

And it’s all context sensitive. In a pug or lower skilled group I can bet you the warrior is the one pulling the larger chunks of damage.

It’s really kind of unfair comparing any class to frostbow and meteor shower. Compare a D/F ele to a warrior and it gets closer.

Actually D/F ele is always better if you’re in a group, when compared to warrior.

Warrior benefits the least out of all classes when surrounded by others because in a solo setting its offensive buffs are still there for itself. Regardless of PS builds in a group or DPS builds, warrior will be peaking above 20 might and be using banners.

D/F ele, on the other hand, provides no unique offensive buffs to itself but rather permanent fury and might. In a solo setting D/F ele optimizes DPS with strength runes and sometimes strength sigil too, so that they can maintain 25 might. In a group, however, D/F ele optimizes with scholar and without strength sigil. In other words they won’t be the only person contributing with might gain and they’ll have banners. In this scenario, D/F is far beyond warrior.

In a solo setting D/F is still better DPS than warrior but not by that much. I spent a good while in heart of the mists testing it with different runes/rotations and D/F ele usually averages around the same in a solo setting as a warrior does without using glyph of storms/ice bow.

Also, the argument you’re making about pug warriors dealing more damage than other classes is just as valid as me claiming that the average pug warrior is a terribad rifle + axe/axe warrior. It’s subjective to your own experiences in dungeons and means nothing. When we’re discussing DPS I see no point in calculating and comparing it to that of random people in pug groups rather than comparing the classes based off of what we know they can do and what we know we all here do.

You’re right, I’m not disputing ele being top dps, it’s why I said a closer comparison, not an equal one. I just don’t like the suggestion that warrior is mediocre DPS by any means, with vulnerability and banners and might/fury stacking it’s always a welcome addition to a group. What it doesn’t contribute in personal DPS you can add to with the banner’s contribution and its vulnerability stacks.

I just disagree with the idea that the warrior is not in the top tier of performance for classes you want to bring to a group. There’s a difference between being in the top tier and being number one. And when I look at a warrior vs. a necromancer or a mesmer or even compare him to the mid tier standard that is a ranger, I don’t think he belongs in any of those tiers given the DPS contribution to the group.

(edited by Zenith.7301)

Hard dungeon

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

…but we’re not talking about whether or not you want to bring it to a group we’re talking about its DPS compared to other classes. It’s below average regardless of how much it can buff others. Whether or not it’s valuable to take is something completely different.

I just don’t like the suggestion that warrior is mediocre DPS by any means, with vulnerability and banners and might/fury stacking it’s always a welcome addition to a group.

Erm, I don’t like the suggestion that warrior is mediocre DPS either but it’s true either way. The definition of mediocre is “of only moderate quality; not very good.”

All classes have their own advantages and disadvantages and warrior used to have higher than average personal DPS but those days are long gone. It’s received pretty much nothing positive in the past year other than a mace offhand buff and phalanx strength.

To be quite honest phalanx strength is the only thing that makes it worth taking a warrior in a lot of places. Banners are nice, but they alone don’t justify taking a warrior in some of the lower dungeons over another ele. It depends on the path and how long an encounter takes. :P

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)