Has player skill diminished?
AC is not the equal playing field compared to other dungeons. After the AC revamp other dungeons have better rewards/time ratio. You run “daily” CoF because it’s easy and fast, so unless you want the AC tokens you’ll stay away from it.
tl;dr Experienced players run CoF (fast/easy), CoE (same as CoF), or Arah. I do run SE for tokens.
Most of the good players have quit by now. Either that or they just stand in Lion’s Arch like me.
Youtube Channel – http://www.youtube.com/t3llularman
AC is not the equal playing field compared to other dungeons. After the AC revamp other dungeons have better rewards/time ratio. You run “daily” CoF because it’s easy and fast, so unless you want the AC tokens you’ll stay away from it.
tl;dr Experienced players run CoF (fast/easy), CoE (same as CoF), or Arah. I do run SE for tokens.
Are you saying AC takes longer than Arah? O_o
it might be a consequence of CoF farm – i.e. 100-blades brain dead players who barely know what dodge is for
i find pugging AC lately difficult as well, thats why we only run it if we have at least 3 members from our core dungeon team
overall im happy with ANET dungeon team focus – they definitely taking steps in the right direction with AC rewamp and new dungeon like AR where content is gated and boss fights are phase-oriented and mechanics oriented instead of good old “stack-100B-feedback-wall-aegis-DONE”
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda
Aside the fact that AC is no more a no brain DG, i second this:
it might be a consequence of CoF farm – i.e. 100-blades brain dead players who barely know what dodge is for
The number of ppl who thinks they can use decently zerk gear and warrior (and instead get stomped by trash mobs) has got over 9000 since cof farming started.
I don’t mind ppl playing in zerk gear – but not if you spend every single fight on the floor.
Most used: Guard/Mes/War/Nec/Ele.
Yes, i use 5 chars at time. Because REASONS.
3 weeks ago, I started my Ranger…
This is the problem.
Most of the good players have quit by now. Either that or they just stand in Lion’s Arch like me.
We should start a guild based on " akitten in LA".
We’d have scheduled AF K times, much like raids in other games.
That’d be fun.
3 weeks ago, I started my Ranger…
This is the problem.
Dude… If you would read the rest of the post, even my Warrior, Guardian or Ele is having a terrible time doing it with PuGs – unlike some few months back where we faceroll the dungeon like CoF regardless of what class in it(not in terms of finishing time but you get the point).
I have carried PuGs using my Ranger, yes, you saw it right – Ranger. Probably not in terms of damage – but in terms of strategy – but they have a bloody hard time grasping things. I mean, you already told them countless times what to do – still doing the exact same mistake.
I don’t want to look elitist, but I even tried to put in the “Experienced only” tag on gw2lfg – I don’t know if they are really experienced or they just choose to ignore that to be able to run the dungeon… I mean, honestly – majority sucked – no offense.
And I experience this to AC only.
I had a run last week on TA and HoTW – great groups. Not the best, but they are great. So, I don’t have any ideas what’s going on.
3 weeks ago, I started my Ranger…
This is the problem.
Really bad timing, rolling a Ranger when everyone else is deleting there’s…
You know, if you were just using your ele or warrior you could litterlly fully carry your team, no matter how bad they are.
Either way, i didn’t do much AC lately but when i did my group never had problems except the burrow parts if i wasn’t doing much. Pug team’s dps often sucks.