Have dungeon rewards been nerfed...AGAIN?
From the patch notes.
Boss chests in dungeons are now limited to once a day. Champion loot bags and dungeon tokens from the bosses themselves will not be limited in this way.
Now if that is once per path per character or once per dungeon per character, or once per path per account or once per dungeon per account I am not sure. I can confirm however that if you run another dungeon you still get the chest.
I have a strong suspicion that the game is trying to go into a market correction or trying to offset the savings from no armor repairs.
With all the PvE nerfs I think Anet is trying to funnel all of us carebears into their eSports grinder (PvP). I can tolerate WvW, but the PvP scene has been and always will be toxic. Do not want.
What I’d love to know is how come AC p1 (10 minutes) gives you more gold than COE p1/p3?
It is once per path per day per account.
stop farming the same place.
stop farming the same place.
Why? Maybe you should stop farming different places. Your style of play upsets me and so Anet should do something about it.
stop farming the same place.
Why? Maybe you should stop farming different places. Your style of play upsets me and so Anet should do something about it.
They continue to nerf “Doing the same thing over and over”. Why should this even surprise you?
Updated every Monday
Surprise? No. Annoyed and discouraged? Yes.
Doing the same thing over and over is what video games have always been and always will be about. As long as it’s fun, people don’t seem to care. Running dungeons over and over is fun to me. I never get the same group twice so I get to meet new people and laugh and hang out with them for a bit. But I run those dungeons for the rewards, because, this is a “shinies” based game and i’d like to buy myself some more shinies. So what is Anet’s problem with farming if people are having fun while they farm (whatever it is they like to farm)?
stop farming the same place.
Yeah, thanks, I’m really feeling all that “freedom of choice” and “play how you want” now we’re forced not to repeat anything more than once a day (no matter how many characters we need to gear). Great stuff.
I don’t think this was a result of trying to prevent players from playing how they want. I think this was to ensure that the economy does not run away with itself. This will allow for a correction in the market.
I have a strong suspicion that the “1 path per day” limit was introduced to combat bots. Ive seen them outside hotw and cm , they definitely exist.
Ever since daily end-chests, It has always been better gold-per-hour to do a dungeon tour of different paths. I do 17 different paths in under 4 hours, and make more than 40g in that time. So a low average of 10 gph (closer to 12). That is far higher than you’ll make farming the same dungeon, even pre-pratch. So basically, this patch changes nothing. It only hurts the bots and noobs who dont speedrun different dungeons.
What I’d love to know is how come AC p1 (10 minutes) gives you more gold than COE p1/p3?
CoE p1 is less than 10 minutes, so it makes sense that AC would reward more gold.
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The meta is changing at an alarming rate!
So basically, this patch changes nothing. It only hurts the bots and noobs who dont speedrun different dungeons.
No you are assuming I’m running dungeon paths for the gold, and you are also assuming that I know how to do all the dungeons.
I specifically said i rerun the same dungeon for the tokens. I’m losing tokens which I’d have to do 1-2 extra runs to make up for the lost token revenue. That is another 15-45 minutes depending on the path and pug’s skills.
And this also hurts people who (like me) only know and only run (by choice) 2-3 different dungeons.
No one was getting rich off the intermediate loot drops, so there was no need to nerf the loot drops since the gold reward was already nerfed into the ground.
What I’d love to know is how come AC p1 (10 minutes) gives you more gold than COE p1/p3?
I think it’s because the loot from bosses in AC might be slightly worse than COE? Also I think AC has less chests after fights? So the extra silver is to offset this?
No you are assuming I’m running dungeon paths for the gold
Well duh. Why else would you do dungeons, if not for gold? Doing them for tokens is essentially the same as doing them for gold, since you use the tokens in dungeon recipes (to sell) or for gear (to salvage inscriptions, then sell).
and you are also assuming that I know how to do all the dungeons.
Well, don’t you? I assumed you were not a noob, since it’s quite easy to gear up right and speed-run dungeons. The strategies are all pretty similar. If I was mistaken in my assumption, it’s my fault for believing you to be even moderately good at this game.
I specifically said i rerun the same dungeon for the tokens. I’m losing tokens which I’d have to do 1-2 extra runs to make up for the lost token revenue. That is another 15-45 minutes depending on the path and pug’s skills.
The daily end-chest reward doesn’t just contain gold; it contains tokens. So if you’re farming for tokens, running the same path per day is still a very stupid thing to do.
And this also hurts people who (like me) only know and only run (by choice) 2-3 different dungeons.
You only know 2-3 different dungeons… lol. Learn some new ones. We even have a dungeon forum guild for that. Your problem is ignorance of different paths, so I recommend you try to remedy that.
No one was getting rich off the intermediate loot drops, so there was no need to nerf the loot drops since the gold reward was already nerfed into the ground.
The bots were getting rich. This nerf is a good thing for all of us non-botters who were already doing the intelligent, efficient thing (both gold-wise and token-wise) of running each path once per day.
Answer: Yes they have. Now the chests that appear in certain areas appear only appear once per path (or only once per looting it in the entire dungeon) Yet another stab at those of us that prefer gear and loot from certain dungeons (example: CoE gear and charged lodestones). Sigh, as if the token allotment alteration and waypoint combat lock weren’t annoying enough.
ArenaNet saying, “Play how you want” should be “Play how you want and get rewarded 1 time per day”.
It worked for Henry Ford when he said, “Any customer can have a car painted any colour that he wants so long as it is black.”
This game doesn’t have a sub so I don’t mind the “dungeon locks”. It’s games that have subs that have raid locks that tick me off. It’s akin to subbing to Netflix and them telling you that you can only watch a certain number of movies per week.
It’s akin to subbing to Netflix and them telling you that you can only watch a certain number of movies per week.
Actually, it’s more like subbing to Netflix and them telling you that you can only watch the same movie X times per week, but you’re free to watch every other movie in the catalogue in addition.
“Dear ANet, nerf Paper, Scissors is fine. Sincerely, Rock”
Elysaurus | Warrior | [LOL] | League of the Legendary | Gandara (EU)
What I’d love to know is how come AC p1 (10 minutes) gives you more gold than COE p1/p3?
CoE has dungeon chests that can drop charged core, which is going 1g a pop right now. It’s also a lv80 dungeon where the rare dungeon armor can be bought with tokens for salvaging. Financially-wise CoE should actually net more gold than AC.
That said, they should totally keep everything consistent though. I’d love to see CM and TA get 1.55g per path as well.
With all the PvE nerfs I think Anet is trying to funnel all of us carebears into their eSports grinder (PvP). I can tolerate WvW, but the PvP scene has been and always will be toxic. Do not want.
When has there been a PvP scene that wasn’t toxic in some way, it just comes with the territory.
I missed this when I read over the patch notes and found out yesterday when I was helping a guildie run a path I had already run. Surprised @ no rewards even though on a different toon… Needless to say I won’t be running those paths more than once per day now.
Why do all my games keep getting nerfed….this wouldn’t be a problem if people were allowed to ste their own prices and actually adapt the market more directly!
Ok to be more accurate I think this is an anti-botting measure like diminishing returns….which was and still is total BS. Why can’t I do the same dungeon over and over if I want? I may find that boring personally but that’s my choice to play that way, its just pure selfishness to punish people for a certain playstyle just to cover bots.
And what about those groups that can finish dungeons in record time, should they all just spend silvers at a time teleporting because of this? Dungeons are hard enough, stop punishing us Anet!
Maybe, but then there are a lot of bots and chinese farmers in SoE p1 who jump out just before the final boss and repeat the whole thing again doing the whole thing in about 7 minutes and picking up a ridiculous amount of chests sooooooooo can’t be that bad if the farmers are doing it.
I agree with this change.
Maybe, but then there are a lot of bots and chinese farmers in SoE p1 who jump out just before the final boss and repeat the whole thing again doing the whole thing in about 7 minutes and picking up a ridiculous amount of chests sooooooooo can’t be that bad if the farmers are doing it.
Say wut now?
Maybe, but then there are a lot of bots and chinese farmers in SoE p1 who jump out just before the final boss and repeat the whole thing again doing the whole thing in about 7 minutes and picking up a ridiculous amount of chests sooooooooo can’t be that bad if the farmers are doing it.
Say wut now?
The dungeon has a bug, if you don’t kill Tazza the instance starter leaves group (everyone gets booted out) but instantly gets back online and into the dungeon all the story cut scenes are done but all the mobs are reset so they just teleport to the champs and slaughter them all for the champ boxes. It’s being done with hacked accounts too which is concerning.
They nerfed it because dungeons became stupidly easy. A fight that lasts more then 20sec against a boss is considered long.
Either dungeons need to be harder to justify giving 1.5g + benefits everytime, or you simply have to accept that the reward has been adjusted to meet the very low effort required.
They nerfed it because dungeons became stupidly easy. A fight that lasts more then 20sec against a boss is considered long.
Either dungeons need to be harder to justify giving 1.5g + benefits everytime, or you simply have to accept that the reward has been adjusted to meet the very low effort required.
It’s good that the dungeons stay fast IMO.
If you do regular farming/WB train gold per hour for a PuG (not experienced speedrunners, nor pro farmers), you basically get the gold per hour amount for dungeon running. Which is 6g/hour + mats.
Okay bumping old topic, but if memory serves, they just increased the gold earned from dungeons about a year ago, now they are nerfing it, Arah for 1 gold? Pfft. Now they are forcing us all into fractals for any loot/rewards. Again, so much for play how you like. Casual players can never earn enough gold to keep up with the cost of crafting ascended gear. Guess they want to sell more gems to convert to gold.
Okay bumping old topic, but if memory serves, they just increased the gold earned from dungeons about a year ago, now they are nerfing it, Arah for 1 gold? Pfft. Now they are forcing us all into fractals for any loot/rewards. Again, so much for play how you like. Casual players can never earn enough gold to keep up with the cost of crafting ascended gear. Guess they want to sell more gems to convert to gold.
If you think fractals are going to be any kind of gravy train (have been or are now) you’ve got another thing coming. Fractal rewards used to be worse, but they aren’t much better now. The rewards are still largely RNG based, doesn’t scale well with increased “difficulty” and on that note, the challenge has been taken out of fractals with the terrible scaling and the challenge was what brought the fractal community to the table in the face of all that reward lack. (Why do a 20-40 minute fractal run- in the old system- with an experienced/competent group, for 1 gold a couple rares and a chance at an ascended chest- (I never ever got one, running 5-7 FULL fractal runs a day for much of the time the chests existed. I know I’m an outlier, I’m sure- all my friends got them- but there you are.) Now you at least are guaranteed fractal weapons if you do the right stuff, you can get better rewards if you do the dailies, and the achieves, but its still pretty bad. You make a LOT more in open world HoT/silverwastes/world boss.
(edited by Dovienya.6597)
All these ‘outliers’ that have been running fractals before they even existed that never had a skin drop, it must really suck to be part of that clique given that just every garbage player now has every single fractal skin in the game, they were one of the few skins in the game that when you used to see it you’d think, hey that guy runs fractals a lot, he must at LEAST have stepped inside a fractal, but like I said, the most garbage players on the game have every single fractal weapon they could ever want, what is the point in that? How is this any different from invalidating gear progress?
In wow when a new expansion comes out all the top tier gear suddenly becomes useless as the first vendor in the new areas usually sells something better. In heart of thorns all I don’t even like using my fractal skins given that I nearly had a full collection, I felt like I actually earned the skins. I know most gw2 players seem to hate rng but they never mention what kept them playing fractals for 2 years, was it the rng? The chance that maybe this time i’ll get the fractal sword skin or will I get 20 empyreal fragments? So enough whining and now you can buy the skins on the trading post, how kittening sad is that.
So essentially everything I have done in fractals for the past 2 years has been invalidated because the people that can barely log in the game for 10 minutes a week demanded that they should all the skins on a silver platter right now. I don’t like to use the word but it is entitlement.
(edited by Elomite.2396)
All these ‘outliers’ that have been running fractals before they even existed that never had a skin drop, it must really suck to be part of that clique given that just every garbage player now has every single fractal skin in the game, they were one of the few skins in the game that when you used to see it you’d think, hey that guy runs fractals a lot, he must at LEAST have stepped inside a fractal, but like I said, the most garbage players on the game have every single fractal weapon they could ever want, what is the point in that? How is this any different from invalidating gear progress?
In wow when a new expansion comes out all the top tier gear suddenly becomes useless as the first vendor in the new areas usually sells something better. In heart of thorns all I don’t even like using my fractal skins given that I nearly had a full collection, I felt like I actually earned the skins. I know most gw2 players seem to hate rng but they never mention what kept them playing fractals for 2 years, was it the rng? The chance that maybe this time i’ll get the fractal sword skin or will I get 20 empyreal fragments? So enough whining and now you can buy the skins on the trading post, how kittening sad is that.
So essentially everything I have done in fractals for the past 2 years has been invalidated because the people that can barely log in the game for 10 minutes a week demanded that they should all the skins on a silver platter right now. I don’t like to use the word but it is entitlement.
My response was in reference to the person who thinks Arenanet is trying to transfer the farming of gold and gold-generating/gold saving loot from dungeons to fractals. What I’m saying is that there is not a high amount of reliable loot or gold that you get from fractals. That was what the comment re: RNG was about, not skins.
I also ran them the entire time fractal weapons existed and I got focus (1), staff (6x) torch (2x), axe (1x), spear (2x), dagger (3x) and pistol (5x)- but what I really wanted was the sword. I had no problem with the old system or its rewards. Obviously or I wouldn’t have been playing them so much.
I am not asking for RNG to not exist, at least not with things like fractal weapons. Yeah it took the wind out of my sails a just a little to finally get the sword and know every tom kitten and harry that rolls their face across fractals can get it now, but to be honest that’s not why I wanted it and not why I used to run fractals- but I agree with you- something that’s hard and requires skill AND requires a commitment of a great amount of time should have a reward. If not RNG, then some other way.
If I designed the mastery system, I would have had Tyria master NOT require HoT purchase. I would have had Legendary crafting in its own category and get XP from every activity everywhere in the world concurrently with all other mastery, but at a slower rate. Fractal mastery would ONLY gain mastery from fractals and each reward tier, like fractal weapons would require mastery like it already does, but for the rewards, more of an investment than it does right now- that way it would still require the time- only people who put time in would benefit. That way mastery would feel like it means something. As it is now, we get the same XP for fractals as you get for vistas, and only 1200 more XP than for POI’s. For commander of the Pact, I would have had that be for open world stuff for people just coming into the game and not sure they want to buy HoT or do fractals, but want a taste.
So, we’re essentially in agreement Elomite, except I think it may have been possible for them to take a different path so that there would not be outliers who don’t have the fractal weapon or ascended gear. Should it require a significant investment? Yes, but it should be within reason.
(edited by Dovienya.6597)