Having a lot of issues with dungeons at the moment ;(.
This has been a constant issue from day 1. Had so many groups fall apart because we just can’t get everyone in the same instance.
I see that the devs will still be posting left and right, but I haven’t seen one post regarding people not being able to enter dungeons together.
I feel like this should be a huge concern, it makes the game seem overall glitchy and poor quality. At least thats what I’m beginning to think about it.
I can deal with the issues as long as there is some sort of work around. I felt really defeated when I had done everything I could think of (consisted of me traveling to other dungeons twice, logging out countless times, etc etc) and nothing was working. Meanwhile, my party members are waiting for me. I finally gave up and told them to find a 5th because nothing was working.
They found a fifth and he could not enter, just like I could not. sigh. I hope this is fixed soon. It is SO frustrating to dedicate your time to something, and ultimately, not be able to finish.
With this game being angled toward casual play, where you can log in for an hour or two and accomplish something, Im finding that even that is limited due to the amount of bugs when it comes to dungeons.
I remember trying to do AC when the game first launched and having similar issues. I just attributed it to mass amounts of players trying to do the same dungeon at once. SE was practically a ghost town and still having the same types of issues. Something is very wrong ;(