Help me with dungeon guides!

Help me with dungeon guides!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


I have been working on these for a while ( Anyways, there’s only so much one (or two) man can do. There’s all kind of stuff I need help with so anyone with some free-time should be able to help. Either reply here, send me pm or contact in-game, anything is fine.

1) Most importantly if someone is familiar with wikis, adding all the stuff to wiki would be great.

2) Also I’m sure there’s people who know some dungeons much better than I do so reading through and giving additional tips would be appreciated. + some are quite inaccurate

3) Just reading through (especially people without previous experience) and pointing out what’s confusing/hard to understand helps me to refine them.

4) I just have Warrior so giving class-specific tips to encounters would be nice.

5) If someone cares about doing some research (finding out enemy abilities, effects, animations, all kinds of little stuff, damage is bit tricky though to keep it consistent).

Help me with dungeon guides!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


You forgot to mention that anyone willing to help should prepare some money for repair bills ;p

Help me with dungeon guides!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mosspit.8936


I will chip in for TA Exp.

Greater Nightmare Vine-

  • Vines are more likely to target ranged weapon users
  • As such avoid using ranged weapons in melee range so that your teammates who are meleeing will not be bombarded by spits as much
  • Spits can be absorbed (eg Shield of the Avenger) but cannot be reflected (eg Feedback)


  • Malrona’s room has 4 groups of spiders as opposed to 3.
  • Locations are : Left-Front / Right-Front / Right-Middle / Center-Back
  • Reflection skills are great against Malrona. A focus traited Mesmer with Feedback can have about 90% reflection uptime on Venom Blast. Theoretically one can allow him/herself to be inflicted with Predator Swiftness so that the reflected projectles deal even more damage.
  • Nightmare Tree has 2 prominent attacks – Single Target “Root” (Animation slow raising of right arm and quick smash to the ground) and Multi-Target “Root” (Animation show Tree standing slowly on hind legs and bring both hands down).
  • Single Target “Root” deals extreme damage with 10 bleed stacks, attack has virtually no lead time. Multi-Target “Root” will damage similarly with red circles and have a lead time about 1 sec. By blinding the boss, both attacks will whiff.


  • Defiler Bees attack can be reflected. Tell for this when it steps on 1 feet and thrust its chest forward
  • Vevina and the Husks – Be careful of what boons they have on. When Chaos Storm lands on Leurent, the aoe will grant Vevina and the husks Retaliation. I have seen so many players kill themselves due to Retaliation. For mesmers timewarping, have Null Field on standby to help remove retaliation.


  • Archers in Bubble room – Bug where the bubble will remain a few secs after archer is killed is somewhat not as noticeable as before. To be on the safe side, use portals to port to another safe location instead of directly walking out of the bubble area.
  • Nightmare Tree – If downed, binding roots caused by oakhearts can be used to rally.

Help me with dungeon guides!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wethospu.6437


Are you certain that “Vines are more likely to target ranged weapon users”? Based on my experience you have stay very close to prevent that attack. Ranged-users may just more naturally stay at higher range.
Are you certain that “Vevina using Chaos Storm on Laurent results in Retaliation”? Random would seem like more intuitive effect.
(Also bit wondering about how much your “extreme damage” but I will make a table with damage-ranges and return to that later)

Thanks for the info!

You forgot to mention that anyone willing to help should prepare some money for repair bills ;p

Oh, did I forget to mention about fund-raising campaign?

(edited by Wethospu.6437)

Help me with dungeon guides!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: mosspit.8936


For the nightmare vines, likeliness to target ranged characters is from personal experience. As you know there are 2 safe spots for ranged weapon users in the room. I have been in fights where melee characters focus on the GNV and ranged characters stay at the safe spots – the melee characters will not get any spits at all. Not even from the surrounding silvers which spawns.

There is also another scenario where ranged chars attack in melee range of the GNV. While the GNV will not do any spits, the surrounding silvers will continue to spit at them and indirectly cause melee chars hitting the GNV to be affected by spits as well. Vines are more likely to target ranged users is more like their priority in the aggro table. But I will not deny that it could be wrong so leaving out this point might be less misleading.

For Chaos Storm, it is as you said random effects similar to the Chaos Storm cast by a memser. Out of these Retailation is the one ppl should take note of. The other effects – Protection is annoying; Swiftness can be ignored. But Retaliation is the one that will cause players to literally kill themselves when attacking. On the whole players know to stop attacking when Vevina has Chaos Shield up due to the visual cue. But I still see players kill themselves attacking Husks with Retaliation.

For the damage description, “extreme” might be not suitable. The root attacks will 1 shot any glass cannons damage-wise. Using my pool of characters, only my Guardian decked in Soldiers/Knight items can withstand the root but the 10 stacks of bleed will quickly make short work of my Guardian.

(edited by mosspit.8936)

Help me with dungeon guides!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fkay.9380


Yea just to confirm that for the vines fight, they go first for ranged users but guardian staff and hammer along with mesmer illusions counts as “ranged” as well for that fight. Best way still to do that fight is one person keeping aggro ranged at a safe spot while everyone else does melee on the vines. No one should get damaged that way.


Help me with dungeon guides!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


“Best” way should never include safe spots because that’s exploiting in anet’s eyes and is likely to be changed.

Help me with dungeon guides!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Master Archer Nente.9284

Master Archer Nente.9284

The vines tend to attack people who are using a staff first. Then other ranged weapons second.

Character: Kyou Fujibayashi ~Mesmer
Guilds: Tears of the Ascended [ToA] | Legion of Dhuum[LoD]

Help me with dungeon guides!

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Razzy.2741


Hi, I would also add alternative and definitely best way to approach all 3 variation of the Nightmare Tree in Twilight Arbor. All going melee.
I am not sure if it counts to be in the guide, as it requires professions with reflective skills, preferably guardians.

I usually play in team of 2 healing guardians, 2 full berserk warriors + 1 anything else, as it works best for my group, but I’m sure other professions can do okay too.

Everyone runs to the Nightmare Tree after it hammers the ground and melee it till it dies.
Guardians provide perma AoE stability: “Stand your ground!”, Hallowed ground.
Heals and Might with Staff Empower, regen and protection with Mace/shield and “Hold the line!”.
Ignore all the extra spawns, if everyone does the job – the boss dies before you run out of stability. Doable with 1 Guardian too.

Kill 3 spiders in front of the Tree, when the boss is active everyone runs to the Nightmare Tree and melee it till it dies.
Guardians use: Shield of avenger, Sancturary, Wall of Reflection to keep whole party safe. Empower with Staff. Boss should be dead before you run out of reflective skills. Spiders won’t do any damage to you while you are inside the “bubble”.
Prefered two guardians to chain their SoA’s. With high DPS, one should be enough.

When the boss is active, everyone runs and you can melee it till it dies. Whole party dodges red circles when AoE attack happens.
Guardians use: Shield of avenger, Sancturary, Wall of Reflection to keep whole party safe. Boss should be dead before you run out of reflective skills.
Prefered two guardians to chain their SoA’s. With high DPS, one should be enough.

In all 3 boss variations, it dies 3-4x faster than using any other tactics I’ve seen, Much more fun to pull it this way, too.

BEER Guild - Dungeon Riders

(edited by Razzy.2741)