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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Korrt.3809


Nerf the dungeons!

Dungeons are way overpowered, trash mobs can wipe your party atleast twice.
Which is pretty kitten I am all for a challenge, but getting spanked by trash mobs is not my idea of a good time. I really do wish I recorded my team’s run through CM. We wiped so many times, we were fighting the last boss in our whitey tighteys. Half of our reward was spent on fixing our armor, and I for one, never got 1 item that was even used by my profession as a reward.

Im sure this is a troller bait post, but I for one will NEVER do another dungeon until these dungeons get the nerf hammer hardcore. And I mean smack em with it till they bleed.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Queketh.4357


Funny, cause if the dungeons DO get nerfed, i shall never do another dungeon again.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xetelian.9278


Queketh obviously hasn’t done the difficult parts or is trolling.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Korrt.3809


He obviously hasnt had to fight a boss in his skimpies yet. It kinda sucks when you cant melee a boss and have to sit back and range them cause you die in 1-2 hits. Just sayin.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Queketh.4357


No? I just enjoy the difficult parts? nothing i find more boring than doing dungeons which does not challenge you. Love doing Arah for example, clear one or two paths a day.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Korrt.3809


Challenging is fun, getting gang spanked by overpowered trash mobs that can kill you in 2 hits, not so much.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: zeus.5248


The dungeons In my opinion are punishing the weaker and casual players first of all by repairing costs which dont let them have fun even by wiping.Also you make all these “elites” to never want to team up with inexperience players in order to help them because they know they going to have a hard time and probably the repair bills will be high.Btw since some of the “elites” players are insisting that actually getting out with a bit more money than they got in, isnt it better to just lower a bit the reward in silvers you get and get rid of the repairs while in dungeons so both casuals and elites are happy?

Secondly melees are getting punished so much more compared to range players.And dont get me wrong I know you can survive if you paying 100% attention but why that is mostly only for melees?

Third is it only me that many times I cant see anything that happening around the bosses and what they are doing if we have more than one mages in the group who spam their spells which having as a result melees instantly die without have the time to react?

And to finish this,I like the hard dungeons too and I wish the fights were more complex instead of the one shot things they spamming.But again without punishing ppl for wiping and learning the encounters.

Definitely dungeons need a serious look and maybe an overhaul to make them way more fun for everyone.

(edited by zeus.5248)

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


You could actually melee a boss…if you know what your doing. You need to know how to dodge, move etc not just auto bash…

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarne.4528


I must post my plea to Anet on every one of these threads. Please don’t nerf the dungeons. I and all my friends greatly enjoy them all. Just fix the bugs preventing progress, but don’t disturb the difficulty.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Korrt.3809


i do dodge but you run out of energy doing so after a couple dodges, and are at the mercy of boss’s attack which then either instantly kills you or kills you in 2 hits. Im aware of the skill factor to these dungeons but when the trash mobs are overpowered with a truck load of hp, are the same level as you, and can wipe you out in 2 hits if it connects, it goes a bit beyond a challenge, and into the realm of ridiculous. But I guess it has to happen in PVP for people to understand the concept of what overpowered means.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sarne.4528


In all seriousness, are you and your team members changing builds/traits/utility skills? I personally change my utilities almost every pull – trash or boss – and I typically change a few traits around each boss.

With smart management and knowing your foe, the dungeons come down to an enjoyable challenge. Hit my stream up any time as its typically running anytime we do a dungeon.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yata.8932


You know what’s funny is I don’t think they are OP, and I’m not even that good of a player. Communication within your group can solve a lot of problems, also willingness to switch up your skills a bit to try a different strategy. Dungeon runs with most PUGs are pretty rough though mostly cause everyone comes in trying to hit with big numbers and not supporting the group at all. Teamwork is essential.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Korrt.3809


kinda hard to work as a team when everyone is dying from being 1-2 hit and everyone’s armor is wrecked.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jordan.6157


Nerf the dungeons!

Dungeons are way overpowered, trash mobs can wipe your party atleast twice.
Which is pretty kitten I am all for a challenge, but getting spanked by trash mobs is not my idea of a good time. I really do wish I recorded my team’s run through CM. We wiped so many times, we were fighting the last boss in our whitey tighteys. Half of our reward was spent on fixing our armor, and I for one, never got 1 item that was even used by my profession as a reward.

Im sure this is a troller bait post, but I for one will NEVER do another dungeon until these dungeons get the nerf hammer hardcore. And I mean smack em with it till they bleed.


Infact to please the players that are unable to do them make a casual dungeon explore mode. Where is is easier and not much wiping…. BUT – Don’t reward any tokens for them and reward 1/10 of the silver reward.

kitten you pansies wanting a kittening free ride.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jordan.6157


i do dodge but you run out of energy doing so after a couple dodges, and are at the mercy of boss’s attack which then either instantly kills you or kills you in 2 hits. Im aware of the skill factor to these dungeons but when the trash mobs are overpowered with a truck load of hp, are the same level as you, and can wipe you out in 2 hits if it connects, it goes a bit beyond a challenge, and into the realm of ridiculous. But I guess it has to happen in PVP for people to understand the concept of what overpowered means.

Obvious noob is obvious. Firstly it probably downs you in 2 hits. The down state is not dying… actually it is just to promote team work. If someone goes down in a dungeon they are not bad but if noone tries to pick them up they are the ones that are bad unless there is a valid excuse like you are sat in an AoE. You do get punished for going down to much resulting in immediate death therefore you are bad. It doesn’t take long before the down penalty goes.

Try playing with your group and ask your group to play with you and these dungeons should be a breeze. Otherwise the dungeon difficult does not need to be changed.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Archer.6485


Oh come on, most of them aren’t even that hard!

Yes there’s a few crazy difficulty spikes that may need to get nerfed like the path 1 CoF final boss but most dungeons are just fine as long as you know what you’re doing.

Me and my guild cleared 2 CoE paths and all 3 HotW paths in the last two nights. Yes we died a few times but we always got rewarded more than we spent. We weren’t even on vent and we didn’t really have specific strategies. We just learned a few things along the way. What works what doesn’t work, which conditions and boons are useful to apply, that sort of thing.

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in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hellkaiser.6025


@Those who get all, uppity and abuse those that complain:

Shut, the hell, up

You are not helping, AT ALL and in fact all you are doing is adding more fuel to flame wars.

@the op and all complaining about dungeons:

I agree that cm should NEVER have been buffed difficulty wise as it’s the second freakin dungeon in the game and there’s not much else to cut your teeth on and learn

But, you simply must tell us if you are making the silly mistakes first before we can take you seriously. As jumping in here screaming and complaining whilst understandable when frustrated, could be down to you running with a team of glass cannons, who can’t take a hit and think “moar deepz” is the answer to the problems.
and that utilities like wall of reflection, are a waste.

I’ve come a across a few pieces of work in dungeons, full signet boring warriors who have no utilities and when they’re last alive guarantee a wipe, guardians who wouldn’t know their own keyboard turning rear ends from the f1-f3 keys to activate their inspirations. elementalists who will LITERALLY stand there while something is hitting them from behind so they can DPS the mob directly in front of them. and generally bad decisions overall from players.

Til we can ascertain if you or your groups are the problem, your complaint just looks like self entitled complaining.

Irony…. xD

(edited by Hellkaiser.6025)