High health =/= difficulty.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: arcdash.4039


You know those random bad guys who can tank 5 players and need a coordinated effort to take down? More often than not they’re not even hard. Having some random non-boss be able to absorb that much damage doesn’t make the dungeons any harder, it just makes them take longer. It just slows the whole dungeon down to a halt for a while as you’re piling damage and conditions on to one guy, a guy who outside the dungeon would have been dead long ago.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cromx.3941


no its a legit complaint. Some of the bosses have unreasonable amounts of HP. Its almost comical. You know when you are at that point where everyone knows the boss is going to die, they have it figured out, hes not killing anyone, and everyone is unloading on him. But the dude has an obscene amount of HPs. So you are there like 10 minutes just blasting him.

Sadly I have almost gotten used to it. But I am not sure what all those HPs really add to the encounter, they seem excessive and really really forced.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arcturus.5846


Agree and biggest issue I have with dungeons so far. Most of the dungeons don’t feel difficult at all and more of a giant annoying time sink.

You have no idea how many times I’ve felt tempted to just AFK auto attack.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


I don’t think there is a boss fight in the game that take more than 5 minutes. Sure there is when you are learning it, but at that point not everyone has it down.

(edited by Gies.3824)

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fellyn.5083


I don’t know about high hp. But extremely cheap 1 shot mechanics sure are not fun.

Went into Arah story mode for the first time today. The first boss we encounter, as soon as I got into melee range – wham – hit for 28000 damage by an attack that was impossible to dodge at melee range. SO MUCH FUN.

Never having done Arah before, story mode or otherwise, how the hell is Anet expecting people to know that such a cheap mechanic is in place? I guess by now we should just expect it.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Guild Wars 2 Dungeons: Only For The Most Experienced Players. Testing Your Skills By Watching Mobs HP Bars Slowly Deplete For 5 Minutes Without Falling Asleep.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sebyos.4089


Well when you do a dungeon the first few times in EM some are hard to learn and that difficulty is fine, but once you get the bosses down and don’t get hit once by their attack, their huge amount of hp becomes boring and long as hell.

Personally I’d put difficulty up a bit in some paths and lower all bosses hp by a good 15-20%.

80 Norn Necromancer Max : JC, WS, TL, AT.
100% World completion.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hickeroar.9734


I believe boss health is a multiplier of the player health in the instance or something like that. That’s what someone said in another thread anyway. Not sure if there’s any fact to it.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Furienify.5738


It’s obnoxious when you run into a mob that appears to exist solely to slow the players down. It has high health, high damage (that comes out slowly and only targets one player) and heals itself. You can’t skip it; killing it is your key to continue, but it doesn’t give you any decent reward, dialogue, challenge or backstory. It’s just there.

It’s frustrating when you realize the entire first half of the dungeon route is built on the backs of meatwalls. That you earned your first loot chest by spending 10 minutes killing trash and champion mobs that were basically trash on steroids.

It’s depressing when, even if you stop counting the normals, one route has probably triple the mob density of any other route in the dungeon. That the penultimate fight is literally trash that summons more trash. I wish I had an image of the mining chamber with the crusher boss, but that will have to do.

None of this stuff was even challenging. The times we wiped, it was because our willpower had run out, we stopped caring, slipped up and made fatal mistakes. There’s not even any major bugs to contend with; it’s just terrible at a base level. The word “trash” describes everything that was wrong with this dungeon.

(edited by Furienify.5738)

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Borked.6824


People wanted raids, but you’re not getting raids…so we have dungeons that have bosses with “raid quality events.” Yes, that even includes the time it takes to kill the boss. Attrition is a perfectly logical form of difficulty.
So you all want bosses that do 100 different abilities on a non-trinity system that take about a minute to kill and gives you instant exotics/legendaries the moment you keyboard turn and click your way to victory. Am i gathering that correctly?

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fellyn.5083


No one is asking for easy mode. If that’s all you get out of the complaints then perhaps reading comprehension is something you need to work on.

Attacks that can 1 shot with no chance of dodging them and mobs that have huge hp pools does not make a challenging dungeon.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Furienify.5738


No one is asking for easy mode. If that’s all you get out of the complaints then perhaps reading comprehension is something you need to work on.

Attacks that can 1 shot with no chance of dodging them and mobs that have huge hp pools does not make a challenging dungeon.

Can you give examples of mobs that are one-shotting you? I agree on the health thing, but I’ve ran into very few mobs that can immediately down a player. Most of the ones that do have really telegraphed or otherwise obvious attacks. Hell, sometimes I can survive supposed one-shot hits…

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fellyn.5083


No one is asking for easy mode. If that’s all you get out of the complaints then perhaps reading comprehension is something you need to work on.

Attacks that can 1 shot with no chance of dodging them and mobs that have huge hp pools does not make a challenging dungeon.

Can you give examples of mobs that are one-shotting you? I agree on the health thing, but I’ve ran into very few mobs that can immediately down a player. Most of the ones that do have really telegraphed or otherwise obvious attacks. Hell, sometimes I can survive supposed one-shot hits…

Looks at my post a further up the page.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I finally got around to doing CoE story after gathering more than 200 tokens from CoE explorable so I sort of already expected a certain amount of BS. However, the enemies in story have SO MUCH HEALTH it’s unreal. My group may have been bad, I don’t know, but we had one in a corner or what felt like 7-8 minutes just slowly whittling away at his health and reviving the occasional downed player because he would just outright one shot us without warning.

The fight wasn’t hard, it wasn’t challenging or entertaining, it was straight up BORING. Arah Zhaitan-tier BORING. All of the enemies in that dungeon are gigantic bags of health with 1 shot mechanics that you can’t avoid. It’s as if they were given a mandate to vindicate the downed player system.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


To everyone getting 1 shot and encountering unavoidable mechanics, you are doing things very wrong. Either your stats are just all in the wrong spots for dungeons or you are having a really hard time processing a mobs attack animations/attack patterns. Try dropping vitality, picking up toughness. Stop spending 90% of an instance on yourkitten and complaining that mobs have so much health. You will do a lot more damage dropping that 95% crit damage build and picking up some toughness, because you will actually be alive. Keep your conditions and boons stacked. Use consumables, both potions and food, they are dirt cheap and if you are farming dungeons worth the investment. Sure there are some fights where health is a wtf factor as the mobs lack any interesting abilities, but they are mostly all in the same dungeon, in which every run can be done in less than 30 minutes.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


To everyone getting 1 shot and encountering unavoidable mechanics, you are doing things very wrong. Either your stats are just all in the wrong spots for dungeons or you are having a really hard time processing a mobs attack animations/attack patterns. Try dropping vitality, picking up toughness. Stop spending 90% of an instance on yourkitten and complaining that mobs have so much health. You will do a lot more damage dropping that 95% crit damage build and picking up some toughness, because you will actually be alive. Keep your conditions and boons stacked. Use consumables, both potions and food, they are dirt cheap and if you are farming dungeons worth the investment. Sure there are some fights where health is a wtf factor as the mobs lack any interesting abilities, but they are mostly all in the same dungeon, in which every run can be done in less than 30 minutes.

And then there’s this guy who just does CoF runs all day.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


I wasn’t talking about CoF and I am rocking a Dungeon Master title….

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


I wasn’t talking about CoF and I am rocking a Dungeon Master title….

I guess we all must suck since pretty much the rest of the world disagrees with you. Is that what you’re saying? Everyone sucks at this game except you? Maybe you should go pro, do some speed runs on twitch, make some phat loot and we’ll see you in the 2016 Olympics. Right? Show us all how to do it Mr. Dungeon master.

Don’t mind me, I’ll be here.. just pressing my 2 button in Arah like a plebeian, sighing to myself that I can’t be as legit as you, coming to the forums and talking down to ignorant masses because we just don’t understand.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


A) Why so mad, I was giving you legitimate tips.
B) If I thought it was a reasonable career choice I would.
C) If you have questions about a fight PM me, Ill gladly point things out to you.
D) The rest of the world and the most vocal part of a sub-forum are two completely different things.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FourthVariety.5463


If all the mobs/bosses had normal sized health pools, we would end up in a situation similar to CoF. GW2 dungeons are very very short, you do not walk very far. The number of encounters is also very small. To achieve target length of one hour, the health of monsters has to be absurd.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Descasus.4280


It’d be nice if in the future they add or redesign the dungeons a bit better. At the end of Arah, it seemed like the most awkward fight, having the boss simply stay put and take all the hits for 5+ min without moving. Coming into GW2, I expected a lot from the dungeons since I was almost always in DoA in GW. The system and planning was wonderful for it and I expected something just as good for GW2 if not better so I hope they add more to them in the future.

For the issue of monsters having a tremendous amount of health, it does get a bit repetitive after a while. Much of the time it seems like after the first bit of figuring out the enemy, you’re stuck fighting them while only moving and dodging when absolutely necessary.

These things aren’t anything bad but many people do wish to see more thought out dungeons and less sticking to one place and fighting a couple enemies.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: fellyn.5083


To everyone getting 1 shot and encountering unavoidable mechanics, you are doing things very wrong. Either your stats are just all in the wrong spots for dungeons or you are having a really hard time processing a mobs attack animations/attack patterns. Try dropping vitality, picking up toughness. Stop spending 90% of an instance on yourkitten and complaining that mobs have so much health. You will do a lot more damage dropping that 95% crit damage build and picking up some toughness, because you will actually be alive. Keep your conditions and boons stacked. Use consumables, both potions and food, they are dirt cheap and if you are farming dungeons worth the investment. Sure there are some fights where health is a wtf factor as the mobs lack any interesting abilities, but they are mostly all in the same dungeon, in which every run can be done in less than 30 minutes.

Yeah except for no. No amount of toughness would keep a person alive when they get hit for 28000 when the average player might have 15 or 16k hp, considerably less if an elemental or mesmer. And there was no attack animation that I saw. Just go into fight and instantly dead.

I’ll play my game the way I want to thanks.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Culgrim.2361


“People wanted raids, but you’re not getting raids…so we have dungeons that have bosses with “raid quality events.” Yes, that even includes the time it takes to kill the boss. Attrition is a perfectly logical form of difficulty.
So you all want bosses that do 100 different abilities on a non-trinity system that take about a minute to kill and gives you instant exotics/legendaries the moment you keyboard turn and click your way to victory. Am i gathering that correctly?”


People wanted , I can only imagine raid like content, which is not to say a raid. People want a dungeon that empowers them, challenges them and makes them feel good about their accomplishment, and rewards them justly. It is not too much to ask to complete a dungeon and get “Gosh party, we are sorry, but your loot is in another route.”.. Actually now that I think about that, it would almost be prefferable because at least we would feel like we were chasing something.

Also your glibness does you no credit. No one is asking for instant legendaries/exotics. People WANT to work for their gear, but we try and try and try only to get slapped around and given what seems like change from the sofa instead of the vault we felt like we were breaking into.

We want challenge, we want actual challenge. Something to keep us engaged and alert, get our blood flowing and our interests piqued, not something that we yawn , alt tab with our ranged weapons out and check back in every 15 or so seconds to see if the boss is dead yet.

Managing two dodges against an onslaught of 4 aoe attacks or a pack of mobs that actually STOP YOU mid dodge and rip you apart in no way feels difficult or well thought out. It feels arbitrary as though saying “One of you will die now.. three will be staggered and all of you will hate yourselves.”

I have in fact had fun in these dungeons, regretably however it was seperate from the dungeon itself but rather the company I keep. I have met many amazing people PUGing exploreables and that has been AMAZING.

Do I want to work for my legendaries? Yes, undoubtably
Do I want to work for exotics? Yes
Do I want to have dungeons nerfed? No, I want them changed

Changed how? Changed in the way that It feels like I can play the way I want to and accept the consiquences of that play style, to know that being a conidtion damage guardian won’t get me one shot over and over and over because I am a melee. I know time and time again that I dodge attacks just to immediatly be met with being mid AOE and getting downed instantly. This, this is not, and I repeat NOT fun, this isn’t what I like and this is in no way difficult. It feels like I am dieing in a cut scene, no controll over it.

Also, cmon man, stop jumping to conclusions that we need everything handed to us. I don’t want ANYTHING handed to me, I just want the path there enjoyable and not filled with mechanics to punch me in the kitten repeatedly.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Archer.6485


I don’t get it. It’s like people don’t even know what they want. People in general say this game is for casuals yet most people haven’t even come close to completing all the explorables.

You say dungeons are boring because you’re just hitting the boss for ten minutes and there’s nothing to pay attention to yet AT THE SAME TIME you’re complaining about how you’re constantly getting killed by abilities that you didn’t even see coming.

You say the mechanics are broken but then a guy shows up who completed the dungeons and wants to help you out and you guys start insulting him by saying that he’s an elitist and how dare he give you advice cause you guys already know everything there is to know about the game and if you’re dying it has to be the broken mechanics and nothing else.

Large hp bars and one shot attacks from bosses have been present in every mmo dungeon I have ever played and you’re all acting like this was something that only happens here. I don’t even know how to take you seriously anymore.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


I see a lot of insulting in this thread, a lot of mouthing off to people doing nothing but offering advice, statements like “I’ll play how I want, thanks”.
Really? You’ll play how you want and then come to the forums and complain that the dungeons are no fun mobs have too much health and they one shot you? Ok, fine. Play how you want, just don’t expect anyone to take you seriously anymore, since you have already shown your refusal to attempt to learn mechanics that are not based around a holy trinity group. Thats not even considering the mob you were fighting, and what the fight was about. Do you know what it was about?

And then I see a gaurdian who is adament that he is a “condition” gaurdian going on and on and sounding fairly intelligent, however fails to mention anywhere in his post how he is using another classes fields to grant his entire group one of several magical shields he is capable of granting. I wonder if he knows he can do that and prevent some of these deaths? Or if he knows that he has the ability to grant hp regen to everyone with another of his abilities in yet another field? Or if he knows he can add stacks of poison on the mob to increase damage done to it? Does this person know he also has the ability to create an area wide blind?

Here is a helpful tool to discover what you are really capable of in a group.
And also might explain why dungeons are balanced the way they are.

And please, don’t come back and say none of these things prevent instagibs, or I will be forced to tell you that if the mob is instagibbing you, he is probably using an ability that is more than likely 1. avoidable in an obvious way or 2. meant to be stopped in some way (maybe a boulder or something else laying around that can be used?)

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: arcdash.4039



I don’t get it. It’s like people don’t even know what they want. People in general say this game is for casuals yet most people haven’t even come close to completing all the explorables.

You say dungeons are boring because you’re just hitting the boss for ten minutes and there’s nothing to pay attention to yet AT THE SAME TIME you’re complaining about how you’re constantly getting killed by abilities that you didn’t even see coming.

You say the mechanics are broken but then a guy shows up who completed the dungeons and wants to help you out and you guys start insulting him by saying that he’s an elitist and how dare he give you advice cause you guys already know everything there is to know about the game and if you’re dying it has to be the broken mechanics and nothing else.

Large hp bars and one shot attacks from bosses have been present in every mmo dungeon I have ever played and you’re all acting like this was something that only happens here. I don’t even know how to take you seriously anymore.

Thats because we are individuals, we do not share one opinion. I’m perfectly okay with bosses with craptons of health. Especially since they’re the ones that drop all the shiny bits. Most of the bosses have some kind of interesting mechanic to go with them.

What I’m not okay with is the random spawned baddie that doesn’t contribute anything to the difficulty. He just sits there taking hits. In most MMOs…at least the few I know about…the random baddies don’t have this kind of health, and there isn’t just one of them either. Often its huge swarms of weak monsters that your team has to take on. The single high health baddie is much less interesting than the otherwise.

Have any of you even read the OP? You guys seem perfectly okay with a slow paced game. Do you like spending extra time on stuff? I for one don’t, there’s a difference between having a hard area and simply having a lengthy area. These areas aren’t even that long, its often jumping from one boring fight to the next. The bosses are at least interesting, with there different techniques, but the random bad guys that A-Net added just to stretch out a short area really don’t contribute to dungeons.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


And please, don’t come back and say none of these things prevent instagibs, or I will be forced to tell you that if the mob is instagibbing you, he is probably using an ability that is more than likely 1. avoidable in an obvious way or 2. meant to be stopped in some way (maybe a boulder or something else laying around that can be used?)

SE Grenadiers
Subject Alpha’s spammy rock spikes that WILL eventually hit you
Subject Alpha encasing and simultaneously slamming you with an AoE
Subject Alpha’s 10 minutes of health (can you tell I don’t like him yet?)
Kudu’s killshot
Arah Airship event
CoE champion destroyer crab fire patch
CoE front door path destroyer boss
CoF new door event
The boss in HotW with the birds (Butcher?). Likes to bug out and get stuck on a pillar and cast ranger birds while being glitched invulnerable. Pretty fun, I might add.
Rumblus and his 180 degree scream of death as he runs around the room derpderpderp can’t even predict who he is going to spew all over

Most of my experience is with CoE, I’m convinced that no one at Anet had run through this dungeon.

Edit: I might add, I play a ranger. I don’t bring jack to groups beyond water and sometimes fire fields. It’s a good thing regeneration is amazing, right? That must totally be my fault that my class severely lacks in synergy. My bad.

(edited by Yadda.2764)

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Archer.6485


@arcdash I was mostly talking about people on the thread and the forums in general.

As for your complaint, it’s all relative. Some people are saying they find the trash mobs harder than the bosses. Trash mobs exist in every mmo dungeons anyway, at least. In GW2 they’re a bit more interesting because of unpredictable aggro. I never know if the mobs will suddenly decide to run past everyone and just go straight after my squishy elementalist. And besides I never felt like they were THAT long.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nihilus.3015


I don’t think there is a boss fight in the game that take more than 5 minutes. Sure there is when you are learning it, but at that point not everyone has it down.

Gianticus Lupicus, its like a 10 minutes fight. Guy probably has the most Hp in Gaming History.


High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


And please, don’t come back and say none of these things prevent instagibs, or I will be forced to tell you that if the mob is instagibbing you, he is probably using an ability that is more than likely 1. avoidable in an obvious way or 2. meant to be stopped in some way (maybe a boulder or something else laying around that can be used?)

SE Grenadiers
Subject Alpha’s spammy rock spikes that WILL eventually hit you
Subject Alpha encasing and simultaneously slamming you with an AoE
Subject Alpha’s 10 minutes of health (can you tell I don’t like him yet?)
Kudu’s killshot
Arah Airship event
CoE champion destroyer crab fire patch
CoE front door path destroyer boss
CoF new door event
The boss in HotW with the birds (Butcher?). Likes to bug out and get stuck on a pillar and cast ranger birds while being glitched invulnerable. Pretty fun, I might add.
Rumblus and his 180 degree scream of death as he runs around the room derpderpderp can’t even predict who he is going to spew all over

Most of my experience is with CoE, I’m convinced that no one at Anet had run through this dungeon.

Edit: I might add, I play a ranger. I don’t bring jack to groups beyond water and sometimes fire fields. It’s a good thing regeneration is amazing, right? That must totally be my fault that my class severely lacks in synergy. My bad.

Rangers have 4 fields and 15 finishers. Fields aren’t worth much without finishers, so don’t say you don’t bring anything to a group. 2 of your finishers are leap finishers, leap finishers are the ones that provide the shields for a group, type dependant on the field you use them in. Your fields are 2 fire, 1 ice and 1 water, fire providing burns (and fire shield), ice providing aoe slows (and ice shield) and water providing healing usable by anyone with a blast finisher. Looks like you bring more than you thought you did?

Another helpful link;

(edited by Efaicia.3672)

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Oh my god, please tell me you aren’t implying that I use a greatsword in DUNGEONS as a ranger just to satisfy your argument because instead of looking intelligent all you’re doing is looking ignorant about the current state of the game and of rangers.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


Oh my god, please tell me you aren’t implying that I use a greatsword in DUNGEONS as a ranger just to satisfy your argument because instead of looking intelligent all you’re doing is looking ignorant about the current state of the game and of rangers.

You have the ability to switch weapons on the fly, no? Just because you equip a weapon to trigger a combo does not mean you have to use it the entire time you are in the dungeon. As far as I know elementalists are the only ones who cannot switch weapons in combat… Are you meaning to say that you do not utilize one of this games most important mechanics? Are you seriously stubbornly refusing to use something available to you because you are “dps”? Like I said before, if you are not willing to learn a new games very new mechanics why are you complaining?

(edited by Efaicia.3672)

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Yadda.2764


Oh my god, please tell me you aren’t implying that I use a greatsword in DUNGEONS as a ranger just to satisfy your argument because instead of looking intelligent all you’re doing is looking ignorant about the current state of the game and of rangers.

You have the ability to switch weapons on the fly, no? Just because you equip a weapon to trigger a combo does not mean you have to use it the entire time you are in the dungeon. As far as I know elementalists are the only ones who cannot switch weapons in combat… Are you meaning to say that you do not utilize one of this games most important mechanics? Are you seriously stubbornly refusing to use something available to you because you are “dps”?

I’m not even going to dignify you with a real response because you have just made it blatantly clear that you don’t actually know what you’re talking about beyond citing spreadsheets. I’m convinced you don’t even play this game or you’re not even level 80 at this point.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


All I see is a cop out disguised as an insult. Why don’t we go into the reasons you as a ranger feel you cannot utilize this games actual mechanics for group dynamics? I mean if you are talking about the bug where you’re stuck using your auto attack and it prevents you from casting anything else or dodging then that is an issue, meant to be bug reported. Elementalist have the same issue in air with scepter, it still does not prevent me from using it when I need to. Even though I cannot change weapons in combat. o.O

(edited by Efaicia.3672)

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: alcor.2635


I don’t think that the problem that most people have is with the length of encounters on its own, especially not those people who come from a raiding background. The problem isn’t that everyone wants free loot from encounters that last a minute at the most either (well, I’m sure there are those who want that too though). The problem is that you have some more or less random mobs and some bosses who basically only have one “ability”, which is “extremely high health”. It just gets really boring if there isn’t really any mechanic to a fight and it still takes 10 minutes.

So what I think most people are actually asking for are encounters with engaging mechanics that are not unfair – as in, no one shots that can’t be avoided (I don’t know if those really exist or if I and others simply haven’t found the right way to avoid them yet) and that keep the fight interesting. I’m sure that it would help a lot if bosses had multiple phases and/or were using different abilities at different times and so on.
Not being able to alt-tab while fighting without consequences would go a long way in making dungeons a lot more fun and engaging.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dorn.5867


I love when people say if you get one shotted you aren’t spec’d for dungeons. You’re right, There are potions and consumables and specs designed to avoid getting one shotted? Wow, sign me up. Link the build and I’ll give it a try

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TerminalMontage.5693


Would be cool if there were more, ‘dynamic’ bosses.

Where you need to hide behind a rock or something to dodge certain attacks, and really mix it up. Because, for the most part a lot of fights feel like tank and spank with dodge rolling every couple of seconds.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


SE Grenadiers: If you are talking about the inquest one trigger their spawn and waypoint out they will run all the way through without attacking anyone and despawn. If you are talking about the dredge scorpion wire or split up the mobs on a pull.

Subject Alpha’s spammy rock spikes that WILL eventually hit you: Wait a few seconds in the AoE then dodge you will still be in the circle and evade everything. Also the spiky rocks have huge holes in the middle that you can just stand in.

Subject Alpha encasing and simultaneously slamming you with an AoE.
Have whoever in your group that is not reliant on condition damage killing crystal when they are up, there is a few seconds before the AoE. Most importantly don’t have multiple people go into downed state over one crystal if someone does get hit in a crystal just get them up.

Subject Alpha’s 10 minutes of health (can you tell I don’t like him yet?): Less time dead and running from waypoint = mobs dieing faster.

Kudu’s killshot: I’ll give you this one, this was a silly silly mechanic.

The boss in HotW with the birds (Butcher?). If you go under water the bird debuff is dropped.

Rumblus:Get a guardian or warrior who can control a mob, circle around him move when he turns.

Giganticus: Im assuming you are talking about phase 2 here, when he goes to phase 2 he has a tendency to summon two grubs, so make sure to get those while splitting up. Keep moving and spread out, dodge when he shadow walks at you, make sure to dodge/blink through to areas that are not covered in red circles. Wait for the poison condition to come off on his auto attack before healing(obviously heal if you are going to die). If you keep moving a lot of the time his auto attack will just miss you. It can be reflected with crystals but it will do no damage to him, so if you are constantly low try to keep a crystal in the room. Do get downed to get another person up, wait for the AoE to go off and then send whoever he is not shadow walking to over to get there person up.

The other fights I can’t remember off the top of my head, but when the come to my memory Ill let you know.

I am a Mesmer running around with 13.7k hp doing all this if that will shed some light on how strong toughness is. I only have 20 points in toughness( mostly for a 20% staff cdr skill) and I have 6/13 items with toughness on them so I’m not stacking insane amounts of toughness either.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


Cannot edit post for some reason so here is a side note. It is things like trying to kill the birds and not realizing it was a debuff that lead me to say people are not understanding the mechanics.

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gray.9650


Subject Alpha’s spammy rock spikes that WILL eventually hit you: Wait a few seconds in the AoE then dodge you will still be in the circle and evade everything. Also the spiky rocks have huge holes in the middle that you can just stand in.

you’re talking about 2 different abilities here. the ice aoe (tooth of m-whatever) exists in every route, you have to dodge it. the fire aoe is different per route. transporter has the small aoe which you can easily walk out of (thus the fight is quite a few notches easier compared to the other routes), frontgate route has the spike which he does in front of him – you can’t really dodge it, you hardly see when it comes, you WILL get hit if subject alpha looks at you at that moment. and since he runs around a lot cause everybody has to dodge/move every 5-10 seconds this can happen anytime between the ice aoe’s.

the “evade everything” comes from the fact that when you dodge you trigger a hidden 100% evade (the game does not check your location against the attack, it simply makes you evade everything for that time). plenty of times I was IN the aoe and attack range and evaded it simply because I dodged

Subject Alpha encasing and simultaneously slamming you with an AoE.
Have whoever in your group that is not reliant on condition damage killing crystal when they are up, there is a few seconds before the AoE. Most importantly don’t have multiple people go into downed state over one crystal if someone does get hit in a crystal just get them up.

subject alpha spams his aoes under everyone every few seconds, even if people ress you and you miss the split second you have an overlapping aoe-field (=harder to dodge out of). you can ress at SA if you time it correctly/ with luck – but in a group that can’t manage to focus and destroy the crystal in time, you think they’re able to time the ress properly?

anyway, the topic was mob hp, and even IF you ace every boss it’s still a drag since the base mechanic isn’t that involving that you don’t notice the hp. sure, it might be only 5 minutes, still doesn’t change the fact that a lot of people find it tedious. pointless trash that is just a damage-sponge doesn’t improve the feel of tedium.

(edited by Gray.9650)

High health =/= difficulty.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xetelian.9278


Guild Wars 2 Dungeons: Only For The Most Experienced Players. Testing Your Skills By Watching Mobs HP Bars Slowly Deplete For 5 Minutes Without Falling Asleep.

More like 10 minutes.

I ate a Cotton Candy, and watch it disappear and ate another one and when the first of 2 mini boss ecounters went down it was half worn off.

So 15 minutes per fight is hell on my wrist.