HoT Dungeon Stories

HoT Dungeon Stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: UnbentMars.9126


I doubt more dungeons will be made, but I still love a good story and idea-sharing. What are some stories that could be told in dungeon form in HoT?

My ideas:

An actual Defense-oriented dungeon where you have to hold out in VB night against increasingly difficult waves of foes in order to defend the survivors of a pact wreck that were unable to escape with the rest of the injured refugees and unable to link up with any of the Pact forces that continued on into the jungle.

Assaulting a Blighting Tree to plant Auric bombs at the base or something, and Malyck would be the final boss. That would even tie up the loose end that everyone has been complaining about, and have a good opportunity to show what the Exalted can actually do rather than be in trouble pretty much incessantly.

In Bloodstone Fen, a dungeon centered around White Mantle and Jade Armors to help bridge the narrative gap that non-raiders missed in terms of lead-up to the actual explosion or something. Maybe chasing Lazarus’s sarcophagus or whatever he was being kept in while the White Mantle try to remove him from the area (timeline-wise, occurs at the same time as the 3rd wing of the raid) in order to protect him from the raiders who are attacking the keep. Heroes fail, but they learn important information about what the White Mantle are really doing (not soon enough to prevent it from happening, however).

Rev, Ele, Burnzerker
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”

HoT Dungeon Stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hornswroggle.8023


Nice ideas.

After playing LW S2 I was really stoked about new dungeons, because of the interesting mechanics I saw in Glint’s Lair and the Rouge-style assault of Caithe and Faolain on the inquest. Looking at this content it always feels like a missed opportunity of HoT.

HoT Dungeon Stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tarasicodissa.7084


My ideas:

An actual Defense-oriented dungeon where you have to hold out in VB night against increasingly difficult waves of foes in order to defend the survivors of a pact wreck that were unable to escape with the rest of the injured refugees and unable to link up with any of the Pact forces that continued on into the jungle.

Yeah, because everyone loves time-gated events in dungeons.
The only way I can see this kind of dungeon NOT being extremely frustrating and painfully boring is that it would dynamically change based on your group’s performance: If you kill a wave of enemies really quickly, next one spawns sooner so that you don’t have to wait AND you have the option to just summon all enemy waves at once if you feel brave enough to take them out and survive.
Otherwise I agree, dungeons are my favorite part of the game and I’d like to see more of them implemented in any shape or form.

HoT Dungeon Stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sykper.6583


They could just make those new guild missions.

Albeit, guild missions and guild progression itself needs some work, they need to add some goodies for those guilds who have reached peak progression or some tiers from guilds not quite wanting to max out just yet.

Suicidal Warrior.
Putting Perspective on Zerg Sizes since 2012. Common Suffixes for 40+ include ~Zilla and ~Train
“Seriously, just dodge.”

HoT Dungeon Stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: UnbentMars.9126


My ideas:

An actual Defense-oriented dungeon where you have to hold out in VB night against increasingly difficult waves of foes in order to defend the survivors of a pact wreck that were unable to escape with the rest of the injured refugees and unable to link up with any of the Pact forces that continued on into the jungle.

Yeah, because everyone loves time-gated events in dungeons.
The only way I can see this kind of dungeon NOT being extremely frustrating and painfully boring is that it would dynamically change based on your group’s performance: If you kill a wave of enemies really quickly, next one spawns sooner so that you don’t have to wait AND you have the option to just summon all enemy waves at once if you feel brave enough to take them out and survive.
Otherwise I agree, dungeons are my favorite part of the game and I’d like to see more of them implemented in any shape or form.

That would make a great challenge mode for the specific instance. My goal was to come up with appropriate stories for dungeons for the VB map, and I couldn’t really think of anything that wasn’t already in the open-world meta event :P Alternate method would be that each wave spawns immediately after the most recent one was finished, or after a set amount of time so you actually have to work to kill everything quick enough to not be buried under enemies. 10 waves, every 3 you get a boss and the last wave spawns with the final boss along with the trash mobs so you have to be careful.

A fun optional mechanic would be to split the group to go out and try to quickly gather materials to fortify the holdout zone, which, if done fast enough can very much help with later waves but requires a quick running team and a good holdout team to achieve.

I think there’s a ton of room for challenge motes in dungeons. They were added to fractals relatively easily and have provided a great optional challenge, and could be adapted for similar effect for dungeons (though I’d say that increased tokens from the final chests would be a great reward for completing each challenge mode, and a title for completing all dungeons challenge modes would be an easy addition that would add a lot of longevity to existing dungeons for minimal effort).

Rev, Ele, Burnzerker
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”

HoT Dungeon Stories

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: UnbentMars.9126


They could just make those new guild missions.

Albeit, guild missions and guild progression itself needs some work, they need to add some goodies for those guilds who have reached peak progression or some tiers from guilds not quite wanting to max out just yet.

I think guild missions should be fixed before adding new ones personally, but I agree that new missions would be great to have and HoT mechanics/locations offer some great opportunities.

A good midway point would be to add a mission type similar to the “complete x number of pvp rounds while in a guild group” and make it “complete x number of dungeons in x amount of time while in a group consisting of 3 or more guild members”.

Rev, Ele, Burnzerker
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”