Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938


Plus a lot of these berk guardians know full well in their solos/duo/trio they are bugging the boss at the bridge.


Since you seem to know so much about this game, care to elaborate on how the “berk guardians” are bugging him then?

You’re right. It’s just a quirk of the encounter that every solo video happens to take place at that bridge. Nothing changes about it.

unless you’re an engineer of course, doesn’t matter where he is you just toss grenades everywhere roll around on the ground and vibrate across the floor, solo mossman complete.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Plus a lot of these berk guardians know full well in their solos/duo/trio they are bugging the boss at the bridge.


Since you seem to know so much about this game, care to elaborate on how the “berk guardians” are bugging him then?

You’re right. It’s just a quirk of the encounter that every solo video happens to take place at that bridge. Nothing changes about it.

Its not a bug. And you can do the same thing anywhere in the arena. The bridge is just one of the nicer spots to fight him at.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: oxtred.7658


It was studied 2 years ago, back in the AH anchor meta. Anyone remember? You can face tank bosses on guardian with minimum dodging for a long time using hammer/shelter/ mace/focus. With superior aria and focus mastery,you have enough blocks, even for non coordinated groups. If you happen to have a gap in your cooldown, there’s still deep freeze and earth ele.
Also, you won’t loose ago if you dodge inside the boss hitbox. As spot said, it’s not about the time difference. Some people enjoy being as supportive as the game allows to, some others like the concept of supporting in offensive gear like myself.

Most of the posts are well made and constructive, but we’re starting to see some ill-tempered, “I’m right and every person disagreeing is obviously a liar” mentality, and since the thread deserves a healthy conversation, keep your aggressiveness for the game discussion subforms.

That said, did anyone tried zealot? If we assume you can reliably take aggro without the extra toughness, zealot wouldn’t be such a high dps loss ( on non reflect bosses) and would get the healing power to out sustain bosses with a good error margin. I’d expect that to be a good match between offense and extra defense. Keep in mind I’m referring to 5 man fractals, low man are another story.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Plus a lot of these berk guardians know full well in their solos/duo/trio they are bugging the boss at the bridge.


Since you seem to know so much about this game, care to elaborate on how the “berk guardians” are bugging him then?

You’re right. It’s just a quirk of the encounter that every solo video happens to take place at that bridge. Nothing changes about it.

Its not a bug. And you can do the same thing anywhere in the arena. The bridge is just one of the nicer spots to fight him at.

And by nicer spots you mean it removes most of the other elements of the fight so your aegis doesn’t get stripped as much.

Fine, have your way on “bug”. I suppose it’s the same position you take when you push lupicus into the wall. Or sitting inside Old Tom to negate his projectiles.

So let’s rephrase, take advantage of AI deficiencies to simplify the encounter.

(edited by Zenith.7301)

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


I know its a terrible thing to use knowledge to counter an enemies skill design.

Were terrible people for walling lupi. But at the same time everyones an awful person for meleeing to make the auto attack miss. And all those pugs who range in phase 1 and 2 are the worst because he doesnt use kick or swipe!

(edited by spoj.9672)

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


I know its a terrible thing to use knowledge to counter an enemies skill design.

Or oversight instead of design. But rationalize it away all you want.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Yeah somehow i dont think its an oversight. The skill has limits so he doesnt spawn 9000 wolves and make the fight impossible. Ironically this reminds me of TAFU. Infinite spider spawns say hello!

I will admit the standard mob aggro range and the arena size is an oversight in this case.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938


It was studied 2 years ago, back in the AH anchor meta. Anyone remember? You can face tank bosses on guardian with minimum dodging for a long time using hammer/shelter/ mace/focus. With superior aria and focus mastery,you have enough blocks, even for non coordinated groups. If you happen to have a gap in your cooldown, there’s still deep freeze and earth ele.
Also, you won’t loose ago if you dodge inside the boss hitbox. As spot said, it’s not about the time difference. Some people enjoy being as supportive as the game allows to, some others like the concept of supporting in offensive gear like myself.

Most of the posts are well made and constructive, but we’re starting to see some ill-tempered, “I’m right and every person disagreeing is obviously a liar” mentality, and since the thread deserves a healthy conversation, keep your aggressiveness for the game discussion subforms.

That said, did anyone tried zealot? If we assume you can reliably take aggro without the extra toughness, zealot wouldn’t be such a high dps loss ( on non reflect bosses) and would get the healing power to out sustain bosses with a good error margin. I’d expect that to be a good match between offense and extra defense. Keep in mind I’m referring to 5 man fractals, low man are another story.

Keeper heavy armor recipes are out of line when it comes to their AH prices, I would imagine that is a shear sign that it atleast is being fairly enjoyed.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Yes lets all go back to strifes 3 warrior, 1 mesmer and 1 AH guardian meta!

Back when ruby orbs reigned supreme!

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: phys.7689


not sure why some are opposed to even attempting this just to get some numbers for the records.
Knowledge is knowledge?

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


If someone wants to test they are free to. But you can do the exact same thing with earth elementals so its kind of irrelevant if you are trying to find which is faster.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nikaido.3457


not sure why some are opposed to even attempting this just to get some numbers for the records.
Knowledge is knowledge?

You do realize a lot of us used to run with AH guardians knight/zerk hybrids ? Meaning we do have a decent idea of the difference in runs between full zerk parties and a more tank oriented guard. I actually can’t see this build as being better because AH guardians tanks just as well (the self-heals of AH are amazing.. as a crutch.), maintains aggro just as well while not losing every single bit of dps the way this cleric does. AH doesn’t even need a single piece of healing gear because it doesn’t scale with that at all, while being able to give out massive sustain to the guardian.
Cleric doesn’t even benefit half of the heals used in that cleric build. Selfless daring and virtue of resolve benefit the most, but the guard tries very hard not to dodge so the first one is almost never used. Symbol heals don’t scale well with healing power. Healing Breeze is still strong even on a zerker build.

This issue is a basic “been there, done that, moved on”. AH build became a thing when we were still somewhat ignorant because it was the better compromise. There is no point in cleric builds. If you’re gonna need a tankier player to rez up people who down or to facetank bosses for some time AH does the job just fine.

And it was dropped because we realized we could play without and the game was also more fun that way.
Plus, elementalist earth elementals pretty much do the same thing as that without losing a party member.

- “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

(edited by Nikaido.3457)

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lorgus.6148


As a guardian i minimize dodging

Well that’s not surprising

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938


not sure why some are opposed to even attempting this just to get some numbers for the records.
Knowledge is knowledge?

You do realize a lot of us used to run with AH guardians knight/zerk hybrids ? Meaning we do have a decent idea of the difference in runs between full zerk parties and a more tank oriented guard. I actually can’t see this build as being better because AH guardians tanks just as well (the self-heals of AH are amazing.. as a crutch.), maintains aggro just as well while not losing every single bit of dps the way this cleric does. AH doesn’t even need a single piece of healing gear because it doesn’t scale with that at all, while being able to give out massive sustain to the guardian.
Cleric doesn’t even benefit half of the heals used in that cleric build. Selfless daring and virtue of resolve benefit the most, but the guard tries very hard not to dodge so the first one is almost never used. Symbol heals don’t scale well with healing power. Healing Breeze is still strong even on a zerker build.

This issue is a basic “been there, done that, moved on”. AH build became a thing when we were still somewhat ignorant because it was the better compromise. There is no point in cleric builds. If you’re gonna need a tankier player to rez up people who down or to facetank bosses for some time AH does the job just fine.

And it was dropped because we realized we could play without and the game was also more fun that way.
Plus, elementalist earth elementals pretty much do the same thing as that without losing a party member.

I’m sorry what cleric guardian uses AH?

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

Most of the posts are well made and constructive, but we’re starting to see some ill-tempered, “I’m right and every person disagreeing is obviously a liar” mentality, and since the thread deserves a healthy conversation, keep your aggressiveness for the game discussion subforms.

I agree wholeheartedly with Ox! Keep it civil, everyone. It’s okay if we have different opinions. It’s pretty unarguable that the Cleric’s Guardian brings the team’s DPS down by roughly 6-8k, but if it helps players who can’t do it in offensive gear that’s a good thing. I just hope I don’t run into two or more of these Guardians in a single pub run is all.

That said, did anyone tried zealot? If we assume you can reliably take aggro without the extra toughness, zealot wouldn’t be such a high dps loss ( on non reflect bosses) and would get the healing power to out sustain bosses with a good error margin. I’d expect that to be a good match between offense and extra defense. Keep in mind I’m referring to 5 man fractals, low man are another story.

I could see Zealot’s being a happy medium here if it weren’t so bloody annoying to craft or if we could pick it out of Healing chests from Fractals.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Plus a lot of these berk guardians know full well in their solos/duo/trio they are bugging the boss at the bridge.


Since you seem to know so much about this game, care to elaborate on how the “berk guardians” are bugging him then?

You’re right. It’s just a quirk of the encounter that every solo video happens to take place at that bridge. Nothing changes about it.

If you have gephyrophobia, you can do the exact same thing but reversed so you fight him in the opposite end of the room.

The literal only reason the bridge is chosen to fight him is because there are less trees to block view and it’s mostly all flat surface.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Plus a lot of these berk guardians know full well in their solos/duo/trio they are bugging the boss at the bridge.


Since you seem to know so much about this game, care to elaborate on how the “berk guardians” are bugging him then?

You’re right. It’s just a quirk of the encounter that every solo video happens to take place at that bridge. Nothing changes about it.

If you have gephyrophobia, you can do the exact same thing but reversed so you fight him in the opposite end of the room.

The literal only reason the bridge is chosen to fight him is because there are less trees to block view and it’s mostly all flat surface.

Don’t you also avoid wolves?

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

My point was that you can avoid wolves by fighting him on either side.

You stealth when entering the area from the water because there is a chance that Mossman will open with his stealth skill, summoning a wolf in the middle of the room. If this happens, that wolf’s aggro range will be far enough to attack you from either side. The objective is to keep Mossman on one end of the room at all times until he’s summoned the maximum wolf count. Once this happens, you can fight him on the opposite end of the room of which you spawned the wolves.

The bridge is irrelevant in this strategy. It just so happens to be that on that end of the room, it’s easier to see him when kiting him around.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Taku.6352


Most of the posts are well made and constructive, but we’re starting to see some ill-tempered, “I’m right and every person disagreeing is obviously a liar” mentality, and since the thread deserves a healthy conversation, keep your aggressiveness for the game discussion subforms.

I agree wholeheartedly with Ox! Keep it civil, everyone. It’s okay if we have different opinions. It’s pretty unarguable that the Cleric’s Guardian brings the team’s DPS down by roughly 6-8k, but if it helps players who can’t do it in offensive gear that’s a good thing. I just hope I don’t run into two or more of these Guardians in a single pub run is all.

That said, did anyone tried zealot? If we assume you can reliably take aggro without the extra toughness, zealot wouldn’t be such a high dps loss ( on non reflect bosses) and would get the healing power to out sustain bosses with a good error margin. I’d expect that to be a good match between offense and extra defense. Keep in mind I’m referring to 5 man fractals, low man are another story.

I could see Zealot’s being a happy medium here if it weren’t so bloody annoying to craft or if we could pick it out of Healing chests from Fractals.

But you can get it out of raider’s chests if you ever end up to the point where you don’t need them for anything else.


Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rising Dusk.2408

Rising Dusk.2408

But you can get it out of raider’s chests if you ever end up to the point where you don’t need them for anything else.

It makes me feel gross even thinking of taking anything other than Berserker’s or Assassin’s from those, though.

[VZ] Valor Zeal – Stormbluff Isle – Looking for steady, casual-friendly NA raiders!

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nikaido.3457


I’m sorry what cleric guardian uses AH?

Get some reading comprehension? I never said AH builds ran cleric. I said cleric was useless because there was superior tank-ish builds that didn’t need a single piece of it.

- “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Painbow.6059



How about this for a bit of a mid-way build? It has decent power and critical chance, the critical damage isn’t great but you still have some from ranger runes and the zerker trinkets. It should be able to ‘tank’ bosses with the little extra toughness and provide good healing/protection through symbols and dodging since your HP is also high. Also good vulnerability through the sigils of frailty and symbolic exposure

(edited by Painbow.6059)

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skady.5916


Hi team!
Thank you for your feedback, it was very helpful

I would like to comment on a few points that were brought here and sounded interesting:

1. “AH guard”. It is not correct to compare AH guard to BP Cleric guard. AH build is very selfish and does not bring anything to the group. The only thing that builds have in common is toughness stat and the fact that the guardian does not die. That’s about it.

2. “I can tank in zerker gear just fine”. While you might be able to survive without dodging/kiting (no doubts someone will, and as you can see on my vids there are many boss fights and situations where I am not taking hits at all) you will not be able to consistently hold aggro. Tanking = holding aggro + staying alive, not just one of those. As was pointed correctly you can perform as a tank just fine in Knights gear and xx224 build (or similar), the problem is – even in that case you lose so much dps so it makes sense to just go “full support” – it virtually will make no difference if you have 4 other full DPS players. Also your “tank weapons” are gonna be either mace (block tank) or hammer (protection tank) – both are very slow and low dps weapons.

3. “Full zerker group is faster”. Yes, it is faster for 5man guild record runs when you coordinate on comms. You can just tank up with double earth ele if you really need a tank and rotate icebows, because fights usually do not last that long and you basically “skip through” the most important mechanics due to huge DPS. Cleric BP guard really shines in 3man runs, when bosses don’t die first push + 5man pugs when you need to “carry” (I personally don’t like this word). Cleric tank guard makes lots of fractals easier for group. That does not mean that it is easy for guardian (I encourage you to test it on Mossman 3man with all wolves up, even 5man takes a bit of practice with block rotation). Basically for the same reason I don’t really see the point of bringing anything other than zerk/assassin into normal dungeons – fights just don’t last long enough so you don’t “need” a tank/support. On a side note – cleric guard might be fun on Lupi if you wanna do “5man no dodge” speed record

4. Zealot gear. I love this idea – I actually been thinking of using it for a while now for bosses that do not require holding aggro (Bloomhunger, Fire shaman, Frizz etc.). Problem is that it’s so bloody expensive and also I don’t know of any way to get Zealot ascended trinkets.

For those interested in FOTM trios – I have uploaded a couple more vids, I think I’m just gonna leave it with comms so you can have some insight on strategies


A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting.
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda

(edited by Skady.5916)

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

I have a question Skady.

To you, what is the point of low manning, be it soloing/duoing/trioing/whatever, if your objective is to make it as easy as possible? It seems counter productive to me so I don’t understand what you hope to achieve by posting this thread.

I ask this because normally people seek challenges or in the case like me, I prefer to low man because I cannot stand pugs.

P.S. – Just about everyone here knows it’s possible to complete content with all builds, even without armor.

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: oxtred.7658



I manage to keep aggro on myself ( or the earth ele) reliably. Use hammer 3 and attack the boss when you’re the only person in melee, and it should get aggro on you and not loose it ( apart from a few exceptions). Hammer is a slow weapon, but it sure isn’t bad dps. The overlapping symbols hit like a truck. If your goal is to keep aggro on yourself, your teammates don’t need any kind of support apart from some aegis in case the boss cleaves, as they won’t even get hit.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skady.5916


I have a question Skady.

To you, what is the point of low manning, be it soloing/duoing/trioing/whatever, if your objective is to make it as easy as possible? It seems counter productive to me so I don’t understand what you hope to achieve by posting this thread.

I ask this because normally people seek challenges or in the case like me, I prefer to low man because I cannot stand pugs.

P.S. – Just about everyone here knows it’s possible to complete content with all builds, even without armor.

It’s not about making it easier – its about making it smooth and efficient. I am sure you can do full zerk FOTM trio run, or even full naked trio run. That is not the point.

The point is that you can have sub hour smooth consistent trio runs on a regular basis, no hard-coded class composition, you can even pug it, you can even pug it without comms – I pug 3rd slot a lot just through LFG. I’m genially curious if that is reliably possible with full zerk trio (30-60 min runs).

A man of knowledge lives by acting, not by thinking about acting.
-Carlos Castaneda
Skady Valda

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


how useful is it besides trios. Since you keep talking about it.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938


I’m sorry what cleric guardian uses AH?

Get some reading comprehension? I never said AH builds ran cleric. I said cleric was useless because there was superior tank-ish builds that didn’t need a single piece of it.

Still don’t get why you’re comparing AH to BP though which serve completely different functions outside of anchor.

I have a question Skady.

To you, what is the point of low manning, be it soloing/duoing/trioing/whatever, if your objective is to make it as easy as possible? It seems counter productive to me so I don’t understand what you hope to achieve by posting this thread.

I ask this because normally people seek challenges or in the case like me, I prefer to low man because I cannot stand pugs.

P.S. – Just about everyone here knows it’s possible to complete content with all builds, even without armor.

You know you can use that argument against power glass setups right? Hell why not take this a step further, doing an underman? don’t care unless you’re doing it naked, yeah let’s go ahead and invalidate Sesshi’s solo videos while we’re at it since he is wearing armor, fantastic.

how useful is it besides trios. Since you keep talking about it.

BP spec is a close proximity 5 player build.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: oxtred.7658


I’m sorry what cleric guardian uses AH?

Get some reading comprehension? I never said AH builds ran cleric. I said cleric was useless because there was superior tank-ish builds that didn’t need a single piece of it.

Still don’t get why you’re comparing AH to BP though which serve completely different functions outside of anchor.

I have a question Skady.

To you, what is the point of low manning, be it soloing/duoing/trioing/whatever, if your objective is to make it as easy as possible? It seems counter productive to me so I don’t understand what you hope to achieve by posting this thread.

I ask this because normally people seek challenges or in the case like me, I prefer to low man because I cannot stand pugs.

P.S. – Just about everyone here knows it’s possible to complete content with all builds, even without armor.

You know you can use that argument against power glass setups right? Hell why not take this a step further, doing an underman? don’t care unless you’re doing it naked, yeah let’s go ahead and invalidate Sesshi’s solo videos while we’re at it since he is wearing armor, fantastic.

If you politely ask sesshi to do his solo naked he may do it.

If you’re on EU and need help to get into dungeons, pm me.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Still don’t get why you’re comparing AH to BP though which serve completely different functions outside of anchor.

Because anchor is the only thing of importance the build is doing?

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938


I’m sorry what cleric guardian uses AH?

Get some reading comprehension? I never said AH builds ran cleric. I said cleric was useless because there was superior tank-ish builds that didn’t need a single piece of it.

Still don’t get why you’re comparing AH to BP though which serve completely different functions outside of anchor.

I have a question Skady.

To you, what is the point of low manning, be it soloing/duoing/trioing/whatever, if your objective is to make it as easy as possible? It seems counter productive to me so I don’t understand what you hope to achieve by posting this thread.

I ask this because normally people seek challenges or in the case like me, I prefer to low man because I cannot stand pugs.

P.S. – Just about everyone here knows it’s possible to complete content with all builds, even without armor.

You know you can use that argument against power glass setups right? Hell why not take this a step further, doing an underman? don’t care unless you’re doing it naked, yeah let’s go ahead and invalidate Sesshi’s solo videos while we’re at it since he is wearing armor, fantastic.

If you politely ask sesshi to do his solo naked he may do it.

Not knocking sesshi, He does fantastic work and he can pretty much do whatever he wants.

My point is that if we’re gonna go and pull this “player skill” card over and over again the moment stats get discussed, its gonna be “No Armor or No Mercy, yolo tactics only” when it comes to discussion. EDIT: and that will be the end all bullet to stop that card from being played ever.

Still don’t get why you’re comparing AH to BP though which serve completely different functions outside of anchor.

Because anchor is the only thing of importance the build is doing?

I would imagine BP spec would make it much easier for dps to stand still during fire shaman since the rotation outheals the burning, obviously you could do this in a glassier setup like zealots, that is dependent on if you can afford it of course or get it out of a raider’s chest.

(edited by IllegalChocolate.6938)

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


The build did absolutely nothing in the fire shaman fight. Anchor might be useful for some fights. But certainly not fire shaman.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IllegalChocolate.6938


I was talking specifically about BP spec which you can bring to the table regardless if you can anchor or not.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brown.8560


Still don’t get why you’re comparing AH to BP though which serve completely different functions outside of anchor.

Because anchor is the only thing of importance the build is doing?

No. In addition to being an anchor, a BP build also provides constant heals to the other party members. This comes in the form of small heals/regen to keep them at 90+% health, as well as spike heals (virtue of resolve/merciful intervention/healing breeze). AH is a selfish build that does not provide this additional support.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


You are standing behind the boss. You should not be getting hit. :P

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

You know you can use that argument against power glass setups right? Hell why not take this a step further, doing an underman? don’t care unless you’re doing it naked, yeah let’s go ahead and invalidate Sesshi’s solo videos while we’re at it since he is wearing armor, fantastic.

First of all I wasn’t talking to you so I don’t know why you’re getting uptight with me.

Second of all not really. It’s not necessarily easier to complete content with higher DPS it’s just faster provided you know exactly what to do.

If you want proof, then here it is in all of its glory: https://www.youtube.com/watch?v=x1mxlA13ICk

There’s nothing easier than autoattacking and pressing no buttons other than planting banners every 90 seconds along with your elite every 60.

Do you have any idea how much easier it would be to take 5 magi eles all with water elementals for mossman, archdiviner, or whatever else you consider threatening at all?

Higher DPS != easier.

Also, your last sentence is the epitome of a hyperbole, almost to the point of it being completely irrelevant to the discussion.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brown.8560


You are standing behind the boss. You should not be getting hit. :P

While it is much easier to avoid damage when there is an anchor, losing health still happens. I’m sure you already know this, but for those that are less familiar, here are a few examples:
- You constantly burn when you fight the flame effigy.
- You burn at imbued shaman if you try to cast meteor shower.
- First floor arch diviner spin attack is 360 cleave.
- If you stand too far from mossman, the gouge attack is a teleport.
- Dancing daggers bounces twice.
- Fast attacking trash mobs such as cultists can still hit though smoke screen.
- Many agony attacks are aoe/360. (ashym, arch diviner, dredge)

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Element Two.7316

Element Two.7316

For those interested in FOTM trios – I have uploaded a couple more vids, I think I’m just gonna leave it with comms so you can have some insight on strategies

Regardless of how efficient/viable etc etc this build is to run, how can anybody in that party find that fun, enjoyable, challenging or engaging? I’d rather not do fractals at all than afk auto attack a boss for almost 8 minutes.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


For those interested in FOTM trios – I have uploaded a couple more vids, I think I’m just gonna leave it with comms so you can have some insight on strategies

Regardless of how efficient/viable etc etc this build is to run, how can anybody in that party find that fun, enjoyable, challenging or engaging? I’d rather not do fractals at all than afk auto attack a boss for almost 8 minutes.

What’s the point of playing a MOBA if you’re not going to be in the diamond league?

Why do some people like Dark Souls, while others didn’t? The goals in playing a videogame and what’s fun about them vary by person.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Element Two.7316

Element Two.7316

What’s the point of playing a MOBA if you’re not going to be in the diamond league?

Why do some people like Dark Souls, while others didn’t? The goals in playing a videogame and what’s fun about them vary by person.

Low ELO MOBA games are still fun, challenging and engaging, and there’s the constant feeling of improving your play and furthering yourself as a player, however small.

Yes people have different goals for a game, but no way is AFK auto attacking a boss for 8 minutes whilst a 3rd member rotates aegis anybody’s goal in GW2.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


What’s the point of playing a MOBA if you’re not going to be in the diamond league?

Why do some people like Dark Souls, while others didn’t? The goals in playing a videogame and what’s fun about them vary by person.

Low ELO MOBA games are still fun, challenging and engaging, and there’s the constant feeling of improving your play and furthering yourself as a player, however small.

Yes people have different goals for a game, but no way is AFK auto attacking a boss for 8 minutes whilst a 3rd member rotates aegis anybody’s goal in GW2.

If a pug has to choose AFK auto attack for a guarantee way of progressing vs constant wipe, which would they choose?

“AFK auto attacking a boss for 8 minutes whilst a 3rd member rotates aegis” is a method of obtaining a goal and the goal is to complete the fractal.

P.S. Real life Fishing is boring to me and fun for others. Some people love the AFK playstyle.

Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

(edited by EcoRI.9273)

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

If a pug has to choose AFK auto attack for a guarantee way of progressing vs constant wipe, which would they choose?

See now you’re just reinforcing the point made earlier that this is a training wheels tactic :P

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Training wheels if they ever had the intention of moving beyond it. Some people really don’t crave challenge, or only certain amounts of it. I could learn to play an engi in PvP at high levels, but I’m satisfied with just playing my cele d/d ele. It’s a simpler class with a simpler spec, but it suffices.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


If a pug has to choose AFK auto attack for a guarantee way of progressing vs constant wipe, which would they choose?

See now you’re just reinforcing the point made earlier that this is a training wheels tactic :P

Why do we have to say it with such a negative connotation. Isn’t that a good thing? Isn’t this exactly what all the people in the general forum have been crying that there isn’t? We have proof right here that all their complaints are complete bullkitten. Sure if you want to be more efficient and more optimal you can and should run with the full zerk setup still utilizing block rotations and what not, but, you have this, which can really increase the ease of play and result in that soft trinity people have been crying for.

This post is freakin amazing, we should be embracing it, bookmarking it, and linking it every time someone complains about the game. We shouldn’t be trying to rip this guy a part for giving us this awesome set of videos proving the points we’ve all been making in those general discussion threads.

As Rising said earlier, the only negative is if we start getting 2-3 of these in groups, naw, just 1, hell more than one ruins the effectiveness of it ignoring the additional dps loss as it’d ruin the agro manipulation.

(edited by Jerus.4350)

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


It’s a videogame forum, everyone looks for reasons to tear strangers apart or at the very least nitpick because you’re bored.

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


I think its more of a natural reaction for many of us to try and optimise the tactic. That means taking something which can anchor without losing as much dps. Such as the old AH meta. I dont really understand why people are so defensive about it. Miku was simply asking the reason they use it. Others were simply discussing/suggesting better alternatives. And all weve got is defensive responses with very poor reasoning as to why they dont like the other alternatives.

Because i get the desire to anchor. I just dont understand the need to heal constantly when your group isnt even getting hit. :P

(edited by spoj.9672)

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


What’s the point of playing a MOBA if you’re not going to be in the diamond league?

Why do some people like Dark Souls, while others didn’t? The goals in playing a videogame and what’s fun about them vary by person.

Low ELO MOBA games are still fun, challenging and engaging, and there’s the constant feeling of improving your play and furthering yourself as a player, however small.

Yes people have different goals for a game, but no way is AFK auto attacking a boss for 8 minutes whilst a 3rd member rotates aegis anybody’s goal in GW2.

If a pug has to choose AFK auto attack for a guarantee way of progressing vs constant wipe, which would they choose?

“AFK auto attacking a boss for 8 minutes whilst a 3rd member rotates aegis” is a method of obtaining a goal and the goal is to complete the fractal.

P.S. Real life Fishing is boring to me and fun for others. Some people love the AFK playstyle.

Fishing isn’t about fishing, it’s about getting drunk and hanging with friends while doing “something” so you have an excuse to get drunk and hang with friends. (offtopic though but had to chime in).

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


If a pug has to choose AFK auto attack for a guarantee way of progressing vs constant wipe, which would they choose?

See now you’re just reinforcing the point made earlier that this is a training wheels tactic :P

I am an advocate for training wheel tactics and play how you want.

Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EcoRI.9273


What’s the point of playing a MOBA if you’re not going to be in the diamond league?

Why do some people like Dark Souls, while others didn’t? The goals in playing a videogame and what’s fun about them vary by person.

Low ELO MOBA games are still fun, challenging and engaging, and there’s the constant feeling of improving your play and furthering yourself as a player, however small.

Yes people have different goals for a game, but no way is AFK auto attacking a boss for 8 minutes whilst a 3rd member rotates aegis anybody’s goal in GW2.

If a pug has to choose AFK auto attack for a guarantee way of progressing vs constant wipe, which would they choose?

“AFK auto attacking a boss for 8 minutes whilst a 3rd member rotates aegis” is a method of obtaining a goal and the goal is to complete the fractal.

P.S. Real life Fishing is boring to me and fun for others. Some people love the AFK playstyle.

Fishing isn’t about fishing, it’s about getting drunk and hanging with friends while doing “something” so you have an excuse to get drunk and hang with friends. (offtopic though but had to chime in).

Can’t the same thing be said about AFK auto attack in game? :-D
CoF p1 is my favorite path because it is time gated and it is super short, it gives me time to socialize. AFK acolytes so fun.

Wynd Cloud | Fierce N Licious

Holy Trinity is back: Cleric Guard @ FOTM

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I think its more of a natural reaction for many of us to try and optimise the tactic. That means taking something which can anchor without losing as much dps. Such as the old AH meta. I dont really understand why people are so defensive about it.

Because i get the desire to anchor. I just dont understand the need to heal constantly when your group isnt even getting hit. :P

I hear ya. Knights would probably be the right set, and you don’t even need AH really. I mean I’ve been working on it with my guard for mossy/arch and last night on arch I was doing pretty well I think (little screw ups though) I know I’ve watched Zui do it perfectly.

Ease of Play is something that optimization ignores, but that doesn’t mean it’s not a factor to consider. The healing can be a huge increase to that factor in many situations, not all, but many. And that’s nice. (Grawl comes to mind)

I don’t see a problem with demonstrating the option, everyone’s goal in this game should be to get to the point where they’re comfortable rocking stuff in full zerk gear optimized the best that is humanly possible (traiting as much dps and such). But, that doesn’t mean you have to play that way or that it necessarily suites everyone’s desires.

@Eco, absolutely, that’s why me and my buddies made our “braindead meta” so we could screw up and still plow through dungeons at a decent speed. The added bonus on fishing is you hopefully get a delicious meal afterwards, and at least deep sea fishing once you hook on it’s pretty fun IMO.

(edited by Jerus.4350)