Long read incoming! But it had to be done!
Now that I have seen the entirety of the Honor of the Waves dungeon – all paths, story and explorable done – I can honestly say I feel that the second path choice in this dungeon is due for a change. A fix, perhaps, or just an update of sorts, as it is currently somewhat dreadful compared to the other options.
Let me say first that I’ve come to accept that boss fights in this game take long. It’s just how it is, and often mechanics make the fights fun or just bearable.
First remark: there’s only one Waypoint in this path. It’s a big dungeon, quite a walk back if you die at the end. Another Waypoint halfway or near the final boss might be of interest to look into.
The general mobs are fun and fine; same as always.
The first boss fights – the twin colossi – are doable. Lengthy, but with some patience and proper timing, they were quite the breeze.
So far so good, right?
A short walk more and we meet a big boss and his two champion lackeys.
What struck me as most frustrating here was the fact that none of them could be held or tanked long. The damage they cause combined is insane and their health pools… again, wow.
For this fight I just do not comprehend why the duo of corrupted Quaggan champions was even added. The boss alone is enough a pickle to deal with, with his excellent AoE and the cone of frost you must try and endure at all times!
Removing them, or rebalancing their health pools or damage output would be of possible interest.
After this, we venture underwater. The tunnel is a tad crammed, the camera flails about, but these are all things we know of the underwater combat as it is right now. We cope, and little more.
But then finally it comes! The final boss! Waiting in the furthest corner of the last room in the sunken ship. And he’s… a dreadful truck of a troll.
This path’s final boss is a dud. He hits like a truck, regardless of what you are playing as, and required a rough fifteen minutes of kiting and praying he didn’t kill anyone anymore. There was… simply nothing fun about this boss.
It’s a long fight, he can one-hit almost anything, his patterns were near impossible to see due to the required amount of kiting, and his defence stats are rather high.
(My friends confirmed that they dealt only about a fourth – if not less – of their usual damage against this apparently heavily armoured fellow.)
He then went on bugging into a pillar, and we all stared in awe as he turned invulnerable a moment. He LUCKILY did not reset and flopped out, but… whew!
Those pillars are a pain!
He died. Eventually… blub-blub-blub. Dead.
A chest. The end of dungeon loot. And a dull throbbing head with the urge to yawn.
Having some people scream in all caps, “NEVER AGAIN PATH 2 PLEASE!” after finishing doesn’t seem to be the way to go, whatsoever.
The other paths were fun, this one just doesn’t compare.
I hope this can be eventually looked into. And of course, any suggestions to make this dungeon more interesting and fun are naturally welcome, and any amazing tips of “lol you missed a mechanic”… please, give them all!