Honor of the What?
Is it just me or does barely anyone do Honor of the Waves anymore? Some people may do path 1 but I have yet to find a party that wants to do paths 2 or 3. It is very sad, it used to be a popular dungeon but now it’s deserted. They need to do what they did to Twilight Arbor here as well. Unfortunately the living story is not going into the Shiverpeaks which means nothing will happen to the dungeon for a long time… Maybe they can make the pay out for doing the paths more than just 1 gold.
No one runs them because the paths are friggin annoying, with the endbosses of p2 and especially p3 being the epitome.
I still see groups forming for Honor of the Waves in the LFG tool every now and then. Not constantly, of course, but they do pop up. Although it does seem like Ascalonian Catacombs and Citadel of Flame tend to be the dungeons that people run the most, which is sad considering there’s something special about every dungeon, in my opinion.
Second to those two would have to be Arah, probably, although people running Arah seems to have dwindled a bit as well.
Is it just me or does barely anyone do Honor of the Waves anymore? Some people may do path 1 but I have yet to find a party that wants to do paths 2 or 3. It is very sad, it used to be a popular dungeon but now it’s deserted. They need to do what they did to Twilight Arbor here as well. Unfortunately the living story is not going into the Shiverpeaks which means nothing will happen to the dungeon for a long time… Maybe they can make the pay out for doing the paths more than just 1 gold.
No one runs them because the paths are friggin annoying, with the endbosses of p2 and especially p3 being the epitome.
I don’t run dungeons very often, I usually just take a look at the lfg tool every now and then out of boredom, but to be honest, most of the dungeon runs I’ve done were enjoyable, minus the ones where people think they have to be jerks to get anywhere in a dungeon.
Then again, that might simply be due to the fact that I don’t run dungeons very often, so there isn’t enough time for me to get annoyed by any of the bosses.
(edited by Sorann Peace.9056)
HoTW looks great but it’s actually a really boring dungeon. Players seem to want to glitch anything that might be interesting. Throw in some underwater stuff and poor camera control in the smallish rooms and it just becomes annoying. People would run it if it was fast but it isn’t so they don’t.
RIP 3-in-1
Honor of the Hitpoint sponges.
Honor of the Hitpoint sponges.
I second this.
Yet wouldn’t ‘damage sponges’ be more accurate? :P
Honor of the Waves is just one long corridor filled with health sponges. If you combine this with the epic thrill of underwater combat, then it comes as no surprise that people skip on this amazing experience.
Also in light of the recent changes, it surprises me that people do path 1 at all.
There’s NOTHING fun in any of the paths except for Svanigandir. Every single boss besides him in all paths including story mode is just pure AIDS.
Nowadays it’s called Honor of the Wait.
I love HOTW, run all paths regularly with guildies and did a solo of p1 last night. The last boss sucks major balls when trying to solo on a guardian
I like the bosses in Hotw p2. At least you can’t FGS them that easy
Not a bad dungeon except for whichever paths have the underwater final bosses, which are undoubtedly the worst in the game.
Even the trash mobs have too much health.
I like the bosses in Hotw p2. At least you can’t FGS them that easy
actually the bosses in p2 are very good to fgs apart from the last one, the first one you can pull behind the pillar to the left and fgs, the next boss you can run up the stairs and stack to the left, drop hallowed ground/SYG and FGS that one, third boss you can focus pull him and the quaggons to a wall and get some burst damage with FGS on them but don’t over-do it, there is also some stack spots if you hug the right wall.
Main issues HotW explo has are probably:
- Troll on path 1 (apparently lots of players still seem to have problems beating him)
- Bossfights on path 2 and 3 are underwater which most ppl seem to dislike.
Just speaking for myself, I like a quick p1 visit but I really need to motivate myself doing p2 or p3 just because of the dull underwater bossfights (and I’m by no means a dedicated stacker/FGS player, underwater combat just feels so sluggish and most ppl seem to have problems not to lose orientation. Paired with the horrible camera in there it’s just not fun )
Leader of “Servants of Balance” [SoB], a small guild endemic to the FSP.
hehe ofc I talked about Andal