HotW Path 1 Difficulty?

HotW Path 1 Difficulty?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dispari.3980


So my normal dungeon group that’s done all the dungeons so far did this path and… we weren’t able to do anything to this guy. We checked some threads and saw some replies from other people saying it’s stupidly difficult, but most of the threads are over a month old.

The issue is the purple boss repeatedly resummons elite mobs, and about six of them. So we have to deal with fighting a purple plus six elites at the same time. We tried killing them, but he just dismisses them all and resummons them all with full HP, on a very short timer (at times he resummoned within about 20 seconds). But that many targets has too much firepower for us to just ignore them and focus on the boss.

Is this normal? Is there some way to do this that we missed? Like I said, we’ve done everything else up to this, sometimes having to adjust strategies and tweak builds, but we don’t know how to survive through that much damage all at once if that’s all the encounter is.

HotW Path 1 Difficulty?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sincore.5076


If you are talking about the boss after the champion troll, then the easiest way to handle that fight is to stop the adds from being summoned in the first place. How do you do this? Well, before entering the room make sure everyone is ready to aoe down all the non elites in front of the boss (asap). You have maybe 10-15 seconds to kill all the adds once the boss starts his speech. If done quickly enough the boss won’t even summon the elite enemies and you can simply fight the boss by himself.

Hope this helps.

HotW Path 1 Difficulty?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: timecookie.8570


That’s curious because I usually do this path with a 4 players party and I actually forgot these silver mobs exist (I only had this once a long ago).

As said I think you should try to kill them all asap then engage the big bad guy (maybe melee range is the key).

Now how is it intended to happen, I do not know.

HotW Path 1 Difficulty?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Plunder.8195


There are some ledges above the big bad mob. Just run past him up the stairs. That gives you some breathingspace, just stepping back will put you out of his range (and allow you to heal up a bit). He himself seems to be frozen to the ground ,-).
This might also help killing the silver mobs to have them all stand in the same AoE’s.
Somehow the add actually despawned for some reason on the ledges about the the fighting area, but I guess it is some bug.

Some thought provoking quote

HotW Path 1 Difficulty?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bashful Heart Bear.1953

Bashful Heart Bear.1953

You’re supposed to kill all the non veteran mobs before engaging him. After that your group will be complaining about how many hit points the boss has.

HotW Path 1 Difficulty?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sincore.5076


Fun fact, all his attacks are reflectable. So if you have a group with a guardian or a mesmer (not sure about other classes), have them stagger their reflects. Makes the boss essentially dps himself (the bolts he casts do 2-5k each to each party member).

Since I run a heavy reflect build for dungeons (anywhere from 60-75% reflect uptime) this boss takes about 1-2min to kill (mesmer).

HotW Path 1 Difficulty?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Halagaz.6085


I have made this path countless time, and once, only once did i got such a terrible group they couldn’t aoe the pack of mobs, they were all scared to death because of the number and wanted to hit only one mob at a time for each member. Then those elites triggered, i didn’t even know about them and wasn’t sure if it was a bug or just because the group was so bad. Now i know ^^

HotW Path 1 Difficulty?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xvalkyrie.6742


Wow… I didn’t even realize this was possible, I had to think really hard about what you were talking about since my guild group farmed this place for tokens (all 3 paths in maybe an hour and a half every night) for armor/weapons, and I’ve never seen elites on this guy. You’re talking about the guy who’s on the stairs, right? We always just bum rushed the normal adds on the floor, killed them all, and then just killed him and never saw any spawns. So, I guess that’s how to do it? :P

Valkyrie – [RMPG] Blackgate
Altaholic, can never have just one!