Hey all, just wanted to say my guild finally beat Mai Trin on our 5th attempt. We’re not the best players so it was a pretty tough. Now, I want to type out the epic story of how we defeated her.
Twas the night before Mai’s end. I only needed 10 gold in Elonian Wine to make Volcanus and had 13 gold on me. While usually patient I decided to splurge, greed and impatience got the better of me. I bought 40 Bottles of Elonian Wine, even though it was a bad day to buy wine. Little did I know, this was part of what would take Mai down. Overly excited for my new weapon I ping it in map chat and guild chat. Someone in map chat said “ugh, change the stats”. I agreed, Carrion was not the best for a Greatsword Warrior. So I go through all my characters. Tradgedy, not a single Transmutation Crystal. I remember that my Elementalist used my last 3 to transmute her armor.
I decided to go ahead and spend the 10 dollars I spend on Gems every month to get the Crystals. I’m now left with 600 extra. It is now the next day and before we enter the dungeons I think to myself “Maybe I’ll spend them on 2 mini packs, not much else I could use right now” then I realized that the new Living Story update is coming out soon and there will surely be new gem store items, so I held my want to spend.
We’re inside the dungeon, clearing trash easily. We get to the first cannon boss. A Guardian in the group shows a safe spot. We cheered with glee at how much easier that part was now. Next is Frizz, we get to the 3rd phase on our first attempt, but the group messes up and we go down. “Shake it Off!” and we try again. Me and my brother end up 2 manning the 3rd phase and didn’t touch the lasers. We get an achievement!
More trash is put in the garbage can and the final group is slain. Mai Trin is next, our first attempt is going ok. Group members going down and we keep rezzing strategically. We only make it to phase 2 before going down “Dangit! will we ever get this?!” I thought. Little did I realize the most epic battle in all of Guild Wars 2 was about to happen. We’re fighting Mai, the Elementalist in our group was having trouble avoiding stuff that day, even though he did so well last time. A couple of other group members fell a couple times. We make it past the second cannon phase. Luckily I had equipped Mace/Shield on my Warrior to pull back and block her Shadowstep occassionally.
We’re nearing phase 3 after my brother distracted her and I rezzed people perma-blocking her Shadowstep. Now, for what got our group every time. Phase 3 cannons. 2 of our Guardians and the Elementalist go down pretty quick, only about 30 seconds in I’d say, we use the spread tactic by the way. I realize that me and my brother must survive, I have the blocking powers to rez without fear! About 20 seconds left, I’m overwhelmed “NO! All is lost!” I watch in horror as my brother tries to solo, he’s a great guardian but not quite at that level.
Then, it occured to me. 600 gems left over, I buy a rez orb. Between Endure Pain, Shield Stance, and my Mace Block, I can last the 10 seconds easily. I get up, and start rezzing. I miss time 2 blocks in anxiousness and go down again. I buy another rez orb ASAP, watching my bro kite around barely making it. I’m at 70% health, hes nearly dead but heals “Huzzah! Just a bit longer” I said. Now, his guardian, tired, sweaty, and battleworn. Hunched over as Mai stares her down. No where left to run, no Aegis, no anything left to survive. You could see in Mai’s face a smug little grin “This is what you curiosity gets you..aasjghaskfjasdhkagjhasfkj SOMEONE IS FAR AWAY FROM ME!”. Grok rises from near death, Mace at the read to block her shot. The tired Guardian recovers, still distracting Mai as I rez the group, we take her down, then Horrik. Victory is ours!
The stars aligned for our victory last evening. It was a battle the skaalds will sing about for centuries