How about a dry top dungeon?

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

I mean, why not. To be honest, speed running the same dungeons everyday is getting old. Why not add a new dungeon in the dry top area, since it is currently being developed and added on to. Thoughts?

[varX] Limitless Potential

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


Fat chance. This is the trashcan, expect no love from ANet here.

A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


Yes, a dry top dungeon would be great, I think everyone here would like that, especially if it introduces some nice bosses, acceptable rewards, maybe special skins which can drop from the end chest like the Aetherpath with a design like Arah which really feels like an open dungeon for me with a few sidepaths here and there and being an actual city you can explore (+ all those mountain goat adventures you can have there).

But as much as we want to, ANet most likely does not.

(edited by Moderator)

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Hmm…I see your point, but how will this sell gems?

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IvanTheGrey.2941


I mean, why not. To be honest, speed running the same dungeons everyday is getting old. Why not add a new dungeon in the dry top area, since it is currently being developed and added on to. Thoughts?

It would be fantastic.
It would be fresh.
It would be new.
It will never be done.

I’m sorry to sound cynical, but the fact of the matter is that ANet has no dungeon team at all, and by the QQing of the player base about the last fight of the most recent LS patch, we’re not likely to get anything that would remotely come close to an Arah-type dungeon.

Sorry OP. Your, and our, requests fall upon deaf ears.

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dystopiq.5218


You’re a funny guy. We’ve been asking for new dungeons for a while. We got a few paths but that’s about it. Sometimes it feels like they completely abandoned PvE and PvP for the Living Story and eSports. Who knows, rumor is they have something big planned that’s being worked on.

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

Fat chance. This is the trashcan, expect no love from ANet here.

Even if we were to buy thousands and thousands of gems, they won’t care. Internet sportz and Living Story are more important.

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

when you say "eSports"…you must mean PvP, because I haven’t seen a dev in WvWvW since I began playing the game.

Anyways, back to topic.

I just wish Anet would pay more attention to customer/player satisfaction. I’m tired of speed running the same paths every day. It gets so old.

[varX] Limitless Potential

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: xallever.1874


I just wish Anet would pay more attention to customer/player satisfaction. I’m tired of speed running the same paths every day. It gets so old.

I wonder who else feels this way… hmm. Oh! Everybody here…

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

It will never happen T_T

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Really? That got mod zapped?

I just don’t understand this world we live in.

OP, sorry that you’re getting so much snark out of this post. You’ve just touched a nerve without realizing it — the regulars in this forum have been waiting for a long, long time (I guess we can say “years” now…) for some serious attention to be given to the dungeons in the game, but it’s really looking like it won’t happen.

When they do step in to “fix” something, we get bullkitten like broken Alphard for 8 months, spider queen doing ranged attacks in melee range, unblockable projectiles at malrona, invisible walls because “sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell”, etc etc.

The general consensus is that ANet has disbanded the dungeon team (we haven’t had a relevant red post in here for over a year and a half) and is pushing the handful of people they haven’t laid off to work only on Living Story and Gem Store content.

We’re tired of it. We’ve been hoping for some attention for a while, but have given up, and are a little bitter about it. We’ve invested a lot of time (and some of us, money) in this game, and now the one part of it we really enjoy is being completely ignored.

Just felt like you deserved a bit of background to explain the snark :-) We’re just bitter, awful people. And it’s 100% ANet’s fault :-P

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


Really? That got mod zapped?

I just don’t understand this world we live in.

OP, sorry that you’re getting so much snark out of this post. You’ve just touched a nerve without realizing it — the regulars in this forum have been waiting for a long, long time (I guess we can say “years” now…) for some serious attention to be given to the dungeons in the game, but it’s really looking like it won’t happen.

When they do step in to “fix” something, we get bullkitten like broken Alphard for 8 months, spider queen doing ranged attacks in melee range, unblockable projectiles at malrona, invisible walls because “sheep go to heaven, goats go to hell”, etc etc.

The general consensus is that ANet has disbanded the dungeon team (we haven’t had a relevant red post in here for over a year and a half) and is pushing the handful of people they haven’t laid off to work only on Living Story and Gem Store content.

We’re tired of it. We’ve been hoping for some attention for a while, but have given up, and are a little bitter about it. We’ve invested a lot of time (and some of us, money) in this game, and now the one part of it we really enjoy is being completely ignored.

Just felt like you deserved a bit of background to explain the snark :-) We’re just bitter, awful people. And it’s 100% ANet’s fault :-P

Yup. “Yadda yadda off topic, yadda yadda inflammatory posts, yadda yadda not allowed”

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Axelwarrior.9084


Since ANet believes that Living Story and PvP is more important than Dungeons, maybe it just means you guys are a minority?

I say “you guys” only because you seem to enjoy dungeons the most in this game, unlike me, even though I would love to see more dungeons implemented. I just don’t think the end of the world if it doesn’t happen.
And tbh, I think I’d prefer a revamp of current dungeons instead of a new one in the same state.

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dalanor.5387


Implement the Gem story in pvp. Everybody wins. Please ANet, do it!
-wink wink-

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Since ANet believes that Living Story and PvP is more important than Dungeons, maybe it just means you guys are a minority?

Yep. I’m sure they have stats that show only 1.5% of players give a flying kitten about dungeon running. So why bother supporting that part of their game?

Maybe because the reason no one runs them is that they’re stale and broken?

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

What if they sold dungeons in the Gem store.


How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lindbur.2537


What if the Gem Store is a dungeon.


A remnant of times past.
“Memories are nice, but that’s all they are.”

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

What if dungeons sold Gem stores?


How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


What if dungeons sold Gem stores?


What if dungeons sold Gem Stores which sell dungeons made out of Gem Stores?

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: J Eberle.9312

J Eberle.9312

We’re going too far, we can’t go back now


How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: synk.8762


Since ANet believes that Living Story and PvP is more important than Dungeons, maybe it just means you guys are a minority.

If Anet hadn’t run off the dungeon team, had continued developing new dungeons and improved/fixed the old ones, had put some work into things like mob AI, and had done a better job with the rewards structure of fractals, I think we’d see more people interested in them.

At two years in, I think it’s hard for people that are even casually interested in dungeons to get excited about them, outside a minority of new players that haven’t really seen them, and seasoned vets that have made dungeons their focus.

My guess is that if the stars align, we might see one new path for this LS. Otherwise, I think it’ll be an expansion that brings a new set of dungeons and a reward revamp.

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

I just wish Anet would pay more attention to customer/player satisfaction. I’m tired of speed running the same paths every day. It gets so old.

I wonder who else feels this way… hmm. Oh! Everybody here…

You seem like a troll. Would you like fries with your troll burger?

[varX] Limitless Potential

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


I just wish Anet would pay more attention to customer/player satisfaction. I’m tired of speed running the same paths every day. It gets so old.

I wonder who else feels this way… hmm. Oh! Everybody here…

You seem like a troll. Would you like fries with your troll burger?

He isn’t a troll.

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JasmineLong.6514


I just wish Anet would pay more attention to customer/player satisfaction. I’m tired of speed running the same paths every day. It gets so old.

I wonder who else feels this way… hmm. Oh! Everybody here…

You seem like a troll. Would you like fries with your troll burger?

You seem like you’re in the wrong sub forum. Would you like directions to the correct sub forum?


How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IvanTheGrey.2941


I just wish Anet would pay more attention to customer/player satisfaction. I’m tired of speed running the same paths every day. It gets so old.

I wonder who else feels this way… hmm. Oh! Everybody here…

You seem like a troll. Would you like fries with your troll burger?

He’s really not. He’s agreeing with you. We’re all agreeing with you. We’ve just had many months of neglect to hone our sarcasm to a razor’s edge.

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


I’d say he’s more of an ettin.

Read my longer post from earlier. Again, sorry for all the snark (I promise it’s nothing personal, or really even aimed at you), and welcome to the Land of the Forgotten.

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

I’d say he’s more of an ettin.

Read my longer post from earlier. Again, sorry for all the snark (I promise it’s nothing personal, or really even aimed at you), and welcome to the Land of the Forgotten.

I suppose you are right. Perhaps I took the comment to personally.

[varX] Limitless Potential

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Brutal Augus.5917

Brutal Augus.5917

I just wish Anet would pay more attention to customer/player satisfaction. I’m tired of speed running the same paths every day. It gets so old.

I wonder who else feels this way… hmm. Oh! Everybody here…

You seem like a troll. Would you like fries with your troll burger?

You seem like you’re in the wrong sub forum. Would you like directions to the correct sub forum?


Actually, this post is completely viable for this forum. Technically it would be for both this one AND the LS forum, considering it involves both dungeons and an area in the current LS. So no, I’m good without a GPS

[varX] Limitless Potential

How about a dry top dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JasmineLong.6514


I just wish Anet would pay more attention to customer/player satisfaction. I’m tired of speed running the same paths every day. It gets so old.

I wonder who else feels this way… hmm. Oh! Everybody here…

You seem like a troll. Would you like fries with your troll burger?

You seem like you’re in the wrong sub forum. Would you like directions to the correct sub forum?


Actually, this post is completely viable for this forum. Technically it would be for both this one AND the LS forum, considering it involves both dungeons and an area in the current LS. So no, I’m good without a GPS

It was basically a post in response to your comment to xallever. Xallever and a lot of the other people have been in this sub forum for a long time. Just an FYI, don’t post without looking at people’s post history first if their posts sound fishy. You can tell if a person is a troll by their post history.