How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sheltron.2190


I am a pvper (yes I’m invading you and your pve bubble) and I love pvp in every mmo that I’ve played but I raiding in wotlk in wow, and I really loved it in hindsight. I really want to try raiding in this game, but I have around 20 g at max. I know I need ascended weapon and trinkets, but I never leveled up my crafting (oops!) so how am I to get the gear? I have all exotic atm, so is that enough to raid with and down a boss or two? Thank you in advance.

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jeknar.6184


This is in the wrong subforum…

I don’t think there is a issue with going on exotic gear. Ascended gear is needed to do High Level Fractals, where you need to have a lot of Agony Resistance which can only be slotted on ascended gear. I don’t think the raids have a similar mechanic. You might need Maguuma Masteries tho.

Kawagima / Kelvena Riverstream / Calamis Fatima / Hanna Flintlocke
WvW Rank 3800 (Platinum Veteran) – PvP Rank 69 (Shark) – 25,9k Achievment Points
Mërcenaries [Sold] – Ferguson’s Crossing

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sheltron.2190


This is in the wrong subforum…

I don’t think there is a issue with going on exotic gear. Ascended gear is needed to do High Level Fractals, where you need to have a lot of Agony Resistance which can only be slotted on ascended gear. I don’t think the raids have a similar mechanic. You might need Maguuma Masteries tho.


How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: OriOri.8724


Ascended gear isn’t needed, but it can help a group who is close to beating a boss. The most important part is knowing their mechanics.

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TexZero.7910


You PvP… select a reward track and get the weapons/armor that way. It’s probably the cheapest, albeit all luck based way you’re going to get it.

Join a guild and do guild missions for some ascended trinkets. WvW badges / laurels can be used as well.

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zaraki.5784


just like you started from rank 1 in pvp and (i suppose) you are higher now, you should start from basic pve and afrer a while trying raid, it’s the high-end pve content, it should’t be one’s first pve option

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NotOverlyCheesy.9427


Best way is to get into a training guild using the guild recruitment subforum. I also heavily encourage getting at least ascended weapon and trinkets. Weapon is a bit of a tough one but you might get lucky from fractals or there’s also the option of doin’ elite spec collection. Rings you can get from fractals quite easily and other trinkets you can get with guild commendations and laurels.

Metabattle is a good reference site to get yourself started with how you build your character. Bring positive, curious and humble attitude and you’re set.

Happy raiding!

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: reikken.4961


the only thing that matters is your weapon being ascended
unless you’re condi, in which case even the weapon doesn’t matter

and it’s still not a big deal. I’d accept people in full exotics. The real issue is doing what you’re supposed to do. Gear quality is less important.

(edited by reikken.4961)

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dinosaurs.8674


It’s going to be tough to immediately get into raiding from having done only pvp unless you have friends or guildies who can teach you. I’m assuming you aren’t in that situation since you are asking here.

Generally getting into a guild that has a raiding community is a good bet, but it may be hard to get into one with zero ascended gear (though you probably have a couple boxes from pvp? I’ve gotten two and I play only infrequently). Ascended trinkets and weapons are much more important than armor and they’re fairly easy to get. Rings from fotm; accessories from laurels/guild coms + ecto, or fotm if you’re lucky; amulet from laurels/guild coms. Weapons you will have to craft unless you have boxes, but they’re actually pretty cheap (~90g) if you already have 500 crafting (which I’m assuming you don’t). Ascended backpack should be ridiculously easy for you since you play pvp.

Octovine multi-mapping is all the rage and can net ridiculous amounts of gold per hour, easily enough to level your crafting and make ascended weapons within a couple days. It’s not exciting but if you want to get into raids you should at least be moving towards ascended gear and this is the fastest way to do it. While you do octo, you can also periodically check LFG to look for training runs. There are also many guilds that have training runs once or twice a week (check that reddit thread from a while back about directory of guilds that do raid training runs).

Once you actually start raiding you will start to get ascended gear as boss drops or from magnetite, and gearing up characters will become much less difficult. The ascended gear itself isn’t horribly important for actual raids but it does provide an indicator to other players that you are more serious about pve.

The most important thing is to have a good attitude. You know that guy in pvp who rages at his team whenever anything doesn’t go right? Turns out no one want to raid with him either. Stay positive, be willing to learn, and take constructive criticism well. You may have to deal with some people that are jerks but the vast majority of people I have encountered are friendly.

Good luck!

(edited by Dinosaurs.8674)

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sheltron.2190


It’s going to be tough to immediately get into raiding from having done only pvp unless you have friends or guildies who can teach you. I’m assuming you aren’t in that situation since you are asking here.

Generally getting into a guild that has a raiding community is a good bet, but it may be hard to get into one with zero ascended gear (though you probably have a couple boxes from pvp? I’ve gotten two and I play only infrequently). Ascended trinkets and weapons are much more important than armor and they’re fairly easy to get. Rings from fotm; accessories from laurels/guild coms + ecto, or fotm if you’re lucky; amulet from laurels/guild coms. Weapons you will have to craft unless you have boxes, but they’re actually pretty cheap (~90g) if you already have 500 crafting (which I’m assuming you don’t). Ascended backpack should be ridiculously easy for you since you play pvp.

Octovine multi-mapping is all the rage and can net ridiculous amounts of gold per hour, easily enough to level your crafting and make ascended weapons within a couple days. It’s not exciting but if you want to get into raids you should at least be moving towards ascended gear and this is the fastest way to do it. While you do octo, you can also periodically check LFG to look for training runs. There are also many guilds that have training runs once or twice a week (check that reddit thread from a while back about directory of guilds that do raid training runs).

Once you actually start raiding you will start to get ascended gear as boss drops or from magnetite, and gearing up characters will become much less difficult. The ascended gear itself isn’t horribly important for actual raids but it does provide an indicator to other players that you are more serious about pve.

The most important thing is to have a good attitude. You know that guy in pvp who rages at his team whenever anything doesn’t go right? Turns out no one want to raid with him either. Stay positive, be willing to learn, and take constructive criticism well. You may have to deal with some people that are jerks but the vast majority of people I have encountered are friendly.

Good luck!

Whats Octovine multi-mapping? (And I also know that annoying pvp rager very well)

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ropechef.6192


personal suggestion and idea.

assuming that you are starting from essentially scratch.


try to get in touch with a few of these people, Establish some kind of dialog with them and they can help in many of the difficulties surrounding “getting in”

Get yourself a Ranger. (if you don’t already have one)
Set your reward track in PvP to Ascalonian Catacombs. and grind the hell out of it. you are looking to outfit yourself in a complet medium armour set with the stat prefix of “magi” being Healing power, Vitality, precision.
the armour you get for the tracks and spending some of the tokens you get for doing the track will net you a set of Magi armour with “monk” runes. You want to have at least 1 staff as well. You will need to do the track multiple times. but it is essentially gearing you for free. If you need to "unlock’ the track, hit some of us in game and we can drag you through story mode to get it unlocked for you.

Take your Ranger and get him to 80, and run to the orrian temple of Dwayna in Malchors leap. That temple has the “magi” based trinkets available for karma. get your set and you are now Geared. Don’t worry about ascended for this particular thing,

Into the Jungle you go and get your Elite Spec taken care of and become a druid.

Now, you have an outfitted, “Meta” class and set up to be able to at least Get into raiding. All for the low price and some karma, and your time.

I Still STRONGLY suggest getting in touch with some of the raiding teaching guilds. And/or convince a bunch of your friends to form a raid group together. If you have the contacts with the guilds, get with them and run with them as often as you can and help them help you. and have them help you expand your knowledge and you help them by being enthusiastic about being a part of the group.

If you get a bunch of your friends. together and you are going to progress through as a group. outstanding, Come back here with that in mind and restate the questions and let the community help you any way we can.

and have lots of fun!

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


It’s not Dwayna Temple it’s Lyssa, but yeah I just picked some up thanks for the tip for my Druid.

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DutchRiders.2871


I am a pvper (yes I’m invading you and your pve bubble) and I love pvp in every mmo that I’ve played but I raiding in wotlk in wow, and I really loved it in hindsight. I really want to try raiding in this game, but I have around 20 g at max. I know I need ascended weapon and trinkets, but I never leveled up my crafting (oops!) so how am I to get the gear? I have all exotic atm, so is that enough to raid with and down a boss or two? Thank you in advance.

The thing is, unless you are playing power DPS the difference in effectiviness between exotic and ascended is minimal. Healers, Condi’s, Chrono tank they all benefit very little from full ascended. The problem however is that ascended is often used as an indicator of commitment/skill. So while you might get away with exotic gear, make sure that you can play ( watch some guides and practice rotations).

Personally I would pick a chronotank/druid healer or viper necro, give them exotic tier gear and get into raiding ( somtimes you have to link your gear, but accept that you sometimes get kicked).

The alternative is getting a power dps spec with ascended weapons and trinkets. Play fractals/raids/guild missions for your ascended weapons and trinkets, if you are unlucky with weapon box drops play some AB or other gold farm and craft them.

Raids themselves can provide you all the armor you might want and it will become more easy to join groups over time.

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dahkeus.8243


I am a pvper (yes I’m invading you and your pve bubble) and I love pvp in every mmo that I’ve played but I raiding in wotlk in wow, and I really loved it in hindsight. I really want to try raiding in this game, but I have around 20 g at max. I know I need ascended weapon and trinkets, but I never leveled up my crafting (oops!) so how am I to get the gear? I have all exotic atm, so is that enough to raid with and down a boss or two? Thank you in advance.

Step 1: Pick a class/build to focus on. Learn what stats you need on your gear, which weapons to use, and what runes/sigils to use.
Step 2: Convert your laurels into ascended trinkets.
Step 3: Get exotic gear for anything you don’t have ascended gear to fill.
Step 4: PvP, run dungeons, or do whatever content you enjoy to earn gold and buy whatever you’re missing. PvP should be fine to earn gold if that’s what you like.
Step 5: Find a good guild or group of people who are skilled, but are also friendly with new players. This can be tough, but if you can prove yourself as someone who’s friendly, willing to listen to advice, and willing to pull your weight in researching boss fights before you show up to the raids, this can be done. Just don’t be that person who shows up to their first raid ever, but doesn’t know anything about the encounter. A quick google or youtube search can find you everything you need to be prepared.

How can I get into raiding as a poor pvper

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: UnbentMars.9126


To sum up a lot of the comments and add a bit:

1. Ascended gear is unnecessary to be successful in raids. Helpful, but unnecessary. The only thing you truly must have for raids is the willingness and the patience to learn before you succeed, but since you raided in WotLK I’d say you should approach it with the same mentality: you won’t succeed the first time but when you do it will be glorious.

2. Follow up on ascended gear: do fractals. You’ll get ascended gear from fractals themselves, and it is good practice for the habits you’ll need for raiding (anticipating dodges, buff management, etc) especially at higher levels. This also gives you time to make ascended gear that you are missing and is a very good source of income at the same time.

3. Elite Specialization collections for ascended weapons. These aren’t very difficult, will make you money while you do it, and cost dramatically less than what making an ascended weapon would. I highly recommend doing the appropriate collections instead of making the weapons themselves.

4. Follow the meta until you learn the raids better. I know the meta is sometimes boring and uncreative, but until you learn the fights well enough to do them consistently, its better to take the most assured route.

5. I have to repeat a point from the first one because it’s the most important of all of them: Unless you are being carried or have the skill of the gods, you won’t succeed the first time. If you are like me, you won’t even succeed the 20th time. Eventually you will succeed, but only if you stick with it. Bring a good attitude, patience, and an open mind to learn and you will get there.

Rev, Ele, Burnzerker
“Beware he who would deny you access to information,
for in his heart he dreams himself your master.”