How can ? find group to AC story

How can ? find group to AC story

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kaanksk.1840


Currently ?’m playing at Gandara server. I’ve been looking for a group to AC story mode for 1 week but ? didn’t. I tried spam from city’s map channel and tried to use lfg tool. I can’t even understand why, so there must be many people to get in this dungeon (Game is relatively new). My most of guildies have already 80 or about 50 they have different things to do. What can ? do more? Why AC story mode ratings is low (may be ?’m wrong)?

How can ? find group to AC story

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aireroth.7596


I guess that depends on your guildies. We have a group of 80s in ours who don’t mind joining lower level people in AC or CM stories. For example, I did AC story twice few days ago, as one member was curious about it and a little after completing it, another person showed interest. I know of diminishing rewards, but you have to stick together as a guild.

If you want, you can try whispering me later today (in about 5 hours or so) and I can help you get a party together for this dungeon.

Edge Of Sanity [MAD] – Gandara

How can ? find group to AC story

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cantide Colorless.7048

Cantide Colorless.7048

The current problem with story dungeons - arenanet reduced reward for repetitive completion (cause a lot of players was farming story CM). Your only hope is a guildmates or some soft-hearted stranger.

How can ? find group to AC story

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: kaanksk.1840


First thank for your good intentions. Second ?’m agree with cabtide, ? played many mmo and ? never got any problem with get group to instance. i’m affraid of live this problem with other instances too. I hope Arenanet take a hand to this problem.

Best wishes.