How does zerk "require no skill"
Atse, if zerker doesn’t require skill perhaps you can post a video showing how brainless and easy it is to melee a few of the fractal bosses at 49, like Mossman or Archdiviner. Surely, since it’s so easy, you could do that in full zerker no problem.
Atse, if zerker doesn’t require skill perhaps you can post a video showing how brainless and easy it is to melee a few of the fractal bosses at 49, like Mossman or Archdiviner. Surely, since it’s so easy, you could do that in full zerker no problem.
There’s no point, seeing as he has trouble meleeing alphard, and can’t even solo lupi.
(edited by Ephemeral.5409)
Atse go wipe on lupi plz
Atse, gl with face tanking alphard in Zerker as well, since we’re into that. If it doesn’t work out then be sure to check out rt’s video in full PVT.
(edited by J Eberle.9312)
People mistaken that zerk gear requires no skill because people uses it when stacking. Stacking requires no skill at all.
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant
You mean I can just stack on lupi and auto without any dodging? Nice
People mistaken that zerk gear requires no skill because people uses it when stacking. Stacking requires no skill at all.
See you do this mr high hat. I can tell she’s a true zerk war with her Fast Hands trait
Oh boy, here we go again.
because you always do lupicus with reflects
Atse, if zerker doesn’t require skill perhaps you can post a video showing how brainless and easy it is to melee a few of the fractal bosses at 49, like Mossman or Archdiviner. Surely, since it’s so easy, you could do that in full zerker no problem.
You already know that no matter what gear u have its a 2 shot kill , why are you asking ? 95% of the PvE content , I press number 1 and number 2 and everything is dead , much wow such skill.
In b4 " You dont even follow the right dps rotation" . Number 1 and 2 is enough to kill most of the stuff before it even attacks me.
I agree on 95% if it is in the open world, the remaining 5% is in the dungeon.
and often time it is the trash mob that gives the most problems, and timed knockdown/stability will save the party from wipe most of time too.
There is a reason people buy arah paths.
Atse, if zerker doesn’t require skill perhaps you can post a video showing how brainless and easy it is to melee a few of the fractal bosses at 49, like Mossman or Archdiviner. Surely, since it’s so easy, you could do that in full zerker no problem.
There’s no point, seeing as he has trouble meleeing alphard, and can’t even solo lupi.
hm… elitism?… in gw2… k…
Atse, if zerker doesn’t require skill perhaps you can post a video showing how brainless and easy it is to melee a few of the fractal bosses at 49, like Mossman or Archdiviner. Surely, since it’s so easy, you could do that in full zerker no problem.
There’s no point, seeing as he has trouble meleeing alphard, and can’t even solo lupi.
hm… elitism?… in gw2… k…
You should have read what atse talks about how easy Lupi can be done (with his autoway) but in fact cannot do it himself. It is not elitism. It’s a reminder that atse deliberately demean one the most challenging bosses in dungeons to make ridiculous his arguments sound.
- doranduck, 2016 on Lore in Raids
(edited by Iris Ng.9845)
I agree I lied, lupicus cannot be reflected you are forced to fight him no matter how hard you try. And you have to dodge alot because the phase 1 will last around 10 minutes.
Why do you continue to bait everyone, they’re going to bite every time.
atse, it’s already proven (video evidence) that you can do zero dodges in Arah when geared the correct way, even as an ele.
So we shall switch to those builds now? because it’s easier and 10 times slower?
Atse, if zerker doesn’t require skill perhaps you can post a video showing how brainless and easy it is to melee a few of the fractal bosses at 49, like Mossman or Archdiviner. Surely, since it’s so easy, you could do that in full zerker no problem.
There’s no point, seeing as he has trouble meleeing alphard, and can’t even solo lupi.
hm… elitism?… in gw2… k…
You should have read what atse talks about how easy Lupi can be done (with his autoway) but in fact cannot do it himself. It is not elitism. It’s a reminder that atse deliberately demean one the most challenging bosses in dungeons to make ridiculous his arguments sound.
yeah…. I’m kinda sorry I landed on this forum / section of forum anyway.
The last time I ran Arah was 1 year ago.
I made this:
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
Because it is the truth. If you’re telling me that fighting lupi for 10min is easier than 30 secs you are wrong. Which makes zerker equal to any other set or even easier in terms of skill.
That’s how the game works. if tanking with PVT was possible then PVT would be the ez mode set, where you just stand there take hits and kill stuff even if it takes 1 hour but its not the case which makes berserker the best AND the easiest gear to play with.
At first I thought bad troll, but it’s apparent you just have some very misinformed information. This is probably why you struggle in arah to begin with. I also noticed a while back that you put me on your friend list. Please, stop following me.
You mean I can just stack on lupi and auto without any dodging? Nice
You can, the aegis from a guard saves u from 1 kick , thats enough to burst down phase 1. Phase 2 carried by mesmer’s feedback , no need to dodge. Phase 3 autoatack and win.
Btw what you are referring to is a perfect kill which in and of itself requires excellent coordination + good rng to achieve maximum dps and smooth phase transition. You won’t get that by just walking in, stacking and auto attacking. It’s a pity this has to be explained, but I suppose not everyone has actually achieved this and so they make sweeping assumptions.
All other dungeons i do not press the dodge button at all.
Well I guess PVT gear has its uses right?
(edited by J Eberle.9312)
Once again people think that all we do it DPS down the boss while hoping not to get kill. This is why so any PuGs fail at using our tactics and die at boss like Alpha, Spider Queen, Alphard, Destroyer of world, Lupicus.
You base your assumption on speedrun record video with perfect team comp and coordination. You are so wrong on so many levels it’s not even fun anymore. There’s a reason why hardcore guild have limited amount of players, because most players have yet to master simple game mechanic as Alphard or Lupicus.
All of you who complain that Berzerker stats should be nerf are just too bad or slow mentally to play Berzerker and that we can clear thing faster by using our talent instead of camping scepter as a AH Guardian or Rifle as a Shout Heal Warrior. Learn to play or deal with it.
(edited by Trice.4598)
Look the picture that I have joined, my warrior full zerker/scholar. Im using it not because of skill but because it is easy and requires me to not dodge when I do PvE. Dead mobs deal no damage if you didint realise that yet, I dont know what to say.
Why are you ignoring the truth? You know that the majority of the boss is either stacking in the corner and pressing 1 or just stacking on the boss and pressing 1. I know what I’m talking about I made 1,5k gold in 1 month from dungeon running but I cant do it actively like I was doing before now, I get bored and there’s no challenge.
Note that I dont hate PvE, in gw1 thats what I was doing for most of the time because there was a risk to die at least. But not here sorry.
1.5k is pitiful and means nothing. I’ve seen cleric’s AH guards with more money than that, simply from leeching off others.
Also speaking of ignoring, you ignored my reply. Please provide a video where your whole team stacks on lupi and auto attacks him with no dodges or any other actions.
If you spent a whole month simply walking up to bosses and pressing 1 then I feel sorry for all the teams that carried you. Vulnerability, weapon swapping, dodging, might/fury up keep and banner uptime is so over rated.
Here is a tip though, pressing the 1 button doesn’t take a screenshot for you, that’s why you had to whisper a friend.
(edited by J Eberle.9312)
The reason why people say berserker builds need no skill (and please note, I am not one of these people) is because the speed at which most mobs die is such that if a berserker gets off two hits (which they can usually do before needing to dodge or block any incoming attacks) then the fight is over. Any remotely prolonged attack would see a berserker at a disadvantage, but most fights don’t last that long. If bosses had different AI, had more, faster but less one-hit attacks, then I doubt anyone could say berserker didn’t require any skill.
People who don’t run berserker have longer fights. That’s just a fact. During longer fights, naturally there is more need for dodge, reflect, blinds, blocks etc. Sure, your extra toughness might be a little more forgiving if you mess one or two up, but generally, you need to know how to use your defense skills just as much.
I dislike it when either side says there’s no skill involved. But, posting speed runs actually only reinforces this idea. People watch and see a boss go down in two minutes flat and say well, naturally, no skill is needed because the boss isn’t alive long enough. No matter what people say, the other side is going to have an answer for it, so there’s little point trying to prove anything to people who start with such radically opposed views.
Only thing that i’m still playing GW2 is speed runs witch mean zerk team. If they nurf my zerk war, ele, gard and mesmer i’m out for this game. I do not have 1h to finish one dungeon or vanquish map for whole day I’m person who spend little time in game and have real life and want to accomplish things in game to.
If ppl rly thing zerk is eazy to play? go play it and do not watch videos on youtube where are recorded only perfect runs.
Lets go back when ppl know only cof p1 as farming and zerkers came out and when we weren’t been so popular and ppl didn’t know for us.
How many times team with no zerk player couldn’t kill last boss?
How many times if zerker died at boss they couldn’t kill last boss?
If in team was only one zerker, how many times ppl resurrect dead zerker because team didn’t have any dmg?
p.s. sorry for bad English.
I doubt they’ll nerf it to the point where a team of zerkers took over an hour to complete a dungeon. It’ll probably be more like maybe 5 minutes longer for a skilled speed dungeon running team, and maybe 5 minutes faster for a skilled non-zerker speed dungeon running team. If they nerf it at all – they’ve said they’re looking into changes, not necessarily a massive nerf that will outright destroy the berserker build (they know they can’t do that as too many people will be affected adversely).
People will think what they want to think – a video won’t change their minds. Does it really matter to you if they think you are playing an easy class? Will it change the way you play or the class you play? Do you think that they aren’t also offended by people who play berserker looking at their class and coming to the instant conclusion that the only reason they don’t play berserker builds is because they aren’t good enough? I think both opinions are highly insulting and based off prejudice, not knowledge of the individual person.
I should hope a team would resurrect a dead berserker. But then I should hope a team would try and resurrect any dead team member – with no regard to their gear at all. I know I would try my best to resurrect anyone I could if it were possible. If it isn’t, I would always apologise.
Swiftpaw, you know what I mean by pressing 11 .. No matter what buttons you press you can stand still and facetank the dmg in full zerk gear. And sadly I cant record anything in arah because of the poor performance. Thatss why I end up dying in phase 3 to the shooting atack when solo.
But if it’s so easy and with so little skill requirement why does lag even matter?
So i am going to try and answer your question. Just so you know i play full zerk.
In AC 1st boss and last boss in p3, stacking in corner-no skill
but then every1 does it, so does it really count?
FOTM im only level 33 so i cant coment on high levels but when i did it with my zerker guild it was a piece of cake. Could be because we are all zerkers or because we are all skilled. ill leave it at that.
I just cant think of any more
Lupi requers skill and in zerker gear you need alot of skill, 1 mistake and your dead.
Alphard requers skill more skill for zerkers because of 2 reasons, we die with 1 bomb and we always melee him.
COE just takes longer, dodging every 2 seconds is not skill
To say zerkers dont reguest skill tells me you are not a zerker
to a t s e.9614
if you pug so much, there must have been times where you were the only zerker. Tell me how did that run go? did you finish the run?
I even have a funny story from 1 of my runs where a pug asked me if im a tank after lupi. Come on man dont dis yourself like that, im sure you have skill.
PvE solo takes skill, more than 3 people its a stack and presss 1.
do you just press 1 at alphard?
PvE solo takes skill, more than 3 people its a stack and presss 1.
When you say pve, are you talking dungeons or open world? If its open world… Idk what to say.
If its dungeon, then of course 3 people smacking things down is easy. The other two are probably giving you aegis or blinding, and since the fight is over before another blind/aegis is needed, it looks easy.
While I’m hardly a great zerk player, I know my class well enough to carry even the slowest dps pug, enough blinds/aegis/blocks to negate the enemies attacks. It sure is nice when the entire party is playing zerk, because I don’t have to virtually solo the entire thing, but in no way is it a no skill situation. It just looks and feels easy because you aren’t needing to do 4 peoples worth of work for once. TBH i can see those kinds of groups a mile away, and probably should have an alt defensive set so I don’t have to work so hard. I don’t because I don’t want to pick up bad habits and don’t want the run to take 30 minutes when the zerk run is 6 and i can zerk carry a group down to under 20 minutes run.
Thanks for backing me up. As I said in another thread its not a gear issue, it’s that given enough time even bad players in zerker can farm the old dungeons.
You certainly helped prove that point for me.
Just a reminder about the livestream before I leave :
1) I don’t know if there will be a chatbox, but if there is, remember to remain polite and on-topic. I got banned for 30 mins with my mate last time.
2) If they start talking about nerfing crit damage or whatevs, don’t go into WAR mode, it would be cool if the skilled players chose someone beforehand to express their opinion and that person would state : “I speak on behalf of the regulars from the dungeon forums, who are those who play the most in PvE mode” or something like this.
3) Be positive, they’ll like it and are more likely to listen to your propositions. This includes stating that there could be a buff to conditions, but does not include stating repeatedly that their AI is poorly designed (once is still needed, FGJ !).
4) Don’t troll on the PVT users : saying that nerfing zerk is the same as reducing a gear and all should suffer from it is alright. Don’t repost the clerics OP vids too much
5) Try to bring on the matter of separating game modes even more, like increasing the condi caps in PvE and not in other modes or whatevers.
Lastly, I just wanna say this :
Ladies and gentlemen, this was for sure an epic journey. I’ve been reading the dungeon forums daily for more than 8 months and never has it failed me. Everyday I would see you all debating, trolling or just stating how you still failed after so much time and still had fun from it. There are some people out there who made me wish I had an account in NA, and others who make me so glad to be on EU, just to have the opportunity to play with them.
Tonight though, there are no servers, there are not even PuGs between us and the goal. There is nothing but what we can provide as a good feedback, so as to at least keep the things the way they were, or even better, to push them to a whole new level of reworked AI, fixed exploits and true difficulty being delivered.
Guild Wars 2’s future is in your hands !
PS : I’m French and half-drunk, I might have written some bullkitten, don’t mind it and save the day mates
Just a reminder about the livestream before I leave :
1) I don’t know if there will be a chatbox, but if there is, remember to remain polite and on-topic. I got banned for 30 mins with my mate last time.
2) If they start talking about nerfing crit damage or whatevs, don’t go into WAR mode, it would be cool if the skilled players chose someone beforehand to express their opinion and that person would state : “I speak on behalf of the regulars from the dungeon forums, who are those who play the most in PvE mode” or something like this.
3) Be positive, they’ll like it and are more likely to listen to your propositions. This includes stating that there could be a buff to conditions, but does not include stating repeatedly that their AI is poorly designed (once is still needed, FGJ !).
4) Don’t troll on the PVT users : saying that nerfing zerk is the same as reducing a gear and all should suffer from it is alright. Don’t repost the clerics OP vids too much
5) Try to bring on the matter of separating game modes even more, like increasing the condi caps in PvE and not in other modes or whatevers.
Lastly, I just wanna say this :
Ladies and gentlemen, this was for sure an epic journey. I’ve been reading the dungeon forums daily for more than 8 months and never has it failed me. Everyday I would see you all debating, trolling or just stating how you still failed after so much time and still had fun from it. There are some people out there who made me wish I had an account in NA, and others who make me so glad to be on EU, just to have the opportunity to play with them.
Tonight though, there are no servers, there are not even PuGs between us and the goal. There is nothing but what we can provide as a good feedback, so as to at least keep the things the way they were, or even better, to push them to a whole new level of reworked AI, fixed exploits and true difficulty being delivered.
Guild Wars 2’s future is in your hands !
PS : I’m French and half-drunk, I might have written some bullkitten, don’t mind it and save the day mates
hunger games salute
I hope you’re not leaving us.
To be honest, even if you’re polite, you may get your message deleted and get banned anyways. The twitch chat mods are trigger happy.
when is the livestream and where, i remember clicking the forum banner away but i can’t seem to re-find it xD
(edited by Cries Of Sorrow.5864)
It’s gw2 twitch, and it’s at 2pm pst.
So in 2.5 h
It’s gw2 twitch, and it’s at 2pm pst.
So in 2.5 h
Wait there’s a flaw in your argument . In your recent posts you said that if you’re good enough you are berserker because it has no defense and offensive stats only but if zerker is for good players how do it makes a bad at the same time ? Berserker is for bads or for pros ? I cant even follow the whole thing anymore .
Not sure if trolling… His point was that given enough time, any bads can farm something that they do for long enough. Which is why zerker wasn’t always a must on every class. But now that everyone knows how to do the dungeons and have done them 100’s of times, it is farm mode in zerker gear.
Chuck The Stampede – Engineer
[Lg] Agatha – Dragonbrand
hunger games salute
I hope you’re not leaving us.
I ain’t leaving the game, just going clubbing in an hour, which is at the time of the stream :’(
Berserker was my first lvl 80 exotic set and I found it rather effective and easy since there are so many ways to avoid damage , that was my point
There is nothing skillful about using the highest DPS gear while avoiding 90% of the damage.
Now you reasoned out for yourself the point that everyone you’re arguing against has been making. When it’s so easy to avoid the mechanics when you know the dungeon encounters, why would anyone want to or need to kitten themselves by gearing up for more Vitality or Toughness at the expense of DPS? It simply isn’t necessary and a downright waste of time.
Purposely prolonging the fights by equipping PVT gear is a waste of time and akin to artificially inflating the difficulty by gimping yourself through self-imposed gambits such as fighting naked, with the lowest DPS weapon, or blindfolded, etc.
Death and Taxes [DnT] |
(edited by Darthaemos.6370)
PVE required the "skill" of memorization.
Memorize the skills you need to dodge
Memorize where you need to stack to "bug" the boss into not attacking as often
Memorize when you need to skip "trash"
with your guys elite skill level you should not have any issue with a little 10% nerf.
It will change nothing but the run time, and even then not by a huge amount.
As much as people cry about what other people are doing on their runs in zerk gear, nothing will change and their pvt/rampagers/clerics/playhowyouwant builds will still never keep up.They bought into another PR stunt and gear diversity for the sake of efficiency will remain not diverse.
(edited by J Eberle.9312)
PVE required the “skill” of memorization.
Memorize the skills you need to dodge
Memorize where you need to stack to “bug” the boss into not attacking as often
Memorize when you need to skip “trash”with your guys elite skill level you should not have any issue with a little 10% nerf.
Don’t worry we’ll be fine. I’m sure casual WvW’ers like yourself will struggle mightily.
Berserker requires no skill. Stacking requires no skill. Living requires no skill. Well done, QQers.
I don’t PVE carebear at all so I don’t really understand how people get their funsies off doing the same dungeons for an entire year or so; nonetheless, have some of you ever considered that, in all your complaining, the content itself requires no skill????
So surely, instead of being lazy and nerfing Berserker stats, ANet should actually put time into redesigning key elements of said content? Idk.
Wha-what? You mean like.. actually buffing bad sets like rampagers?
Obvious troll is obvious. Nothing to see here. Move along.
Berserker requires no skill. Stacking requires no skill. Living requires no skill. Well done, QQers.
I don’t PVE carebear at all so I don’t really understand how people get their funsies off doing the same dungeons for an entire year or so; nonetheless, have some of you ever considered that, in all your complaining, the content itself requires no skill????
So surely, instead of being lazy and nerfing Berserker stats, ANet should actually put time into redesigning key elements of said content? Idk.
Wow, you actually think Anet should do something to improve their game? Get the kitten out.
Takes a lot of skill if you can do 49 frac with zerk and never get downed once in there or, let’s put it safely, be the last to down (if your pug team is bad).