How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sylvain Ice.5827

Sylvain Ice.5827

Fact – Dungeons, formerly a top way to make gold, are no longer frequently run by skilled players, because they have completed dungeon collections and moved on to raids.

Fact – Arenanet had previously stated they are moving away from dungeons in GW2.

Opinion – the dungeons are still good content which should not fall to the wayside

How to save them:

1. Create a new tab for dungeons in the achievements panel. Alternatively, add a new subheading for “Instances” with Fractal, Fractal Daily, Raid, and Dungeon tabs all there.

2. Add a new sub-tab for Daily Dungeons in the achievement – something parallel to the ingenius Fractal Daily achievements that have already been implemented. Examples: “Daily Twilight Arbor: Complete any path in Twilight Arbor.” “Daily Story Dungeon: Complete any story dungeon instance.” “Daily Explorable Dungeon: Complete any two unique explorable dungeon paths.”

3. Add rewards of old but valuable materials for completing Daily Dungeon achievements. Example: “Story Dungeon chest: contains vials of karma and obsidian shards.” “Daily Explorable chest: Contains T6 crafting materials.”



How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Leamas.5803


I like the sound of this. After finally resolving years of crashing issues that kept my afraid of group content like this, I’m finding my interest in dungeons has piqued again, unfortunately, ANet’s decision to essentially abandon them is a sad one.

I don’t think dungeons will truly die as I think the old method of crafting the legendaries will still remain the most viable and a lot of people have too much time vested in the current legendary path to change any time soon. But I think, as you say, most of the really experienced players are moving on to the raids. Some will surely come back as the raids and 10-man groups will not be to everyone’s taste, but many will not.

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: KyuuWolf.8197


I like this. As a returning player, I’d definitely still like dungeons to remain relevant, but with more and more players moving on to raids only, I can see how they’d become somewhat obsolete. Hopefully they hear you out on this.

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Silvatar.5379


The problem is that Anet has no intention or desire to “save” dungeons.

If the issue was simply too much gold influx into the game they could have easily fixed this by reducing or eliminating the gold reward and replacing it with salvageable loot. For example, the end reward could be based on the difficulty of the dungeon and the path:

CoF p1 = 4 bags of masterwork gear and 1 bag of rare gear
CoF p2 = 6 bags of masterwork gear and 1 bag of rear gear
CoF p3 = 8 bags of masterwork gear and 2 bags of rare gear

(These are just hypothetical examples)

However, gold influx was clearly not the issue for Anet, they just wanted to “kill” dungeons so people would stop playing them. I have enjoyed playing GW2 since day 1 but as a dungeon lover, this change has been the one thing that keeps me on the fence wondering if I actually still want to play this game

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shiner.4860


How to save them:

1. Create a panel in the LFG tool that states “Dungeons” to replace the panel that states “Open World”.

2. Using the existing LFG tool, put the following seven instnaces into their retrospective categories: Verdant Brink; Auric Basin; Tangled Depths; Dragon’s Stand; Dry Top; Silverwates; Forsaken Thicket.

3. Wishing for a pay to win game to reward 4-year-old content instead of new expansion content is nothing short of delusional.

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lagg.3960


Just give us full gold rewards for 1 randomly picked dungeon path every day, add that to the daily achievement list.

I stopped playing PvE since the reward nerf, where I used to run 1 or 2 paths a day, tops (what a crime).

Hey, I just bash you, and this is frenzy,
But here’s my Wammo, so heal me maybe?

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Healix.5819


ArenaNet doesn’t want to create expectations. Unique sets per dungeon and multiple paths simply made them too expensive. There will never be new dungeons, which is why they’d rather put the focus on fractals. Like most MMOs, the majority likely never bothered with them either, which is why more resources aren’t being devoted to them. Remember when ArenaNet used to experiment with the living world? Those were surveys.

If ArenaNet actually wanted to rejuvenate dungeons, they should rebrand them into replayable missions/adventures that scaled for 1-5 players. Story dungeons should simply be included in the personal story.

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ArmoredVehicle.2849


I find the Dungeon nerf was more of a marketing trick than a needed nerf, to generate more profit. The way I see it, after 3 years these dungeons have been the same reward wise, even buffed at one point and now they had to be nerfed like this? Magically just as the game goes free to play and a new expansion comes out.

By nerfing dungeons, there’s less in game money generation and this makes some people as if forced (not encouraged) to buy gems with real money. I used to enjoy PvE and dungeons but now the game is a pile of trash, there’s hardly any fun left.

All they want is money without barely giving anything in return, so don’t get your hopes up.

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aomine.5012


Easy ways to save dungeon:

1. Add the option: Extreme Mode on all the dungeon’s entrance.

2. Extreme Mode has a full list of new achievements

3. Extreme Mode grants EXCLUSIVE new rewards/ currency that are related to NEW legendary weapons. (Maybe a substitute of 90 spirit-wood)

4. Extreme Mode would be nearly as hard as raid in terms of difficulty. Or at least the level of “Heart and Mind” extreme mode.

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elomite.2396


I find the Dungeon nerf was more of a marketing trick than a needed nerf, to generate more profit. The way I see it, after 3 years these dungeons have been the same reward wise, even buffed at one point and now they had to be nerfed like this? Magically just as the game goes free to play and a new expansion comes out.

By nerfing dungeons, there’s less in game money generation and this makes some people as if forced (not encouraged) to buy gems with real money. I used to enjoy PvE and dungeons but now the game is a pile of trash, there’s hardly any fun left.

All they want is money without barely giving anything in return, so don’t get your hopes up.

I’ve said this exact same thing multiple times and I get a barrage of whiteknights claiming otherwise, even when I linked people the post on reddit where john smith admitted that the nerf to the rewards wasn’t anything to do with the gold rewards it was simply to push people away from that content because it would entice more people to buy the expansion.

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: saturn.4810


1. remove raids
2. revert fractals to the old system
3. revert dungeon rewards

There, dungeons saved.

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


1. remove raids
2. revert fractals to the old system
3. revert dungeon rewards

There, dungeons saved.

pls don’t do step 1
pls no

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: saturn.4810


1. remove raids
2. revert fractals to the old system
3. revert dungeon rewards

There, dungeons saved.

pls don’t do step 1
pls no

Raids are the cause for Anet’s total neglect of any other instanced content.

Not only was no other instanced content (outside of story) added for over 2 years, but the rewards for the existing content were nerfed into nothingness.

It’s really hard for me not to bear a grudge against raids.

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NovaanVerdiano.6174


1. remove raids
2. revert fractals to the old system
3. revert dungeon rewards

There, dungeons saved.

pls don’t do step 1
pls no

Raids are the cause for Anet’s total neglect of any other instanced content.

Not only was no other instanced content (outside of story) added for over 2 years, but the rewards for the existing content were nerfed into nothingness.

It’s really hard for me not to bear a grudge against raids.

ANet started looking for raid devs a bit over a year ago.
Dungeons got the last addition two years ago at the expense of an existing path.
Before that, we barely got anything and didn’t really get all that much attention either.
Raids aren’t exactly the cause of that, it’s the fact the dungeon team has been laid off a long time ago and ANet never had much interest in expanding on dungeons for reasons probably only they know.

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khandarus.2738


Easier way.

Fire the Dev team and start over.

How to Save GW2 Dungeons in Three Easy Steps

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Elomite.2396


Easier way.

Fire the Dev team and start over.

This is the only answer, 100% serious if anet just handed the game off to some other studio at launch or during one of those year long periods without new content this game would have been so much better, as long as that studio kept the same philosophies because right now gw2 is the only mmo that even has a chance of being a competitive game because of the equalizers in pvp. The pve active mitigation thing was perfect adding huge circles around bosses that contstantly just tick damage is a lazy way to fix it, never mind expanding on the systems that players found the most efficient, it’s like every problem this game has is due to just lack of communicaton.

I made tons of posts a few months ago before the expansion launched trying understand why they were doing the things they were doing, the people defending the changes have all quit the game since and when the whole dungeon nerf fiasco came about I can’t even get 10 people to log in nevermind raid.