How to get into Raiding?

How to get into Raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dainank.1308



I am very new to Raiding but am very familiar with Guild Wars 2 in general, thus I am looking for a guild which does raiding every so often which I could join? On top of that, if someone could run through the basics of raiding with me below, that would also be very helpful!

Thank You!

Guild: LF Aurora Glade – PvE Guild
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How to get into Raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Thaddeus.4891



You mostly have 3 choices as far as group go.

1) Find a raiding guild would be the best option
2) Create your raiding group. Mostly talk with pugs you play with and slowly grow your group, filling the empty spot with the LFG.
3) Use the LFG for pugs

If you use the LFG either for 2) or 3) try to do that early during the week. More people are doing raid Monday than Sunday because of the reset.

Put as many advantage on your side. Pug don’t know you or your skill level so they will choose their raiding allies base on what they can see or ask to link. Full ascended gear will give you an advantage for sure. But also have popular profession or several popular profession will also give you an advantage as you will be able to fill several spots in different group.

PS Warrior, Druid Healer, Chronomancer and Tempest usually always have a place in a group. For the remaining profession, it depend a lot. DH will be popular at Sabetha and Slothazor, while an Herald will be popular for buffing the Chronomancer, etc

I would suggest you to focus on wing 2. Everybody is still practising this wing, since it’s new. Take the train while you still can, in 2-months new people with no experience will have a lot harder time to find a group for the 2nd wings as most group will search for experienced players.

For the 1st wing. VG is easy in pug. Your group can make mistake and you will still be able to finish it without much problem. Gorseval is a bit harder in pug because everybody must be doing his job. That said, the DPS gate for this boss dropped a lot recently since they fixed his aggro. Sabetha is the hardest boss to do in pug because most mistake will be fatal to the fight so your group is often as weak as the weakest player there.

Thaddeauz [xQCx]- QC GUILD

How to get into Raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: runeblade.7514


  • Get very lucky in finding a group.
  • If you do get lucky, get even more lucky in hopes that group doesn’t suck.
5x Warrior, 5x Ranger, 4x Elementalist, 4x Engineer,
4x Necromancer, 3x Mesmer, 4x Guardian, 4x Thief, 4 Revenant

How to get into Raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Miellyn.6847


  • Get very lucky in finding a group.
  • If you do get lucky, get even more lucky in hopes that group doesn’t suck.

There are more than enough groups in the evening and most SV groups kill atleast VG so you get some experience. Most groups don’t ask for legendary insights if you just post ascended equipment. If you have neither you have to create your own group or find a guild that suits you.

Meena Wolfsgeist | Ranger
Ceana Mera | Mesmer
Indra Nebelklinge | Revenant

How to get into Raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shylock.4653


On top of that, if someone could run through the basics of raiding with me below, that would also be very helpful!

Here are some Guides:

How to get into Raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rym.1469


Don’t bother with PUGs. While it may be an option to cap shards or do once a month, finding decent and motivated group every reset might be annoying.

You can use links above to find a Guild. Don’t bother with ones recruiting from map chats and various “PvX/Social” guilds – universal rule of thumb when it comes to MMOs when you actually want to do something reliably like PvP or endgame.

Read some guides linked above by other posters, know your professions, remember about food & consumables and you will be great addition to any group even with exotic gear.

[rude]Antagonistka – Revenant, EU.
[SALT]Natchniony – Necromancer, EU.

How to get into Raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dainank.1308


Thank You everyone. This really helped!

Guild: LF Aurora Glade – PvE Guild
Buy my Music:

How to get into Raiding?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fay.2357


Speaking from the perspective of a raid leader that not infrequently will grab a pug to fill in the last spot of the group:

As long as you’re playing the role we need (dps or condie dps or w/e), I’m not too fussed about needing to teach/explain boss mechanics. If you’re up front about not being experienced, I’m happy to walk you through the fight and explain it before we get there, since I’m confident in my ability and my group’s ability to function even with someone that’s still learning. I’m sure I’m not the only person who feels this way.

Conversely, if you join the group and blindside me with your inexperience once we get to the boss by dying all the time or screwing up mechanics, I will kick you instantly. I’m happy to explain to someone that wants to learn, but not happy to drag along a dead weight that just wants to sneak into an experienced group and leech.

So, I’d recommend learning the fights a bit from watching videos. Try joining groups looking for another person in lfg, making sure you’re upfront and open about your inexperience and desire to learn. If possible, find a raiding guild to join and learn that way by becoming part of their groups, but that’s not the only way to learn the raids.