How to go to a Dungeon?

How to go to a Dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Venum.6147


Hey, what is up with dungeons in this game? How to even access one? I am lvl34 and i have no clue at all how to join a dungeon it’s requirments stuff like that. Does this game have a like LFG system or do i need to whisper random people and hope someone responds. And even if i would get a group where could i find a dungeon? Does it have like a teleporter or something? This game feels too much like a single player game, i mean stuff like that has to be explained. I didn’t find any information on google. I may be a total noob but i played WoW for some time even when it didn’t have LFG system and it was easier to access instances then in GW2.
Any help or info would be very welcome

How to go to a Dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ZoSo.4867


I had a bit of trouble to but when you reach the proper level for the story mode of a dungeon you get a letter telling you the the story and at the bottom is a button that says, “Show on map”. Then the map will open and pan to it’s location. The dungeon should be marked as a door on the world map.

Since you are level 34 you will be doing Ascalonian Catacomb first which is located in The Plains of Ashford near The Black Citadel. I accidentally deleted a few letters for dungeons but you can always zoom out on the map and see them. If you ever need someone to run it with you my guild and I can run you through the story and explorable mode.

It’s pretty hard to find a group for story modes now though, with Fractals and lack of tokens from story dungeons. I’m always willing to help someone through story mode now that I’ve got the full Ascalonain Armor. Hit me up when ever you need to do any dungeons.

How to go to a Dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ZoSo.4867


Also forgot to mention there is a site called that can help you find groups, I have no clue how to use it but if you need a group fast I hear that is a good tool to use.

Hope this helps.

How to go to a Dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Slither Shade.4782

Slither Shade.4782

At your level you can do AC. AC is a level 30 story mode and level 35 explore mode dungeon. This dungeon is located in the Char (cat people) starting area. This can easily be accessed by first entering the Heart of the Mist pvp zone via your pvp button top of your screen. Then when there do the quick pvp tutorial and exit the Heart of the Mists via the Lions Arch portal. You will now be in the central hub city of Lions Arch and then proceed to the cluster of portals which access each of the races cities. Use the portal with the Char guards and you will find yourself in the Char city next to the Char starting area. Explore your way to the AC waypoint which is about 3/4 of the way into the zone.

Also when you turned level 30 you recieved an ingame mail showing the location and inviting you to go there but prob deleted it without reading like myself.

Ask for story mode groups in the local zone map chat and in Lions Arch map chat. Another usefull tool is Check under AC story mode for groups looking for more or start your own. Add a characters name who posted on to your friends list, whisper him and ask to join. Note that your party can be comprised of players from different servers and that this is not a problem. Once everyone is inside the dungeon you will all be visible to one another. Also as long as you are in the same zone as the dungeon when the first person enters it you will be given the option to teleport into the dungeon from where ever you are. If you are the first person into the dungeon and you quit all will be booted from the dungeon. So dont enter first unless you are intend on finishing it. Enjoy

How to go to a Dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lynq.4079


Finding a small network of friends around your level is key to enjoying dungeons, definitely use or other Guild Wars 2 forums to find like minded individuals!

Check out some beginner game guides: TeamOverpowered Guild Wars 2 Guides

How to go to a Dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Venum.6147


Thanks for all the help guys. Im just a bit sad dungeon system is really lame and outdated (or if it at least existed) I mean this is 2012…

How to go to a Dungeon?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rinbox.2570


Thanks for all the help guys. Im just a bit sad dungeon system is really lame and outdated (or if it at least existed) I mean this is 2012…

I couldn’t have said it any better myself. Using things like websites and apps to find groups is ridiculous. WoW rolled out their dungeon finder in 2006 which is pretty much the standard for games these days. Its 2 weeks from being 2013 and this game still requires you to spam LFG in Lions Arch in the hopes of finding 4 other like minded people that will join you. Spamming in any chat reaches a very small audience of people and often if you have little success finding people your chat will be suppressed for spamming. Yes friends help, yes guilds help but not everyone has the same options as one another for filling groups. It’s surprising that a game that prides itself on being easy and fun to group with people completely misses the mark with dungeon groups. In no way shape or form am i saying to copy the WoW dungeon finder but they have many many possible solutions they could use to curb this issue