How to sell dungeons

How to sell dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bread.7516


Because of people complaining about dungeon selling, I figure I show people how to sell dungeons to mitigate the scums kicking sellers and to annoy those “i dont like seeing dungeon selling adverts pls take it away” people.

Might help, might not, who knows.

So, this wont completely kill the kicking of the dungeon seller but it mitigates it.

step 1: instance owner finishes dungeon.
step 2: get a friend (or maybe duo with him) then he leaves party after the dungeon.
step 3: friend advertises dungeon selling and players pay him first.
step 4: friend passes the names of who’s clear or who isn’t .
step 5: invite cleared people then finish dungeon. Work out the profits between you and your friend.

Added security – record a video of the transaction.
^ free and easy to use no BS recording software

Basically it’s like a toll system

If trolls pay then make it to the dungeon instance and kicks you, record the refunds so you have evidence of paying back your customers for services unrendered. Also pay the troll back, doesn’t matter how you feel; be professional.

TL;DR Get a middle man!

(edited by Bread.7516)

How to sell dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dominik.9721


I hate dungeon sellers. They reward people who are to stupid for doing easy content.

Grimkram [sS]

How to sell dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bread.7516


I hate dungeon sellers. They reward people who are to stupid for doing easy content.

i hate them too, kitten competition!

How to sell dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Emanuel.9781


It’s no mystery why and how there’s suddenly a lot more arah sellers out there nowadays. I’m guessing most of it can be credited to the youtube user “Guildwars2Exploits”.

Most p2 sellers on LFG skip lupi and exploit other bosses. In 19/20 cases when i joined to buy cheap runs(3-4g & didn’t do p2 that day), people had skipped lupi and i doubt they killed the rest of the bosses legit if they had already skipped lupi. Sometimes they have 1 guy sit at brie while the other one afk kills lupi and i bet people use the brie skip/exploit to afk kill lupi in p3 and p4 too.
What sucks is that even legit sellers get screwed over sometimes because of those.
Too bad that we’ll probably not see any fix to those exploits until scarlet invades arah or something.

Rezardi [DnT] – Elite Playhowiwanter US
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU

How to sell dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: cranked.3812


It’s no mystery why and how there’s suddenly a lot more arah sellers out there nowadays. I’m guessing most of it can be credited to the youtube user “Guildwars2Exploits”.

Most p2 sellers on LFG skip lupi and exploit other bosses. In 19/20 cases when i joined to buy cheap runs(3-4g & didn’t do p2 that day), people had skipped lupi and i doubt they killed the rest of the bosses legit if they had already skipped lupi. Sometimes they have 1 guy sit at brie while the other one afk kills lupi and i bet people use the brie skip/exploit to afk kill lupi in p3 and p4 too.
What sucks is that even legit sellers get screwed over sometimes because of those.
Too bad that we’ll probably not see any fix to those exploits until scarlet invades arah or something.

Are you insinuating that the white knights who kill instances of dungeon sellers are doing it because people exploit? and that the legit runners of the path are getting the short end of the stick because of it?

I don’t care one way or the other, in fact, if anything I think anet should ban the people who kill other people’s instances. It’s childish, rude and unnecessary. People should worry about themselves and things that affect them and not what other people are doing, even if it’s something you don’t like.

Maybe I am misunderstanding your post, but it sounds like you don’t like the people who don’t do it legit as if they are some kind of scum? What is the difference how people get to the end to sell the path?

Disclaimer: I am not a seller and I would never buy a path from someone to complete it.

How to sell dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Let’s ignore trolly trolls and reply to OP!

I like your idea! However it puts more require to on the buyer to trust the seller, since you can’t check that the seller is at Brie anymore before you pony up cash. How do you deal with this? Perhaps a slight discount?

How to sell dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bread.7516


Let’s ignore trolly trolls and reply to OP!

I like your idea! However it puts more require to on the buyer to trust the seller, since you can’t check that the seller is at Brie anymore before you pony up cash. How do you deal with this? Perhaps a slight discount?

I dont agree with the slight discount, imo still stay with the market price. Individually the buyer can just see the professionalism and for personal security just record the few seconds it takes or take screenshots.

I can relate this to general business with supplier relationships, a lot of it is based on trust. Sometimes you have to deposit the money to their bank account before they ship your items. The most you can do is check their background or in the case of gw2 have evidence to back your gentleman’s agreement.

TL;DR no discounts. stay with market price (+- 50s to 1g isnt a big deal tbh). reputation goes a long way. protect yourself and record evidence.

(edited by Bread.7516)

How to sell dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Omg Casey.5973

Omg Casey.5973

I find it funny how everyone against path selling immediately jumps to the conclusion that we exploit every path we sell. For some this isn’t the case. I sell paths simply because i enjoy the challenge of low-manning/soloing the dungeon. I ALWAYS fight lupicus because it’s a fun boss and I enjoy the practice. Alphard is also easily solo-able, youtube Luca rT and you can see a 5 minute warrior alphard solo. So how about instead of crying on the forums about people selling dungeons ( which by your standpoints makes it seem like the majority of you do not have the ability to complete the task) every day, get better and join the forces.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
Warrior- Emperor casey
Elementalist- Klyptis

How to sell dungeons

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maxinion.8396


Let’s ignore trolly trolls and reply to OP!

I like your idea! However it puts more require to on the buyer to trust the seller, since you can’t check that the seller is at Brie anymore before you pony up cash. How do you deal with this? Perhaps a slight discount?

I dont agree with the slight discount, imo still stay with the market price. Individually the buyer can just see the professionalism and for personal security just record the few seconds it takes or take screenshots.

I can relate this to general business with supplier relationships, a lot of it is based on trust. Sometimes you have to deposit the money to their bank account before they ship your items. The most you can do is check their background or in the case of gw2 have evidence to back your gentleman’s agreement.

TL;DR no discounts. stay with market price (+- 50s to 1g isnt a big deal tbh). reputation goes a long way. protect yourself and record evidence.

This seems fair. If you start running this method, let us know how it works out— I’m curious if people will go along with it as you hope.