How we fail CoF

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


If CoF taught me anything, it’s that AN shouldn’t have to cater to casuals who only want functional dungeons or an enjoyable experience in under 5 hours. The best players aren’t afraid to give up entire days of our lives to single dungeon runs. We tolerate the buggy nature of Magg as he runs into the flames or pulls adds for the countless time because once we’ve completed it 15 hours later we know that it took a lot of skill on our part.

We aren’t afraid to give up entire weekends to down a single boss, whose main strategy (which we find out after wipe after wipe of trial-and-error and some helpful internet advice) seems to be a zerg. By managing our group composition, timing our cooldowns, and collecting the most powerful gear, we are almost able to knock him down to 25%, which is very close to actually getting rewarded for the time spent. It may not seem like a lot but I think weeks from now, as we’re playing another game, we’ll think back fondly on those experiences.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kelthos Doombringer.9032

Kelthos Doombringer.9032

Awh it’s shame that you feel that way. I see explorable dungeonskitten man raids – comparison to WoW. The similarities are.. they’re a part of the level 80 (max) content and seen as endgame . The differences are.. they’re hard and they’re most likely not going to get nerfed because of people complaining that they’re hard.

There are people completing the explorable dungeons. There are threads stating that they cleared Magg’s route. So obviously they’re not impossible. They merely take skill and time. Good job for getting him down to 25%! Its progress, right?
Explorable dungeons aren’t supposed to be a breeze. They aren’t suppose to be an instant gratification generator for all the people who think they’re just loot pinatas. Sadly the MMO community has now been flooded by them.

Explorable dungeons give tokens that reward exotic armour and weapons. Crafting gives exotics. Exploring gives exotics. Exotics can be a rare drop from a mob. Arena.Net put in multiple options for people to obtain exotics so people aren’t forced to do 1 game mode to get the gear.

Too many people see these dungeons as they would WoW raids. Easy, free loot. If they cry long enough, they get them nerfed. However, Arc, think back to Heroic Spine. I didn’t do the encounter. But the best players in the world were stuck on that boss for what, 2 weeks? More? Two weeks to defeat ONE boss.

Explorable Dungeons are a part of the end-game content for Guild Wars 2. People need to start accepting that they aren’t a push over. Be grateful Arena.Net has provided you with a challenge.

Heaven forbid players have to EARN their gear these days.

Level 80 Human Necromancer

(edited by Kelthos Doombringer.9032)

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: hellokittyonline.7532


it’s hard so that people who play WoW can go back to their easy mode raids

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Awh it’s shame that you feel that way. I see explorable dungeonskitten man raids – comparison to WoW.

If this was the case then we wouldn’t be downgraded from level 80.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


it’s hard so that people who play WoW can go back to their easy mode raids

I’ll take easy, non-bugged raids over buggy, non-functional dungeons any day.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kelthos Doombringer.9032

Kelthos Doombringer.9032


Yea, it is the case because then the dungeons remain difficult. My statement still stands. Does it hurt you to work and earn something?

Yea its a great a game thats been out for 7 years get to have fewer bugs.
Apparently you weren’t around for its launch.

Level 80 Human Necromancer

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862



Yea, it is the case because then the dungeons remain difficult. My statement still stands. Does it hurt you to work and earn something?

Yea its a great a game thats been out for 7 years get to have fewer bugs.
Apparently you weren’t around for its launch.

If the content was intended for level 80s, we would be level 80 while doing it. I didn’t complain about the difficulty, but your assertion that it is to be considered the same as max level max gear content is fallacious and based on absolutely nothing other than manifestly bad tuning on behalf of the dungeon devs.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kelthos Doombringer.9032

Kelthos Doombringer.9032


They are a part of lvl 80 content because the exotics are level 80. Yes you can do the explorables earlier and even get rares for the appropriate level.

Also, if you re-read what I type, I said I see them as that. Me personally. My opinion.

Bad tuning because they want a wider audience to be able to experience the explorables? Oh gawd, sounds game breaking.

Level 80 Human Necromancer

(edited by Kelthos Doombringer.9032)

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Bad tuning because they want a wider audience to be able to experience the explorables? Oh gawd, sounds game breaking.

they want a wider audience

wider audience

That is exactly what they’re preventing by having content be too difficult for pugs and non-geared 80s to do.

Again, if the content was intended for 80s it wouldn’t downrank us and it wouldn’t let people who aren’t 80 in there.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kelthos Doombringer.9032

Kelthos Doombringer.9032

So, Arena.Net should dumb down all of their dungeons to cater to the whining masses that want instant gratification?

Right. Okay. There is already a game out that does that.

Too difficult for pugs and non-geared 80s to do

The only reason that it is too difficult is because too many people can’t be bothered putting some effort into it. All bosses have a strat to them. Pugs just don’t want to earn their gear. Too many people want their gear fed to them. Not really their fault, they’re conditioned that way.

Gear is NOT a factor in Guild Wars 2. That is a fact. You do not need full exotics to clear any of the content.

And again, I said that the explorables are a part of the level 80 content because the tokens reward you with level 80 exotics. Which adds to my point about gear. Don’t want to craft/explore/karma farm? Do explorable dungeons!

Level 80 Human Necromancer

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Melfice.2647


@Kelthos Doombringer

Please Stop your beautiful life day dreaming. Humans are birth unfairly and death unfairly, for instance, Michael Jordan cannot be a 2nd Albert Einstein and vice versa. Due to all the human are “set” by their own FATE.

In my case, I cannot gain the exotic by crafting due to I am poor, cannot gain by the rare drops from mobs due to I am bad luck, gain some unwanted exotic from exploding maps and no one want to buy them…Why me? This is my FATE. No one can be avoid to that TRUTH.

So, how can I get the Exotic? Farming and farming! Everyday I am LFG to CoF and farm the tokens. Complete the Magg route loop and loop. At the end, I got my wants. But the guys with nice FATE will shout: Farmers are so cheap! Just in hard life! Why? Whats wrong I got my returns with my hard working? This is my FATE.

Sometimes, there are some people will ask me: “Are you playing game? Or played by game?” “Both True.” Due to I am really playing the game but it is playing me too.

Survival of the fittest. I am always adapt myself to the environment. I am not resist to the dungeons that guys are shouting it is hard. I also will complete them if I want to have the gears.

But facing to the fact, did I got the rewards that I should have after each run of the dungeons? NO! Its buggy! Not HARD! How comes a LV75 dungeon is harder than LV80 dungeon? How comes the rewards of my group members are different even though we are the first time to complete the dungeon on current day? Its buggy!

No Pain, No Gain. If you Pain, will you 100% to have the Gain? In GW2, NO! Release the patches without testing, and enjoy the players’ free debugging service. Am I wrong?

We spent time to facing the truly hard boss because we want to get something. You have no permission to insult our efforts!

You are luck due to you have choices yet. Do not apply your little world to the guys who “enjoying” the hard FATE.

In some Asian nations, there is a sentence: Fate iskitten if you cannot resist it, learn to enjoy it! At least, I am enjoying my Molten gears even though I got them in hard and buggy. I am looking forward you bring the DOOM to the world.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strongback.6420


They need to have an entry level dungeon for lvl 80 gear imho.
The amount of effort you have to go through in order to swap from one spec to another gear wise is such that people will just rather stick with their current gear.

That isn’t the only problem though.

The problem is that they’re “fixing” the dungeons before fixing the problems that plague the classes.
Yes, I understand they may be different teams working on different pace, but right now it just feels they just don’t want people getting that gear, but can’t block the actual entrance to the dungeon.

Unless they intentionally bug the dynamic event so that nobody can get in.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


“And again, I said that the explorables are a part of the level 80 content because the tokens reward you with level 80 exotics”

So AC exp is for 60s and CM exp is for 70s? No? Then how come the gear is level 60 and 70?

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Melfice.2647


“And again, I said that the explorables are a part of the level 80 content because the tokens reward you with level 80 exotics”

So AC exp is for 60s and CM exp is for 70s? No? Then how come the gear is level 60 and 70?

And now, all the dungeon vendors provide the 80 gears.
Are all the dungeons for 80 level players?

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


nope, because I can still get in at the level it downgrades to.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Melfice.2647


You got the point, man! let’s wait for Mr. Doombringer to explain this.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


nah, if I wanna read fanboyisms I’ll head over to the general discussion forum. I’d much rather read posts from people concerned with improving the game.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


Wait…so all dungeons final gear shouldnt be for lvl 80s….because at lvl 80 we dont need the dungeon skin gear…mhm….I get it.

But wait….dont all the dungeons have rare gear for lvl 60s or something? I dont know, ive never bought them.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kana.6793


Quoting isn’t working but Melfice, you say you can’t get gear because you can’t afford crafted exotics etc… why not buy karma gear?

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SMeminem.8540


Da faq did just read…

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Quoting isn’t working but Melfice, you say you can’t get gear because you can’t afford crafted exotics etc… why not buy karma gear?

Because at ~400 karma per event you’d have to do 600 events to get a set (for heavy armor there is no zerker set so that’s completely out of the question) at about 10-20 minutes a piece you’re looking at 100-200 hours of solid farming just to get enough karma (if you’re lucky and don’t get ruined by the anti-farm crap) to get it and that’s not counting accessories and weapons.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kana.6793


Fair enough if there isn’t a set with the right stats, but other than that it’s not hard to get. I already have an armour set from doing Orr events, map completion and WvW.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Fair enough if there isn’t a set with the right stats, but other than that it’s not hard to get. I already have an armour set from doing Orr events, map completion and WvW.

I find it difficult to believe that you have a full set of the 42k a piece armor, not to mention the easy karma from WvW doesn’t exist anymore since they remove rewards from dolyak escorts.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kana.6793


Fair enough if there isn’t a set with the right stats, but other than that it’s not hard to get. I already have an armour set from doing Orr events, map completion and WvW.

I find it difficult to believe that you have a full set of the 42k a piece armor, not to mention the easy karma from WvW doesn’t exist anymore since they remove rewards from dolyak escorts.

You get karma for defending as well as capping keeps and strategic points. It really adds up if your server is doing well.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Fair enough if there isn’t a set with the right stats, but other than that it’s not hard to get. I already have an armour set from doing Orr events, map completion and WvW.

I find it difficult to believe that you have a full set of the 42k a piece armor, not to mention the easy karma from WvW doesn’t exist anymore since they remove rewards from dolyak escorts.

You get karma for defending as well as capping keeps and strategic points. It really adds up if your server is doing well.

And for those of us who don’t live in Australia to abuse the population imbalances… sol.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kana.6793


Fair enough if there isn’t a set with the right stats, but other than that it’s not hard to get. I already have an armour set from doing Orr events, map completion and WvW.

I find it difficult to believe that you have a full set of the 42k a piece armor, not to mention the easy karma from WvW doesn’t exist anymore since they remove rewards from dolyak escorts.

You get karma for defending as well as capping keeps and strategic points. It really adds up if your server is doing well.

And for those of us who don’t live in Australia to abuse the population imbalances… sol.

I live in the UK and Gunnar’s Hold (EU) doesn’t really have a lot of Australians.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Fair enough if there isn’t a set with the right stats, but other than that it’s not hard to get. I already have an armour set from doing Orr events, map completion and WvW.

I find it difficult to believe that you have a full set of the 42k a piece armor, not to mention the easy karma from WvW doesn’t exist anymore since they remove rewards from dolyak escorts.

You get karma for defending as well as capping keeps and strategic points. It really adds up if your server is doing well.

And for those of us who don’t live in Australia to abuse the population imbalances… sol.

I live in the UK and Gunnar’s Hold (EU) doesn’t really have a lot of Australians.

Do you get my point though? Farming karma isn’t a solution to the issue at hand which is farming in the first place.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cappy.2786


I agree,these dungeons will be “Back in the vanilla….” thing in future

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kana.6793


Do you get my point though? Farming karma isn’t a solution to the issue at hand which is farming in the first place.

I didn’t really consider it to be farming. I just did whichever events I felt like doing at the time and enjoyed some good battles in WvW.

I’ve done plenty of grinding and farming on GW1 and WoW, the karma here just seems to appear while you’re playing the game.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: vicwolf.7862


Do you get my point though? Farming karma isn’t a solution to the issue at hand which is farming in the first place.

I didn’t really consider it to be farming. I just did whichever events I felt like doing at the time and enjoyed some good battles in WvW.

I’ve done plenty of grinding and farming on GW1 and WoW, the karma here just seems to appear while you’re playing the game.

WvW has been a chore for most people since the first patch forced a lower draw distance and made it a rare event to see a zerg rolling up on your siege party, not to mention the fact that getting matched against Australian servers negates any effort done during the day because they simply roll in enmasse at night and free-cap everything.

As for event farming, yeah no, to get the amount of karma we’re talking about here you’d have to do these events hundreds of times. There’s not really anything to call it other than farming.

How we fail CoF

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I don’t see why they can’t implement paths of varying difficulties in the explorable dungeon modes…. You have 3-4 paths per dungeon, so make them all pretty tough? A fairly steep learning curve for casuals and fresh MMO-players wouldn’t you say?

It might make learning the respective dungeons not a steep curve and more enjoyable as the easier routes get you more accustomed to the mechanics you’re gonna experience throughout the dungeon at later difficulties and maybe even get you used to some strategies you’re gonna have to employ.

Now in terms of rewards though, easier routes = less tokens. So if 60 is completing the hard path, 10-15 should be the easy path…. but at the same time the easy path takes almost no time to beat (maybe a little time when you’re first learning it).