Advocate of learning and being a useful party member.
So, given many of us ( or I’d like to think so) have day jobs..
and many of us (at least my guildies/raid core group) now want to run some fractals and dungeons again..
Not only did it already make sense given the time demands to practice/train people..
It now makes even more sense to raid when we have more free time to fit it in.
some reasons brought up before:
International players can interact and makes filling 10 squad rosta easier.
Time investments required for players to learn/complete.
More casual player friendly ( note: casual =/= bad).
new reasons:
easier to do shorter content during the week, longer content at weekends.
Gives people better opportunity to get geared for raids.
arguments against:
reset conflicting with wvw – make it a different time then – say 3-6 hours way from wvw reset?
“I’m ok with Monday thanks” – sadly I’ve heard this on this forum over this idea. I think the flaw of this notion speaks for itself.
raid reset nearer/over weekend pls.
And what prevents you from raiding at weekend right now? I do that almost every week. You get your kills before reset anyway.
I mean I dont see any diffrence and your reasons are not valid at all.
- ‘international players’ can interact with others no matter when the reset is
- dont get the ‘casual friendliness’ at all how is it more friendly to anyone than reset on monday?
- you still can do short content during week and raid at weekends…
(edited by Gibon.1705)
And what prevents you from raiding at weekend right now? I do that almost every week. You get your kills before reset anyway.
Some have already done it. Particularly those on different timezones.
Quality of pugs to fill a last spot or two turns to trash because decent players have already done it. People don’t want to repeat because the “reward” is negative ( food costs etc).
tl;dr: its harder & slower to form a reliable group at a weekend due to reset.
Your comment sounds very similar to “I’m alright with monday reset, thanks”. Which is funny considering it would make it easier for you too.
I just didnt notice ANY diffrence with ‘quality of pugs’ either on weekend or monday/thursday. If you gonna raid with 9-5 pugs then its always a lottery. You need to pick up so many random people. Try logging on on monday with one of your friends and find raid. You will have to wait like 1-2h b4 even starting. If you organize you will quickly notice that most of these 50+LI eternals were carried/straight lied about their exp.
If your group is experienced and multiclass, and you need only like 1-2 pugs then you should be able to finish the bosses no matter the pugs – they either will be exp and cause no problem, or you will notice that they have no idea what they are doing and kicking them and replacing is easy (note that I mentioned your group to be multiclass).
If your group is not a multiclass one and you miss i.e necro and guard then it doesnt matter if its for monday or friday you will still have long wait times to find/replace pug.
Ultimately if you find good/decent pug one week just talk to them after the raid and ask if they are willing to do raid with you next week. If your group was at least decent I am more than sure that they will answer ‘yes’ and you will have another regular member of squad. That way I made my group from missing 2 ppl to have 1-2 players in fallback. And started just as you – raiding just at weekends.
And still it has nothing to do with one date being more friendly than other cuz I can argue that there are just as many people working at weekends/nights that there are these working at weekdays till 5pm.
Have you tried killing slothosaur when a random pug keeps dropping poison on the group?
The notion that one pug can’t screw your group is laughable.
Not being able to tell the difference in quality of pugs is a knowledge/skill problem. Sorry, but that is a l2p issue on your part if you cant tell any difference.
The problem with “recruiting” raiders at weekends, is mostly it’ll be people who missed their guild group, or aren’t good enough to find a guild group to invite them in. Your suggestions are what happens during the week as well. They are in no way unique ideas.
They would also be equally if not more effective with a weekend reset.
You seem to be missing that the majority of people have more time free at weekends.
Again your post is just " i’m ok with mondays, thanks"
disregarding that having it on a weekend would not affect you personally in the slightest, while making raiding much more accessible to many.
(edited by Artemis Thuras.8795)
I’d also like a Friday reset for raids – it is sometimes tough to get those kills Sunday night.
I have no strong feelings one way or the other.
However, if you use WvW as a datapoint for playtime, doesn’t that show that more players are free on weekends ?
I guess what Anet would have to look at is if those two player subsets drastically pooled from each other, and if it would have a major negative impact on either mode.
I also would very much appreciate the raid reset being at a different time. I personally don’t even care if it’s on a different day, just moving it to an earlier timeslot on sunday would be fine.
I’m aware that we can run the raid any time, but I’m sure that my guild isn’t alone in having a bunch of people that want to run right at reset. It would be nice if I could do that without staying up late.
The quality of pugs around reset time (all those reset full clear runs) are indeed higher and easier to find than throughout the week. Most of the good pug groups that can full clear both wings in 1 run do it at reset
But it’s too late for me in NA
For some reason my best luck finding and succeeding with pugs has occurred at 1-2AM EST on Friday/Saturday night. Is it really that good around reset time?
Game Designer
Reset time is unlikely to change. We picked the time slot based off player concurrency during the week and when it was least likely to disrupt coordinated players that raid multiple days in a row.
For some reason my best luck finding and succeeding with pugs has occurred at 1-2AM EST on Friday/Saturday night. Is it really that good around reset time?
I tried to stay up late to see how it is last reset. And to my surprise, the LFG was so crowded with all the full clear listing, lfg and lfm. They started filling 30min before reset.
The pug group I got in was all pugs. But we were able to clear 3 Spirit Vale bosses in 1 run. 3 other of my friends were in 3 other pug groups and was able to do the same. 2 groups moved to Salvation Pass after. I had to leave because it was too late for me.
From my perspective, it was like a whole new world of raiding. All those pro raiders that pop out of nowhere and clear the whole raid for the week at reset. O_O
kitten , I guess I’ll have to try to check it out at some point then. That actually sounds really nice…
Reset time is unlikely to change. We picked the time slot based off player concurrency during the week and when it was least likely to disrupt coordinated players that raid multiple days in a row.
This makes perfect sense; however, even a small change could be very helpful. Maybe this is only a small niche and no one else cares, but when the reset was an hour earlier (due to daylight savings) it was substantially more convenient for me than it is now. People I play with in other american timezones have also commented along those lines, so I’m not completely alone at least lol.
Not interrupting ongoing raid runs is certainly important, but I feel that having the reset be at a time that is at least somewhat convenient is important as well, because reset runs for raids (and other content!) are appealing to a lot of players and for better or worse are part of the game culture.
(edited by Dinosaurs.8674)
Like the reset on Monday. Please don’t change it.
I enjoy the Monday reset to, just wish it was an hour or two earlier like we had before spring ahead happened.
Reset time is unlikely to change. We picked the time slot based off player concurrency during the week and when it was least likely to disrupt coordinated players that raid multiple days in a row.
Huh, that was interesting, I would have thought that weekend concurrency is super high because most people log in on weekend.
And yeah, I haven’t realized about that “raid multiple days in a row”. Having it start on monday was actually pretty good for that reason, because if you start at saturday then some people might not be available for Monday (just 2 days after reset), whereas most people have the same schedule for the rest of weekday. Heh, I remember the week when raid was introduced, we wiped at VG everyday for the whole week until Sunday =p
Yes, please keep it on Monday! I vastly prefer that reset since it lines up better with my guild’s raid nights.
Weekends are guild mission days for most guilds I know. The current reset avoids that problem and staggers the time between WvW reset, guild missions and raid reset which is perfect.
I’m ok with Monday thanks.
Yes, please keep it on Monday! I vastly prefer that reset since it lines up better with my guild’s raid nights.
Same opinions here. Both of my social guilds have (massive) raid training events on Sunday. If raid reset moved to an earlier hours, I would have to tend to my core group instead of helping out either training teams. Not all of our guild members care about raids and we schedule world boss events on Saturday. So please keep it on Monday!
Reset time is unlikely to change. We picked the time slot based off player concurrency during the week and when it was least likely to disrupt coordinated players that raid multiple days in a row.
Sorry but that makes it sound like guess work at best.
At worst sounds like it has been chosen by tiny minority of “hardcore guilds/players”.
Again I’m seeing posts along the lines of " I’m ok with it thanks, screw you"
Those who aren’t familiar names from a hard-core crowd all seem to be making the same statements I am: a reset closer to the weekend would make it easier to form up.
Which is a joke. Those with regular nights with a static 10 group can still run on mondays if it changes. Yet those who have a more casual guild, who cant reliably be on at the same time every day/week.. Are being kittened.
Do I need to mention, most people I’ve spoken to agree – monday reset sucks, but can’t or won’t post on these forums?
(edited by Artemis Thuras.8795)
No one cares about your anecdotal “most people I’ve spoken to” evidence. It has nothing to do with hardcore vs casual, it has to do with YOU wanting whats best for YOU and not caring that the world doesn’t revolve around you.
Is this helpful ? – I think not.
Lets face it right now on a Monday – as we’ve pointed out, time and time again – this is punishing international guilds.
The ‘static’ groups which can run late on Monday (EST) – NA are at a large advantage compared to EU Guilds to get things like ‘world’ firsts for starters.
If the reset was around SAT 9am-2pm EST – for example… this would give a level playing field for both EU/NA for ‘world’ firsts. This gives access to EU & NA on the same level field.
The point is correct as specified by many individuals here..
If you are around at ‘reset’ time – you’re hunky dorey – get the raid done and thats it for the week .. its done in about 2 hrs – both wings.
If you cant – ’you’re kittened’… the difference is like day/night for anyone else needing to run later on.
I can tell you now.. coming back from Work logging in to do a RAID during the week (which is usually 15 hrs after the reset at minimum) is (a) stressful, (b) I’m tired [Work makes me tired] and not at my best, © probably quite ratty, (d) quality of PUGs is errattic at best, (e) friends are also affected by [a] – © as they also work.
I know at the weekend without any time pressures its a lot easier and calmer – the massive problem is finding pugs to fill those last few slots (it takes a LONG time).
Right now the rest on the Monday is really not that much fun.
I know many guilds who also have this problem – as all there international players are around at weekends – and getting them together is now a nightmare.
Lets face it the ‘guild’ missions / etc dont take hours for people to get together – unlike training runs/sync for guildies who may have not done it before.
It doesn’t matter if you raid on reset night or not. This is a non-problem that is being inflated to proportions it doesn’t deserve.
Patches drop tuesday at 9am pacific. If anything, that advantages EU in races for WF since they are home while most of NA is at work or school. Your argument is ridiculous.
It doesn’t matter if you raid on reset night or not. This is a non-problem that is being inflated to proportions it doesn’t deserve.
Patches drop tuesday at 9am pacific. If anything, that advantages EU in races for WF since they are home while most of NA is at work or school. Your argument is ridiculous.
Its actually been proven by many players – there is a significant advantage if you can do it at reset – to the point that individuals are staying up and possibly to detriment of the next days work activities. The reason is simple – higher quality/faster runs – those individuals are gone (in-bulk) later on in the week and virtually non-existant by the weekend.
I dont see how patch times are relevant?
Most of EU are still at work -) The only ones who are not are APAC / those who go to schools. I believe the patchs are dropped when (a) its low population (b) ANET are in the office so they can fix any high priority stuff as needed before they leave the office.
Its actually been proven by many players
No, it’s been claimed by many players. That isn’t the same as proof.
I dont see how patch times are relevant?
I don’t see how reset times are relevant to WF, which was a topic you raised.
Most of EU are still at work -)
Anet drops patches at 6pm in Britain and France, 7pm in Germany etc. Those aren’t ordinary working or school hours. A person with a 9-5 in france can log in an play the new raid wing the second it drops. A person with a 9-5 in new york has to wait 5 or 6 hours. What part of that doesn’t make sense to you?
Reset time is unlikely to change. We picked the time slot based off player concurrency during the week and when it was least likely to disrupt coordinated players that raid multiple days in a row.
Sorry but that makes it sound like guess work at best.
At worst sounds like it has been chosen by tiny minority of “hardcore guilds/players”.
Wow. If you said a reason given by an Anet dev (who actually have access to the real data) to be “guesswork”, then I’m not sure anyone or anything can convince you of anything else.
Its actually been proven by many players
No, it’s been claimed by many players. That isn’t the same as proof.
Are you suggesting those players first hand experiences are in some way wrong?
Its actually been proven by many players
No, it’s been claimed by many players. That isn’t the same as proof.
I dont see how patch times are relevant?
I don’t see how reset times are relevant to WF, which was a topic you raised.
Most of EU are still at work -)
Anet drops patches at 6pm in Britain and France, 7pm in Germany etc. Those aren’t ordinary working or school hours. A person with a 9-5 in france can log in an play the new raid wing the second it drops. A person with a 9-5 in new york has to wait 5 or 6 hours. What part of that doesn’t make sense to you?
The RAID Patches have actually been a lot later – if you look back when the wings got released it was actually a lot closer to daily ‘reset’ time – advantageous for NA Players compared to EU players. Yet again.. you need to look at the actual RAID Release time.
This is why a lot of NA Players got world firsts.. and the EU’s waited till the next day (they have real jobs to go to).
So to bring this back on topic..
Reasons for moving:
Better suited for international guilds or players with friends on other timezones
Easier to find pugs to fill spots, due to less time restrictions
more free time for the majority of people to spend hours practicing, especially to get those initial kills for new to raid players.
Better quality players having more concurrent free time not having to get up for work the next day etc.
less stressful than trying to cram a raid into a night with work the next morning.
Gives people time to do dungeons/fractals during the week, then do both raids and fotm/dungeons at a weekend.
Reasons against moving:
my guild group does it on mondays
i like mondays
Reset time is unlikely to change. We picked the time slot based off player concurrency during the week and when it was least likely to disrupt coordinated players that raid multiple days in a row.
My thoughts so far:
So stats taken from before raids were released? Which had no raiders at that point. Which are now biased due to the reset itself. Those metrics do not sound reliable.
And to paraphrase: we want people to raid more than one day per week.
I think getting people to raid more than once is a different topic that is related to repeat rewards being potentially negative in value( counting food and retries for people to learn).
Guild groups could still raid on a monday. A reset nearer the weekend doesn’t mean an end to your guilds “Raiding Mondays”. There will still be those who couldn’t get on at the weekend. Then those who insist they like mondays also.
Here’s my two cents:
- We should not take into account patch days or world firsts, because they are too infrequent
- My interpretation of Crystal’s explanation (thank you for commenting, by the way) is that Monday was chosen because more players raid consecutively over the week (like Monday to Friday) or the weekend (Friday-Sunday).
And my opinion on why reset should be closer to the weekend (Thursday-Saturday):
- Anecdotally, more full clears happen at or around reset night. Thus, the actual day of reset is also important.
- My guess is that more people play on the weekend. Thus, I think it would more advantageous to have the reset around then, despite that it may disrupt consecutive raid schedules.
- Anecdotally, and as someone who pugs, I find more posts and higher quality pugs after reset, as opposed to right before (ie Sunday).
- Anecdotally, I don’t always have the time or desire to raid after work on a weekday.
And, as a question on ANET’s “consecutive raid” metric:
- Was this metric observed before or after the Monday reset was chosen? If after, then it may be hard to distinguish which is the cause, and which is the effect. That is, most players may raid consecutively on weekdays because Monday is the reset day.
Thursday or Friday resets would be nice since on week days many of the players including myself Study or Work, and sure you can log in for a while, but you have to work/study the next day, therefore you cant play for that long on a week night. On the other hand on the weekend you can take all the time you want. So if the reset was closer to the weekend players will have more time to do the raids.
Changing the day the raid resets isn’t going to solve the issue the original-poster brings up: “The quantity (and sometimes quality) of people in pick-up-groups goes down by the time we raid on the weekend.” It’s just going to move this problem to another day in the week.
Maybe there could be more reasons to raid outside of the weekly lock-out? (Like rewards)
Its actually been proven by many players
No, it’s been claimed by many players. That isn’t the same as proof.
Are you suggesting those players first hand experiences are in some way wrong?
yes, I am suggesting that beliefs based anecdotal evidence, even if sincerely held, are completely worthless.
I don’t mean to be disrespectful Nike do you Pug?
Do you do the raid on Friday?
You have a static group which goes through the raid quickly – so my question is how would you know what the average person is getting here- after all you have your static DnT group (Well know speed cleaners ).
We have spent up to – 1 hr looking for a PUG on a Fri/Sat to complete a group who is (a) geared correctly , (b) has some experience and killed the boss.
Many people feel pressured to complete on the reset day and asap- whatever day it is due to quality and quantity of suitable pugs being very low.
I do know of many others who I raid with having horror stories later in the week where bosses like Sabetha took them 3 hrs – I’ve one shot this boss many times with this individual.
Where if they hit it closer to reset they are more likely to get a 1 shot.
Due to where the raid reset time is.
Why don’t you go out there and prove us wrong – rather than dismissing other people’s opinions out of hand and play the pug roulette for several weeks than you can tell us that our opinions are crazy.
As someone who leads a guild group and pugs pretty often for fun anyways I am hugely in favor of moving the reset closer to weekend or right before weekend ends so people could raid Sunday evening perhaps. Following are my experiences based on majorly PST playtimes:
Guild Raid Experience:
Guild raid is an absolute pain to organize on weekdays as a lot of people have work/other commitments and want to eat/relax for a bit after work pushing the time to 7PM PST at earliest. This bring another problem as people on EST time who have tight work schedules have to go to bed. Sure the obvious solution seems to just find PST players but these are friends we have been playing the game with for 3 years. Id honestly just quit GW2 if i could not play with them anymore. Also we are casuals and it just sucks when someone had a bad/tiring day and now 9 other people cant progress because someone is not playing to their full potential. Generally its not a problem and we clear wings just fine, but our weekend raid is so much more energetic than our weekday raid because everyone is some form of exhausted on weekdays.
Now why not just raid on the weekend then, why does the reset day matter?
Because of incentive. By the weekend everyone has pugged and has had some boss kills if not all and afterwards people are not motivated to get the boss kills again because the rewards for a re-kill are miserable. If the rewards for a rekill were decent this would not be a problem and everyone could just organize a weekend raid.
PuG Experience:
Absolutely in line with what people have been saying here. The quality of players just gradually diminishes from right after reset to weekend. And the quantity diminishes too. In fact on Sundays when organizing a raid i have had to wait for 30 mins just to find a pug and i think just last week we called it after not being able to find a person at all, not that the person was not geared or was not experienced. There was no one who even bit on the LFG at all. That truly is a sad state in my opinion.
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