I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SoPP.7034


Kryil said it best, dungeons are fine, some could be even harder….


Dungeons start being ok as soon as guys STOP thinking their 20 year experience does help you at all in GW2.
This system requires a good teamwork, tactics and stuff.
Something that most MMOs are heavily lacking due to heaving one part removed by the tank/heal/dd groups.

A warrior, a guardian, and an elementalist walk into an open field…
The Warrior turns to the guardian and says, “Did you hear something?”
Guardian replies, “No, but how’d the elementalist die?”

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Borigrad.7354


No one wants dungeons to be easier, they want them to be rewarding. Hell they could make them all harder for all i care, as long as i feel like doing them is worth it. Instead of sitting in the EB Queue while i do Spvp.

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Voltar.8574


i’m not sure that people are looking at the armor and weapons vendors for them. i’m doing ac (eventually) for the undead-slaying sigil and the ghostly skins. i believe rune sets are on there too. by ‘reward’, do people mean they want rares and exotics to drop in there? i think dungeons have a chance to drop exotics but that’s not why i’m doing them.

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bibidiboo.6409


I agree, they should be hard. But they need to improve on mechanics in some dungeons, in twilight arbor you don’t get a waypoint the entire dungeon. This means 5 minute runbacks. In Honor of the waves its the same, and in crucible of eternity you also have this problem at one point. That just reduces the fun of dungeons.

Crucible is also very very buggy in some areas and that’s a big problem.

I’m fine with the difficulty, but they really need to refine some areas.

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: chutulu.5641


i agree.

if people want the prestige armor sets, let them work for it. i enjoy the challenge . so Arenanet, please dont listen to the winers.

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Overdust.7204


I allso agree,dungeons are fine as they are,except the bugs.

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LadyEllie.1647


I agree, no nerf

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rack.4930


How about nerfing story mode? Or running the two parallel? I mean it’s great you guys enjoy and can handle a brutal challenge but it seems unfair and unwise to have no alternatives to this brutal treadmill. You must have noticed how generally popular it is.

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Toncora.3247


Difficulty seemed ok but some paths especially the Arah Randall path are extremely long and can take 4+ hours to complete with maybe 2 or 3 wipes which just seems like too much.

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gryz.8376


Exploration mode should be hard.
Story mode should be easy.
Exploration mode should feel rewarding. Especially when it’s hard.

There should be a difficulty curve in StoryMode raiding. The first dungeon should be really simple. The second dungeon should be slightly harder. So players can learn. By the time we are in the level-70 StoryMode dungeon, the difficulty could be decent. Maybe AC-StoryMode difficulty, maybe a bit easier. The level-80 StoryMode dungeon(s) can be as hard as AC StoryMode. And once you finish those, then the Exploration Mode dungeons can all be hard as hell.

What’s the point of having a StoryMode dungeon, if the difficulty-level will prevent 90% of the player-base to finish the Stories while leveling ?

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ickytwerp.9086


Story mode is easy, its idiots who can’t learn how to play, ignore instructions and give up after a few wipes that are complaining. You are going to wipe in story mode when first learning it, the devs already said you should expect wipes. If you can’t solo a veteran rank mob then you probably shouldn’t be doing dungeons.

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Myron.7513


Ahhh, so anyone who is having trouble with story mode dungeons is by definition an idiot? I wonder if that’s the Anet developers opinion of us too. Yes, I’m one of the people complaining that story mode is too hard – at least the one I’ve tried multiple times (AC) is anyway. I have no problem with escalating levels of difficulties and escalating levels of rewards. That’s how it should be. If you’re one of the leet or pro gamers who wants your games to be so hard as to exclude us casual gamers then so be it. I’ll happily take my money elsewhere and leave you to support this company and it’s game by yourself. But if Anet wants their customer base to include us casual gamers, and our wallets, then they need to gear a level of play to us as well. I don’t have hours to dedicate to prep and analysis before playing this game. I want to be able to log on after work and on weekends and have FUN while playing this game. I don’t want to have treat it as another full time job where I’m forced to carefully plot and plan every detail before stepping inside a dungeon. I don’t see why Anet can’t make both types of players happy – give us casual players a story mode that we can complete without all the details, skills, and prep while preserving a difficult explorable mode for the players who want that. I don’t want story mode to be so easy that it’s not a challenge but I DO want it scaled back so it can be completed by casual gamers. I’ve read the forum posts about how “easy” it is as long as you have the proper skills, make sure your team is balanced, and use communications between teams members, etc. This is a level 30 out of 80 dungeon. That means story mode should be geared to players who only have 3/8 skills, not level 80 characters who have all skills, every elite, ramped up armor and are “experienced” players. Not all of us casual gamers use Vent, Teamspeak, etc to coordinate our teams. Some of us still type in the chat channel when we need to say something – and some of us don’t type real fast. If Anet wants to attract only the elite gamers then they should have said that up front. Instead they advertised this game to us casual gamers too. No where did I read in any ads “Casual Gamers Do Not Buy – Elite Gamers Only!” They took our money and now they need to accommodate us as well. So Anet, keep the difficulty level high on the explorable mode for the people who want it. Heck, ramp it up even more for all I care! But throw us casual players a bone and at least let us be able to complete the story mode!

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


rewards are fine, too, if everyone has a set after a week it would not be prestigious anymore

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I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DonQuack.9025



It can be completed by casuals. Just not all. How low do you want to go?

90% of my explorable runs for ALL dungeons are pug. With no more communication than. “Hix5, Going in. Watch out for adds. good run. again?” Gear setup? Other than guildmates I have yet to ask anyone what they are wearing for anything other than the skin.

You may misinterpret this as me saying I am godlike, but no explorable/story can be completed solo, I attribute any and all success to the versatility and resolve of the groups I have been in.

That being said they already “nerfed” it from the bwe’s I presume they probably will again if there is enough outcry, BUT seeing as forums are usually a vast minority I doubt it would be solely because of thread on here asking for it.

Also anyone notice in CM you get a red target denoting who is going to be shot? Do you also get a red target thing below your feet in sPvP?

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I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bobbeeoh.2754


How about nerfing story mode? Or running the two parallel? I mean it’s great you guys enjoy and can handle a brutal challenge but it seems unfair and unwise to have no alternatives to this brutal treadmill. You must have noticed how generally popular it is.

How can it possibly be unfair to learn the game, at the same terms as the rest of the players?

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Eijolend.2485


Don’t get me wrong here – I really like the challenge the dungeons currently provide.
The only issue I currently have with them is that the difficulty is very INCONSISTENT.

AC Story’s Ralena and Vassar are far harder than the other bosses in that mode and contrary to other story mode dungeons the trash mobs hit like a truck.
AC explo’s Lieutenant Kholer’s difficulty being mainly based on which adds he is accompanied by and being far more punishing for mistakes than the Skelk endbosses of the different paths.

Then with lvl 40 you walk into CM and just march through it without any problems at all and wonder why this instance is so much easier than AC and why AC was thought to be a good fit for introducing players to the dungeon system.

The list with inconsistent boss difficulties goes on.
Twilight Arbor: The second champion with all that ghost spiders – very hard until you figure out how to handle it properly and a mistake still costs you a good chunk of your health.
Then the third champion isn’t even able to damage you seriously even if you choose to ignore all the confusion stacks on you.

Sorrow’s Embrace:
Kudu’s Golems need a good specialization on removing conditions and punish you abruptly if you use your cooldowns on the wrong things and can nuke you promptly if you fail to watch their animations closely.
The endboss can’t even touch you if you keep dancing behind the shields and 2 steps out of it and his animations are very easily recognizable and even if you fail to react in time you usually come out of it alive.

Yet still I’m itching to see how the other dungeons and explorable modes are designed and looking forward to discover all that the PvE side of this game has to offer.

Those complaining about explorable modes being hard – think again, did you clear all the raid content in other MMOs on the first evening?

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vet.3726


I would have to agree dont nerf them we ran AC the other night and i have to say was the best time i have had in a instance/dungeon difficulty is just fine the feeling you get after you make it to the end is just GREAT!!!!!! well done to the group

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Guard 80 / Engi 80 / Thief 71 / Guard 80

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: skullmount.1758


rewards are fine, too, if everyone has a set after a week it would not be prestigious anymore

Getting the armor set is not prestige. Thats either someone with WAY tooo much time to play or someone who actually likes excessive grinding, both with don’t show prestige. Also, it prevents us with not much time (at least in a single session) from being able to either do the dungeons or take months/years just to get a single armor set, which is definitely excessive.
I haven’t tried a dungeon yet, so I can’t comment on the difficulty, but the rewards definitely need to be improved alot (or decrease costs of items). 25 tokens per exploration run, at 2-3 hours (estimated from what I’ve read), will take forever.

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I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: adude.1260


I feel like the Dungeons themselves are fine, we as players and MMO vets (myself and my friends alike) just need to take a step back look at how GW2 plays as appose to the MMO’s we are used to.

That being said, I feel as if there should be a “beginner” level (15-20?) Dungeon that doesn’t offer a whole lot in the way of reward, BUT, allows players some experience working together and learning what the Dungeons are all about before nose diving into AC and gettingkitten because at level 30 AC/Story is “too hard.”

I feel that Dungeon difficulty is fine

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: someshta.3809


Kryil said it best, dungeons are fine, some could be even harder….


Dungeons start being ok as soon as guys STOP thinking their 20 year experience does help you at all in GW2.
This system requires a good teamwork, tactics and stuff.
Something that most MMOs are heavily lacking due to heaving one part removed by the tank/heal/dd groups.

Teamwork won’t help against cheap mechanics. Most people who play dungeons aren’t robots, like the vocal few on these forums.