I give dungeons in this game a 1/10.

I give dungeons in this game a 1/10.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Goldenrice.3610


AC and CM = most complete and least buggy in this game. Can only speak for myself, but I think a lot of people also feel this way, but these 2 dungeons are the only ones you run and never think, “why is this taking so long,” or, “geez, this seems really pointless.”

Other dungeons have good moments(Lupicus in arah, Subject Alpha dodging aoes, CoE laser jumps), but those dungeons are also littered with long, boring fights(prettty much tank and spank). I have no problem with long fights, as long as they’re making you do something other than stand around. Killing totems/statues that carry boss buffs is not that other something either……

What I realized the most about these disappointing dungeons is that it makes players think they can just run through and DPS race through 90% of the paths, which they can, and they tend to carry this mentality into other areas of the game, which is not how it should be. The dungeons aren’t completely to blame for this type of mentality, and players definitely get some of it as well.

Dungeons should help players better understand and learn different mechanics of the game in a “fun” way, that they will take with them and apply into other areas of the game. I believe CoE Subject Alpha fights teaches players some map awareness and dodge timing.

This game does a lot of things great, and I believe 6 months from now, this game will be completely different beast, but theres alot of work that needs to be done to make these great features become amazing features, and really separate them from other games.

Just a small rant after doing SE path 1, thinking we can kill and kite 1 mob while 4 manning 2 bosses only to realize multiple waves spawn at once and don’t despawn after 30 mins or so.

Serious question to Anet devs, Where are your GW1 instance developers at? Whoever made 6 of these dungeons, clearly took zero notes from GW1.

p.s. Its late, Im tired. I apologize if I sound stupid

I give dungeons in this game a 1/10.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Otter.7639


Agreed, never had fun once doing dungeons and honestly, what’s the point of doing them? You don’t learn more about your class, exp is very poor for what we’re put through, items suck(oh but wait i want that cool looking skin to transmorgraph lol) If i’m going through all that mass chaos that is a dungeon then i want something more than a neat skin i’m sorry.

I give dungeons in this game a 1/10.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: deherch.3158


Yes, there is room for improvement.. but I prefer dungeons over regular content. Hearts and dynamic events are just too easy.
Personal story is actually rather fun though, because trash = trash. Unlike some dungeon trash, which can get rather tedious → as a result a lot of people skip content. I am not a fan of skipping content, to me it is a sign that something is wrong.

But dungeons in general are enjoyable, imo.

I give dungeons in this game a 1/10.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Otter.7639


yeah i was in a couple groups that just decided to run thorugh everything. well as you can imagine that turned out horrible. that tells me two things; one their dungeon system is very systematically flawed if people are doing whatever they can to skip it. and two, as evident by my arguments with group members, if you die then you suck. hmm, that tells me that dying in this game is not a big deal like it is in other games not just mmo’s. If you died in other games, you screwed up bad and you need to fix it, you had to be on your toes and it forced you to learn quickly about your class. and we go through all of this for what? tokens? for loot that is no better than what i can buy, craft, or find in the world? ooooo right the LOOK of the item, yeah that’s it, i did all that so my character can look just a little cooler(which is debatable)….you know i do not like WoW no a days but man vanilla had it. you saw some people with epic items and stat lines and you knew they were the bad boys.

Make the dungeons challenging yes, but for god’s sake make them make sense and fun and a reward that is an actual reward. Even in the orginal Zelda when you did a dungeon you received item(s) that signified you were ready for the next step, that you conquered that difficult task.

Please improve on this Anet because i like your game i really do, but i cannot in good conscious recommend it to my family and friends because all of us relish a fantastic dungeon/raid system.