I give up

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jenobi.6128


SO basically Anet can not make up there mind on pve the reward vs effort system sooo flawed. I really wanted to love this game keep me from going back to wow and buying mop but. It just seems like Anet is just making it harder and harder for in game economy forcing players to sort of use the gem store.

Some one on this forum made a comment about reducing dungeon rewards so players had to use the gem store. That the current system mad less use on the gem store.

I don’t want to go back to wow but if Anet doe snot get there act together they will lose my support and my money but they wont care there customer service sucks soo bad right now. But hey if they don’t drop the ball then I am still game on but I am giving them one more month to get there act straight or its good bye GW2 hello WoW Mop.

I am pleading with you Anet don’t let your game die cause you become to money hungry.
flaming may begin since I know there is going to be.

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cromx.3941


I hope this is not all about them selling us gold via the gem store….never considered that. Boy if that ever gets established as the reason we are getting hosed it won’t be pretty for them. Maybe I am being naive and thinking Anet was not taking that angle, especially after what happened to Diablo 3.

This is the first game where I have seen where you can outright buy gold with real money from the company itself, it wasn’t too long ago when no self respecting company would ever endorse this sort of thing.

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wookie slayer.4259

wookie slayer.4259

I’m right there with you on the screwed up pve and am quite bored/tired of it. Very confused about what your saying about gems tho? They give no play boosts at all the best thing there for is bag space. Honestly WoW is probably a better pve game right now, but it has had 10 years to sort through itself, I still have hope that Anet will make chances to its pve before people get bored/tired and leave because there not avid pvpers. Give it a month and see what they can do, I’ll be doing the same and if not I’ll leave, but regardless akittenfind game , just with high end pve problems

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Cromx.3941


No man you can use your credit card to by gems in the gem store, and can trade gems for gold in game. So in other words you can spend your real money to buy in game gold. Just press “O” and check out currency exchange.

Who knows maybe Anet sees speed dungeon runners as people eating away at their future gold sales online. If so just wow.

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MrLee.6892


I REALLY Want to run dungeons in this game, but with how things are I just won’t do it anymore. Too many bugged events, the DR system not working correctly (I get 15 tokens in my first run of the day) and numerous other things.

I hate to admit this but SWTOR’s new operation came out today and I got together with 7 other guildmates and we had a BLAST learning the new instance!
Something I was really hoping to do in Guild Wars 2, but it just isn’t there!
I would be fine with 5 players instead of 8 but it’s so hard to get people online for a dungeon or a pug that knows what they are doing!

I am being optimistic tho and hope they get this sorted out soon, where the dungeons will be fun again, and still offer a challenge.
And its only been a month since release, so I will give them another month. :P

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wookie slayer.4259

wookie slayer.4259

I REALLY Want to run dungeons in this game, but with how things are I just won’t do it anymore. Too many bugged events, the DR system not working correctly (I get 15 tokens in my first run of the day) and numerous other things.

I hate to admit this but SWTOR’s new operation came out today and I got together with 7 other guildmates and we had a BLAST learning the new instance!
Something I was really hoping to do in Guild Wars 2, but it just isn’t there!
I would be fine with 5 players instead of 8 but it’s so hard to get people online for a dungeon or a pug that knows what they are doing!

I am being optimistic tho and hope they get this sorted out soon, where the dungeons will be fun again, and still offer a challenge.
And its only been a month since release, so I will give them another month. :P

I really miss learning dungeons not jusr face rolling them with whatever 5 ppl u find,

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Daour.1437


Ok this making sense now, too many money sinks in the game, and the dungeons are super hard, and repairs and teleports are very expensive, all of this to run the player out of gold so he would buy gems/gold from Anet.

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: wookie slayer.4259

wookie slayer.4259

Ok this making sense now, too many money sinks in the game, and the dungeons are super hard, and repairs and teleports are very expensive, all of this to run the player out of gold so he would buy gems/gold from Anet.

I dont really think dungeons lose you money at all, tops you totally break and play 12s and get 26s plus items at end of dungeon some bosses even drop 15s so i don’t get how you lose money unless ur in there a few hours consistently dying

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

Skyrant Kangaroomouse.7458

I hope this is not all about them selling us gold via the gem store….never considered that. Boy if that ever gets established as the reason we are getting hosed it won’t be pretty for them. Maybe I am being naive and thinking Anet was not taking that angle, especially after what happened to Diablo 3.

This is the first game where I have seen where you can outright buy gold with real money from the company itself, it wasn’t too long ago when no self respecting company would ever endorse this sort of thing.

Seriously, this did not even cross your mind?

1. Changes to drops and the so called Anti Farming system
2. Separation of Gold/Gem exchange rate into 2 independent rates.
3. Changes to the Dungeon System to reduce rewards and experience
4. Introduction of the DR System

Come on, it’s pretty obvious where this is heading and why.

“The DR System is not restricting players, it just here to help them realize how they want to play!”

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Arc.1425


I love to be challenged in dungeons. I love a HARD dungeon. But at the same time I hate to be punished while everyone in the group is well-geared, intelligent, coordinated, doing everything correctly, has a good enough build, is willing to try new strategies, and is patient. Every dungeon I enter is plagued with glitches or amazingly overtuned (or just drawn-out and in the case of story-mode) encounters. It’s crystal clear that none of the changes are being playtested.

I’m not completely giving up on GW2 because I’ll be checking in every once in a while to see if anything changes. But for now, I’ve got better things to do than slam my head on this wall in the hopes that it breaks so that I can start having fun. That’s kind of the bottom line for me. Not rewards, not shiny gear, gold or cash. Fun. I’ve said this to a lot of angry people on forums before: ‘If you aren’t having fun in a game then simply don’t play it.’ I’m going to start taking my advice.

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Daour.1437


I think i"m going to do the same Arc, i’m not having fun anymore, this dungeon issue is making me sad, and i’m not going to play a game that will make me sad, so ill come back when Anet decide to fix this.

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kurzick.6375


I agree with the whole players will be forced to use Gem store to convert to Gold deal, with all the gold sink and now they have reduced the rewards and the so called Anti farming thing most casuals will have problems making money and thats when Anet comes to your rescue as long as you have good credit of course.

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kuro Zetsumei.1397

Kuro Zetsumei.1397

concerning dungeons:
The dungeons are FINE you do NOT need full exotic to clear any of them, I know, cause I used to run a level 80 with like no exotic whatsoever (only the 2H was on my guardian) and I survived CoF EXP/Arah EXP just fine. Its all about dodging not standing there letting the mobs beat you to a pulp. The only problem I agree on is that currently the DR system is flawed. ((and in my opinion fast clearers should be rewarded for great work rather then punished))

Concerning PvE:
as of the boring PvE I’d like to say I highly dissagree, the heart quests/events are usually fun, the dragons that spawn are fun ((though probably a bit laggy, but that’s to be expected when over a 100 people beat into the same dragon)) the only thing I find lacking thus far are the rewards you get from such events.

all in all, I’d recommend giving Anet some time, they’ll pull together, first few months of an MMO launch tend to be choatic, especially the economy.

though please note I am not here to scold any of you, its just how I see things and feel about thing aye?

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


Disinformation mill at it again. Anyone here work for Fox News?

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bobbi.6801



yeah cus that seems sooo much better. :P yeah i know i know, don’t trust that site or its user. But trust me, you don’t want to use your money on that crap. You will regret you didn’t just wash your kitten with that money instead.

I highly agree with you tho. Alot have to be done with this game to make it more playable.

all in all, I’d recommend giving Anet some time, they’ll pull together, first few months of an MMO launch tend to be choatic, especially the economy.


AMD FX-8350 @5Ghz |Radeon HD 7970GHZedition|16gb 1600mhz DDR3 ram|OCZ agility 3 120gb|Gigabyte UD3

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ImariKurumi.5761


I think Anet gonna sell dungeon tokens in Gem Shop soon…

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aleiro.8521


“Disinformation mill at it again. Anyone here work for Fox News?”
No but I bet they are recruiting here

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: forice.3165


yeah. i played wow and i quitted at 10 level. when i watch wow gameplay i feel like i vomit. those old graphics and super hardcore farming and all the movements and actions in WoW look all the same. i agree customer service sucks soo bad. they just copy and paste. i never seen it when i play archeage. i sent about 100 questions during 5th closed beta. they never did copy and paste same answer. and they told me their opinions about my question and idea. but…. i just don’t understand why you play WoW instead of bunch of high graphics latest games like crysis 3, far cry 3, dead space 3, black ops 2, assassin creed, skyrim. WoW is some kind of nightmare. i never played MMO until this year. because i hate old graphics super hardcore farming nightmare. but archeage and gw2 are pretty good with high graphics and new systems. water graphics in archeage were realistic as kitten than gw2 and any other games. but gw2 is better. archeage was still incomplete.

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ref.8196


Dungeons are not super hard, waypointing is not super expensive. The DR system will not ruin the game.

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rpgtabbycat.5869


Why can’t the OP play both games? Unless I’m mistaken, at one point ArenaNet said they’d be honored if people chose to play their game alongside WoW.

OP you don’t have to choose one game over the other. If you want to play MoP, go ahead and buy it and play it. I will tell you that going by reviews, some people hate it and other people seem to just absolutely love it. That said, GW2 will still be waiting patiently for you to return to it once you get bored with MoP. Probably by then they will have fixed a lot of the bugs and problems that are driving you crazy right now.

I give up

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I like the dungeon challenges and think they really sharpen my understanding of the game mechanics, professions I play, and how they work with other professions. It’ll be nice once the reward mechanisms are all sorted out and working properly.

As for the dungeons not seeming to be lucrative… think of it as an investment. I was doing AC yesterday and thinking after a couple of deaths “kitten, I’m wasting so much gold on this” only to realize after looting a boss (not the chest, the actual boss), I just got 5s + items. After repairing and looking at my gold amount in the inventory, I actually had made a profit just in coin drops; not much but something. As you invest in a dungeon, you get more familiar with it and tweak a few things to minimize dying…. all of this yielding more profit.

Yes, the upfront costs can seem harsh, but the returns on your investment if you stick with it and get better at the dungeon can definitely make it all worthwhile. That ROI is going to be dependent on the player… and some simply won’t see that ROI in their favor. That’s fine, not all dungeons and paths are gonna be cleared by every player; just don’t give up on all of them outright.