I'm not sure I understand

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jadex.7402


This isn’t a gear treadmill MMO. You do not have to grind for the prettiest armor lest you be destroyed in PvP later. It has the same stats as TP or crafted armor.

The “grind” is completely optional in this game. In other games, it is not. That is the difference. If you don’t want to grind, you do not have to grind just to keep up with people who do grind.

If you don’t want to run the instance 50 times because you want pretty armor, then don’t run the instance 50 times for pretty armor. Your stats in PvP (and even in other instances) will not be affected in the least.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Daboris.6730


I’m not sure I understand the point of this thread.

More useful than another copied and pasted “This is what the game needs”, only to say the same crap someone in a thread below them with 350 pages said…

People don’t understand. I wish I had a pool or large man-made lake so I can collect the tears of these people and then offer some salt-water fish a new home.

For people claiming they promised no grind:

Anti-grind philosophy means doing their best to make it less grindy, not eliminating it completely. Find me an anti-drug program that has effectively eliminated all drugs.

In that regard, I’d say it’s much less grindier than any game I’ve played in terms of the end-game.

“Those dolls they were making underground… Did you think they look like me?”

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kimhyuna.1035


Then what is anet doing to keep a player playing the game?
At level 80 we are essentially given an option of grinding a specific content or have nothing to do. I also love how viable complaints are termed as ‘crying’. We paid for a product and we are, by law I believe, allowed to complain. If you cant handle it, the forums are obviously not for you.

You might state that you dont need to get the armour, but that in itself is a moot arguement, what else are you supposed to do at endgame but grind for looks? Not everyone PVP’s, and WvW is not viable for every server. And its not like we are allowed to grind, they nerfed eveything.

Face it. Much like other mmo’s contain people with their gear treadmill, GW2 tries to contain people with its looks treadmill, which is the only thing you can do at endgame once you max out (which in itself is pretty easy.) You DO have to grind, lest you have nothing to do. Good for you if you like the challenge and consider it just reward. That is how you play the game and I, and many others, wont necessarily agree with you.


I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Evil.9061


The people that are “crying” simply are pointing out that regardless the difficulty, which isn’t bad, the dungeons are costing them money to play which for most, as evidenced in thousands of posts today, striped one of the few things they took joy in at level 80.

And no, its not just one dungeon people are complaining about. The monetary gain is absent in all dungeons now.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tommy.1924


The crying is to get the attention of the devs to address a problem most gamers are having with their product, that’s the point.

can I write this? or will this get trashed too? worst treatment I have ever experienced from an online game company.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sverre.3590


The crying is to get the attention of the devs to address a problem most gamers are having with their product, that’s the point.

can I write this? or will this get trashed too? worst treatment I have ever experienced from an online game company.

“most gamers”? you do realize that the people posting on the forums, as with WoW, are a very small minority of the actual community. Theres maybe what 300 people who cry or troll here on a regular basis? there are over 1 million copies of the game sold already. “most gamers” are simply the same very vocal minority of any online game who cry and whine about everything they can, most of which don’t make any logical sence in the first place. Do you need to grind for max stat/viable gear? no they can all be bought, crafted, collected and crafted for you or exchanged for karma. Do you need to grind for the best looking gear ie Complete explorable dungeon sets? yes.

Repair costs to high? don’t go through 30s in deaths every dungeon and you wont be bothered. Dont like the reward nerf? Maybe just do a different path/ easy mode story dungeon every 15min and you wont be bothered and not the same thing repeatedly. As far as i’ve seen every dungeon in the game is doable without corpse congoing, so there’s no need to just do one path in the first place, you may, god forbid, have to learn how to play the game.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Death Aggro.9602

Death Aggro.9602

yea bc there ius no end game

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Death Aggro.9602

Death Aggro.9602

This isn’t a gear treadmill MMO. You do not have to grind for the prettiest armor lest you be destroyed in PvP later. It has the same stats as TP or crafted armor.

The “grind” is completely optional in this game. In other games, it is not. That is the difference. If you don’t want to grind, you do not have to grind just to keep up with people who do grind.

If you don’t want to run the instance 50 times because you want pretty armor, then don’t run the instance 50 times for pretty armor. Your stats in PvP (and even in other instances) will not be affected in the least.

Let me say this. It isnt optional. B/c they only made half decent gear from grinding. There is no nice skin anywhere else. And what “end game” look at how they did armor in gw 1. Had some great skins for a fair price. then they had some really great skins that took forever to attain. Ppl want to look good. they should have that option without having to spend 8 months getting it. And the really uber looking armor can be a grind. I actually like nieh impossible gear to get. But that is not feasible for casuals.
But only your opinion matters huh OP.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Suddenflame.2601


The crying is to get the attention of the devs to address a problem most gamers are having with their product, that’s the point.

can I write this? or will this get trashed too? worst treatment I have ever experienced from an online game company.

“most gamers”? you do realize that the people posting on the forums, as with WoW, are a very small minority of the actual community. Theres maybe what 300 people who cry or troll here on a regular basis? there are over 1 million copies of the game sold already. “most gamers” are simply the same very vocal minority of any online game who cry and whine about everything they can, most of which don’t make any logical sence in the first place. Do you need to grind for max stat/viable gear? no they can all be bought, crafted, collected and crafted for you or exchanged for karma. Do you need to grind for the best looking gear ie Complete explorable dungeon sets? yes.

Repair costs to high? don’t go through 30s in deaths every dungeon and you wont be bothered. Dont like the reward nerf? Maybe just do a different path/ easy mode story dungeon every 15min and you wont be bothered and not the same thing repeatedly. As far as i’ve seen every dungeon in the game is doable without corpse congoing, so there’s no need to just do one path in the first place, you may, god forbid, have to learn how to play the game.

I actually agree with you. I done a few dungeons and find them great fun cause i know in the end that the reward is not meant to be given instancously like it is in other games. it is meant to be worked towards over a long run not in short runs. When you do dungeons your meant to know your character and how it works rather then use exploits and bugs. If you keep dieing its your own fault for not using your character correctly or not working with your group to help combo. Dungeons need Damage/support/control and if everyone goes in there as damage guess what your more likely to die since you cant control the mobs. Learn to play the dungeons rather then cry that they are too hard or they are not rewarding. I can go through a dungeon and hardy die ever and i make a huge profit with each run just cause i know not to die. I dont go damage either i go to support my team or in mid dungeon switch to control. Don’t have a team full of damage people cause guess what your going to die more cause nothing is keeping the enemies off of you.

Ranger; Warrior; Mesmer; Elementalist; Guardian; Engineer
[GWAM] and [LUST]
Mess with the best, die like the rest.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DanZero.4956


This isn’t a gear treadmill MMO. You do not have to grind for the prettiest armor lest you be destroyed in PvP later. It has the same stats as TP or crafted armor.

The “grind” is completely optional in this game. In other games, it is not. That is the difference. If you don’t want to grind, you do not have to grind just to keep up with people who do grind.

If you don’t want to run the instance 50 times because you want pretty armor, then don’t run the instance 50 times for pretty armor. Your stats in PvP (and even in other instances) will not be affected in the least.

Dongeons are have a diminishing return,
Farming mobs have a diminishing return,
Farming quests… how yeah, they are not repeatable,
Farming Events Have been nerfed and capped
TP isnt helping very much
No trade between players

Teleports need money,
Repairs need money,
Upgrades, tools need money,
stuff you want to get (like a Tier 3 armor) need like 120+ golds.

I just want to be able to do like 1.5 to 3 golds a day while doing stuff that is fun.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: MadMossy.8715


The crying is to get the attention of the devs to address a problem most gamers are having with their product, that’s the point.

can I write this? or will this get trashed too? worst treatment I have ever experienced from an online game company.

You’ve not been playing MMO’s for long then have you because I can honestly say as far as customer support goes ArenaNET have been doing a stellar job so far and in most cases have gone above and beyond to explain them self’s to the player base.

Something a large majority of other MMO companies NEVER do.

The content is there, you just need to look for it. Dungeon’s are relatively fun, they are not a necessity to do unless you have specific goals, dungeon armour set, legendary weapon components.

You are not paying a monthly fee, if you feel you are getting bored or dislike the grind and don’t want to PvP in a PvP game, then quit. Your not losing anything by doing so and ArenaNET aren’t losing any revenue from you leaving.

Come back later on when new dungeons are added, new content is available or they have done a bug fix pass on current content.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pony.3256


The people that are “crying” simply are pointing out that regardless the difficulty, which isn’t bad, the dungeons are costing them money to play which for most, as evidenced in thousands of posts today, striped one of the few things they took joy in at level 80.

And no, its not just one dungeon people are complaining about. The monetary gain is absent in all dungeons now.

I’m getting annoyed by people saying “Well this is how dungeons are supposed to be.”
I’m sorry, so is EVERY MMORPG out there broken? Because I sure as hell don’t remember dungeons being this bad at all.
In every game I have played, running a dungeon was worth it.
You’d get gear (decent gear just to sell to other players, doesn’t have to be end gear) and some nice coin.
In this game instead of that, you go into the dungeon and lose money.
Wth is that?
So if this is how dungeons are supposed to be, is Aion, Rift, Tera, etc, broken? Are the dungeons in those games made wrong?
Please explain.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pony.3256


The crying is to get the attention of the devs to address a problem most gamers are having with their product, that’s the point.

can I write this? or will this get trashed too? worst treatment I have ever experienced from an online game company.

You’ve not been playing MMO’s for long then have you because I can honestly say as far as customer support goes ArenaNET have been doing a stellar job so far and in most cases have gone above and beyond to explain them self’s to the player base.

Something a large majority of other MMO companies NEVER do.

The content is there, you just need to look for it. Dungeon’s are relatively fun, they are not a necessity to do unless you have specific goals, dungeon armour set, legendary weapon components.

You are not paying a monthly fee, if you feel you are getting bored or dislike the grind and don’t want to PvP in a PvP game, then quit. Your not losing anything by doing so and ArenaNET aren’t losing any revenue from you leaving.

Come back later on when new dungeons are added, new content is available or they have done a bug fix pass on current content.

Stellar job?
You clearly didn’t see the post two days ago where people ended up arguing with a dev because they said “End of story” and then deleted someone’s post about how the community is treated badly.
Of course the person kept re-posting until loads of people were saying “Oh wow deleted the guy’s post. Shows how much this company cares.”
Then apologies were made and people were still mad seeing how they were treated.
Real stellar!

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Lelouch Lamperouge.3716

Anti-grind means striving to eliminate grinding completely. This can easily be achieved in dungeons by making them dynamic. Make the same storylines of the paths, but make some dynamic events that change nearly each run.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Untouch.2541


It’s the natural reaction.
Since they cannot come up with anything, they cry and throw insults around while flailing about.

See: the posts in this thread

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RebelYell.7132


The crying is to get the attention of the devs to address a problem most gamers are having with their product, that’s the point.

can I write this? or will this get trashed too? worst treatment I have ever experienced from an online game company.

“most gamers”? you do realize that the people posting on the forums, as with WoW, are a very small minority of the actual community.

By not themselves posting, they’ve elected those discontent with the dungeon nerfs to represent them.

User was infracted for being awesome.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Efaicia.3672


The people that are “crying” simply are pointing out that regardless the difficulty, which isn’t bad, the dungeons are costing them money to play which for most, as evidenced in thousands of posts today, striped one of the few things they took joy in at level 80.

And no, its not just one dungeon people are complaining about. The monetary gain is absent in all dungeons now.

I’m getting annoyed by people saying “Well this is how dungeons are supposed to be.”
I’m sorry, so is EVERY MMORPG out there broken? Because I sure as hell don’t remember dungeons being this bad at all.
In every game I have played, running a dungeon was worth it.
You’d get gear (decent gear just to sell to other players, doesn’t have to be end gear) and some nice coin.
In this game instead of that, you go into the dungeon and lose money.
Wth is that?
So if this is how dungeons are supposed to be, is Aion, Rift, Tera, etc, broken? Are the dungeons in those games made wrong?
Please explain.

Again someone wanting to not let the genre move on and to evolve past the WoW genre.

To answer your question, yes, those games dungeons, if you applied thier rules to this game, are broken. And would need to be reworked. I am sorry If you did not look into this game more before buying it and expected it to be more of the same. It is not, now quit demanding it become so. You yourself named several good games that have more of the same, you are more than welcome to them, I am not there demanding them to be different. You see, some of us are here to get away from that play style, Not make Arenanet conform to it

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Deathfrost.9145


The people that are “crying” simply are pointing out that regardless the difficulty, which isn’t bad, the dungeons are costing them money to play which for most, as evidenced in thousands of posts today, striped one of the few things they took joy in at level 80.

And no, its not just one dungeon people are complaining about. The monetary gain is absent in all dungeons now.

I’m getting annoyed by people saying “Well this is how dungeons are supposed to be.”
I’m sorry, so is EVERY MMORPG out there broken? Because I sure as hell don’t remember dungeons being this bad at all.
In every game I have played, running a dungeon was worth it.
You’d get gear (decent gear just to sell to other players, doesn’t have to be end gear) and some nice coin.
In this game instead of that, you go into the dungeon and lose money.
Wth is that?
So if this is how dungeons are supposed to be, is Aion, Rift, Tera, etc, broken? Are the dungeons in those games made wrong?
Please explain.

Again someone wanting to not let the genre move on and to evolve past the WoW genre.

To answer your question, yes, those games dungeons, if you applied thier rules to this game, are broken. And would need to be reworked. I am sorry If you did not look into this game more before buying it and expected it to be more of the same. It is not, now quit demanding it become so. You yourself named several good games that have more of the same, you are more than welcome to them, I am not there demanding them to be different. You see, some of us are here to get away from that play style, Not make Arenanet conform to it

I understand you wanting things to change and move away from the tired WOW model. But that doesn’t mean you accept any change as good. Bad change will hurt more than staying with something that at least people like, as flawed as it is.

And in what world is making a game activity not reward you a good idea?! The dungeon rules are broken if applied to any game design ever, not just other mmos.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chronald.3512


OP clearly isn’t 80.

The only thing to do in the game once you hit 80 is sPvP to max level, or get ‘pretty looking armor’

That same armor that you clearly don’t understand is also the strongest (crafted exotic tier). To that end players want to get it so that they can be up-to-par in WvW fights (only place where gear actually matters). To that end they want to grind either materials to craft the items, or gold to just buy the items.

Both options have been severely nerfed since they both rely on having large sums of gold, which is no longer attainable without exceptional amounts of time, or purchasing Gems.

That is why people are upset. ANet removed the entry-level end-game content for players who cannot clear EX Arah (not that it is hard zzz).

Also – why do you play MMORPGs? Is it not to look and feel like a virtual baller? What aids that feeling more than having sick looking armor? LOL argument fail.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: uller.6528


Do you need to grind for max stat/viable gear? no they can all be bought, crafted, collected and crafted for you or exchanged for karma. Do you need to grind for the best looking gear ie Complete explorable dungeon sets? yes.

You still need money to get those items. Any game duengons allow for money to be made. Farming on good poin Orr farming is hard for some people where others its a joke to them. The point is the duengons allowed for some of the population to make some money as they work or do things all day. With few hours to play at night or are not with good guild or friend and rely upping pugs to help them get gear.

Ol Crusty Gamer :P

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pony.3256


The people that are “crying” simply are pointing out that regardless the difficulty, which isn’t bad, the dungeons are costing them money to play which for most, as evidenced in thousands of posts today, striped one of the few things they took joy in at level 80.

And no, its not just one dungeon people are complaining about. The monetary gain is absent in all dungeons now.

I’m getting annoyed by people saying “Well this is how dungeons are supposed to be.”
I’m sorry, so is EVERY MMORPG out there broken? Because I sure as hell don’t remember dungeons being this bad at all.
In every game I have played, running a dungeon was worth it.
You’d get gear (decent gear just to sell to other players, doesn’t have to be end gear) and some nice coin.
In this game instead of that, you go into the dungeon and lose money.
Wth is that?
So if this is how dungeons are supposed to be, is Aion, Rift, Tera, etc, broken? Are the dungeons in those games made wrong?
Please explain.

Again someone wanting to not let the genre move on and to evolve past the WoW genre.

To answer your question, yes, those games dungeons, if you applied thier rules to this game, are broken. And would need to be reworked. I am sorry If you did not look into this game more before buying it and expected it to be more of the same. It is not, now quit demanding it become so. You yourself named several good games that have more of the same, you are more than welcome to them, I am not there demanding them to be different. You see, some of us are here to get away from that play style, Not make Arenanet conform to it

First of all, I can’t stand when people bring up WoW like it was the first MMORPG ever made.
I honestly never even played the game.
Calling it the WoW genre? Really?

It’s also quite ridiculous that you think dungeons of other games are broken when for years, they have had the same design.
New games have the same dungeon design with just a twist on things.
For Example, TERA’s combat made the dungeons interesting.

Also, I followed this game for quite some time so don’t ever assume that you know things.
Countless times, the creators of the game said this game was going to be different and there was no grind mentality.
Yet this dungeon update, like I’ve already stated, makes you lose money rather than gain any.
That right there is a grind for coin.
Seeing the prices of materials and other little things, we players need money and dungeons are usually looked at for that fix.

I’m also not wanting ArenaNet to make their game like every other, but a bad decision is a bad decision.
Like I’ve already said, go look at other GW2 fansites, or other gaming sites and see what people are saying right now.
A huge majority of players aren’t happy.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Daboris.6730


The people that are “crying” simply are pointing out that regardless the difficulty, which isn’t bad, the dungeons are costing them money to play which for most, as evidenced in thousands of posts today, striped one of the few things they took joy in at level 80.

And no, its not just one dungeon people are complaining about. The monetary gain is absent in all dungeons now.

I’m getting annoyed by people saying “Well this is how dungeons are supposed to be.”
I’m sorry, so is EVERY MMORPG out there broken? Because I sure as hell don’t remember dungeons being this bad at all.
In every game I have played, running a dungeon was worth it.
You’d get gear (decent gear just to sell to other players, doesn’t have to be end gear) and some nice coin.
In this game instead of that, you go into the dungeon and lose money.
Wth is that?
So if this is how dungeons are supposed to be, is Aion, Rift, Tera, etc, broken? Are the dungeons in those games made wrong?
Please explain.

Again someone wanting to not let the genre move on and to evolve past the WoW genre.

To answer your question, yes, those games dungeons, if you applied thier rules to this game, are broken. And would need to be reworked. I am sorry If you did not look into this game more before buying it and expected it to be more of the same. It is not, now quit demanding it become so. You yourself named several good games that have more of the same, you are more than welcome to them, I am not there demanding them to be different. You see, some of us are here to get away from that play style, Not make Arenanet conform to it

First of all, I can’t stand when people bring up WoW like it was the first MMORPG ever made.
I honestly never even played the game.
Calling it the WoW genre? Really?

It’s also quite ridiculous that you think dungeons of other games are broken when for years, they have had the same design.
New games have the same dungeon design with just a twist on things.
For Example, TERA’s combat made the dungeons interesting.

Also, I followed this game for quite some time so don’t ever assume that you know things.
Countless times, the creators of the game said this game was going to be different and there was no grind mentality.
Yet this dungeon update, like I’ve already stated, makes you lose money rather than gain any.
That right there is a grind for coin.
Seeing the prices of materials and other little things, we players need money and dungeons are usually looked at for that fix.

I’m also not wanting ArenaNet to make their game like every other, but a bad decision is a bad decision.
Like I’ve already said, go look at other GW2 fansites, or other gaming sites and see what people are saying right now.
A huge majority of players aren’t happy.

Why are you losing money? I’m still making money. It’s like people found a good way to make money, it was taken away, and now there is no other way. That’s what I call lazy.

They said anti-grind philosophy. That means they’re trying to reduce it, which they have, relative to the gear-treadmill ideal.

I’m pretty sure half the people arguing don’t even know what “grinding for gear” means relative to the rest of the MMO world. That really grinds my gears!

“Those dolls they were making underground… Did you think they look like me?”

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vanisher.9216


OP clearly isn’t 80.

The only thing to do in the game once you hit 80 is sPvP to max level, or get ‘pretty looking armor’

That same armor that you clearly don’t understand is also the strongest (crafted exotic tier). To that end players want to get it so that they can be up-to-par in WvW fights (only place where gear actually matters). To that end they want to grind either materials to craft the items, or gold to just buy the items.

Both options have been severely nerfed since they both rely on having large sums of gold, which is no longer attainable without exceptional amounts of time, or purchasing Gems.

That is why people are upset. ANet removed the entry-level end-game content for players who cannot clear EX Arah (not that it is hard zzz).

Also – why do you play MMORPGs? Is it not to look and feel like a virtual baller? What aids that feeling more than having sick looking armor? LOL argument fail.

Any other MMO takes way longer to get the stronger armor, hell in some others mmo you will never have it.

This “exceptional amounts of time” is nothing really.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Evil.9061


Why are you losing money? I’m still making money. It’s like people found a good way to make money, it was taken away, and now there is no other way. That’s what I call lazy.

They said anti-grind philosophy. That means they’re trying to reduce it, which they have, relative to the gear-treadmill ideal.

I’m pretty sure half the people arguing don’t even know what “grinding for gear” means relative to the rest of the MMO world. That really grinds my gears!

Grinding for gear: Doing a dungeon over and over waiting for the RNG of a loot table to drop what you wanted.

It’s not that you cant make money anymore, its just that they have instituted 2 measures “anti botting” aka no farming close to the same area for more than 5 minutes and now reducing the dungeon payouts.

I think most are asking what’s next? I already have the answer….whatever is proven to be profitable will be nerfed.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Uneik.6425


This is my beef (as well as others) and I will explain it in another way. I feel as if this is what went down:

It’s like you got a promotion at your job, taking on more tasks, harder work. Yet, they lowered your pay. I feel that increasing the difficulty is alright, frustrating at times, but someone is always going to complain it is too easy or too hard. No way to win there.

The xp/currency drop along with the increase of difficulty is just insane to me. I am a very casual gamer. I don’t want to feel like I have to do homework to analyze every single part of every dungeon and my toon in order to make it through a dungeon. They have different difficulty settings for a reason, why make the opening dungeons frustrating and then kill the perks that it had along with it?

As stated above I am a casual gamer. Out of the 1-2 million copies of the game sold, most people are casual gamers. They want to hop on, have fun, not feel stressed, and go on with their day. I have complete respect for the hardcore community and completely feel that they deserve a spot where the difficulty matches their needs, but don’t change the casual gaming element to meet their needs and eliminate the casual experience.

As for the “get better, stop being bad” scenario that I have seen a few times on these posts. Going to give an example of things going down at this moment. My main is an ele. I get one shot by mobs. Now if this were a flaw to me not dodging, not using cds, not switching my attunement, etc… I would not be upset. That would be my flaw. Fact of the matter is, I am dodging as much as I can, switching, using cd’s and with everything popped and out of energy to dodge, I am dead. There are mobs that focus in on ranged right when you walk in the room and nothing you can do about it.

With the agro table setup the way it is, and with Anet having the goal of avoiding having to post up “(insert dungeon) group looking for (insert class)” the setup right now is flawed. Pug groups are just that…pugs. Either lower the difficulty back down and give us the low xp/currency or keep the difficulty higher and remove some of the frustration by awarding the boosted xp/currency.

Just my opinion.

(edited by Uneik.6425)

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Voqar.2349


The point of all the crying is that most people playing this game are full of it.

They say they want challenge and to earn stuff, but they really don’t. They want everything now, instant gratification or something close to it.

They want to get tokens as fast as possible for as little effort as possible, IE, ez-mode.

The crying is about reducing the ability to quickly farm instances for either easy money or easy tokens, thus requiring the earning of gear/skins instead of the ability to pound it out in a few hours of cheesey farming.

The crying is about not being able to get everything in a tiny amount of time.

And like I said, people are full of it. When this game was in development it was all about “I want challenges, not ez-mode” and now that the game is out all you see is “LFG for shard farming” (ie, give me my stuff now as fast and easy as possible).

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Daboris.6730


Why are you losing money? I’m still making money. It’s like people found a good way to make money, it was taken away, and now there is no other way. That’s what I call lazy.

They said anti-grind philosophy. That means they’re trying to reduce it, which they have, relative to the gear-treadmill ideal.

I’m pretty sure half the people arguing don’t even know what “grinding for gear” means relative to the rest of the MMO world. That really grinds my gears!

Grinding for gear: Doing a dungeon over and over waiting for the RNG of a loot table to drop what you wanted.

It’s not that you cant make money anymore, its just that they have instituted 2 measures “anti botting” aka no farming close to the same area for more than 5 minutes and now reducing the dungeon payouts.

I think most are asking what’s next? I already have the answer….whatever is proven to be profitable will be nerfed.

So then that means soon, they’re going to nerf magic find and drop rates on highest tier crafting mats.

They didn’t institute measures, they corrected things they didn’t notice at first. They apologized for it too. They specifically said it wasn’t meant to be done this way by design, and the players took it as a design change regarding, what, TWO dungeon paths (CM Story and CoF Expo?). Right. Good job guys.

An MMO is a constantly changing game. We just hit the, what, 1 month-iversary of this game’s release and they’re JUST getting enough parses to know how to fine-tune dungeons.

Let’s see what happens. People are making decisions SO quickly it’s as if they were programmed to be morons.

“Those dolls they were making underground… Did you think they look like me?”

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Evil.9061


The point of all the crying is that most people playing this game are full of it.

They say they want challenge and to earn stuff, but they really don’t. They want everything now, instant gratification or something close to it.

They want to get tokens as fast as possible for as little effort as possible, IE, ez-mode.

The crying is about reducing the ability to quickly farm instances for either easy money or easy tokens, thus requiring the earning of gear/skins instead of the ability to pound it out in a few hours of cheesey farming.

The crying is about not being able to get everything in a tiny amount of time.

And like I said, people are full of it. When this game was in development it was all about “I want challenges, not ez-mode” and now that the game is out all you see is “LFG for shard farming” (ie, give me my stuff now as fast and easy as possible).

4 posts down from the original…..

The people that are “crying” simply are pointing out that regardless the difficulty, which isn’t bad, the dungeons are costing them money to play which for most, as evidenced in thousands of posts today, striped one of the few things they took joy in at level 80.
And no, its not just one dungeon people are complaining about. The monetary gain is absent in all dungeons now.

The only ones seemly wanting instant gratification would be posters so in need of an uninformed vent session, they couldn’t be bothered to read the whole thread.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wiggletphyre.5712


This isn’t a gear treadmill MMO. You do not have to grind for the prettiest armor lest you be destroyed in PvP later. It has the same stats as TP or crafted armor.

The “grind” is completely optional in this game. In other games, it is not. That is the difference. If you don’t want to grind, you do not have to grind just to keep up with people who do grind.

If you don’t want to run the instance 50 times because you want pretty armor, then don’t run the instance 50 times for pretty armor. Your stats in PvP (and even in other instances) will not be affected in the least.

But when I do want to run a dungeon 50 times for pretty armor it gets nerfed because some people that do not want to grind cant stand someone getting the pretty armor before they do…

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Evil.9061


They didn’t institute measures, they corrected things they didn’t notice at first.

And thread. Press releases from now until the servers shut down should include this.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nihao.1527


Agree with Voqar.

So to those who are crying, what do you do next if you get all dungeons gear as fast as possible?

I was astonished that I saw several people with full CoF exotic sets last night in Arah group. If CoF grind was not changed, people could get all the best exotic gear within 3 months. I am sure those people will then cry there are not enough contents because they have collected all gear with easy mode paths, and eventually leave.

Let those whiners whine, the rest of us just enjoy the game, with no specific short term goal in mind.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Daboris.6730


They didn’t institute measures, they corrected things they didn’t notice at first.

And thread. Press releases from now until the servers shut down should include this.

Every game, even single player RPGs, have been known to make games with game-changing flaws. This dungeon one isn’t even close to that, and encounters, bugs, and what not will be fixed as time goes on.

When you expect perfection, you get disappointed. Once you realize they’re doing their best to please everyone but can’t please everyone, you’ll stop being a kitten and just play the game and have as much fun as you can. Otherwise, you move on.

Honestly, I think people who are complaining are the ones who immediately typed in “Power Overwhelming” in their first SC campaign and just played like that the entire game. Eheh.

“Those dolls they were making underground… Did you think they look like me?”

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wiggletphyre.5712


Agree with Voqar.

So to those who are crying, what do you do next if you get all dungeons gear as fast as possible?

I was astonished that I saw several people with full CoF exotic sets last night in Arah group. If CoF grind was not changed, people could get all the best exotic gear within 3 months. I am sure those people will then cry there are not enough contents because they have collected all gear with easy mode paths, and eventually leave.

Let those whiners whine, the rest of us just enjoy the game, with no specific short term goal in mind.

What i will do next. Oh i dont know? Play the game whilst looking cool maybe?

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: darcdante.2753


I’m not sure I understand the point of this thread.

People don’t understand. I wish I had a pool or large man-made lake so I can collect the tears of these people and then offer some salt-water fish a new home.

Hahahahaha, funniest thing I’ve read all week.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pony.3256


The people that are “crying” simply are pointing out that regardless the difficulty, which isn’t bad, the dungeons are costing them money to play which for most, as evidenced in thousands of posts today, striped one of the few things they took joy in at level 80.

And no, its not just one dungeon people are complaining about. The monetary gain is absent in all dungeons now.

I’m getting annoyed by people saying “Well this is how dungeons are supposed to be.”
I’m sorry, so is EVERY MMORPG out there broken? Because I sure as hell don’t remember dungeons being this bad at all.
In every game I have played, running a dungeon was worth it.
You’d get gear (decent gear just to sell to other players, doesn’t have to be end gear) and some nice coin.
In this game instead of that, you go into the dungeon and lose money.
Wth is that?
So if this is how dungeons are supposed to be, is Aion, Rift, Tera, etc, broken? Are the dungeons in those games made wrong?
Please explain.

Again someone wanting to not let the genre move on and to evolve past the WoW genre.

To answer your question, yes, those games dungeons, if you applied thier rules to this game, are broken. And would need to be reworked. I am sorry If you did not look into this game more before buying it and expected it to be more of the same. It is not, now quit demanding it become so. You yourself named several good games that have more of the same, you are more than welcome to them, I am not there demanding them to be different. You see, some of us are here to get away from that play style, Not make Arenanet conform to it

First of all, I can’t stand when people bring up WoW like it was the first MMORPG ever made.
I honestly never even played the game.
Calling it the WoW genre? Really?

It’s also quite ridiculous that you think dungeons of other games are broken when for years, they have had the same design.
New games have the same dungeon design with just a twist on things.
For Example, TERA’s combat made the dungeons interesting.

Also, I followed this game for quite some time so don’t ever assume that you know things.
Countless times, the creators of the game said this game was going to be different and there was no grind mentality.
Yet this dungeon update, like I’ve already stated, makes you lose money rather than gain any.
That right there is a grind for coin.
Seeing the prices of materials and other little things, we players need money and dungeons are usually looked at for that fix.

I’m also not wanting ArenaNet to make their game like every other, but a bad decision is a bad decision.
Like I’ve already said, go look at other GW2 fansites, or other gaming sites and see what people are saying right now.
A huge majority of players aren’t happy.

Why are you losing money? I’m still making money. It’s like people found a good way to make money, it was taken away, and now there is no other way. That’s what I call lazy.

They said anti-grind philosophy. That means they’re trying to reduce it, which they have, relative to the gear-treadmill ideal.

I’m pretty sure half the people arguing don’t even know what “grinding for gear” means relative to the rest of the MMO world. That really grinds my gears!

You clearly misunderstood what I said.
I said IN DUNGEONS, you now lose money instead of make money from them.
I didn’t say there weren’t ways to make money elsewhere, but who wants to run a dungeon spending more money on repairs and teleporting to the waypoint than what you get as the reward from the dungeon?

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bruno Sardine.2907

Bruno Sardine.2907

I think the speed runs were on par with the alternative of farming crafting mats… You can argue that you’re going for skins, not stats, which maybe true for most; my only question is how long does that keep a player interested? Yeah, it’s sweet to look like a mean mama-jama, but it’s even better to have the looks and back it up with awesome stats…. Maybe that’s the “traditional RPG” philosophy, but there’s something to be said about looking and being the part.

I'm not sure I understand

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Moderator


We do not need a thread complaining about complainers on this forum.