I need gold.

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aophts.9862


Yes, gold, because the nerf in this game is kittening ridiculous. And i was thinking in doing CoF P1 for this, joining a zerk group and all that thing. But, i need to know something.

I will be able to find a group focused to farm, that accepts a zerk guardian?

Should i really join those “GOGOGO $$$ ZERK PLS” groups or should i look for other one?

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chopps.5047


I think any full zerker group that stacks boons is going to do well in CoF p1 which is arguably the easiest dungeon in the game once the frogger and totem parts are learned.

My guess is that after the change to loot, the most profitable dungeons will be the longest ones that can also be completed efficiently. If you can do a ‘hard’ path three times faster than everyone else due to your skill and teamwork, as well as repeat this for other paths, then you will be able to maximize gold/hour.

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laharl.8435


You’ll probably have a hard time getting into the gw2lfg zerk groups with a guardian. The path can be done near as efficiently with a guardian replacing the mesmer, but most pugs will not realize that. I’m sure many guards wouldn’t get it right anyway.

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Joe.8142


Call me sad but I made a warrior specifically to farm CoF P1. In fact it’s the best thing I’ve ever done, because it made me realise just how bad I was with my elementalist. Now I use my warrior for everything because in this game atm Zerk > Everything else.

And no, the groups on gw2lfg won’t accept guardians usually. Probably because we are all small minded gold farmers who possess little to no brain and remember that we are completely incapable of doing anything in game other than CoF, well that’s what people say anyway.

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Chopps.5047


The fastest clear time right now on record only has one warrior in the group…just saying. :p

Tin Foil Hat Hearer »—> Ranger Extraordinaire »—> “Be like water…”

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purgatory Fire.4057

Purgatory Fire.4057

If you have the brains, do TP if you don’t, do CoF simple as that. CoF imo is the game breaking element which Anet decided to add into the game. Which only causes inflation nothing else. Great work on not fixing this and not working on the economy but getting pigeon-holed in to the Living Story crap. Oh did I mention how buggy your Trading Post is Anet? If you are willing to make money from TP you seriously need patience. Not because of waiting the orders to be filled. You need patience to navigate through the clumsy, unpolished design of the TP itself. “Error attempting to sell” anyone? Or not having the search function for the items that you are currently buying and/or selling, sold,bought? Anyways we need more mini games and JP’s

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SnoodBeAR.5286


Holla holla get dolla

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laharl.8435


The fastest clear time right now on record only has one warrior in the group…just saying. :p

It’s also not easily repeatable by pugs, thus it has no bearing on the farming meta.

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Which only causes inflation nothing else. Great work on not fixing this and not working on the economy but getting pigeon-holed in to the Living Story crap.

What has inflated? Ectos are cheaper than they were in december. Precursors are cheaper than 6 months ago. t6 mats are about the same as they were 6 months ago. Not seeing this inflation.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting – http://www.dtguilds.com/

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


If you create a CPI in game using staple items inflation is just fine. It’s only the luxury items (actually good sigils, runes, zerker stat items etc) that have risen, as to be expected since people have slowly gravitated towards more efficient pve builds.

To the OP, a berserker guardian with a mind towards farming CoF efficiently is kind of in a weird spot, because stupid pugs won’t accept you even though they’re not even coming close to approaching minimum run times even with 4 warriors. When was the last time anyone pugging CoF got into a “4 runs per omnom” group? They’re the most discriminatory community for any dungeon, which I could totally understand- and even support- if it was actually getting them anywhere, but most pugs doing CoF are completely and utterly terrible players.

If you go to the other side of the spectrum however (“all classes” groups), you’ll continue to find terrible players, the difference being you’re spending 12 minutes per run instead of 8.

Four runs per food is completely doable with a berserker guardian replacing a warrior, but you’ll probably have to get a dedicated guild/friends group to do it.

Retired. Too many casuals.

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


like somebody else here, I also leveled up my warrior, got exotic zerker armor / waepons etc and did some CoF P1 runs just to see how much faster it is with 4x zerk war and 1x mesmer.

And you know what? its complete nonsense.

I’ve done parties with 3x guardians (probably zerker, didn’t ask) a ranger and an engineer, and other combinations, and the dungeon completes in the same amount of time.

Maybe the so-called “uber leet” groups I joined are not so leet after all, and the random pug groups with my guardian are better players, who knows.

My best advice is just to make your own groups, that’s what I do with my guardian and have no shortage people joining fast, and we complete it with ease

I’d love for there to be a definitive way to measure pure dps from a class.. I’m not saying zerker guardian do more than warrior (though I have no idea, and I don’t believe there are any conclusive tests available) but I think people would be quite surprised at the small difference there really is, at least from what I see killing mobs.

And don’t forget to use Zealot’s Fervor (from tome of wrath) on boss fights. If you cast it as soon as the tome is summoned, you can cast it again before it runs out, giving yourself and the party 6sec of quickness. Sure doesn’t sound like much, but in boss fights 6x seconds faster per person helps a lot.
Maybe not as great as mesmer’s time warp as you have to attack with the tome while you wait for the second cooldown, but it’s still a nice party buff.

Oh and yes, the fastest way to make gold is grinding the TP, unfortunately

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

(edited by Vashoom.8512)

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purgatory Fire.4057

Purgatory Fire.4057

Which only causes inflation nothing else. Great work on not fixing this and not working on the economy but getting pigeon-holed in to the Living Story crap.

What has inflated? Ectos are cheaper than they were in december. Precursors are cheaper than 6 months ago. t6 mats are about the same as they were 6 months ago. Not seeing this inflation.

Inflation is not the increase in the price but the decrease in the value of the money or what your money can buy. Know the difference.

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Nike Porphyrogenita.8137

Which only causes inflation nothing else. Great work on not fixing this and not working on the economy but getting pigeon-holed in to the Living Story crap.

What has inflated? Ectos are cheaper than they were in december. Precursors are cheaper than 6 months ago. t6 mats are about the same as they were 6 months ago. Not seeing this inflation.

Inflation is not the increase in the price but the decrease in the value of the money or what your money can buy. Know the difference.

Oh I know the difference. Not sure you do though. Purchasing power is reflected in price in this game. 100g will buy you about the same now that it did 6 months ago. What game are you playing?

I’m sure you could find examples of a few miscellaneous items that have skyrocketed (lemongrass) but the staple commodities at different tiers (ori, ecto, lodestones, precursors) have remained flat despite incomes increasing through more effective speedrunning and farming techniques.

Death and Taxes [DnT]
DnT is Recruiting – http://www.dtguilds.com/

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purgatory Fire.4057

Purgatory Fire.4057

Which only causes inflation nothing else. Great work on not fixing this and not working on the economy but getting pigeon-holed in to the Living Story crap.

What has inflated? Ectos are cheaper than they were in december. Precursors are cheaper than 6 months ago. t6 mats are about the same as they were 6 months ago. Not seeing this inflation.

Inflation is not the increase in the price but the decrease in the value of the money or what your money can buy. Know the difference.

Oh I know the difference. Not sure you do though. Purchasing power is reflected in price in this game. 100g will buy you about the same now that it did 6 months ago. What game are you playing?

I’m sure you could find examples of a few miscellaneous items that have skyrocketed (lemongrass) but the staple commodities at different tiers (ori, ecto, lodestones, precursors) have remained flat despite incomes increasing through more effective speedrunning and farming techniques.

I surely do know the difference don’t you worry at all Otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting on 1200 cash gold made in 2 weeks. Anyways I’m not going to go off topic. The commodities stay the same because there is not an actual way to dump those stuff like new recipes and etc. The point is though the more people farm cof and gain quick cash without any effort the less valuable the money will get. Appearently you are making money out of that dungeon and when someone points out some attention you get offended. Just chill a bit. lol

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


Call me sad but I made a warrior specifically to farm CoF P1. In fact it’s the best thing I’ve ever done, because it made me realise just how bad I was with my elementalist. Now I use my warrior for everything because in this game atm Zerk > Everything else.

And no, the groups on gw2lfg won’t accept guardians usually. Probably because we are all small minded gold farmers who possess little to no brain and remember that we are completely incapable of doing anything in game other than CoF, well that’s what people say anyway.

What is your approximate g/hour? If you are including loot this should just include actual profit after taxes and fees. Just curious how it compares to farming stuff(although that is not exactly the same since farming stuff doesn’t generate as much gold directly).

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zenith.7301


Which only causes inflation nothing else. Great work on not fixing this and not working on the economy but getting pigeon-holed in to the Living Story crap.

What has inflated? Ectos are cheaper than they were in december. Precursors are cheaper than 6 months ago. t6 mats are about the same as they were 6 months ago. Not seeing this inflation.

Inflation is not the increase in the price but the decrease in the value of the money or what your money can buy. Know the difference.

Oh I know the difference. Not sure you do though. Purchasing power is reflected in price in this game. 100g will buy you about the same now that it did 6 months ago. What game are you playing?

I’m sure you could find examples of a few miscellaneous items that have skyrocketed (lemongrass) but the staple commodities at different tiers (ori, ecto, lodestones, precursors) have remained flat despite incomes increasing through more effective speedrunning and farming techniques.

I surely do know the difference don’t you worry at all Otherwise I wouldn’t be sitting on 1200 cash gold made in 2 weeks. Anyways I’m not going to go off topic. The commodities stay the same because there is not an actual way to dump those stuff like new recipes and etc. The point is though the more people farm cof and gain quick cash without any effort the less valuable the money will get. Appearently you are making money out of that dungeon and when someone points out some attention you get offended. Just chill a bit. lol

Yeah, there should be effort in making gold! I mean, screw people who don’t want to monitor prices to play virtual tradesman in a game; god forbid they’d rather make money by using the game’s central combat systems.

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LordByron.8369


you maybe won t be well come at cof1
But for coe farm guardian is Always required.

When they will patch the rewards…cof1 will disappear and guardians will be required everywhere…

They are trying to balance stuff nerfing rewards, they are not changing anything…..
New trend will be cof1-2, coe1-2-3, arah3 with 3 wars 1 guard and 1 mesmer

Non OP profession will still be relegated to pug B series parties.

GW2 balance:
A PvE player is supposed to avoid a 1-2 second 1 shotting aoe.
A WWW player is considered uncapable of avoiding a 5,75 second aoe for half his health.

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Blood Red Arachnid.2493

Blood Red Arachnid.2493

If you want my advice, it wouldn’t be to grind. Often times in the game I end up with so much more money that I anticipated. At any time I have 20-30 gold just sitting in my bank, usually because at that point I decide to overhaul some of the builds I have on my 3 level 80 toons. Each of them with multiple armor and trinket sets for different builds. This involves things like converting an entire set of skins from one type to another, like Knight to Berserker. Heck, I even have a set of tier 3 cultural armor on one of my toons because I just ended up with so much money.

My advice is to do what you want to do. Do different dungeons, do overworld bosses, go exploring, gather materials, run amok in WvW, increase your fractal rating, partake in temporary content and try to rig the election, stuff like that.

I don’t have opinions. I only have facts I can’t adequately prove.

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Joe.8142



What is your approximate g/hour? words…..

Well I don’t know my gold p/hour too well tbh. I rarely think of checking and money moves in and out of my TP from my inventory so it’s hard to tell what came from CoF.

I may do a few hours today and take an average from that, I would like to know as well.

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aophts.9862



I think it’s better just to play the game and to the world bosses and dungeons then. I’m have no idea how to flip the TP or how to gain 40G in a day using the TP, and tbh, farm CoF for hours it’s not what i find fun to do anyway.

Maybe i use my Laurels and Karma for money.

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vashoom.8512


if you want fun while profiting, it is more fun (though slightly less profitable) to farm world boss events, using gw2stuff.com and the guesting feature on 2 other servers to maximize kills per hour (or just wait for the spawns on your home server).

not only a 1x rare guaranteed (and sometimes exotic) per boss per day, but also good chance of rares (and sometimes exotics) on each chest.
I’ve seen a guy get a precursor (zap) from the daily bonus chest from an event before, so there can be money made, and it’s more fun, and you get karma, exp and stuff which can be used to make gold in various ways.

Progress blocking bugs are top priority, but not all bugs are so easy to fix as others, be cool :)

I need gold.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: spoj.9672


Popped my hoards of liquid karma the other day. Thats always a nice chunk of gold + lodestones.