I think Arah Explorable is dying

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ozma.1950


Hi guys, first post here!
Not sure if this has been covered in other threads but I’ve noticed a dying player base for the arah dungeon. I’m sure this is due to the popularity of fractals recently even so, the player base for arah dungeon has been dreadful even prior to fractals.

The result of this is very discouraging for players like me working hard to get those shards of zhaitan for my legendary or the arah armor set which is the best looking armor light armor set by far IMO.

I’m sure it is not only the limited window time when you can get into the dungeon (have to complete the arah event chain), but the difficulty of the dungeon that has turned people away complemented with the abysmal rewards that comes at the end with completing the dungeon.

So i am pleading for anet to place more attention on reviving arah! Raise the rewards, lower the difficulty, make it accessible at ALL times, whatever it takes…It is painful to even find a group these days and i’m in Crystal Desert.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dee Jay.2460

Dee Jay.2460

I think in many ways Arah explorable is on par or even more challenging than the Fractals. Yet it’s not nearly as rewarding and typically takes much longer as well.

Arah expl. was always a Dungeon for the more committed player, those that are now grinding out the fractals…again and again and again and again. Lupius is still less forgiving than most Fractal bosses too.

I mean I just went there yesterday so I’m not sure it’s really dying. I still see frequent LFG requests too. But I agree that the time/risk/reward factor is off in Arah, when compared to Fractals.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tenebram.8975


Arah is definitely getting harder and harder to do.. I haven’t been able to get a whole group for a few weeks now.. generally we get 3 people then people give up waiting.. you’ll see one or two groups for story a day but absolutely none for explorable when really sucks considering I would like to get the full armor set

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Henryik.8260


i think the main reason is that most players had farmed arah enough. One of my guildmates had like 9 stack of arah tokens sitting around, and we only did it once a day. I bought myself a full set of arah including a sword and still got 3 stacks left.

Likewise, the new fractal tokens seemed to be needed more (at least u need 1350 for the exotic back)

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fay.2735


The reason why Arah is hard is because the gate is never open so people can’t actually get in it. The undefeated champion boss, Mr.Gate

Me and my party been wanting to do Arah but haven’t been able to in ages due to the gate issue.

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I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


The reason why Arah is hard is because the gate is never open so people can’t actually get in it. The undefeated champion boss, Mr.Gate

Me and my party been wanting to do Arah but haven’t been able to in ages due to the gate issue.

If you have 1 spot open I can enter into dungeon at almost all time. eu server

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Milennin.4825


Main reasons why I kind of stopped doing Arah, even though I like the dungeon a lot:

-Constant reports of bugged paths (like path 1 being bugged at the end), I don’t feel like risking a few hours on nothing.
-The gate is or was constantly closed. I have better things to do than wait for a gate to open.
-It generally takes a fair amount of time to complete. It means I often go to some other dungeon instead if I don’t have the time, or am not sure if I’ll have enough time to finish it.
-PUGs breaking Giganticus Lupicus fight by luring him to the waypoint is beyond lame-sauce. Giganticus is one of the main reasons to go to Arah, breaking his fight takes away the enjoyment I’m looking for.
-The loot sucks, and I’m not interested in any of the Arah dungeon gear anyway. And by sucks I mean I’m better off doing Ascalonian Catacombs all 3 paths in less time than it takes to run 1 path in Arah, which makes me a ton more cash + loots.
-Simin. Do I need to say more?

Just who the hell do you think I am!?

(edited by Milennin.4825)

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: elsbeth.3567


Hi guys, first post here!
Not sure if this has been covered in other threads but I’ve noticed a dying player base for the arah dungeon. I’m sure this is due to the popularity of fractals recently even so, the player base for arah dungeon has been dreadful even prior to fractals.

The result of this is very discouraging for players like me working hard to get those shards of zhaitan for my legendary or the arah armor set which is the best looking armor light armor set by far IMO.

I’m sure it is not only the limited window time when you can get into the dungeon (have to complete the arah event chain), but the difficulty of the dungeon that has turned people away complemented with the abysmal rewards that comes at the end with completing the dungeon.

So i am pleading for anet to place more attention on reviving arah! Raise the rewards, lower the difficulty, make it accessible at ALL times, whatever it takes…It is painful to even find a group these days and i’m in Crystal Desert.

I have never been able to do it as story because of 1) the timer, 2) because it was known to have garbage rewards so no one wanted to do it with me, and 3) because it was broken for a long time and may still be for all I know. So I concur with all the above, plus Anet should prioritize fixing/upgrading existing content.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sleepy.2647


Now in fact Arah is popular as hell because people do path 3 speed runs on the first two champs to get about 30s in 5 minutes. Now event farm was changed for Arah path 3 speed farms…

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Drarnor Kunoram.5180

Drarnor Kunoram.5180

I need to get into Arah so I can get the armor/weapons I want, but Dragonbrand server is having issues mustering enough of a force to take out the Eye on the Promenade of the Gods, so Arah is no longer open. Fractals of the Mists is currently the only game in town, so anyone who want the stuff from Arah is screwed.

Dragonbrand |Drarnor Kunoram: Charr Necro
I’m a Geeleiver

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bettadenu.5483


Contact me if you want to do Arah, just PM me when im on because I’d like to Arah set aswell and can’t find a group!

Hopefully we can combine forces here to do it with a dedicated yet casual group and get everyone the reward he wants from the Dungeon.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Valandil Dragonhart.2371

Me too please!! I’m hanging out for some Arah explorable action, I need my shards as much as everyone else does. Hit me up in-game and I’ll most likely be free for a run whenever. I guess the timing is most important here, as we’re worldwide.

The old-school Arrow-Key warrior.
“Obtaining a legendary should be done through legendary feats…
Not luck and credit cards.”

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Monarch.4026


Yes, it is dying.

1. Devs never listen to anyone when they say an instance is too darn long and one boss (Lupicus Giganticus) is the longest fight of any boss in game and he almost single handedly ruins the instance completely.

2. Devs do listen and over- react as soon as some one says " it’s too easy "! To them, it’s a challenge issued and they answer almost immediately. Selective reading at its worst. You have a few elite jerks wanting to make themselves feel superior to the player base at large and as soon as you say Arah is too long, they come out and say stupid crap like " we did it in 5 minutes, the whole dungeon, yes in 5 minutes and Lupi is fun and easy." Now they have not only lied, but made themselves feel better and made the devs feel like its sooooo great. It’s not.

It pisses me off cause I’ve busted my butt with pugs to get the complete set just for the look of the skins and because anet only hears what they want to hear, Arah still sucks, is too darn long and is now fading to obscurity. Great.

Lastly. Good luck even getting in cause its contested about 99.9% of the time.

(edited by Monarch.4026)

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DungeonDaughter.7391


A. It’s hard to get into. It’s open, what, once a month?
B. It has competition from other dungeons.
C. Path 1 is a 3-hour gamble, since it might bug at the very end.
D. Path 4 takes anywhere from 5-15 hours apparently.
E. Fractals.

That being said, I still want to try D. Who’s with me?

“We just don’t want players…in Guild Wars 2.
No one enjoys [it]. No one finds it fun.” —Colin J.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Anthile.8493


I still need to do all Arah paths for my dungeon master title. It’s incredibly difficult to find a group to begin with, then they often just want people who have already done it, then you have to open up the dungeon and then you can actually try to beat it.
I’ve only had two shots at it so far, both times with PUGs and while it were competent people, it just took too long and people started dropping out.
That said, I’m still interested in running it though I never made it past Lupicus.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fuz.5621


I still need to do all Arah paths for my dungeon master title. It’s incredibly difficult to find a group to begin with, then they often just want people who have already done it, then you have to open up the dungeon and then you can actually try to beat it.
I’ve only had two shots at it so far, both times with PUGs and while it were competent people, it just took too long and people started dropping out.
That said, I’m still interested in running it though I never made it past Lupicus.

This game badly needs a proper LFG tool.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Leonard.2867


-I do agree the length of most paths are too long.

-Lupie is da shhhh, don’t dis him. Need more bosses like him and harder.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ozma.1950


Some suggestions for anet to re-invent arah.
It all comes down to what constitutes a fun dungeon.

1.) Make arah not more than 80 mins long (and this has to be the worst case scenario)
2.) Make fractal shards AND shards of zaitan available as a reward for completion.
3.) Increase exotic drop rates and make infused items a possible drop as well
4.) Make it independent of any DEs, we want to be able to get in at any point in time

My idea of fun is such that the dungeon has to be crafted in a manageable way even while doing it with pugs. Fractals was a great success because you seldom run into an insurmountable brick wall. Mini-jumping puzzles helps to spice up the play style. The only boss i enjoyed fighting in arah was lupi (even though he’s a pain in the butt), because it does take some wit to dodge his attacks rather than mind-numbing aoe. What kills this dungeon, is really the trash mobs, mobs that serves no real purpose other than prolong the dungeon, not to mention they drop crap too.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

They gave you back the noobish shardfarm, doing 1st boss+reset. Aren’t you happy?

Dungeon Master http://i.imgur.com/Hoqw3.jpg ME http://i.imgur.com/R41MGzB.jpg Fractal Guild Promoter

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ThePainTrain.8190


Hi guys, first post here!
Not sure if this has been covered in other threads but I’ve noticed a dying player base for the arah dungeon. I’m sure this is due to the popularity of fractals recently even so, the player base for arah dungeon has been dreadful even prior to fractals.

The result of this is very discouraging for players like me working hard to get those shards of zhaitan for my legendary or the arah armor set which is the best looking armor light armor set by far IMO.

I’m sure it is not only the limited window time when you can get into the dungeon (have to complete the arah event chain), but the difficulty of the dungeon that has turned people away complemented with the abysmal rewards that comes at the end with completing the dungeon.

So i am pleading for anet to place more attention on reviving arah! Raise the rewards, lower the difficulty, make it accessible at ALL times, whatever it takes…It is painful to even find a group these days and i’m in Crystal Desert.

Tbh I haven’t bothered doing Arah recently, but this has not been for me because of the difficulty.

I do not find Arah too hard I actuary think they have the difficulty spot on and I love the dungeon.

The reason I do not do it is simply because 90% of the time I cannot get in as the door is bugged, and when I final get in we get to the end of the path and it bugs so we are unable to collect our reward.

It is a great shame because if I put the bugs aside, I think Arena Net did a great job on the content in this dungeon, but for now until I here that the bugs have been resolved I will not be doing this.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ThePainTrain.8190


Yes, it is dying.

1. Devs never listen to anyone when they say an instance is too darn long and one boss (Lupicus Giganticus) is the longest fight of any boss in game and he almost single handedly ruins the instance completely.

Don’t really agree with you on this point.

I suppose you may label me as an “Elitist”, but I don’t find Lupicus Giganticus that long or hard.

I don’t think he’s too easy or too short ether, I think they have got this one just right.
I’m not running Arah at the moment due to the bugs. It waist so much time where I could be having fun not getting stressed about wanting to go , but when I did I have ran with pugs and I had no issues, once I explained to them what to do.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zemi.4137


Its not dying…

I cant find a single person wanting to do arah exp for a week. Not even for path 3! And i need those shards for the legendary How am i gonna find a whole group!? Im tired of wasting my time searching for a group.

Mostly after the prix event got nerfed, nobody goes to the map anymore. The pre-event is never done even when its not bugged. And nobody seems to care about the arah issue in Anet.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bukkebruse.2810


Arah is not dying, it’s just not as popular as fractals during the periods when it isn’t bugged. You will only find PUGs for path 2 and 3 because the two others require some team communication (They are still done, you just don’t see anyone advertising them)

Also Lupicus isn’t hard. At least he shouldn’t be after you’ve fought him 2 or 3 times.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tenebram.8975


While it does not help keep this dungeon alive a possible solution for all of us that need the shards could be to implement a merchant that will trade dungeon tokens for fractal shards.. that way even if a dungeon is bugged or a person can never find a group for it they can still get tokens to purchase the dungeon sets

Also you cant say arah is no dying or dead in general because each server is different.. on Henge for instance.. the gate is open at most an hour a day and when it is open there is at most one group going and its always for story to finish the main quest line

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bukkebruse.2810


I don’t like how people want everything to be centered about fractals. There simply shoulkdn’t be any bugs on Arah, not some system that makes fixing bugs obsolete.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

I need arah and no one will run it because the paths are always bugged.

alot of times the event chains to open the gate is bugged too.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


I need arah and no one will run it because the paths are always bugged.

alot of times the event chains to open the gate is bugged too.

Path 3 and 4 aren’t bugged if I recall correctly. Path 2 might bug occasionaly. Path 1 is just asking for a glitch unless you know how to work around it.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bukkebruse.2810


I’ve never seen any bugs on path 3 or 2. Path 1 is bugged to hell but it’s nothing that prevents you from completing the dungeon. I haven’t done path 4 but some people say that the spark AI during the Simin fight is bugged

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

Just tried to create a group with the OP and 3 others. All of our servers had bugged events.

This really sucks.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bukkebruse.2810


Arah is open on my server at the moment. :P

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zala.4638


On which server is open?

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bukkebruse.2810


Aurora Glade. It’s an EU server btw

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Snow White.9680

Snow White.9680

It’s really too bad guesting isn’t working or I’d hop over to your server and make a group.

Do I really want to be stuck there for 7 days for 1 dungeon run? And even if I did that, there’s no guarantee it won’t bug out as soon as I got there.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bukkebruse.2810


I could create a cross server party for path 4 if I could find someone already experienced with the path. It’s the only Arah path I haven’t done and I’ve already completed 2 and 3 today.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nuka Cola.8520

Nuka Cola.8520

Its so easy to fix but anet does not compute. Add precursor chance at dungeon completion (extra chest pop up like in daily fractals) and WAAAAY more people will be doing the dungeon. As of now what exactly have they added (loot wise) worth farming? Nothing… now every1 do the 6 shards run lol i don’t think devs at anet understand when some1 says “add new rare skins to revive X dungeon”.

Fact: every Thief tells you to “l2p” when the subject is to nerf stealth.

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Strifey.7215


Does anyone know a NA server that has it open?

Guard/War/Mesmer and Dungeon Guides:

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Hermes.7014


Trust me it’s not just the bugs. It’s also the time needed to complete.
Then probably Giganticus Lupicus. That boss fight is beyond frustrating and annoying. I know that when the waypoint was closer to the battle people exploited it, but now every time somebody dies on path 3, he has to travel half dungeon again to get back to battle. Also, not everyone is a master at dodging the spammed fast homing projectiles that get easily mistaken among those which just travel to the ground.
And what about the immediate HP reset if the boss loses aggro on all party members, even in a situation such as if a thief casts shadow refuge on the whole party? That’s kittened up.
The fact that an high vitality class, namely guardian, is needed for this fight also breaks it. Where is the “all classes can do anything in this game”? Hell an elementalist or thief almost get oneshotted if hit and they can’t do anything to protect allies.

Arah requires too much effort, unbalanced for the current rewards, and people just resort for the faster dungeons and fractals. That’s the truth.
I know it’s Orr, I know it’s the city of the human gods, but turn the difficulty and completion time on par with other dungeons and I’m sure it’ll regain life.

Whether something is either wrong or right, someone will always complain about it.

(edited by Hermes.7014)

I think Arah Explorable is dying

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bukkebruse.2810


The only frustrating thing about Lupicus is that he becomes harder the more inexperienced people are at killing him. You sound like you’ve done any other path than 3 (or maybe 2) There’s a long run for a reason you know. Whenever I do Arah with my guild no one ever dies at Lupicus ans getting downed at all is a rare sight. You don’t really need a specific class to take him down either

I do agree on the rewards/effort ratio thoug. Unless you want a gift of zhaitan/Arah skin you’re better off running some other dungeon such as AC or CoF, which really is a shame.