I wish CoF 1 could be harder

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Halo.8976


It’s way too easy right now. People can run it in 10-15 minutes and it’s unbelievable boring. Even walking around orr is more challenging than this. CoF 1 almost killed all other dungeon activities. It’s like fractals, only worse – at least fractals are somehow competitive and more classes/builds have a chance to run it.

During “Rescue the engineer” stage people can just hide inside the cave, which makes mobs deaggro, please fix that. It would be awesome if “Gate Controller” stage mobs hit harder, or final boss had more toughness and one-shot moves, like those silver mobs in Arah (give condition builds a chance!). Right now CoF 1 is a joke that encourages mindless type of game-play with high reward. Please Anet, stop that.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vees.7816


PEOPLE STOP SAYING DUNGEONS ARE TOO EASY! Yes they are but then ANet is gunna buff the crap out of them and call it an improvement. Just look at AC. ANet will ruin CoF if people keep saying that.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


No, orr isnt more challenging than Slave Driver. What in Orr takes 1/3-1/2 your hp or instakill squishers besides a temple? Ive had plenty teams wipe/fail on Slave Driver, only to die lots more on the Acolyte part.

Just because its easy for you, doesnt mean its easy for the community.
Also, Sucess at dungeon path completion DOES NOT equal easy. It means its possible. Doesnt mean during that 15 min run, there was no struggles.

During the Rescue the engineer part, theres way more safespots then the cave, again would be a temporary patch and would make players hide “In the other safespot” vs cave. Not worth the effort or time.

The gate controller mobs can 1 hit for all i care. I need about 5 seconds or so to burst it down on a Zerker Warrior. As long as they are downed and not fully dead, theres no way even 100000 damage will stop me from completing my gate before they die.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


Or just make the ooze royalty battle essential to progress. That was a fun fight, too bad it is completely optional.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Rika.7249


Make the path 3 times as long. AC buff was a step in the right direction although it wasn’t quite as much as hoped.

Hope they buff the crap out of CoF.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


The problem is people will always move to the “next easiest thing to farm for money”.

if they nerf all of that, I’m just back to farming orr and world event and never do dungeon again.

My personal suggestion is for “scavenge hunt” or “legendary armor” if they are implementing it. Force us to get token for every single dungeon. So people’ll have to do everything.

I remember Anet saying their revamp the dungeon as well as the reward for it. So I guess it’s a wait and see.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maddoctor.2738


if they nerf all of that, I’m just back to farming orr and world event and never do dungeon again.

Now that the major world bosses always drop at least rares the dungeon chests need to be buffed, maybe even add a daily reward to them, like the world bosses? It will encourage running different paths instead of running just one path of one dungeon.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Halo.8976


Better orr than all those zerger warriors in CoF 1. At least, there will be events done.

Several days ago I somehow managed to find people for CoF 3 (our first run), and it was awesome. I won’t say it was hard, but the boss fight suggests using some skills, rather than 100-blades-mashing inside a time warp. I honestly prefer to run this path over cof 1, but it takes hours to find people under a bazillion “$$cof1farmzergwarriorsonlymesmerdpsmoneyspeedrun$$”

Skills should be rewarded. Desire of exploration should be rewarded. Not mindless, repetitive farming. It’s a fantasy game, not Farming Simulator 2013.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Ya I mean it is getting a bit off topic. People dont’ run path 3 because it isn’t as rewarding. And most of the people who farm probably have a few alt so obviously they choose the easiest class to farm.

Just like I always choose my guardian to run harder dungeon.

That being said, class balance is a touching issue. I’m sure people know by now warrior is great for easy content since they get the high dps. And guardian is great for hard content since they are the best tanker.

Heck I run orr event with my thief since ya… They are good at it. So you get the idea.

and I do cof farm with my warrior. And with some long term farm friend. Can you blame them? It take them 1000+ cof run to get their legendary. Which is mostly what they are farming for.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


It’s way too easy right now. People can run it in 10-15 minutes and it’s unbelievable boring.

Then don’t run it. It’s not as if it is the only choice. Plenty of people don’t share your views.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gelltor.3015


Path 3 is hilarious,the knockback on the last boss always sends at least one 100b warrior into some lava :P
But yeah,path 1 really needs a buff,a level 75 dungeon should not be easier than a level 35 one.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zeid Valentine.2603

Zeid Valentine.2603

How about you start by killing everything in the path as it was intended, instead of just running past it? I know right? crazy idea but it might just make it more difficult to do in 10-15min…
Its so ironic that you complain that its so easy and the examples you make make use of unintended game play mechanics.
Go be a running hero in some harder dungeon if this is not your cup of tea please.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


It’s way too easy right now. People can run it in 10-15 minutes and it’s unbelievable boring. Even walking around orr is more challenging than this. CoF 1 almost killed all other dungeon activities. It’s like fractals, only worse – at least fractals are somehow competitive and more classes/builds have a chance to run it.

During “Rescue the engineer” stage people can just hide inside the cave, which makes mobs deaggro, please fix that. It would be awesome if “Gate Controller” stage mobs hit harder, or final boss had more toughness and one-shot moves, like those silver mobs in Arah (give condition builds a chance!). Right now CoF 1 is a joke that encourages mindless type of game-play with high reward. Please Anet, stop that.

Run it naked then … why you have to ask for things that you can do yourself to show that you’re way above the rest?

People are too serious of their knowledge.

(edited by SkyChef.5432)

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Woljnir.7810


If people didn’t skip anything it would take a little bit longer. Even then, who cares? For kitten’s sake, there’s always somebody who has to complain about things like this. Who cares if it’s too easy. It’s good money for the people who aren’t good at making it and don’t want to waste hours farming. If people want to spend the rest of their GW2 lives in CoF 1, let them.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Halo.8976


Try to suggest to kill everything and you’ll just get kicked.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Quam.7218


Try doing cof p1 with all players new to cof and pretend You are also new, also don’t lead or give hints – enjoy.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: haviz.1340


I’m sorry to burst your bubble but the typical, strong arah group looks a lot like CoF : 3 war, 1 guard (for the utility), 1 mesmer. Conditions? What conditions? We take things down as fast as it could be as it is with power/pre/crit builds.

It’s the result of same thing, skipping. Take you average puggers and they will wipe against champ spider or giant.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Try to suggest to kill everything and you’ll just get kicked.

well, put it this way. People arn’t really “doing” dungeon. They are “farming” money.

If you take a look at the recent change to AC, the number of people that do the dungeon have significantly decreased. Just take a look at gwlfg. There are far less people doing it now. And very few low level use it to “farm” level. Since most group demand level80 only now.

When they made the change to cof path 2. I make a decision to never run it again. Since it became an inefficient farm spot. If I would to run in a pug I get to the end and the pug can’t handle it, I just waste alot of my time.

It’s not that it is hard or anything. But I just value it as “failable” if I get in a bad group. That’s why many people stop doing AC.

Doing a hard dungeon may sound interesting. But if you would have to do a hard dungeon thousands of times for a legendary. It become very frustrating when your teamates can’t handle it.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Iures.2894


How about you start by killing everything in the path as it was intended, instead of just running past it? I know right? crazy idea but it might just make it more difficult to do in 10-15min…
Its so ironic that you complain that its so easy and the examples you make make use of unintended game play mechanics.
Go be a running hero in some harder dungeon if this is not your cup of tea please.

Not. . .really. I mean, yeah, you won’t get 10 minute runs anymore, but there’s only one remotely difficult fight that gets skipped, and that’s the bridge champion. Even that is just kill the archer, kill the other archer, avoid the fire, kill the champ.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Soloist.4120


I completely disagree with this . The dungeons dont need to be harder . If your bored , go craft something , or go do pvp , or go play another game. But don’t tell them to continue to make things so difficult most ppl won’t run them. AC is bad enough as it is right now. We DO NOT need another dungeon ruined by some elitist thinking everything needs a buff. The dungeons need a nerf. No one can do the dungeons at the lvl they are supposed to be. I don’t know anyone inside or outside of my guild that could do AC exp at lvl 35 , even if we all had top notch gear . For god sakes you cant heal up fro the spider queen ‘s poison becuse it’s to potent . And forget Collossus Rumblus , he rocks dont give you any chance to rally . And Warmaster Grast wont use his sheild most of the time so he is useless. So , if that is making things " TO EASY" , is making a dungeon impossible to finish with lvl 80’s in full exotic gear is to easy , go find another game , we don’t want or need you here.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bitterjo.1695


I only run that with guildies or friends who come online, since LFG has only ‘ZERKER WARS AND MESMER ONLY! GEAR CHECK! GOLD RUN!’ quality of spam. I have 6 toons maxed out in exo, and the majority of ppl looking for parties are kicking out anyone who is not a warrior, mesmer, or in ruby accessories. Gear check, seriously? The only gear check required should be for Arah.

No issues with the dungeon, just the players. It’s fun! All burning and kitties.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Celtus.8456


Yes, it should be made harder. I support any measures which would increase the diversity of activities in the game. No, I don’t care how much the farmers will cry.

Zulu Ox Tactics [zulu]

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I only run that with guildies or friends who come online, since LFG has only ‘ZERKER WARS AND MESMER ONLY! GEAR CHECK! GOLD RUN!’ quality of spam. I have 6 toons maxed out in exo, and the majority of ppl looking for parties are kicking out anyone who is not a warrior, mesmer, or in ruby accessories. Gear check, seriously? The only gear check required should be for Arah.

No issues with the dungeon, just the players. It’s fun! All burning and kitties.

Ok seriously go to gwlfg again. Look at the list again. Yes there are memser/warrior berserker or whatever group. But that is infact the minority.

Most of them dont’ ask for gear check. So your problem is “maybe” you want to join those group and you can’t.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Ok seriously go to gwlfg again. Look at the list again. Yes there are memser/warrior berserker or whatever group. But that is infact the minority.

Most of them dont’ ask for gear check. So your problem is “maybe” you want to join those group and you can’t.

In any “zerk war only” ad, gear check is implied.

(edited by DeathPanel.8362)

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Crossplay.2067


You do NOT want CoF to be harder. If such should happen, it would be played less and your problem would go from trying to find a team that wasn’t looking for specific builds to just trying to find a team.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


You do NOT want CoF to be harder. If such should happen, it would be played less and your problem would go from trying to find a team that wasn’t looking for specific builds to just trying to find a team.


By making it harder all they will do is make the team requirements be even more restrictive.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


Ok seriously go to gwlfg again. Look at the list again. Yes there are memser/warrior berserker or whatever group. But that is infact the minority.

Most of them dont’ ask for gear check. So your problem is “maybe” you want to join those group and you can’t.

In any “zerk war only” ad, gear check is implied.

I didn’t say anything except there are groups beside zerk war only. The guy says there’s only zerk war only group and that is obviously not true.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Ok seriously go to gwlfg again. Look at the list again. Yes there are memser/warrior berserker or whatever group. But that is infact the minority.

Most of them dont’ ask for gear check. So your problem is “maybe” you want to join those group and you can’t.

In any “zerk war only” ad, gear check is implied.

I didn’t say anything except there are groups beside zerk war only. The guy says there’s only zerk war only group and that is obviously not true.

It’s pretty close to the truth…


I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


what’s that trying to prove. One time of the day the top 8 listing out of the (rest which trying to hide) is warrior/memser only?

Ya I just went to gwlfg. indeed like 20 of thie listing is indeed warrior/memser or berserker whatever. the rest of the 46 isn’t about that. you meant you can’t find a group?

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

How about you start by killing everything in the path as it was intended, instead of just running past it? I know right? crazy idea but it might just make it more difficult to do in 10-15min…
Its so ironic that you complain that its so easy and the examples you make make use of unintended game play mechanics.
Go be a running hero in some harder dungeon if this is not your cup of tea please.

No, its EASIER if you did that, just takes longer. Your post validates why I really detest rabid anti skippers ie they are simply irrational and don’t understand the difference between grind and fun. Some might have not even L2Ped yet.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khal Drogo.9631

Khal Drogo.9631

Try to suggest to kill everything and you’ll just get kicked.

Vice versa too. No u wont get kicked, just ignored.

But yeah,path 1 really needs a buff,a level 75 dungeon should not be easier than a level 35 one.

AC shouldnt have been buffed (it is a starter lvl 35 dungeon, tokens cannot be exchanged for rares that can be salvaged for ectos), just tweaked and COF 1 should been buffed to prevent 4xwarrior 1 mesmer. Yes I took part in these as well, but I never enforced gear check or took part in parties with those requirements + if u dont run 6 min runs, u get kicked etc and honestly the money is fantastic.

Apologies to those who may find my posts on GW2 forums offensive and hateful.

(edited by Khal Drogo.9631)

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: bitterjo.1695


I only run that with guildies or friends who come online, since LFG has only ‘ZERKER WARS AND MESMER ONLY! GEAR CHECK! GOLD RUN!’ quality of spam. I have 6 toons maxed out in exo, and the majority of ppl looking for parties are kicking out anyone who is not a warrior, mesmer, or in ruby accessories. Gear check, seriously? The only gear check required should be for Arah.

No issues with the dungeon, just the players. It’s fun! All burning and kitties.

Ok seriously go to gwlfg again. Look at the list again. Yes there are memser/warrior berserker or whatever group. But that is infact the minority.

Most of them dont’ ask for gear check. So your problem is “maybe” you want to join those group and you can’t.

My problem is ‘definitely’ players who tell me ‘sorry zerker warriors or mesmers only’ even if I am a DPS Guardian/Ranger/Ele/Thief/Necro. Even if their posts say ‘Speed run! For gold!’ The difference completing a dungeon in 5 mins and 15 mins isn’t the end of the world.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laokoko.7403


I only run that with guildies or friends who come online, since LFG has only ‘ZERKER WARS AND MESMER ONLY! GEAR CHECK! GOLD RUN!’ quality of spam. I have 6 toons maxed out in exo, and the majority of ppl looking for parties are kicking out anyone who is not a warrior, mesmer, or in ruby accessories. Gear check, seriously? The only gear check required should be for Arah.

No issues with the dungeon, just the players. It’s fun! All burning and kitties.

Ok seriously go to gwlfg again. Look at the list again. Yes there are memser/warrior berserker or whatever group. But that is infact the minority.

Most of them dont’ ask for gear check. So your problem is “maybe” you want to join those group and you can’t.

My problem is ‘definitely’ players who tell me ‘sorry zerker warriors or mesmers only’ even if I am a DPS Guardian/Ranger/Ele/Thief/Necro. Even if their posts say ‘Speed run! For gold!’ The difference completing a dungeon in 5 mins and 15 mins isn’t the end of the world.

I dont’ want to post any more. You dont’ really understand what’s going on. Those farmers farm it over and over again. I saw my friend farming it 12+ hours a day.

It is not a big deal if you do it only once. If you do it over a long period of time, that’s the difference. People can maybe do 8 cof runs an hour. If it take you 15 minutes to complete it you can only do 4.

That’s the difference between getting 8 gold an hour to 4 gold an hour. Or 80 gold over 10 hour compare to 40. And 80 gold compare to 40 gold is a big difference.

Anyway, I dont’ care what Anet does. You can keep complaining. It is really Anet’s decision to change whatever they think fit. It’s not like what ever I say matter. I’ll just go back to playing.

(edited by laokoko.7403)

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Croatoan.8426


cof p1 is a farmers dream. I have farmed it. Takes my team a grand total of 40 secs to kill slave driver. Skip bridge,kill acoyltes as fast as they respawn. mesmer past the rocks, do the braizers in about 20 secs. Kill efrigy in about 55 secs. 4 wars and 1 mesmer can eat this dungeon alive. Each warrior uses differnt banner strength,discipline,tactics, and the other is mute. mesmer waits till all banners are down and waits for all 4 warriors to use for great justice then time warps us. Insta boss death basically. Also we take turns using reaper of grenth on flame efrigy.. Be suprised at how fast he dies without full regen.

Entire fort of people disapeared,only thing left carved into a tree was CROATOAN.

(edited by Croatoan.8426)

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lambros Augustus.6594

Lambros Augustus.6594

Level one, white armor.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Slaptjip.4895


OP is trolling.

CoF is the last dungeon that can be enjoyed with reasonable reward.

Why ask for CoF to be made harder when there are so many more nerf grinding alternatives.

I can bet my whole bank the OP does not even have “Dungeon Master” title…

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Linchpin.8095


For people just starting out and getting used to the game’s explorable dungeons even CoF isn’t a cakewalk the 1st few times and dungeons should have varied difficulty for that precise reason, so the player can gradually progress as he improves and gears up. Make everything too hard and people quit from frustration, make it all too easy they quit from boredom, having a variety of both works great though.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Croatoan.8426


For people just starting out and getting used to the game’s explorable dungeons even CoF isn’t a cakewalk the 1st few times and dungeons should have varied difficulty for that precise reason, so the player can gradually progress as he improves and gears up. Make everything too hard and people quit from frustration, make it all too easy they quit from boredom, having a variety of both works great though.

Exactly! You can please some but you can’t please them all. Farmers want it easier and people that run them for fun want more variety and difficulty. Best part about MMO’s is they are always changing and adding more content. In 2 years there might be 30 dungeons all with seperate paths or they might add paths to current dungeons. Personally I farmed for my tokens there are other ways of making gold in this game not spamming a dungeon 60 times a day will make you want to faceroll the key board.
And as for new players they can always find experinced players to teach them how to run it. Everyone starts out as a nub pug at some point or the other. And there are other options you can watch youtube videos and figure out for yourselves how to run the dungeon before attempting to group. This isn’t WoW where you have a dedicated tank,dps,and a healer you have to come up with strategies or use somebody elses. Every character is gifted with survival,dps,and healing how you spec your character is your own buisness but if you make a zerk and don’t expect to go down because the boss and mobs are gonna ignore you are very mistaken. The anet devs even gifted us with the ability to dodge attacks,they gave us quick escape abilites ,and if you don’t want to have a tanky class they even gave certain classes tons of kiting and control abilities.

Entire fort of people disapeared,only thing left carved into a tree was CROATOAN.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Halo.8976


Casual players don’t farm CoF 1, only hardcore ones do.
And this actually puts casual or new players in disadvantage, since the economy not really casual-friendly thanks to those 10 gold in a hour farming thing

You can’t make that much just by playing (enjoying) the game, even with recent drops changes. You can’t make that much in WvW, orr, or any other game activities.

Spending your time with exploring and doing actual events is less rewarding than sitting in one singe dungeon, and I seriously doubt that the devs are happy about that. Regardless of what I say, CoF 1 will get buffed. I only hope that will be sooner.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sherman.4631


Don’t send any ideas to Anet, we don’t want the same stuff that happen to AC

We’re out of chicken

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


CoF now has more entries in LFG than AC. Enjoy your runs while it lasts.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DeathPanel.8362


Any kind of nerf would just screw over the casual players even more.

High end players will always find a way to speed things up, even if it’s not as fast as before, while the changes totally hose the low end players. (AC as an example)

If COF is nerfed depending on how bad it is then prepare to see gear checks on every lfg and minimal achievement point requirements of like 3k+.

The farmers won’t care because they already are past the threshold anyway, it will only hurt the casuals.

Asking for nerf to COF = really bad idea.

(edited by DeathPanel.8362)

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Linchpin.8095


And honestly if they make all the dungeons harder all the time I for one would have a tough time recommending this game to people who aren’t uber-gamers, which again would be a bad thing. A-Net went on and on about this not being a game about elitism during development and how things were designed with that in mind, making all group content inaccessible for casual/new players would encourage far worse levels of elitism than WoW ever had. Hardcore farmers will always find a way to farm something faster but they are a minority, stop trying to screw over everyone else just because some kiddie can brag about making 10g an hour!

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SkyChef.5432


And honestly if they make all the dungeons harder all the time I for one would have a tough time recommending this game to people who aren’t uber-gamers, which again would be a bad thing. A-Net went on and on about this not being a game about elitism during development and how things were designed with that in mind, making all group content inaccessible for casual/new players would encourage far worse levels of elitism than WoW ever had. Hardcore farmers will always find a way to farm something faster but they are a minority, stop trying to screw over everyone else just because some kiddie can brag about making 10g an hour!

I doubt that is the real reason behind the change. Remember Anet is first a cooperation and profit is #1 priority of any cooperation.

People are too serious of their knowledge.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malediktus.9250


All dungeons are too easy, even the new AC

1st person worldwide to reach 35,000 achievement points.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vargs.6234


I don’t really run CoF anymore, but I think it’s nice that there’s a couple dungeon paths that anyone can easily do, even if they aren’t especially good at the game. It also gives new players a nice starting point to get the hang of things. And I like knowing that if I ever need to gear up an alt, I can do some quick CoF runs to get an exotic set, even if it’s a particularly ugly and non-prestigious one. Or if I just want to get an exotic weapon of each type, even for the ones I don’t really like or use much, and don’t care what they look like.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Croatoan.8426


Well pretty much every dungeon is duable with pugs if they can think at all. Some people even solo dungeons. I would like for them to raise the difficulty thus raising the reward but that being said I have to agree with litchpin again eltisim is all over this game and it gets annoying to see people kicked without even a try,and It will probably only get worse with time ALOT worse if anet allows gear inspection.

Entire fort of people disapeared,only thing left carved into a tree was CROATOAN.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gallrvaghn.4921


People will ragequit if they do this.

“The boss you just killed respawns ten minutes
later. It doesn’t care that I’m there.”

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Squally.4963


PEOPLE STOP SAYING DUNGEONS ARE TOO EASY! Yes they are but then ANet is gunna buff the crap out of them and call it an improvement. Just look at AC. ANet will ruin CoF if people keep saying that.

There is nothing wrong with the new AC with the exception of the occasional bug where Ghast doesn’t put up his shield, Detha gets stuck at the building traps event, or the Ghost Eater bugs and he just sits there spawning slimes over and over again without moving or doing anything else. All of which are fixable!

I’ve noticed that Ghast is less likely to bug if you clear the path of gravlings to the boss chamber. Same thing with Detha, she’s less likely to bug if you clear out the gravlings before the boss room. If you do skip though and she does get stuck, you can coax the slimes near her and usually she’ll attack them. Help her finish them off and she’ll usually “un-bug” herself. As for when the ghost eater bugs, it can actually workout in your favor because it give you time to get the traps charged without him spitting aoe on you. When you’re ready a few knockdowns should knock him back to his senses and he’ll resume attacking you.

So no, dungeons are still easy. IMO the majority of the player base that was skilled at said dungeons have moved on to other things and/or guild only groups.

I wish CoF 1 could be harder

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IzyBizy.7561


Cof no need to be nerf, warr are for nerf are pve master class need to be change that :s