Idea: Exchange dungeon tokens

Idea: Exchange dungeon tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: WiseEye.9842


Im running HotW for the Dungeon armor and all my friends are running different dungeons. Its sad that I have to farm this on my own.

So the idea which I have in my head is to make a npc which can change any dungeon tokens for any of the other dungeon tokens. So dungeon farming becomes a lot more enjoyable and I dont miss any gw2-exerpience with my friends.

What do you guys think?

Idea: Exchange dungeon tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: killerviel.4382


great idea, but I think it shouldn’t be a direct one on 1 exchange because otherwise people will farm ac and quickly get the hardest to get gear in the game.

Idea: Exchange dungeon tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: WiseEye.9842


Maybe, but if they feel obliged to farm gear in a game its their problem. The game is intented to have fun and not farm

Idea: Exchange dungeon tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: WiseEye.9842


And maybe have the exchange rate for low lvl dungeon to lvl 80 dungeon high and keep the lvl 80 dungeons one to one

Idea: Exchange dungeon tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


Run dungeons with other people, not only friends. A true friend will run a dungeon with you. A normal friend, would run it if they want.

Meet new people by running dungeons with random people, or a guildy.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

Idea: Exchange dungeon tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: WiseEye.9842


Im talking about a convenience in the experience well im not talking about friendships. U dont need to give me advice im fine

Idea: Exchange dungeon tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Galador Dux.6359

Galador Dux.6359

The trick is figuring out some way to fulfill the desire to make other dungeons worthwhile, while not making it so that everyone just farms the same two paths back and forth. A tough mix.

A suggestion that came up a while ago was to add in some form of a daily quest like the zeishen quests from GW1. My suggestion was that the reward would be a number of ‘special’ tokens that could either be used for special rewards that can’t be gotten with normal tokens, or traded for normal tokens of any type at a favorable ratio.

Idea: Exchange dungeon tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: WiseEye.9842


I think the problem is to not let people farm their high-lvl gear when they are low lvl so the exchange ratio has to change while u are lvling

Idea: Exchange dungeon tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: piitb.7635


HotW is so much harder than CoF.

Story mode alone is a pain in the aye.

With a simple exchange, what would happen is people would farm CoF for HotW.

Last thing we need is encouraging people to farm CoF more.

(edited by piitb.7635)

Idea: Exchange dungeon tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: WiseEye.9842


That true but its about improving the experience and not about farming. I dont understand why people try to farm for fun

Idea: Exchange dungeon tokens

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Catch.6807


I agree with something like this completely. I already have several hundred useless tokens from running dungeons with a friend for his gear and no doubt I’ll end up with more from helping/wanting to play with other people. I also want to try all the different dungeons and their paths out however:

1. it’s a pain getting people to do them if they get nothing useful from it.
2. people farming explorable modes, which is pretty much everyone who is doing an explorable mode in the first place get annoyed at first timers. They want to speed run and get annoyed at people not skipping mobs or wanting to watch the cut scenes. Which ends up being a pain for first timers when it comes to them downing at a boss they’ve never come across before then having to solo their way back through the mobs people wanted to rush by instead of clearing. I only tried CoF a couple of times last night and I haven’t had a chance to see the cut scenes yet because of people complaining.
3. It’s unrewarding. I want to do dungeons to see what it’s story/different paths are like but it’s annoying to end up with nothing at the end of something you’ve worked hard to do… The first time normally being the hardest. I don’t want 8 bank slots of different useless tokens either. I already know plenty of people who are sick of doing the same dungeon again and again but are stuck there because that’s the only option they have to get the gear they want.

For a game where they were supposed to wipe things like farming, questing etc… where they focus on freedom and exploring… It’s ridiculous to penalise players for wanting to explore, play with their friends and try other dungeons out and force them to grind the same one for hours.
If people want to farm an easier dungeon for gear I don’t really care. Their equipment is soulbound, it isn’t causing me any issues. For WvW maybe, but I’d rather have more fun and take a little bit longer to get my gear than miss content rushing it for that alone. I don’t feel it’s fair to hurt the people wanting to explore and play with friends, part of the whole games appeal and hype in the first place, because some want to speed run.