If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jessiejay.3625


When people did pvp back in the day and reached rank 50, they were boosted to max because of spvp revamp, aka; their hard work should be scaled in ratio as a result of easier rank gain adjustments.

So, correct me if I’m wrong, the new fractal system can level your personal reward level by doing 1 map/island/whatever?. What about all of us that did triple that work to get to 50? (I won’t bring up fractured reset).

Lets discuss the idea of all who are 50 now, get boosted to 100, as per easier level gain adjustments.

Just an idea.

Ms Jessie ~ Captain Jess, 2012
FracTonic|OmniPot|Golden Arms
Ad Infinitum & The Ascension

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Kills the fun of having to actually go through the new levels. I see no need, in fact I hope they are more strict in how you have to level.

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Mourningcry.9428


With Jerus on this…

The current leveling system is broken anyway as it can easily be gamed by allowing a player to just join/buy the final boss map all the to PFL 50. The prior three maps are entirely pointless with respect to leveling.

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jessiejay.3625


I would like to progress as well but it makes me feel salty that it was at least 150maps plus bosses to get to 50.. Joe Shmoe who buys HoT soon will level; "0-100, real quick." They will do half the work of veteran frac runners.

Ms Jessie ~ Captain Jess, 2012
FracTonic|OmniPot|Golden Arms
Ad Infinitum & The Ascension

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: savacli.8172


I’m actually on board with this one. We already got back handed once during the first Fractals revamp when they reset everyone’s cap to 30, and we never got compensated for that nor having to go through the struggle of differing personal levels per toon.

Even if we did get bump up a few personal levels we would still be able to go back and experience any levels that were given to us.

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: butch.8136


Completely different things????

Razor xxxx (Desolation ; Off)
Bring back: ‘Gamer’ title + MAT’s!
Throw out: Hotjoin!

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jessiejay.3625


I believe the allowance of piggy back leveling is ok, granted you fully participate, have AR AND are not buying the boss map for 20g. My reasoning is that from levels 31-38 and 41-48; not a single soul joined my LFG post. As such, I obtained proper AR and participated within what I could handle.

As for "fun of getting levels", then pvp players should have not been given rank 80. Maybe they would have had "fun" ranking up like everyone else post boost. You can argue to say, well, they did hundreds of matches, therefore they earned it.

Well I did hundreds of max level runs, I’ve earned a grandfathered boost to max level.

Yes I get it may seem unfair that if this idea were to be true, veteran runners would cake walk into higher loots or not be interested in running anymore.

There is a response to that, some of us ran it once upon a time when a run could leave only with 70 silver in total loots. Yes it sucked but you know what? Veteran runners love that content, even knowing that an hour in silverwastes yields far more.

Veteran runners will still run most levels because its what they like to do. No unfair advantage there. If I did fractal 50 around 300+ times, it would tickle my fancy and not hurt my fractal love to get my personal level boosted.

Ms Jessie ~ Captain Jess, 2012
FracTonic|OmniPot|Golden Arms
Ad Infinitum & The Ascension

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Evapor.6849


I doubt the level 100 fractals will be any harder than what we currently have, I see no reason not to do this. Rolling people back and then time-gating their progress is obviously a better decision though /s

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wolfey.3407


They were different things…
The pvp change you were referencing was to make Dragon Rank easier to obtain since it took 2 Years for anyone to get remotely close to it.

The fractal change isn’t a nerf because no one can get to 50. They are adding additional levels.

The only way your reasoning and example would work is if they added levels 81-160 to PvP which they did not.

Former PvP Forum Specialist
Fort Aspenwood

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


With the addition of a pvp leaderboard they should have reset everyone to rank 1 to not give any players a starting handicap.

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gav.1425


Giving pvp dragon rank to everyone completely spit in the face of every player who did the pvp grind past 50.

There was a time when a shark or phoenix finisher gathered a crowd. No one even had dragon yet… and now dragon is a trash can finisher available to anyone who PvPs for over a month.

They completely made PvP ranks worthless and caused many avid PvPers to feel jaded and many of them left the game over this.

How about we don’t do that with fractals?

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jessiejay.3625


Well I suppose I understand now. Ties therefore not a good idea.

/insert pvp rant here
Good point about the pvp. I remember being inspired from GW1 /rank emote. Gladiator title was hard to get on top of the animal animations. So I thought to myself, wow, that is something of prestige I would like to work towards. Yes it was super hard to rank up but now that it is easier, I know people being carried upwards level 50 and beyond. No longer a distinguishing title/achievement to separate the baddies from the goodies.
/close rant

So as such, I fear everything is losing prestige.

Who am I kidding, I’m going to reinstall gw1, sit in pre-ascalon and ponder. When GW made sense and they constantly didn’t try to reinvent the wheel that hurt players in the process.

Ms Jessie ~ Captain Jess, 2012
FracTonic|OmniPot|Golden Arms
Ad Infinitum & The Ascension

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IrisTheCasual.3742


Jessie, you have four "No"s. I’m sorry…

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: EsarioOne.9840


I’ll toss in a yes then.

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dramen Maidria.1034

Dramen Maidria.1034

With the addition of a pvp leaderboard they should have reset everyone to rank 1 to not give any players a starting handicap.

From this statement I can only assume you don’t PvP at all. The leaderboard had nothing to do with rank and was simply an indicator of how many games a mid tier player could grind since top level players spent on average three times as long in que.
Also, you can have a 0% win rate and still eventually make dragon, where as you have to actually complete a fractal level to advance a level. The two are not comparable at all.

Dramen Maidria
Knights of ARES, Dragonbrand
Good times, good memories

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


With the addition of a pvp leaderboard they should have reset everyone to rank 1 to not give any players a starting handicap.

From this statement I can only assume you don’t PvP at all. The leaderboard had nothing to do with rank and was simply an indicator of how many games a mid tier player could grind since top level players spent on average three times as long in que.
Also, you can have a 0% win rate and still eventually make dragon, where as you have to actually complete a fractal level to advance a level. The two are not comparable at all.

Forgot my /s, was just a joke referring to their reason for resetting fractal reward levels.

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: otome.2673


I dont like that you try to compare two different things.

The Fractal Change gonna be to make Fractals “harder” while the PvP change were Made to make it Possible to reach rank 80.

But the PvP Change made it far to easy to reach rank 80.
Same gonna be with Fractal Change, 1island = 1fractal is an stupid idea.

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


I dont like that you try to compare two different things.

The Fractal Change gonna be to make Fractals “harder” while the PvP change were Made to make it Possible to reach rank 80.

But the PvP Change made it far to easy to reach rank 80.
Same gonna be with Fractal Change, 1island = 1fractal is an stupid idea.

C’mon gotta laugh and point that one out

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tongku.5326


When people did pvp back in the day and reached rank 50, they were boosted to max because of spvp revamp, aka; their hard work should be scaled in ratio as a result of easier rank gain adjustments.

So, correct me if I’m wrong, the new fractal system can level your personal reward level by doing 1 map/island/whatever?. What about all of us that did triple that work to get to 50? (I won’t bring up fractured reset).

Lets discuss the idea of all who are 50 now, get boosted to 100, as per easier level gain adjustments.

Just an idea.

I would like my old rang back from before the nerfs. I was in the 70s, this was extremely hard to get, required many many hours, commitement and literally an investment of $$ on my part to accomplish.

The rank reset has turned me off from fractals so badly that I just restarted to run again here and there. Now am kinda meh about them. Not even sure if I will go for all the new stuff, as the thought of re-grinding makes me queezy.

Heavy Deedz – COSA – SF

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bawi.9541


Why do you not want to play the content?

Ele / Guardian

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Why do you not want to play the content?

That’s what I’m saying.

I don’t really get the idea of playing only for shinies and ignoring content that could be fun. Now not all content is fun, but kitten , some of this stuff should be. And, if none of it is why the hell do people play this game?

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jessiejay.3625


Why do you not want to play the content?

That’s what I’m saying.

I don’t really get the idea of playing only for shinies and ignoring content that could be fun. Now not all content is fun, but kitten , some of this stuff should be. And, if none of it is why the hell do people play this game?

I didn’t hear anything about new maps, as such, it is mechanics and achievement heavy. I am convinced as per the living story AP style; that some of them will include challenges such as, don’t get burned by xyz or kill boss without npc dead, etch.

We (veteran runners) have played the same fractals since it came out. Where do you see content being added? Reactor map and mai trin had either annoyed people or they like it. Where is this alleged new content for fractals besides tinkering how it works?

Ms Jessie ~ Captain Jess, 2012
FracTonic|OmniPot|Golden Arms
Ad Infinitum & The Ascension

If pvp rank boost, then fractal level too

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: jessiejay.3625


Why do you not want to play the content?

. . . I don’t really get the idea of playing only for shinies and ignoring content . . .

About the extracted quote here, shinies is the only end game. Many did watch scenes in dungeon runs years ago or in personal storylines. Now instead of wandering around the beautiful maps, we instead parade through looking for champions or daily achievement.

By this logic, you can only enjoy the same runs so many times. I think people enjoy getting the shinies and role playing in towns compared to being in awe at the graphics/mechanics/plots.

Ms Jessie ~ Captain Jess, 2012
FracTonic|OmniPot|Golden Arms
Ad Infinitum & The Ascension