Impossible to do Arah
Lucious is the biggest pain in the Quggan in entire game. Main reason I almost never pug Arah.
Last time I did it we took him to 5% HP the first try and he reset mid battle, while we were hitting him, in the middle of his Arena. ;/ Then my group for some reason couldn’t seem to pull it off again and it took eternity to kill him. Didn’t feel like doing the dungeon anymore after that run. :s
I only need 1 more run for the piece I wanted most but it hasn’t felt worth it. :P
(edited by Doggie.3184)
I’m not sure why they didn’t implement boss-specific (or dungeon-specific) loot/skins, so that way players would have a definitive reason to go in there. Another failed design decision.
+1 I totally agree and i think its like this in most least its the same to mine too…i need to do 9 Arah runs to get just the gift for crafting Bifrost and i have been inside 6 times and never passed Lupi…its so sad really…even if you try being prepared you will suffer in the end.. patience is not enough…he resets most of the times out of nowhere, then people cant communicate, rage quit and there you go another fail run..
I’m not sure why they didn’t implement boss-specific (or dungeon-specific) loot/skins, so that way players would have a definitive reason to go in there. Another failed design decision.
There are dungeon-specific skins which you get through getting tokens. I have no idea what you meant by that. Did you mean randomly droped loot specific to dungeon?
+1 I totally agree and i think its like this in most least its the same to mine too…i need to do 9 Arah runs to get just the gift for crafting Bifrost and i have been inside 6 times and never passed Lupi…its so sad really…even if you try being prepared you will suffer in the end.. patience is not enough…he resets most of the times out of nowhere, then people cant communicate, rage quit and there you go another fail run..
How does he reset most of the times? Did someone used invisiblity? It’s very easy to get out of combat mode during the fight. He resetted once to me and I acquired about 4k+ tokens so it’s pretty rare occurance.
On the sidenote, I thought people were saying that legendaries should be acquired by some feats, not mindless farming. There you have it, you need to beat lupi 9 times to get gift of Bifrost. There’s a guy who soloed whole path 2 in arah (every boss including lupi). Should he get legendary weapon?
I’m not sure why they didn’t implement boss-specific (or dungeon-specific) loot/skins, so that way players would have a definitive reason to go in there. Another failed design decision.
There are dungeon-specific skins which you get through getting tokens. I have no idea what you meant by that. Did you mean randomly droped loot specific to dungeon?
I mean actual items dropped only by a specific boss. Or yes, even random loot found only in a dungeon.
The token system is boring and predictable and doesn’t deliver any sort of surprise – a key design attribute. Plus, it creates problems like the OP is talking about.
I mean actual items dropped only by a specific boss. Or yes, even random loot found only in a dungeon.
The token system is boring and predictable and doesn’t deliver any sort of surprise – a key design attribute. Plus, it creates problems like the OP is talking about.
Anet made that system because it’s not randomly generated. Would you prefer to kill him 1000 times to get that one piece of armour/weapon because it’s randomly generated?
And what problem does it create? He can’t kill lupicus. What does that have anything to do with random loot? You can’t be reasoning that more people would do arah if it had had random loot because averagely same percentage wouldn’t handle that boss fight.
Giganticus is really not that hard if u put in the efford to learn his moves, sure he might b harder than all other dungeon bosses, but its quite doable. if u really hav trouble finding a group, trying posting on the forum to look for group or other sites that offer this kind of service, ppl from different servers can actually join the same dungeon, u can even ask me to join u if I hav time, I finished the set long time ago but do Arah for fun almost everyday.
I’m not sure why they didn’t implement boss-specific (or dungeon-specific) loot/skins, so that way players would have a definitive reason to go in there. Another failed design decision.
they did, you just never see such items because you dont wear full MF gear, but it most certainly exists.
So… In Desolation it’s almost impossible finding a group for this dungeon. Everybody is afraid of dying at Lupicus and waste 1 hour of their day on this dungeon, so they just avoid this dungeon like the plague. Any chance you guys can revamp this to be more newbie friendly or give some npcs to follow you in the dungeon(Similar to gw1) or even allow some other dungeon tokens into the arah token so people have a chance to finish their dungeon set?
Use the Lfg website and you will find a group. Making the dungeon newbie friendly is a complete joke. Its not hard/impossible to do, its just very time consuming, which is a good thing, I mean it is the “final” dungeon? Therefore expect to spend time working for the tokens, I would hate to see everyone running around in Arah Sets after 1 day of doing the paths, this isnt CoF.
I’m just going to throw my two cents out there and say I find Giganticus Pupicus to be pretty fun and easy (except when his bouncing shots decide they want to hit everywhere except the circles). This probably stems from me only doing it with members of my guild who explained all the mechanics of the fight to me before-hand.
Arah is more tedious than hard with all the trash mobs everywhere.
lupicus isn’t too hard. The problem is that you can’t run with undergeared noobs who don’t know how to play their class or don’t try to figure out how the boss works. Also, taking some heavies with you (guardian, warrior) helps a lot.
lupicus isn’t too hard. The problem is that you can’t run with undergeared noobs who don’t know how to play their class or don’t try to figure out how the boss works. Also, taking some heavies with you (guardian, warrior) helps a lot.
Take one ele with S/F, even better with IX trait in air line. Now you’re team is immune to his AoE. Or better. Get everyone in melee range, watch for his kicks and faceroll him in 1 minute or faster in phase 2 (which gives the most troubles for pugs).
I just did path 3 last night with a pug and lupicus was such a pain that most of the party quit there and we had to recruit new people. I think the last straw for them was when lupicus reset during phase 1 while we were all attacking him…. But I think lupi might be more manageable if his phase 2 projectile explosion was toned down, maybe if it had half the number of shots or maybe a few shots and summoned some locusts. P1 and P3 are fine, its P2 that makes people ragequit.
I just did path 3 last night with a pug and lupicus was such a pain that most of the party quit there and we had to recruit new people. I think the last straw for them was when lupicus reset during phase 1 while we were all attacking him…. But I think lupi might be more manageable if his phase 2 projectile explosion was toned down, maybe if it had half the number of shots or maybe a few shots and summoned some locusts. P1 and P3 are fine, its P2 that makes people ragequit.
P2 is easier than P3. Projectile explosion is very easy to dodge or you could just zigzag and avoid them completely.
The only problems whit Lupicus is the instant reset and the bugs when you get hit even outside the circles.Other than that its a fun boss.
I needed to do this dungeon for my legendary staff. The problems I had were that the dungeon was closed a lot of the time because there weren’t enough people to do the events to open it up or it was bugged. The next problem was finding a team when it was opened. Most people wanted people with experience running it. The first time I ran it, my team couldn’t get past lupi and I thought that was the end of my legendary journey. But I tried it again the next night with my friends and we passed him easily. We looked up what we had to do for him and did it. It was on path 3 and we ran it every night until I got all the tokens that I needed.