In-game Raid Lobby - Superior boon to PuGs
would pay for this addition
I like the idea
This’d be really interesting, especially since people standing around in Verdant Brink can have impacts on the meta’s progress there.
Oh yea! A lobby would be perfect as the work on the lfg is being done. I just don’t know if it’s easier, harder, or more time consuming to create. I definitely would love an in game raid lobby to find other raiders though.
What I think they should have done was design the “pact camp” as a lobby/staging area. That way people could gather/muster there to ready for their foray into the Spirit Vale or Salvation Pass. This groups people up together where they could talk about encounters and strategies in game. People could ask questions without having to go to the forum or reddit. Plus it takes the 15-30 people sitting at Shipwreck or outside the raid instance, in each map, out of VB. That way you don’t have those people messing with meta numbers.
Ideally it would have a WP in it that you could access from anywhere. You would not need to be in a squad either.