In the future, please make every dungeon boss like Mad King Thorn
Well, most in my friends think that the Mad King is way too easy and quite boring cause all you have to do is avoid those pumpkins (scarecrows are not that dangerous and die easily). We think that more encounters should be like Lupi. And which one shot attacks are you talking about? Nothing he has really does damage. Also, expect for the "The Mad King says … " part the whole encounter is rather static, you don’t even have to move much.
Don’t get me wrong, I enjoyed the Mad King the first time, when I took him down solo, but besides that he’s just as boring as most other bosses we have in the game.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
(edited by nachtnebel.9168)
I dont know how he can 1 shot you? I didnt move out of anywhere when I soloed him and never got even close to dieing.
nachtnebel.9168Well, most in my friends think that the Mad King is way too easy and quite boring cause all you have to do is avoid those pumpkins (scarecrows are not that dangerous and die easily). We think that more encounters should be like Lupi. And which one shot attacks are you talking about? Nothing he has really does damage. Also, expect for the "The Mad King says … " part the whole encounter is rather static, you don’t even have to move much.
As I said in my last paragraph, yes, the encounter is easy, it was meant to be able to be completed by a group of level 2s. If you roll in there with 5 level 80s you can do it in 10 minutes or less. But that’s purely a numbers thing. The Mad King’s auto attacks hit me for less than the plastic spiders hit me for, he was intentionally toned down.
Malediktus.9250I dont know how he can 1 shot you? I didnt move out of anywhere when I soloed him and never got even close to dieing.
The scarecrows fear you once they die. If you’re in a bad position and get feared, off the edge you go. That’s why I said it can be totally mitigated by good teamwork and good positioning. Either you don’t kill the scarecrows and you don’t get feared, or you position yourself so that when you do get feared you don’t run off the edge.
Content Designer
Mad King is certainly a fun fight, although built more for a story encounter than a true dungeon encounter. That of course could be tweaked by number balancing and a few skill adjustments.
The great and fun thing about the fight is the amount of immersion, and the fear mechanic with the scarecrows. The environment and the boss were built together, which really plays well into the fight. His teleporting between levels and inclusion of jump puzzle elements, his bouncing around the battlefield to keep things from getting too static, and his fear mechanic and the threat of it all work together really well.
He’s not hard enough for my tastes though, but he wasn’t meant to be. He’s a fun fight though, and all props to the team of folks who worked on him.
Robert HroudaThat of course could be tweaked by number balancing and a few skill adjustments.
His teleporting between levels and inclusion of jump puzzle elements, his bouncing around the battlefield to keep things from getting too static...
He’s not hard enough for my tastes though, but he wasn’t meant to be. He’s a fun fight though, and all props to the team of folks who worked on him.
Yes, exactly! Compared to just fighting “Large Ghostling A” or “Asura with a couple engineer skills” he really feels like an epic encounter.
If this was supposed to be a story encounter, why cant the other story modes be as fun as this one? Because its not to your tastes?
I’ve found the environments in dungeons to be just as immersive as this one… until my group starts discussing how it has become tedious, unfun, and figuring out ways to cheese/bug/exploit/avoid everything just to get it over with.
The Mad King was the only dungeon my guild unanimously enjoyed (even the ones that REALLY REALLY suck at jumping puzzles) and wished it was longer.
I will say that the fight is really fun done as intended, i assume it is easy because they had to account for non-true-80’s being in there.
HOWEVER the most FUN part comes in when you realize there is no armor penalties for dying and you run it with your guildmates and try to fear them off the ledges with well timed scarecrow kills….AMAZINGLY FUN. The funniest one is on the first jump down when the mad king ported to there and dropped a scarecrow, i timed the scarecrow kill right as a guildie jumped to the platform and he got feared right back off…
crickits 80 ranger
crickets 80 warrior – current main
I will say that the fight is really fun done as intended, i assume it is easy because they had to account for non-true-80’s being in there.
HOWEVER the most FUN part comes in when you realize there is no armor penalties for dying and you run it with your guildmates and try to fear them off the ledges with well timed scarecrow kills….AMAZINGLY FUN. The funniest one is on the first jump down when the mad king ported to there and dropped a scarecrow, i timed the scarecrow kill right as a guildie jumped to the platform and he got feared right back off…
This is what most of my guild runs end up with. Especially if we can get him to stay on the bottom platform.
Also, you can jump onto the chest from the waypoint. Just go around the ledge behind the exit door to the left and leap of faith it. I usually scream “SOMEBODY CATCH ME!” right before hopping off. Bonus points if you manage to loot the chest before splattering (spam that F).
Some people dont find hard bosses fun cause they are too bad to figure out the tactics or do it right. I find lupicus fight for the instance 100x more funnier than this mad king boss.
Besides the low difficulty on him (which is totally understandable for a holiday boss), I only wish he would spawn some adds during the fight. Besides that, I really do love the mini-dungeon… a truly memorable Halloween event. Can’t wait to see more like this.
I would have liked to have seen the simon says mechanic persist through the fight with the number of adds spawning dependent on how many people correctly chose the right option. For the hardcore folks make it a true simon says where the number of emotes you have to repeat increases every time until he dies. There are definitely some ways to play with this mechanic to up the difficulty. But I really liked the swapping out of the skill bar mid combat with the adds. All and all it was an enjoyable fight.
lol i know what im trying tonight!
F F F F F F F….splat…crap, repeat.
crickits 80 ranger
crickets 80 warrior – current main
Although I like challenge, I have to say one thing: FINALLY! a party-driven pve experience in this game that is not hardcore!
No, seriously, I love hardcore dungeons, I love general solo pve, but if there’s one thing that leaves me empty, is that there’s no party-driven content for pugs that is made more for casual fun than for the challenging kind of fun. You either choose to play solo casual, or party hardcore. The team-lover in me usually feels empty when for 95% of pve, I must play alone, and yes, even the events with other people are not comparable (exceptions aside).
Although this topic is more to praise how the boss was designed, which I agree it was wonderfully designed and a pleasure to fight against, I’d also want to add that I hope there’s a lot more bosses like this on the way that also allow any pug player to play against, at normal or slightly above general pve’s difficulty. (Add an optional Difficulty-worthy-of-a-dungeon mode if needed.)
(edited by DiogoSilva.7089)
I agree strongly, the GhostEater & Subject Alpha especially could learn a lot from this encounter (and have Alpha’s overall hitpoint pool reduced significantly as a biproduct).
Granted, jump puzzles greatly annoy players with Male-Norn & Charr characters but there were lots of other elements here that could be accentuated to make the above boss fights more dramatic, more thematic, and most of all, more cooperative.
… Really?
He felt like the same whittle-down-tons-of-hp boss that almost every other boss has felt like so far. None of his mechanics felt very threatening… I could pretty much ignore the scarecrows, pumpkins, and his attacks. I thought it was pretty boring, actually.
The Iron Forgeman fight in SE is my idea of a great boss fight.
agreed this is the only encounter in a dungeon or boss for that matter that i actually enjoyed.
agreed. it was fun.
on the other hand id rather go outside and play with a stick then go through the current GW2 dungeons.
Dear Rob & co.
Fear mechanics aren’t fun.
Well it would have been nice if mesmer projectile reflection actually worked on him
@Iehova: if there is too much CC, then yes, that isnt fun. And there are plenty of areas/dungeons in this game where you’re chain-disabled which is really frustrating
But in this dungeon you get barely feared, once you figure out how the scarecrows work.
I really enjoy the dungeon and so far it was also more rewarding than any other dungeon i did (4 exotics, yay).
next time i have to try what TheRabbit and rickets are doing. My guild mates are already complaining very often about getting feared of the platform
Gunnar’s Hold
I agree. Only thing I disliked – from a “immersion” standpoint – was that he is simply to big. Most of the time you’re only looking at his legs, while it would have been better if he was appropriately sized so that you were able to see his grimace if you stood a few meters from him.
I think ANet needs to tone down the gigantism a bit in general.
Dear Rob & co.
Fear mechanics aren’t fun.
they are when they play a crucial part to the fight, in this case the floating islands.
and every profession has stun breakers, so you really shouldnt be falling off in the first place.
if people can solo him, why should you ever be having trouble in a group.
plus it makes me laugh everytime someone does fall off, or better yet when people leap at him just as he teleports and go flying off the edge.
no repair penalty for death by falling.
In the future, please make every dungeon boss like Mad King Thorn
Posted by: TransparentlyOpaque.1824
If this was supposed to be a story encounter, why cant the other story modes be as fun as this one? Because its not to your tastes?
I’ve found the environments in dungeons to be just as immersive as this one… until my group starts discussing how it has become tedious, unfun, and figuring out ways to cheese/bug/exploit/avoid everything just to get it over with.
The Mad King was the only dungeon my guild unanimously enjoyed (even the ones that REALLY REALLY suck at jumping puzzles) and wished it was longer.”
Except if this encounter was repeatable indefinately, you would tire of it as well- excessive repetition can make almost anything stale.
I do like the MK fight, though have not completed all of the dungeons yet to compare entirely.
The aspects of the MK fight that are interesting:
The fight is mobile, and in an open area that allows for good camera positioning. I like the fact that you can be feared off of the platforms as well, it is a fun mechanic.
A dungeon that takes place in an outdoor environment with bridges connecting areas could be made with great effect. A castle storming dungeon, where catapults could knock you off the long approach bridge. Something along those lines.
I look forward to more group challenges. This one was pretty decent.
I soloed this fight in 16 minutes with 0 deaths and this is what you want the dungeons to be like? Come on. Its a fun fight for what it is, a holiday gimmick, but in no way should any explorable ever be tuned to this kind of simplicity.
I’m sooo tired of all the casual whining about the dungeons from pugs who dont talk to each other, are bad at the game in general, and have very little knowledge of game mechanics and their own character. Then they come here to say the dungeons are at fault. I am not trying to put you guys down but at what point do you say, “Maybe its me and i need to learn more”?
It’s an okay fight, but not particularly interesting to do more than once. I’d agree, it is more of a story feeling boss, than a real boss with difficult mechanics. It feels for the most part, like one of the open world bosses with slightly more complicated movements and attacks.
I would rather do Twilight Arb. explore mode any day.
I will say that the fight is really fun done as intended, i assume it is easy because they had to account for non-true-80’s being in there.
HOWEVER the most FUN part comes in when you realize there is no armor penalties for dying and you run it with your guildmates and try to fear them off the ledges with well timed scarecrow kills….AMAZINGLY FUN. The funniest one is on the first jump down when the mad king ported to there and dropped a scarecrow, i timed the scarecrow kill right as a guildie jumped to the platform and he got feared right back off…
I love the fight if for no other reason than the king actually moves around.
Our funny story is we were killing him with a guild group when another guilde logged in. Jokingly we told him to go solo the boss, knowing that is exactly what he would do . . . with his level 30 something toon. We finished ours and one of our party members dropped group and went afk, so we invited our solo guy into the party and decided to join him in his instance.
He had the king to 90% – but was basically getting pwned, which in our guild is hilarious. So we charge in all gung ho, but the king had chased him up to the WP and spawned scarecrows. We set foot out of the mosoleum and all got fear bombed instantly off the side landing in a pile as a group. ;-)
The best thing about him is by far his voice acting as well as the surroundings with the floating islands. I really had a lot of fun with this guy but I agree he’s not difficult enough to be an end game explorable boss in the way it is now though there is certainly plenty there to take note off for dungeons in the future.
I also didn’t realize how much of a difference it makes when the boss communicates with you throughout the fight until the Mad King, thinking of it now just fighting a silent boss the entire time makes it less engaging.
More voice acting during encounters with witty comments will make a player bond in a way to the enemy, it really makes a big difference.
Also part of the appeal of mad king is that his health pool is balanced with the sheer amount of stuff going on… Nobody likes 10 minutes of attacking a boring boss with huge health pools -cough- Honor of the waves -cough- people want engaging fights that are all different and unique and not reliant on time sinks like big health pools.
I rather do 20 different bosses that die quick as long as they are all unique than 4 big bosses with huge health pools.
One idea would be to use the one big thing you haven’t used in any of the dungeons. The underwater versus on ground settings. Sure you have HotW but because the encounters are entirely underwater it’s really just painfully taking down the huge health pool it doesn’t make the most of it.
Why not make an encounter where you start of on land, then the room floods and you fight underwater then near the end of the fight you do something to drain the room and you finish of the fight (Like a sinking pirate ship?).
There’s many great ways to use existing and possible mechanics to make encounters more interesting but they are largely unused and repeated which is a shame. That said I still love dungeons the most because they are far more challenging than normal PvE and so more engaging just for that.
• Have you heard of the city? The ancient uru? Where there was power to write worlds •
(edited by Fay.2735)
I am not trying to put you guys down
Bullkitten, that’s exactly what you are trying to do.
This, and every other MMO that I have ever seen, exists solely due to casuals. In subscription based games, they are far and away the bigger percentage of the population, thus giving company X far more money than the very small section of the pie chart that represents the special olympics gold medalists, otherwise known as the ‘hardcore gamers’. In cash shop games as well, it’s the casuals that tend to spend more, and being the majority in those games by a huge margin as well, means that they are far more important to the company when it comes to the real bottom line, which is making more money.
Casuals are having far too much trouble with the only other PvE content available apart from simply leveling up (and the dragons whose loot is so bad no one wants to bother with them any more). If the casuals basically can’t do any content after hitting max level, the casuals get bored and leave very quickly, taking their money with them. A lack of money going to the game’s company is not good for the game. If anything, casuals should be catered to more than they are.
In my book there is a difference between casual players and dumb players. I run Arah on a regular base, and also we take 2-3 randoms with us, we don’t break down on Lupi. Offer them proper guidance, tell them what the fight is about, and they can do it, if they know their profession.
Of course, if you form a group of 5 players that have nether seen Lupi before it won’t be that easy. In that case, it might take them a few ours to beat him, but that’s not a problem but working as intended.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
He could one-shot you? I solo’d him as a squishy Thief without problems, and his gigantic telegraphed attacks that I stupidly failed to avoid a few times still didn’t put me down. Difficulty isn’t what makes this dungeon good (there isn’t much of it), and co-operation really isn’t necessary (correlates to the low difficulty). What makes it great is the atmosphere and the nature of the fight itself. It’s FUN. It’s ENGAGING and INTERESTING. I can’t say the same for Subject Alpha.
Resident Thief
I am not trying to put you guys down
Bullkitten, that’s exactly what you are trying to do.
This, and every other MMO that I have ever seen, exists solely due to casuals. In subscription based games, they are far and away the bigger percentage of the population, thus giving company X far more money than the very small section of the pie chart that represents the special olympics gold medalists, otherwise known as the ‘hardcore gamers’. In cash shop games as well, it’s the casuals that tend to spend more, and being the majority in those games by a huge margin as well, means that they are far more important to the company when it comes to the real bottom line, which is making more money.
Casuals are having far too much trouble with the only other PvE content available apart from simply leveling up (and the dragons whose loot is so bad no one wants to bother with them any more). If the casuals basically can’t do any content after hitting max level, the casuals get bored and leave very quickly, taking their money with them. A lack of money going to the game’s company is not good for the game. If anything, casuals should be catered to more than they are.
And then you guys wonder why MMos are failing so much. Take away the challenge from a game and you get exactly what casuals want. A game they can relax in after work for an hour……until the next shiny new game comes out and they drop the old one like a rock.
Got to ask you a few questions…. Are you ok with the last 7 years of MMO’s? They were built for the casual money pot. Can you remember any epic event from those MMO’s? I can’t. Were they built quickly with many bugs, and sold in an unfinished state?
Many many other questions i could ask you but that would take all day. Your right tho, the casuals are where the money is. Too bad it isnt where the quality, the epicness, the memorable, the challenging, or even the immersion of the past MMO’s who started this genre are.
Game companies have taken the MMO genre and turned it into a Call of Duty franchise chasing the casuals. You pay for it up front, you beat it in a few hours, you stop playing it and buy the next one in the series rinse and repeat. The minute they stop chasing the casuals, is the minute the genre gets reborn.
While he maybe easy, I think it was a good fight from a mechanics standpoint. Too many of the explore bosses are sort of generic and hit hard, which doesn’t necessarily make for an interesting fight.
I am not trying to put you guys down
Bullkitten, that’s exactly what you are trying to do.
This, and every other MMO that I have ever seen, exists solely due to casuals. In subscription based games, they are far and away the bigger percentage of the population, thus giving company X far more money than the very small section of the pie chart that represents the special olympics gold medalists, otherwise known as the ‘hardcore gamers’. In cash shop games as well, it’s the casuals that tend to spend more, and being the majority in those games by a huge margin as well, means that they are far more important to the company when it comes to the real bottom line, which is making more money.
Casuals are having far too much trouble with the only other PvE content available apart from simply leveling up (and the dragons whose loot is so bad no one wants to bother with them any more). If the casuals basically can’t do any content after hitting max level, the casuals get bored and leave very quickly, taking their money with them. A lack of money going to the game’s company is not good for the game. If anything, casuals should be catered to more than they are.
And then you guys wonder why MMos are failing so much. Take away the challenge from a game and you get exactly what casuals want. A game they can relax in after work for an hour……until the next shiny new game comes out and they drop the old one like a rock.
Got to ask you a few questions…. Are you ok with the last 7 years of MMO’s? They were built for the casual money pot. Can you remember any epic event from those MMO’s? I can’t. Were they built quickly with many bugs, and sold in an unfinished state?
Many many other questions i could ask you but that would take all day. Your right tho, the casuals are where the money is. Too bad it isnt where the quality, the epicness, the memorable, the challenging, or even the immersion of the past MMO’s who started this genre are.
Game companies have taken the MMO genre and turned it into a Call of Duty franchise chasing the casuals. You pay for it up front, you beat it in a few hours, you stop playing it and buy the next one in the series rinse and repeat. The minute they stop chasing the casuals, is the minute the genre gets reborn.
Except it’s not ‘MMOs’ that are failing, it’s ‘MMOs that do a half kitten job’ that are failing. Warhammer died due to bad class and faction balance and weak PvE. Age of Conan died due to bad class balance and wonky mechanics. Star Wars: The Old Republic died due to bad class balance, comically bad faction balance, and mediocre PvE. The various asian MMOs, TERA, Rift, and the assorted FTP ones, all stay low due to combinations of the above reasons, and for the FTPs, because they tend towards being PTW, and no one likes that. DDO suffers from class/build power issues and refusing to make the UI more in line with what that game really needs, as well as leaving bugs to linger for far too long. Everquest died due to WoW exposing just how unfriendly EQ’s gameplay, from leveling, to crafting, to questing, really was.
Basically, they all fail because they aren’t as good as WoW. They lack the polish of content, the smoothness of camera and controls, the general user friendliness that WoW provides. WoW’s PvE, while people want to call it ‘ezmode’, is simply the best PvE of any MMO, exhibiting the best use and range of mechanics by far, while generally (not always, but generally) making things mildly difficult but not frustrating. You have to try, but you don’t have to be awesome. That is exactly what casuals are looking for.
The GW2 is exhibiting many of the flaws that killed other games. After what is the best leveling experience in any game I have ever played, once you are max level the game falls flat. You start to notice the bad camera more and more, you start to notice the lack of customization of the UI and lack of UI QoL features, like gear set or weapon set swapping, or trait swapping. You start to notice the bugs in DEs that linger and linger, and it’s impossible to not notice the dungeon’s relying almost completely on massive damage and massive HP to act as placeholder for ‘challenge’ and ‘interesting’, and while apparently lots of people are happy to allow it take over for challenge, no one that is honest or not blinded by their fan boy status can accept it in place of interesting, because they are not.
Just to post my feedback I agree 100% with the OP.
This actually felt like a boss fight, granted it was actually very easy, this is what Story Modes for dungeons should be TBH. An enjoyable (stress-free) immersive fight.
And for explorable, this is what boss fights should aim to be, not SUPER long, with some actual mechanics, not just kiting and dpsing a mob that is a giant hp sponge with one shot abilities.
Also another ACTUAL boss that should really be an example is the Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan from personal story, THAT was a legit, old school BOSS FIGHT. Giant arena, giant boss, no crummy auto attacks or one shot mechanics (that aren’t hard to see/avoid) but just interesting gimmicks or special attacks. The bullet spray dancing was really fun. Again, it was a very easy fight, but the perfect example of a boss fight I want to see more of.
The mood/atmosphere was well done. The guy talks, and moves around. The staging area was nice. He feels unique. Explorable bosses could take a good hint from that. Too many bosses are immemorable.
However, the fight itself is really easy. If all explorable bosses were that easy, well… yeah, that just shouldn’t happen. Maybe for a boss that’s like at the start or halfway through the dungeon or something, but by no means should the Mad King’s difficulty become a standard for explorables.
Story modes, though, maybe. I think it’d make more sense if story mode dungeons/bosses were closer to this level of difficulty in general.
Not just bosses,but chests too. Loot is just on its place, enough rewarding to making you want to go again and yet bad enough to not be considered too much. Ofc harder dungeons should have a much better droo than this. I guess black lion items would go out i guess but rares can be placed on their place. It just feels right to get a exo item once every 5to 10chestss simply because it makes you want to go again.
large, well telegraphed attacks
This is the single most important thing that this game is missing in dungeons/PvE.
I think his one-shot is when you sit right on top of him and he throws out the multiple bananas, causing you to be hit by all of them at the same time.
“GW2’s PvE is almost as bad as the PvP.”
the only thing i liked about the mini dungeon is end chest lol not to say the dungeon sucks but its way too short for my taste.
I agree with this 100%. Current dungeon bosses are completely uninteresting and boring. The only dungeon that really felt atmospheric to me at all was AC, but that was nothing compared to the MK.
Dungeons currently feel like nothing more than a sectioned off area of the pve map with a few DE bosses thrown inside of it with massive amounts of health. They’re bland and boring and the only reason I even do them at all is for tokens and experience.
In my book, most boss fights are not that fun cause they are not hard enough. Just take a look at the end game dungeon Arah. There are only two challenging bosses, Lupi and Dwayna, the rest is quite boring and sometimes not even as tough as trash packs. Lupi is fun, but a little confusing if you do it the first time without proper guidance and Dwayna sadly decides to kitten around and get bugged quite often. And, to make that even worse, the community somehow decided that Arah is not worth it and Lupi is broken so they deny themselves two of the most fun encounters in the game, and that’s not Arena Net’s fault.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
I dont know how he can 1 shot you? I didnt move out of anywhere when I soloed him and never got even close to dieing.
He has a skill that throws 3 orange projectiles at a player in a fan shaped path. If you are right next to him when it happens, all 3 projectiles will hit and kill you.
I guess it happens for melee characters mostly.
“it doesn’t make you spend hours preparing to have fun, rather than having fun”
Guild missions say otherwise.
The Problem With Dungeons atm is that they were fun when they were new and hard now they’re way to easy.. I did do the madking encounter together with some gildies we coulnd’t get in group so we all went in solo had about over an hour to kill him never died and saw this boss firsttime means→ this boss is way to easy for a dungeon if I can solo him with a support ele that is ment to play in groups without dieing! I think we need HM for dungeons and some better rewards out of chests and rare encounters ( I did a lot of kills on lupi best he gave me is a blue sword ( usually those are white drops)) why does one of the hardest bosses just not reward players.
Anyway I’m dungeonmaster since well over a month’s since then I look forward to some nice HARD content update:)
forum is buggy gfdgngj fgdsgb afgaga
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
I dont know how he can 1 shot you? I didnt move out of anywhere when I soloed him and never got even close to dieing.
He has a skill that throws 3 orange projectiles at a player in a fan shaped path. If you are right next to him when it happens, all 3 projectiles will hit and kill you.
I guess it happens for melee characters mostly.
It will only kill you if you are very low on health or a glass cannon. A regular lvl 80 char survives all 3 hits.
Occam Pi (Ele), Acaena Elongata (Warrior), Finja Salversdotir (Ranger),
Bytestream (Engineer), Vim Whitespace (Thief)
What? The fight is extremely boring and easy. The pumpkins didnt even do anything half the time. Just stand a facetank until he fears you and wait for his next fear.
Mad king was easy mode… for obvious reasons…
I’d like to see more bosses like the Mad King too. He had varied mechanics, actual % phases. Obviously he did low damage since it’s a seasonal event, but the design was good.
That style of boss should be in explorables, but with the numbers tweaked upwards of course.
P.S. People who say it was boring because you could ignore the mechanics – next time don’t take a full group :P I did it solo on my 80 and also in a group with me on my 47 mesmer and a friend on his 18 elementalist. It was more fun that way.
(edited by Kana.6793)
Also another ACTUAL boss that should really be an example is the Sovereign Eye of Zhaitan from personal story, THAT was a legit, old school BOSS FIGHT. Giant arena, giant boss, no crummy auto attacks or one shot mechanics (that aren’t hard to see/avoid) but just interesting gimmicks or special attacks. The bullet spray dancing was really fun. Again, it was a very easy fight, but the perfect example of a boss fight I want to see more of.
I agree with a lot of what is said in this thread. Specifically I personally I found the sovereign eye of Zhaitan to be the best boss I have seen in this game. Interesting mechanic, unique(ish) looking and acting boss, varied attack pattern, good arena ect. Although personally I would like people to be punished with death or near death for not dodging his attack patterns, because once you learn them you shouldn’t die to them.
Also why isn’t there more environmental interaction in these dungeons. I like the idea of traps or using your environment to help defeat a boss.