Individual boss tips for solo Arah p2?
Hesitating to do this, but…
A few things for abom. 1. the most obvious thing would be to fight it on the spawn; that’s cool, but you can also lure it away and either corner it closer to basically where you come from… handlers won’t aggro this way – or on the other side by the door.
I prefer the far spot because you don’t risk resetting if you mess up. By messing up I mean failing to dodge the kick, the aoe kb, being thrown into the chronosphere and having the abom throw a rock at you or, as said, resetting. It’s guarded on 3 sides, so you have a solid chance of not landing god knows where if you faiL I also prefer it for simple los-ing reason. You can control the abom’s movements without being afraid.
Downsides: you have a greater risk of aggroing handlers while you fight… but it’s a minor risk, just don’t be stoopid.. and they die in one hit anyway, who cares.
It’s also narrower.
I’ve los-ed in another spot once, but whatever.
2, for the aoe, well, I simply learned the tell. I’m unsure about what else to tell you. If you struggle with seeing it ingame, try watching a video over and over in slow mo. I did it for lupi’s grub back in the days. Watch its club, its back and its arms. When it starts crouching or bending forward… It’s fast and you better dodge at the beginning of the animation. Sometimes it’s also slightly buggy, meaning it hits before the animation has ended.. or even started. Not sure why. You may find something at gw2dungeons?
For the zergburger thingy, imagine it has 2 phases/skills… well, it actually does. It crouches, it throws a kick in front of itself, then BAM big aoe knockback and then zerkexploit transformation into spam1sayan.
– You can interrupt the zergburger exploit it does. The animation you have to watch out for: the kittenoon as its leg is pulled forward, a fast interrupt will do the trick. IF you interrupt BEFORE the kick animation, it won’t go on full cd and the kitten will do it again. But you’re a warrior soooo… kitten .
– you can and you absolutely SHOULD dodge the big aoe-thrown-into-bumkitten-Louisiana skill. How to: timing. Begin of the animation, kick (don’t stay in front of it!), DODGE at about second 1 after the kick. Your dodge will be kitten interrupted like when you try to dodge binding blade, but you WON’T get knocked 100000 miles away. It’s very important. If you don’t dodge, as I said, use the far los spot and let yourself get knocked back onto a wall.
If you dodge, you have allll the time in the world to pick up a rifle and aim.
What else, hm… the aa. It’s slow as hell so there’s really no excuse not to avoid it, but if you find yourself in trouble you may want to remember that (I’ll go ahead and presume you have melee assist off) you can easily get through the abom and safely dps/avoid it without dodging, effectively going behind it. Never waste a dodge on the aa, you should ALWAYS keep it for enrage/aoe. Just go behind it while it charges its attack. Use and save your WW to safely interrupt 100b.
And, eh… you may NOT want to flank it. Like, never. Don’t. The aa has a very wide cone in front of it, you’re only safe behind the kitten. It has a very nice butt you can look at.
Not that I’m talking from personal experience, of course. I NEVER died from the aa back in the days /cough
There’s the more advanced tactic scepter guards used to use, being out of range of the aa and moving back blablabla but you’re a warrior so f-it I can’t be kitten d.
For cds I have a hard time memorizing/recalling (numbers.. gah), I’m sure gw2dungeons will be a great help. I do believe, basing it on my cds, that a correctly interrupted zergburger form has around 30s cd?
And yeah I know everything I wrote was useless blablabla. I’ll let someone else give warr specific tactics because I’m tired of typing and I suck at warr.
And kitten , hopefully someone’ll write a papyr for other bosses.
You can always cheese miss Alpkitten
Hopefully you got the whole playlist. I haven’t seem them all but I’d say the first video on mesmer and the last two would be helpful.
Just keep in mind that the lupicus part is out of date because of the bug meaning you will probably want some reflects and you will have to dodge more. As far as Abom goes, he’s pretty easy. I dodge when he’s at the highest point of his leap thing, about a second after the aoe appears. For when he goes berserk he will slow down and do a massive step. The step will knock you back so either dodge or stand against something so you won’t get pushed too far back, he transforms right after the step. If you have interrupts you can stop him if you cc during the step animation. Alphard is fairly difficult, not really sure because haven’t solo’d it in a while, but if I remember correctly you can just kite him around one of the stacks of hay or farther away from his spawn and just los when he rapid fires and when the adds appear.
Just los her and do the chicken dance around the crates… fairly easy on warrior.
Not as thorough as Desade, but basically for Abom, you can pre gather rifles, just duck behind the corner. Solo just the first corner works, in a group you gotta go a bit further around the second corner.
Gather half a dozen or even a dozen rifles, the pull abom over. Dance his normal swipe, it’s a long enough animation you can easily walk through him or circle to the back, when he starts to jump dodge and you’ll avoid that AE, when you see him shrug his shouclers you walk away and pick up a rifle, soon as he gets big hit him with the rifle then go back in, rinse and repeat till dead.
Really a pretty easy fight once you get the intricacies of him down. Dance dance, dodge, dance dance, walk away pick up rifle and shoot, dance dance dance, dodge, dance dance….
The abomination of p2? You don’t even need to dodge his hammer swings if you’re on warrior. unless you’re like 25% hp. Even then, you can side step them no problem.
His aoe you just dodge when he jumps. You can see when he jumps because he crouches at the start of the animation.
Just los her and do the chicken dance around the crates… fairly easy on warrior.
You mean the mating ritual of a rooster? Bonus with Italian breeds.
Just los her and do the chicken dance around the crates… fairly easy on warrior.
You mean the mating ritual of a rooster? Bonus with Italian breeds.