Instance owners and leaving the group

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tsurugi.8724


So I’m sure is has been beaten to death already, but this happened to me last night and it made me come off as a total jerk to the group I had been playing with. Here’s the story:

Last night a group of us (me, a guildie and 3 pugs) went into TA and had gotten deep into one of the explorable modes. However, most of the group was made up of dungeon runners and I will readily admit that I am terrible at “running” dungeons (I actually fight my way through), and so we hit a point where one of the pugs instructed us to run through a section of the map. I tried my hardest, with and without help from the rest of the group, but I could simply not run through this area (like I say, I’m terrible at running through dungeons).

Anyway, after dying about a dozen times I was getting understandably frustrated and I’m sure everyone could tell. Unfortunately for me, as it ultimately made me look really bad, it was about this point where one of my kids woke up screaming and I had to bail. I posted in party chat I needed to bail due to crying kids (and noted that I didn’t seem to be doing the group any good) and proceeded to leave the group so they could get someone in my spot who could actually help them finish. As I load back into caledon, all I hear over my guild voice chat is " aw man, you were the party leader…"

In my haste to open a spot in the party and attend to my crying kids I had completely spaced on the whole “if the instance owner leaves it boots the group” thing. I didn’t see my guildie load into caledon as I got logged out, so my hope is that they got to continue, but I’m pretty sure that’s just wishful thinking. Since then I have felt absolutely terrible (despite it not being that big a deal in the big picture) and have felt like I pulled a complete jerk move. It made me look like not only a noob for not being able to run the dungeon (my fault) but a troll/griefer as well, and probably didn’t shed a great light on our guild.

I can understand why we don’t want group leaders to be able to boot a pug or whatever the official reason for this mechanic is, but when an emergency rises and you have to leave the group the game should not punish the people who were kind enough to group with you by kicking them.

Just wanted to share my story in the hopes arenanet can find a better way to handle this. And if anyone reading this is one of the folks from last night, believe me when I say I am so sorry if you got booted.

(edited by Tsurugi.8724)

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

Shrugs. I’m an other fullhater of runs, i had to adapt, bored to explain how idiot it is.
Sadly this junk is spread , everyone pretend to skip running. Adapt or group with people with same mood. You ruined their run, amen, don’t feel sorry, after all you ruined a run cheating, look it from this side and you will feel better. Dungeons are not meant to be a let’s run fast to boss skip all. Pass over.
There is (probably) a deep programming reason beside the leader as only owner hard to reprogram for an istance (did you care to take a look at dialogues with npc at beginning? Guess, it’s “his” run).

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Razzy.2741


Yeah, I don’t like this pressure the party leader has in dungeons, as he can’t leave in the middle of a run due to the reason you just mentioned. I think it should be addressed as an issue which should be resolved soon. The instance should remain accessible for remaining party members.

Tsurugi nowhere mentioned he is a fullhater of running, he just pointed that he isn’t exactly good at doing it (and I think it should be a gorup effort to skip content properly, not “everyone is on their own, whoever fails is a nub” mentality), which I can understand – it takes practise and proper utility skills equipped, which might take a while to get used to.

The point of his thread is to point out this flawed design of instances resets, and if I were him – I would feel very bad about ruining run for other party members too. It’s not another rant about skipping issue.

I’ve seen tons of your comments on dungeon forums, and gotta say – I don’t agree with your views most of the time, and I have no idea what makes you think that “Dungeons are meant to be played, the way you imagine it to be”. Your words in the post above make me feel that I don’t want to run any dungeon with you. Not sure if it’s the impression you are trying to make on other players.

BEER Guild - Dungeon Riders

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tsurugi.8724


Thanks Razzy. You totally hit the nail on the head.

And for the record I don’t have a problem with runners. I’m just bad at it and my play style favors fighting through instead.

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

No doubt is something we addressed and are waiting fixed from prelaunch.

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Combatter.5123


+1 … when the leader leaves the dungeon, others should NOT be booted out

Maetheryl Thorswood (Ranger), Bennish (Guardian), Lex Sabre (Elementalist)
Tyria, Underworld

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Khisanth.2948


This seems to be an explorable mode only behavior. A couple of days ago we were doing Arah story mode and the party leader tested this because he knew he wasn’t going to have enough time to finish it with us. In that test the game just made someone else the leader instead. However, yesterday when doing CoF explorable and the party leader logged off to switch character it kicked everyone out.

The story mode behavior seems like the much more reasonable solution. If the leader disbands the party then it should be treated the same as the leader logging off.

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: eiren.1976


Ahh come on… please put a decent solution to this up. It ruins the dungeons when the leader gets kicked or their connection drops.

No other multiplayer game I know punishes everyone when the instance owner is kicked.

Pretty please ANet.

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lightrayne.7829


On the other hand, the current system is a nice safety net from the griefer groups that try to vote you out, so they can invite their friends for the reward. I hope there’s a way to get the best of both worlds.

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: viespeadivina.7961


This has become a game breaker. Same thing happen to me last night, after i finished CoE, one person was watching cinematic and after 5 sec leader left, before i could get may reward ( tokens and money ), so i was kicked out with zero reward. The system is flawed, i wonder if Robert knows how frustrating this can be. I’m kitten even now…

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: LiuliRenai.3928


I finished Fractals level 12 with a group last week. My inventory was full and I couldn’t loot the last chest, which had a lodestone in it. I wrote in party chat ‘give me one sec, rearranging inv’.

But it was too late, instance creator already looted the chest and left group, and I was kicked out of the instance without getting the loot from the chest.

Liuli – Mesmer – Piken Square

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Timze.7980


This is why I always try to enter in instances as first person as I can trust only myself in these cases.

I have been hoping to get this kitten fixed the whole time I have been playing but for now I just believe that we won’t get the fix for this issue atleast before we get the group finder tool, which might take months still.

Must say I’m pretty happy with things Anet has done with PvE as a whole but with dungeons I just feel sad and have lost hope for them to get better.

If you are reading this, you are only waisting your time!
Still reading this? You know there is something better to be done for sure. -.-’’

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


You guys should just do story mode. Problem solved.

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


This has become a game breaker. Same thing happen to me last night, after i finished CoE, one person was watching cinematic and after 5 sec leader left, before i could get may reward ( tokens and money ), so i was kicked out with zero reward. The system is flawed, i wonder if Robert knows how frustrating this can be. I’m kitten even now…

Rofl that leader is dumb because the tokens/end gold dont get awarded uintil everyone is out of the cutscene. While unfortunate, at least you werent the only one who didnt get reward. I mean, whats the rush wow why do people literally leaves 5 seconds after. At least say bye to the people you just spent 30min-1 1/2 Hours of your life with

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DargorV.8571


Problem still here, only MMO I’ve seen that pulls this kind of bad programming

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ropechef.6192



Even the Devs said

" Leave the elder threads rest"


Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nelict.7589


Almost two years since launch and this game breaking party-mechanism hasn’t been addressed…and since they never going to fix it, adopt the moto “Losing progress, especially in the fractals, is part of game”.

Instance owners and leaving the group

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lord Kuru.3685

Lord Kuru.3685

The funny thing is: this “feature” is the only thing that protects you from getting booted right before completing a dungeon so that people can bring in their guildies.