Introducing Living Story 3 - The Dying Story

Introducing Living Story 3 - The Dying Story

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: stachekiller.2591


As Mordremoth’s corruption expands we find out that it was him that closed of the F/U path in Twilight Arbor. Well it turns out that wasn’t the only F/U he had up his sleeve. Mordremoth’s corruption knows no bounds as it bleeds all the way into Crucible of Eternity and Arah and slowly dungeons all over Tyria become closed off to our heros.

After such rave reviews of the Living Story we know what our players want. Login every two weeks for releases of LS3: The Dying Story where we slowly see where Mordremoth has infected next. Will it be Sorrow’s Embrace where where Tazza comes over and shares a communal bonfire with you instead of fighting you? Will it be Citadel of Flame as Ferrah forgets his dynamite and stares helplessly at the first gate? Only time will tell.

ANet note: We know you are worried about content being removed from the game, but fear not, only dungeons will be removed from the game and as we know this content is too hard for most of our player base and leads to a toxic community we felt like this would be a win-win. Worried about your Dungeon Master Title? Fear not, it is now on sale at the gem store for 2800 gems. Worried about those pesky dungeon tokens needed for a legendary weapon? Fear not, those are on sale at the gem store as well. Also, our “Fresh Start” changes for new players were so well received that we have applied those to all players and all completed dungeons will be reset in your achievement list so you can feel the excitement once again as you complete these dungeons.

Enjoy LS3: The Dying Story!

Introducing Living Story 3 - The Dying Story

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RSLongK.8961


Feature patch – Kittened
All accounts have been reset to 1 character level 1 for maximun experienced of the living story.
- Fixed Damage exploit where characters could damage enemy IA.
- Fixed Some Traits
* All traits removed to facilitade gameplay.
- Fixed Some Skill like reflects, block and buff to now be complete useless

Main: Warrior|Character counter: 16

Introducing Living Story 3 - The Dying Story

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tree.3916


Beating a dead horse is neither entertaining nor funny.

DnT Apply today if you think you can hang with the best of the best ||
The meta is changing at an alarming rate!

Introducing Living Story 3 - The Dying Story

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: stachekiller.2591


I’m bored and since I can’t play the content I would like to play I figured I would poke a little fun at the folks who took it away. Guess I will go back to sitting in front of Belka waiting for her to attack me now….

Introducing Living Story 3 - The Dying Story

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547



(+15 chars)

Introducing Living Story 3 - The Dying Story

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

Nevets Crimsonwing.5271

I thought it was funny! That first paragraph haha

Introducing Living Story 3 - The Dying Story

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: dlonie.6547


Soon aetherpath will be the only one left, as a tribute to the beloved Scarlet.

Introducing Living Story 3 - The Dying Story

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: FenrirSlakt.3692


As Mordremoth’s corruption expands we find out that it was him that closed of the F/U path in Twilight Arbor. Well it turns out that wasn’t the only F/U he had up his sleeve. Mordremoth’s corruption knows no bounds as it bleeds all the way into Crucible of Eternity and Arah and slowly dungeons all over Tyria become closed off to our heros.

This one actually amused me. <: