Is Arah SM still bugged?
My group completed it yesterday.
Do not believe the wiki. Anyone can post there without sourcing and it is infrequently reviewed for accuracy. A good sign that it’s made up data is something like “99% of the time…”.
I have done Arah story mode several times (a couple in the last week) and never once had a bug blocking progress .
Closest thing I can recall to a bug with Arah was the old bugs that would keep the DE’s from happening that used to open the gates. Those events were all decoupled from the dungeon itself (that is, as long as the event is not in progress, the dungeon is open) a few months back. I don’t recall any bugs with the dungeon itself.
Yes it is still bugged, I am actually on here because it JUST did it to me, I have had it glitch on me twice, I have completed it once.
Other time was yesterday.
The bug is on the airship, after you get past the giant rock tossing guys, the cut scene plays, and then the Chopper remains far away, it doesn’t fly up to your ship so you can get on
Tried it once and completed it once. Not sure about any bugs, never noticed anything.
Chopper STILL bugged. Some watch the cutsceen, some didn’t not. Tried to leave / come back in (except for the creater of the instance). All jumped off, died, wp-ed with no joy!
Completed 3 times this week, and it was ok.