Is anyone going to run Arah now?

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ares.2136


SMH. No rewards unless complete path finish? I heard the explorer mode is impossible. Who is playtesting this game?

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


SMH. No rewards unless complete path finish? I heard the explorer mode is impossible. Who is playtesting this game?

Its not impossible. People dont know how to do it, or are just too scared to finish the dungeon.

I can assure you there are plenty of us who have finished the Arah Dungeon multiple times.

And made money from it.

Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lucas Ashrock.8675

Lucas Ashrock.8675

If you’re trying to find pugs, they was just farming tokens, they are disappeared now we have final path reward. So ye, it’s not something for a pug of random blue guys who barelly arrived till the entrance.

Dungeon Master ME Fractal Guild Promoter

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ares.2136


Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Krazed.7458


Arah has only 2 real problems.

1.) It’s the AC of end-game. Remember when you first hit 30 and tried to do AC? I do, and I remember getting crushed. No one really knew how to use their abilities in a group setting yet, and it was painful. Arah is like that, but at 80. It requires a completely different level of communication and cooperation than any dungeon before it.

2.) People feel the need to do it. As the highest level dungeon, people feel they are required to run it. Problem is, there’s not really a reason to. Unless you really like the way the armor/weapons look or really want the legendary spear (do you think it’s a coincidence the legendary requiring tokens from Arah is one most people absolutely don’t care about?), there’s no reason to run the dungeon on anything but story. Oh, unless you want all the exploration achievements, maybe.

Arah is hard. Let me say that again. Arah is hard. It’s meant to be. It’s meant to require full exotics, a well balanced team with members switching skill as the fight demands, who are on a voice chat system and can communicate with each other. There’s also almost no reason to run it. So unless you you’re willing to put in the effort and/or especially like pain, stay away.

(edited by Moderator)

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ccastiel.6931


Or if you want the legendary staff?

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Universal.9401


Now Arah its impossible..

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demeron.5423


Trying to run it now but geting ppl like cuting throats…. onlt 4/5 group n been looking for 20 mins

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Krazed.7458


Or if you want the legendary staff?

Hrm, my Gift requirements are off. I should really update that. Still, Bifrost has the same stats as a Mystic Staff. I guess if you really want rainbows that badly you’re willing to run it a couple times.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Krazed.7458


Now Arah its impossible..

How is it impossible?

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fatalyz.7168


Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

You can find pick-up groups for just about everything in this game. However, PUG’s were never intended to do explorable mode dungeons. Although they can be done, but with usually a lot of frustration, they were never designed with PUG groups in mind. Anet has said this time and time again.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Inci.7560


Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

You can find pick-up groups for just about everything in this game. However, PUG’s were never intended to do explorable mode dungeons. Although they can be done, but with usually a lot of frustration, they were never designed with PUG groups in mind. Anet has said this time and time again.

Though you can easily do it with PUGs, given you explain the tactics to them and allow them to take a couple tries to get it down (some faster than others)

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Artorous.8573


Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

You can find pick-up groups for just about everything in this game. However, PUG’s were never intended to do explorable mode dungeons. Although they can be done, but with usually a lot of frustration, they were never designed with PUG groups in mind. Anet has said this time and time again.

Though you can easily do it with PUGs, given you explain the tactics to them and allow them to take a couple tries to get it down (some faster than others)

That’s very true. ANet said that explorable modes were meant for a coordinated group of individuals. Generally that means a group of friends talking over vent, or something similar, who pay attention to the game.

I’ve been in several groups where I would mark a target and still be the only person fighting it as everyone else picked a different mob. If people actually focus down 1 target at a time the places become a joke, some things are still hard like the airship portion where you’re trying to nuke the dragon spawn but adds just keep spawning. Oddly enough, even though I entered down state a huge number of times, my repair bill at the end was only 1.5s which I made with 1 item drop.

How To: Dungeon Win! –
1. Do NOT go in with a glass cannon spec and/or gear. Make sure you have some survivability. Get some Knight Armor, masterwork will run you 10-20s for a full set and has Power/Pre/Toughness, and pop some Soldier runes in for added toughness/vitality/power. If you are going in with Berserker Armor and a spec with no defensive utilities/traits then expect to die, over and over and over and over and over again and DO NOT come to the forums complaining about how hard the dungeon is!

2. Mark targets! Use CTRL + T to mark a target that everyone should focus on. Generally you want to take Ranged out first as they can’t be kited. Use Snares/Stuns to keep melee at bay. If everyone is focusing on an individual mob then fights are going to take FOREVER and you are going to have countless deaths.

3. Revive people that are in downed state asap but do NOT revive people that are dead, unless all the mobs are down. If you see someone drop and you can save them then do so! If there is a huge AoE around them then do NOT attempt to revive them until it is gone. You don’t want to kill yourself trying to save someone else.

4. If you die on a boss do NOT bumrush him by zerging over and over again from a waypoint. If he is almost dead and you can make it in time then, by all means, feel free to do it but if it looks like it’s going to be a wipe try to avoid rez zerging. Regroup, figure out what you did wrong, and start from the beginning.

Those are the 4 basic things you need to know to clear a dungeon with as little pain as possible. If you don’t want to follow those simple tips then I don’t want to see you on the forums, or in game chat, complaining about how hard it is and how many times you died. There are, of course, going to be bugs that need to be reported and tuning changes that need to be done but the majority of the reasons a dungeon is hard is because people want to run in with no survivability and whack anything and everything they see as if no one else was there.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ref.8196


Glad to hear it’s hard, it’s supposed to be.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Inci.7560


Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

You can find pick-up groups for just about everything in this game. However, PUG’s were never intended to do explorable mode dungeons. Although they can be done, but with usually a lot of frustration, they were never designed with PUG groups in mind. Anet has said this time and time again.

Though you can easily do it with PUGs, given you explain the tactics to them and allow them to take a couple tries to get it down (some faster than others)

That’s very true. ANet said that explorable modes were meant for a coordinated group of individuals. Generally that means a group of friends talking over vent, or something similar, who pay attention to the game.

I’ve been in several groups where I would mark a target and still be the only person fighting it as everyone else picked a different mob. If people actually focus down 1 target at a time the places become a joke, some things are still hard like the airship portion where you’re trying to nuke the dragon spawn but adds just keep spawning. Oddly enough, even though I entered down state a huge number of times, my repair bill at the end was only 1.5s which I made with 1 item drop.

How To: Dungeon Win! –
1. Do NOT go in with a glass cannon spec and/or gear. Make sure you have some survivability. Get some Knight Armor, masterwork will run you 10-20s for a full set and has Power/Pre/Toughness, and pop some Soldier runes in for added toughness/vitality/power. If you are going in with Berserker Armor and a spec with no defensive utilities/traits then expect to die, over and over and over and over and over again and DO NOT come to the forums complaining about how hard the dungeon is!

2. Mark targets! Use CTRL + T to mark a target that everyone should focus on. Generally you want to take Ranged out first as they can’t be kited. Use Snares/Stuns to keep melee at bay. If everyone is focusing on an individual mob then fights are going to take FOREVER and you are going to have countless deaths.

3. Revive people that are in downed state asap but do NOT revive people that are dead, unless all the mobs are down. If you see someone drop and you can save them then do so! If there is a huge AoE around them then do NOT attempt to revive them until it is gone. You don’t want to kill yourself trying to save someone else.

4. If you die on a boss do NOT bumrush him by zerging over and over again from a waypoint. If he is almost dead and you can make it in time then, by all means, feel free to do it but if it looks like it’s going to be a wipe try to avoid rez zerging. Regroup, figure out what you did wrong, and start from the beginning.

Those are the 4 basic things you need to know to clear a dungeon with as little pain as possible. If you don’t want to follow those simple tips then I don’t want to see you on the forums, or in game chat, complaining about how hard it is and how many times you died. There are, of course, going to be bugs that need to be reported and tuning changes that need to be done but the majority of the reasons a dungeon is hard is because people want to run in with no survivability and whack anything and everything they see as if no one else was there.

Last one is pretty important, you can waste alot of time if the boss isn’t kitable until everyone is back. Again, there’s always a solution. +1 to you.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Starlink.6248


We finished Arah 3 explorable mode on 4. Last route had a bug on one of last bosses. Priest of Dwyaine was impossbile to kill… Some one killed it after patch?

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ned Stark.9356

Ned Stark.9356

Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

You can find pick-up groups for just about everything in this game. However, PUG’s were never intended to do explorable mode dungeons. Although they can be done, but with usually a lot of frustration, they were never designed with PUG groups in mind. Anet has said this time and time again.

Though you can easily do it with PUGs, given you explain the tactics to them and allow them to take a couple tries to get it down (some faster than others)

That’s very true. ANet said that explorable modes were meant for a coordinated group of individuals. Generally that means a group of friends talking over vent, or something similar, who pay attention to the game.

I’ve been in several groups where I would mark a target and still be the only person fighting it as everyone else picked a different mob. If people actually focus down 1 target at a time the places become a joke, some things are still hard like the airship portion where you’re trying to nuke the dragon spawn but adds just keep spawning. Oddly enough, even though I entered down state a huge number of times, my repair bill at the end was only 1.5s which I made with 1 item drop.

How To: Dungeon Win! –
1. Do NOT go in with a glass cannon spec and/or gear. Make sure you have some survivability. Get some Knight Armor, masterwork will run you 10-20s for a full set and has Power/Pre/Toughness, and pop some Soldier runes in for added toughness/vitality/power. If you are going in with Berserker Armor and a spec with no defensive utilities/traits then expect to die, over and over and over and over and over again and DO NOT come to the forums complaining about how hard the dungeon is!

2. Mark targets! Use CTRL + T to mark a target that everyone should focus on. Generally you want to take Ranged out first as they can’t be kited. Use Snares/Stuns to keep melee at bay. If everyone is focusing on an individual mob then fights are going to take FOREVER and you are going to have countless deaths.

3. Revive people that are in downed state asap but do NOT revive people that are dead, unless all the mobs are down. If you see someone drop and you can save them then do so! If there is a huge AoE around them then do NOT attempt to revive them until it is gone. You don’t want to kill yourself trying to save someone else.

4. If you die on a boss do NOT bumrush him by zerging over and over again from a waypoint. If he is almost dead and you can make it in time then, by all means, feel free to do it but if it looks like it’s going to be a wipe try to avoid rez zerging. Regroup, figure out what you did wrong, and start from the beginning.

Those are the 4 basic things you need to know to clear a dungeon with as little pain as possible. If you don’t want to follow those simple tips then I don’t want to see you on the forums, or in game chat, complaining about how hard it is and how many times you died. There are, of course, going to be bugs that need to be reported and tuning changes that need to be done but the majority of the reasons a dungeon is hard is because people want to run in with no survivability and whack anything and everything they see as if no one else was there.

Imo this dungeon or any other is no longer worth doing at all. While i do like the skins of some of the armor and weapons it’s just not worth the headache to get. Your basically telling me to buy a ferrari with the same performance specs as a volvo. This is just a desperate and game killing attempt Anet pulled to stop exploiters when all they really needed to do was tweak the dungeons to fix the exploits and put a lockout timer on it. So well done Anet you have finally slit your own throats and it’s no wonder your losing players to Borderlands 2 which is a console game for crying out loud. Now how about you reverse this patch, fix the exploits in a way that doesn’t screw over EVERYONE and actually get some decent programming staff that can finally fix thesekittenbugs that have been around since headstart.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayesafaile.7204


How To: Dungeon Win! –
1. Do NOT go in with a glass cannon spec and/or gear. Make sure you have some survivability. Get some Knight Armor, masterwork will run you 10-20s for a full set and has Power/Pre/Toughness, and pop some Soldier runes in for added toughness/vitality/power. If you are going in with Berserker Armor and a spec with no defensive utilities/traits then expect to die, over and over and over and over and over again and DO NOT come to the forums complaining about how hard the dungeon is!

Too late for that. All the bads with their full beserker CoF armor have had their easy farming run crushed, and now can’t clear any content because they refuse to learn to play or gear sensibly. Clearly every other dungeon in the game must be impossible.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Demeron.5423


I wish we could find a dang Arah group on Darkheaven but nope not hapening

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Inci.7560


Imo this dungeon or any other is no longer worth doing at all. While i do like the skins of some of the armor and weapons it’s just not worth the headache to get. Your basically telling me to buy a ferrari with the same performance specs as a volvo. This is just a desperate and game killing attempt Anet pulled to stop exploiters when all they really needed to do was tweak the dungeons to fix the exploits and put a lockout timer on it. So well done Anet you have finally slit your own throats and it’s no wonder your losing players to Borderlands 2 which is a console game for crying out loud. Now how about you reverse this patch, fix the exploits in a way that doesn’t screw over EVERYONE and actually get some decent programming staff that can finally fix thesekittenbugs that have been around since headstart.

My my, aren’t we hostile? Arena net has been doing a MUCH BETTER job fixing bugs than any other MMO launch I’ve ever experienced. I’m perfectly fine with diminishing returns on speedclearing, because exploits are EXPECTED at this stage of an MMO. The new limit is a soft one, one most people won’t even hit. Unfortunately it’s bugged, and I’m hoping on a hotfix for that or I’ll be leveling a couple new 80’s this week.
Geez, 30 minutes for a run is very acceptable and defeats the purpose of exploiting quite neatly until the exploits are found and fixed.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Smog.4058


Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

you mean like ever mmo ever made?

pretty sure the hardest content in every mmo every made was not intended for a pug.

Just because it’s not a ten man raid dosen’t mean it’s puggable

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ares.2136


Voice comm required to run a 5 man casual MMO? If that’s working as intended, this game is going to be a laughing stock. I successfully raided endgame everquest and vanilla/BC WoW before voice com was ubiquitous. A game should be playable with the tools that it provides. To require more technology than a game provides you to achieve success in any content, let alone a meaningless 5 man dungeon that provides nothing but cosmetic upgrades, is outrageous.

Basically what you’re all defending is Anet putting a stopgag on dungeon PvE. There is no endgame in this game, there’s no raids, there’s nothing. It was a bad idea from the start to design a game so that there would be no raiding endgame, that’s what MMOs have always been and always will be about as the endgame. There’s literally nothing else to do if you don’t want to WvW or sPvP or do jumping puzzles like a twelve-year old girl.

I agree with the earlier poster than Anet only took a month to slit its own throat.

(edited by Ares.2136)

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kromica.2831


I think all the gear from there is ugly and running just to see it is not worth the repair bills I am sure I would incur.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Inci.7560


Voice comm required to run a 5 man casual MMO? If that’s working as intended, this game is going to be a laughing stock. I successfully raided endgame everquest and vanilla/BC WoW before voice com was ubiquitous. A game should be playable with the tools that it provides. To require more technology than a game provides you to achieve success in any content, let alone a meaningless 5 man dungeon that provides nothing but cosmetic upgrades, is outrageous.

Basically what you’re all defending is Anet putting a stopgag on dungeon PvE. There is no endgame in this game, there’s no raids, there’s nothing. It was a bad idea from the start to design a game so that there would be no raiding endgame, that’s what MMOs have always been and always will be about as the endgame. There’s literally nothing else to do if you don’t want to WvW or sPvP or do jumping puzzles like a twelve-year old girl.

I agree with the earlier poster than Anet only took a month to slit its own throat.

I actually never dungeon run with voice chat, and I clear all routes of Arah, CoE, CoF every day. I run CM exp in my spare time with guildies or pugs I am interested in recruiting because they show competence every day, that dungeon is seriously easy with just a few basic tactics.


Endgame in GW2 is cosmetic or additive armor sets for different builds. GW has always differed from the gear grind of other games, and still mostly is. There’s also multiple endgame content you could focus on, such as (Cosmetic or different sets/profs) gear, wvwvw, sPvP, achievements, dungeons for fun and perfecting them, minipets, dyes, etc. Besides, the word is soon new endgame content will be released.

I’m baffled by the amount of people that don’t understand that gw2 was only recently released. Look at Rift, when that game was released you couldn’t even level past 20 because the content wasn’t done yet. GW2 has a VERY VERY VERY respectable launch amount of content, as well as the bugs being minor (with the exception of skill point bugs in the recent days, and the dungeon party bugs a few weeks ago).

Compare this with (I don’t want to do this) WoW, and it’s already going better than the most played and best known MMO ever.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Artorous.8573


Imo this dungeon or any other is no longer worth doing at all. While i do like the skins of some of the armor and weapons it’s just not worth the headache to get. Your basically telling me to buy a ferrari with the same performance specs as a volvo. This is just a desperate and game killing attempt Anet pulled to stop exploiters when all they really needed to do was tweak the dungeons to fix the exploits and put a lockout timer on it. So well done Anet you have finally slit your own throats and it’s no wonder your losing players to Borderlands 2 which is a console game for crying out loud. Now how about you reverse this patch, fix the exploits in a way that doesn’t screw over EVERYONE and actually get some decent programming staff that can finally fix thesekittenbugs that have been around since headstart.

In what way is your example even close to related to what I put? I gave you tips as to how to clear the dungeon in a non-painful way, the way ANet had envisioned in the first place. They fix exploits, people find new ones, that’s how people are. If you do the dungeon the right way, every time, then you’re not going to have to worry about.

ANet does NOT want people going in and farming a 1 boss then resetting in order to get badges. They want you to experience the full dungeon. People don’t like doing the full dungeon because they are “too hard”. They are “too hard” because people want to go balls to the wall DPS with no thought to survivability then complain because that didn’t work.

After a month or two, when people get use to the difficulty and actually step their game up, you won’t notice nearly as much QQ on these forums about how difficult things are. It happened in GW1 and will happen here as well. A LOT of players, not saying you, played WoW and expect 5 man dungeons to be " round every mob up and AoE them down with no thought and/or strategy needed". This, however, is NOT WoW and they need to learn to improve themselves in order to achieve the end goals instead of crying that something is too hard. If you’re not willing to adapt then go play a single player game like Borderlands 2. I play them both, but that’s because I’m a special little snowflake. ;-)

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ComeAndSee.1356


GW2 has a VERY VERY VERY respectable launch amount of content, as well as the bugs being minor (with the exception of skill point bugs in the recent days, and the dungeon party bugs a few weeks ago).

Compare this with (I don’t want to do this) WoW, and it’s already going better than the most played and best known MMO ever.

GW2 had an ample opportunity to learn from the mistakes of other MMOs that were launched during its development cycle. Notice how the game came out with character transfer right off the bat while SWTOR servers became ghost lands and lost tons of subscribers because of it. They had a golden opportunity that not many games have gotten before.

IMHO, they added too much leveling content. 80 levels off the bat really dragged out the leveling process and then once you hit the end there is literally no endgame. I mean, once everyone has their full exotic sets you’re going to see a bleed off.

The no subscription is really its saving grace which allows them to get away with a non-traditional endgame.

Sha Nari – 80 Guardian (
Lorella Windrunner – 80 Thief
Shayera Nightfall – 80 Mesmer

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pallar.5728


I will run Arah as it is now. I hated the idea of token farming the first easy bosses, and when someone showed me the trick, it definitely left a bad taste in my mouth.

The rewards we get from Arah are supposed to be challenging to get. They’re supposed to be mark of prestige for people who have grasped the combat system, understood the mechanics of the dungeon and practiced to beat it. It took me three nights of wiping to figure out how to beat the lupicus boss, and it felt great when I finally pushed through to the end of it, with a pug no less.

Guild Leader of FSÆ on Eredon Terrace server
Jumping puzzle fanatic

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Artorous.8573


Voice comm required to run a 5 man casual MMO? If that’s working as intended, this game is going to be a laughing stock. I successfully raided endgame everquest and vanilla/BC WoW before voice com was ubiquitous. A game should be playable with the tools that it provides. To require more technology than a game provides you to achieve success in any content, let alone a meaningless 5 man dungeon that provides nothing but cosmetic upgrades, is outrageous.

Basically what you’re all defending is Anet putting a stopgag on dungeon PvE. There is no endgame in this game, there’s no raids, there’s nothing. It was a bad idea from the start to design a game so that there would be no raiding endgame, that’s what MMOs have always been and always will be about as the endgame. There’s literally nothing else to do if you don’t want to WvW or sPvP or do jumping puzzles like a twelve-year old girl.

I agree with the earlier poster than Anet only took a month to slit its own throat.

You don’t need voice chat in order to clear any dungeon. You do, however, need to communicate with your group. That can be done via chat. I’ve yet to use any voice chat feature, mainly due to my new motherboard not wanting to accept my headset. If you go and watch the manifesto, I think that’s the video I am thinking of, you will find their philosophy on explorer modes. They wanted challenging content set up for a group of players that communicated with each other. Judging by how many “this is too hard” posts on the forums I would say they did just that. Just because it’s a dungeon designed for 5 players doesn’t mean you should be expecting to just breeze through it. Try doing that in any of the dungeons in GW1. If you don’t mark things and communicate then you’re going to die. Same rules apply here.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Artorous.8573


Voice comm required to run a 5 man casual MMO? If that’s working as intended, this game is going to be a laughing stock. I successfully raided endgame everquest and vanilla/BC WoW before voice com was ubiquitous. A game should be playable with the tools that it provides. To require more technology than a game provides you to achieve success in any content, let alone a meaningless 5 man dungeon that provides nothing but cosmetic upgrades, is outrageous.

Basically what you’re all defending is Anet putting a stopgag on dungeon PvE. There is no endgame in this game, there’s no raids, there’s nothing. It was a bad idea from the start to design a game so that there would be no raiding endgame, that’s what MMOs have always been and always will be about as the endgame. There’s literally nothing else to do if you don’t want to WvW or sPvP or do jumping puzzles like a twelve-year old girl.

I agree with the earlier poster than Anet only took a month to slit its own throat.

I actually never dungeon run with voice chat, and I clear all routes of Arah, CoE, CoF every day. I run CM exp in my spare time with guildies or pugs I am interested in recruiting because they show competence every day, that dungeon is seriously easy with just a few basic tactics.


Endgame in GW2 is cosmetic or additive armor sets for different builds. GW has always differed from the gear grind of other games, and still mostly is. There’s also multiple endgame content you could focus on, such as (Cosmetic or different sets/profs) gear, wvwvw, sPvP, achievements, dungeons for fun and perfecting them, minipets, dyes, etc. Besides, the word is soon new endgame content will be released.

I’m baffled by the amount of people that don’t understand that gw2 was only recently released. Look at Rift, when that game was released you couldn’t even level past 20 because the content wasn’t done yet. GW2 has a VERY VERY VERY respectable launch amount of content, as well as the bugs being minor (with the exception of skill point bugs in the recent days, and the dungeon party bugs a few weeks ago).

Compare this with (I don’t want to do this) WoW, and it’s already going better than the most played and best known MMO ever.

I agree with most of what you said but I think you mentioned Rift instead of some other game. While I no longer play Rift it did have, by far, the best release of any MMO I have ever seen. I didn’t play Warhammer, at least on release, nor AoC but I know those games had horrible launches. GW2’s release is only second to Rift’s, at least to me. ;-)

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Fatalyz.7168


Voice comm required to run a 5 man casual MMO? If that’s working as intended, this game is going to be a laughing stock. I successfully raided endgame everquest and vanilla/BC WoW before voice com was ubiquitous. A game should be playable with the tools that it provides. To require more technology than a game provides you to achieve success in any content, let alone a meaningless 5 man dungeon that provides nothing but cosmetic upgrades, is outrageous.

Basically what you’re all defending is Anet putting a stopgag on dungeon PvE. There is no endgame in this game, there’s no raids, there’s nothing. It was a bad idea from the start to design a game so that there would be no raiding endgame, that’s what MMOs have always been and always will be about as the endgame. There’s literally nothing else to do if you don’t want to WvW or sPvP or do jumping puzzles like a twelve-year old girl.

I agree with the earlier poster than Anet only took a month to slit its own throat.

This is a very casual friendly game. That should be easy to see given that 90% of the content in the game is not driven around lengthy time sinks. In this game, 5-man dungeons are not geared around casual players, (you seem to think they should be and in most games that would be true). Voice Comm is not required, but communication and being able to understand the strengths and weaknesses of your party members is.

The “endgame” in this game was not meant to be dungeons. If dungeons were meant to be endgame, then there would be some sort of gear progress requirement, otherwise what would be the point (see SWTOR). The endgame is basically what you did leveling; running around and doing DE’s, gathering, pvping, etc.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Venon.9641


I was having fun on this dungeon today after patch on 1st way path.Cool bosses,puzzle,etc.

Then i found Giganticus lupicus also known as Mr. Oneshot. First is was crying and talking kitten about this boss raging,then i found videos of ppl that did it.All of them 5 ppl on ts and all of them tanky build also ranged classes. i’m a thief i have 11205 hp, and 105% critical damage(full exotic missing just leggings) i do 1.5k dmg crit using shortbow and 10~15k dmg pistol whip as a melee. TL DR: i’m useless in this boss.

So i spent 2~3 hours trying to kill him and gave up.

Lets talk about second phase damages with 0 stacks

shadow dash = 14k
aoe = 12k
normal atk ( yea he have a normal atk,and has range of entire room) = 6k

i’m not a beast at this game but i have played it for a long,i’m lv 30 on spvp and i have done enough pve content to know that…. this boss dont need to be nerfed but,need to be changed, get 5 players on vent with tanky build running around and healing each other is not Skill

Edit: also if ArenaNet want to show their cool content to ppl or casual players as they always highlight this on their videos that this game is for everyone, it needs to be accessible.

(edited by Venon.9641)

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Firestrike.3014


We gave up after 3 hours,was just too frustrating..

You can do CoF in around 30 – 40 minutes and get 60 tokens while it takes a couple of hours to finish Arah and get the same amount of tokens…
totally unrewarding,only reason I’m forcing myself to do it is due to the fact I need 250 more tokens for the gift of zaithan..
Considering giving up on crafting The Bitfrost just due to how much of a grindy and frustrating dungeon this is..

How can you compare it to ANY of the other dungeons?

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: pawtrisha.7234


Well, I stopped reading. But here.. I think the problem is

Arah’s timesink / risk vs reward is pathetic. I wanted the gear for appearance but now I could care less.

Encounters that provide ZERO wiggle room for a mistake or two are not hard., there just annoying.

Im not very happy with the change of things. “Were going to give you more tokens” … “But.., require you to put in more time”.

DO NOT … (I repeat DO NOT) get me wrong, I LOVE THIS GAME.. but whatever there smoking up there has to be some good stuff.

Guardian of Archon :: Sanctum of Rall

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Venon.9641


We gave up after 3 hours,was just too frustrating..

You can do CoF in around 30 – 40 minutes and get 60 tokens while it takes a couple of hours to finish Arah and get the same amount of tokens…
totally unrewarding,only reason I’m forcing myself to do it is due to the fact I need 250 more tokens for the gift of zaithan..
Considering giving up on crafting The Bitfrost just due to how much of a grindy and frustrating dungeon this is..

How can you compare it to ANY of the other dungeons?

The problem with Gw2 dungeon is they were not tested before release,if they were its a joke.

MOST of dungeons has some of this:
First boss – A complete useless monster that dont do anything.
Second – One shot everything,deal with it. maybe he has a cool story for excuses,10k years is a good one.
Third – Easy boss, press 1 and afk
Last – is that last boss? looks like zhaitan he dont even attack. ROFL

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: archive.9073


Arah, the final frontier, time to test your skeelz!

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ravenear.8659


I have tried tooday 2 times different routes and for me Arah is not enoyable.
It’s not casual friendy like 90% of PvE content.
I will be waiting for other player’s found something which one of routes can be done by casual group.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JungleNin.8379


Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

You can find pick-up groups for just about everything in this game. However, PUG’s were never intended to do explorable mode dungeons. Although they can be done, but with usually a lot of frustration, they were never designed with PUG groups in mind. Anet has said this time and time again.

Though you can easily do it with PUGs, given you explain the tactics to them and allow them to take a couple tries to get it down (some faster than others)

That’s very true. ANet said that explorable modes were meant for a coordinated group of individuals. Generally that means a group of friends talking over vent, or something similar, who pay attention to the game.

Requiring an out of game program like Vent to do ANYTHING in the game IS BULL.

You SHOULD NOT need VENT to do any part of ANY game. It should help, to be able to voice chat, sure. But it shouldn’t BE A REQUIREMENT.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Inci.7560


Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

You can find pick-up groups for just about everything in this game. However, PUG’s were never intended to do explorable mode dungeons. Although they can be done, but with usually a lot of frustration, they were never designed with PUG groups in mind. Anet has said this time and time again.

Though you can easily do it with PUGs, given you explain the tactics to them and allow them to take a couple tries to get it down (some faster than others)

That’s very true. ANet said that explorable modes were meant for a coordinated group of individuals. Generally that means a group of friends talking over vent, or something similar, who pay attention to the game.

Requiring an out of game program like Vent to do ANYTHING in the game IS BULL.

You SHOULD NOT need VENT to do any part of ANY game. It should help, to be able to voice chat, sure. But it shouldn’t BE A REQUIREMENT.

I’ve stated over and over again, I clear everything with great ease and have never used voice chat in gw2.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Venon.9641


Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

You can find pick-up groups for just about everything in this game. However, PUG’s were never intended to do explorable mode dungeons. Although they can be done, but with usually a lot of frustration, they were never designed with PUG groups in mind. Anet has said this time and time again.

Though you can easily do it with PUGs, given you explain the tactics to them and allow them to take a couple tries to get it down (some faster than others)

That’s very true. ANet said that explorable modes were meant for a coordinated group of individuals. Generally that means a group of friends talking over vent, or something similar, who pay attention to the game.

Requiring an out of game program like Vent to do ANYTHING in the game IS BULL.

You SHOULD NOT need VENT to do any part of ANY game. It should help, to be able to voice chat, sure. But it shouldn’t BE A REQUIREMENT.

I’ve stated over and over again, I clear everything with great ease and have never used voice chat in gw2.

Inci the only thing i have to tell u is: Giganticus lupicus

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Vesir.1546


Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

You can find pick-up groups for just about everything in this game. However, PUG’s were never intended to do explorable mode dungeons. Although they can be done, but with usually a lot of frustration, they were never designed with PUG groups in mind. Anet has said this time and time again.

Though you can easily do it with PUGs, given you explain the tactics to them and allow them to take a couple tries to get it down (some faster than others)

That’s very true. ANet said that explorable modes were meant for a coordinated group of individuals. Generally that means a group of friends talking over vent, or something similar, who pay attention to the game.

Requiring an out of game program like Vent to do ANYTHING in the game IS BULL.

You SHOULD NOT need VENT to do any part of ANY game. It should help, to be able to voice chat, sure. But it shouldn’t BE A REQUIREMENT.

I’ve stated over and over again, I clear everything with great ease and have never used voice chat in gw2.

Inci the only thing i have to tell u is: Giganticus lupicus

don’t need vent for Gig L

source : killed Gig L without vent multiple times

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Artorous.8573


I was having fun on this dungeon today after patch on 1st way path.Cool bosses,puzzle,etc.

Then i found Giganticus lupicus also known as Mr. Oneshot. First is was crying and talking kitten about this boss raging,then i found videos of ppl that did it.All of them 5 ppl on ts and all of them tanky build also ranged classes. i’m a thief i have 11205 hp, and 105% critical damage(full exotic missing just leggings) i do 1.5k dmg crit using shortbow and 10~15k dmg pistol whip as a melee. TL DR: i’m useless in this boss.

So i spent 2~3 hours trying to kill him and gave up.

Lets talk about second phase damages with 0 stacks

shadow dash = 14k
aoe = 12k
normal atk ( yea he have a normal atk,and has range of entire room) = 6k

i’m not a beast at this game but i have played it for a long,i’m lv 30 on spvp and i have done enough pve content to know that…. this boss dont need to be nerfed but,need to be changed, get 5 players on vent with tanky build running around and healing each other is not Skill

Edit: also if ArenaNet want to show their cool content to ppl or casual players as they always highlight this on their videos that this game is for everyone, it needs to be accessible.

You say you were all in tanky builds yet you had 11k hp and 105% crit damage. Just what, exactly, do you call a tanky build? What gear are you using? Seems to me you’re using Berserkers then trying to say you’re using a tanky build. Seems to me you’re using a glass cannon build.

I play an Elementalist and with masterwork, green, Knight’s Armor and Soldiers Medallions I am at 16.5k HP, 2k toughness, 2.8k armor, and 1800 power. That is a decent tanky setup, for an ele, but I could be more tanky. You know how many times I get 1 shot? NEVER. There is NO possible way you are using a tanky setup and have the stats you mentioned.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Inci.7560


Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

You can find pick-up groups for just about everything in this game. However, PUG’s were never intended to do explorable mode dungeons. Although they can be done, but with usually a lot of frustration, they were never designed with PUG groups in mind. Anet has said this time and time again.

Though you can easily do it with PUGs, given you explain the tactics to them and allow them to take a couple tries to get it down (some faster than others)

That’s very true. ANet said that explorable modes were meant for a coordinated group of individuals. Generally that means a group of friends talking over vent, or something similar, who pay attention to the game.

Requiring an out of game program like Vent to do ANYTHING in the game IS BULL.

You SHOULD NOT need VENT to do any part of ANY game. It should help, to be able to voice chat, sure. But it shouldn’t BE A REQUIREMENT.

I’ve stated over and over again, I clear everything with great ease and have never used voice chat in gw2.

Inci the only thing i have to tell u is: Giganticus lupicus

don’t need vent for Gig L

source : killed Gig L without vent multiple times

This. We actually take him down with a single death only 50% of the time.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Furienify.5738


Seriously. You don’t need vent to clear Arah or kill Giganticus Lupicus. Don’t even need full exotics, depending on who is doing what. There’s a lot of small tricks you can do in general to make the fight easier on your party.

Why run Arah? Because the armor will actually be somewhat prestigious now. Because it’s long, and challenging, and overcoming challenges is one of the highlights of a dungeon experience.

I don’t get to run it often due to timezone differences, but I relish the opportunity to do so.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Inci.7560


I was having fun on this dungeon today after patch on 1st way path.Cool bosses,puzzle,etc.

Then i found Giganticus lupicus also known as Mr. Oneshot. First is was crying and talking kitten about this boss raging,then i found videos of ppl that did it.All of them 5 ppl on ts and all of them tanky build also ranged classes. i’m a thief i have 11205 hp, and 105% critical damage(full exotic missing just leggings) i do 1.5k dmg crit using shortbow and 10~15k dmg pistol whip as a melee. TL DR: i’m useless in this boss.

So i spent 2~3 hours trying to kill him and gave up.

Lets talk about second phase damages with 0 stacks

shadow dash = 14k
aoe = 12k
normal atk ( yea he have a normal atk,and has range of entire room) = 6k

i’m not a beast at this game but i have played it for a long,i’m lv 30 on spvp and i have done enough pve content to know that…. this boss dont need to be nerfed but,need to be changed, get 5 players on vent with tanky build running around and healing each other is not Skill

Edit: also if ArenaNet want to show their cool content to ppl or casual players as they always highlight this on their videos that this game is for everyone, it needs to be accessible.

You say you were all in tanky builds yet you had 11k hp and 105% crit damage. Just what, exactly, do you call a tanky build? What gear are you using? Seems to me you’re using Berserkers then trying to say you’re using a tanky build. Seems to me you’re using a glass cannon build.

I play an Elementalist and with masterwork, green, Knight’s Armor and Soldiers Medallions I am at 16.5k HP, 2k toughness, 2.8k armor, and 1800 power. That is a decent tanky setup, for an ele, but I could be more tanky. You know how many times I get 1 shot? NEVER. There is NO possible way you are using a tanky setup and have the stats you mentioned.

My hundred blades crits for 9k, I have 3200 armor, 500 healing, 40% crit damage and about 71% crit chance. My hp is 18k, I have about 2300 power ungeared without my massive might stacks I think, as well as having about 10 vulnerability on stuff I hit alot. I can tank anything with this, and still do insane amounts of dps if I have the time to hundred blades. Which for most endgame bosses I don’t, so I just tank and let everyone else do the dps.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Artorous.8573


I was having fun on this dungeon today after patch on 1st way path.Cool bosses,puzzle,etc.

Then i found Giganticus lupicus also known as Mr. Oneshot. First is was crying and talking kitten about this boss raging,then i found videos of ppl that did it.All of them 5 ppl on ts and all of them tanky build also ranged classes. i’m a thief i have 11205 hp, and 105% critical damage(full exotic missing just leggings) i do 1.5k dmg crit using shortbow and 10~15k dmg pistol whip as a melee. TL DR: i’m useless in this boss.

So i spent 2~3 hours trying to kill him and gave up.

Lets talk about second phase damages with 0 stacks

shadow dash = 14k
aoe = 12k
normal atk ( yea he have a normal atk,and has range of entire room) = 6k

i’m not a beast at this game but i have played it for a long,i’m lv 30 on spvp and i have done enough pve content to know that…. this boss dont need to be nerfed but,need to be changed, get 5 players on vent with tanky build running around and healing each other is not Skill

Edit: also if ArenaNet want to show their cool content to ppl or casual players as they always highlight this on their videos that this game is for everyone, it needs to be accessible.

You say you were all in tanky builds yet you had 11k hp and 105% crit damage. Just what, exactly, do you call a tanky build? What gear are you using? Seems to me you’re using Berserkers then trying to say you’re using a tanky build. Seems to me you’re using a glass cannon build.

I play an Elementalist and with masterwork, green, Knight’s Armor and Soldiers Medallions I am at 16.5k HP, 2k toughness, 2.8k armor, and 1800 power. That is a decent tanky setup, for an ele, but I could be more tanky. You know how many times I get 1 shot? NEVER. There is NO possible way you are using a tanky setup and have the stats you mentioned.

My hundred blades crits for 9k, I have 3200 armor, 500 healing, 40% crit damage and about 71% crit chance. My hp is 18k, I have about 2300 power ungeared without my massive might stacks I think, as well as having about 10 vulnerability on stuff I hit alot. I can tank anything with this, and still do insane amounts of dps if I have the time to hundred blades. Which for most endgame bosses I don’t, so I just tank and let everyone else do the dps.

Yeah, with my setup I can do a pretty good bit of damage as well, I was just pointing out that a person who says they have 11k hp and 105% crit dmg can’t possibly be in a tanky setup. It’s just not possible.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Zeebok.1460


Lol MMO where you can’t find a pick-up group? That’s comical. Good luck Anet.

Don’t you have to have an account to post here?

Guess the jokes on you. ha ha

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RobinotX.1604


I only will run Arah for the achievement. And maybe for some weapons. My Engineer doesn’t like the gear. I probably go for the HotW or the SE medium gear. Don’t know yet v.v. I am still thinking what I want ;-;

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Gies.3824


Ouch, get that man some Aloe!

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Aphix.9846


I need 500 tokens for the whole set so yes I will.

I mean I will if the dungeon actually worked tho, no one can actually enter the instance. I get the pop up and press enter but nothing happens, and sometimes if I do go in 1st and people get in, then they’re in different instances.

Well played.

Is anyone going to run Arah now?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DKP.4196


Keep trying, or die trying. Never give up, never forgive. We will Desolate. – Desolation
Not A Message.