Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dex.6139


Guild mate and I duo’d Arah p3. I’m not the best at soloing Lupi on my Warrior so I had a little bit of help. Towards the end of the path (after the ritual), we decided to sell the path for 5g. 3 members jumped in and one sent me a pm stating “I’ll send you 2.5g and the rest after we beat it”.

Even though he didn’t need to, he helped kill the boss. Once everyone got their tokens and left the party, I tried to contact the member that paid me 2.5g for the rest of the gold promised. Surprise surprise I’m blocked. I got on my secondary account and sent him the message in my attachment. His reply is on the right.

Since when does Zerker gear with scholar runes on a warrior do equivalent damage as a condi necro (which is what he was)?

Maybe it’s about time selling dungeon paths comes to an end. Even though he didn’t participate in the majority of the dungeon (just the last boss), he still feels as though that I’m the one scamming players by making them “pay” for leeching. We didn’t even use any exploits.

I read the horror stories on the forums and I know reporting won’t make a difference. After all, he did give me 2.5g, so it’s better than nothing. Just hate it when people say “Oh yeah I’ll pay you back” then silence. That just urks me xD.

So what do you guys think? Should selling paths be allowed?


Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Sublimatio.6981


Typical scammer with “i know better” attitude, just send a ticket to support and expect nothing because obviously you will get automated response and nobody will care as nobody ever cared except for wvw bots.

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Never trust strangers is the lesson to be learned here, nothing about selling.

If people are willing to pay for the service they will. The guy is an idiot.

But, yeah, just never take the risk unless you’re willing to accept that sometimes it’ll go the wrong way.

As for allowing selling, yes absolutely it should be allowed. Everyone involved is benefiting and happy. It’s those outside that find some moral objection to it that grief people and cause the problems.

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Purple Miku.7032

Purple Miku.7032

It was time to stop selling them over a year ago, it’s been a garbage market for wayyy too long. Too many people learned how to solo Arah and undercut each other to the point where the prices just don’t justify the wait times along with the fact that we have no instance ownership anymore. It was bound to happen eventually but now if you want to sell Arah it might not seem so unappealing to you since you don’t have anything to compare it to, so it’s up to you. Just know what you’re getting yourself into whenever you try it, as the system is very easy to get griefed with.

As for the report, you don’t do yourself any good by posting the screenshot on here. The best you can do is email the names of the people with the screenshot attached to the appropriate CS email of theirs (can’t remember it off the top of my head).

(edited by Purple Miku.7032)

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


I have an alt called ‘When life gives you’ with a pile of lemons on it, do you want me to send him some chat links?

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Casmurro.9046


At least he didnt kick you and your friend from the instance. I guess there are people that keep watching the arah lfg just waiting for an opportunity to steal a seller’s run. I used to solo arah then give it for free on the lfg at the end boss, but after the removal of instance ownership i had to stop doing that, people were just instantly joining and kicking me out.

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Lampshade.7569


Ahahahahah this is hilarious.

Hater uses griefing . . . It’s not very effective.
Hater watches youtube and learns to solo.
Hater uses market saturation . . . It’s super effective !

Serves you right. AHahahaha

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


At least he didnt kick you and your friend from the instance. I guess there are people that keep watching the arah lfg just waiting for an opportunity to steal a seller’s run. I used to solo arah then give it for free on the lfg at the end boss, but after the removal of instance ownership i had to stop doing that, people were just instantly joining and kicking me out.

And people say this is the best MMO community. I laugh at that every time I read it. I used to sell to people in my old games. Could trust them to rack up the equivalent of 100’s of gold tabs and pay it off when I saw them (no in game mailing of gold at the time), just a joke. I never played WOW much, same with LoL, but every game I’ve dove into and played a lot has had a better community. This naming and shaming rule has done a lot to hinder people being responsible for their actions.

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: serenke.4806


People shouldn’t have even started selling dungeons. If someone is unable to complete a certain dungeon, they should just not get the rewards from it.

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: insanemaniac.2456


maybe you should contact michael henninger (gm proheals) cuz that guy is a kitten. get him banned for his 3 days. dont expect your 2.5g. in the future i suggest you kick people who arent willing to pay in full up front.

JQ: Rikkity
head here to discuss wvw without fear of infractions

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laharl.8435


Is that hatred guy still playing and kicking sellers?

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


Is that hatred guy still playing and kicking sellers?

haven’t heard of him kicking people recently, still playing though…

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jerus.4350


People shouldn’t have even started selling dungeons. If someone is unable to complete a certain dungeon, they should just not get the rewards from it.

See, that’s the beauty of things. Don’t want to do it, you can pay people to do it for you. Just like in real life, in the game we have a service industry, the pity is ANet turns their back on it. Some don’t want to, some can’t, some just don’t have the time, in all cases if they have the gold they can still get their reward. Of course either way if they wanted that Arah gear they could just herdy herd it up in pvp long enough and get it. So not much of a difference.

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thrag.9740


Sorry that happened to you OP. I buy paths sometimes. Real life is busy. Sometimes I get home from work after midnight. I (and many others) appreciate the service you provide to us, and I hope you won’t let this one bad experience soil it forever.

Selling paths is totally legit. Players who don’t like dungeons don’t have to force themselves to grind content they don’t like. They can do the content that they enjoy more. Similarly, players who don’t want to grind all of the jormag collection can do dungeons instead.

Overall I am in full support of choices. I use to play runescape before they started putting restrictions all over the economy. A completely unregulated economy can be pretty awesome. People really find interesting jobs, and provide some pretty cool services. To me that feels like a richer world, full of choices.

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nyx.7342


Wow wat an kitten ..

My friends and I sell fractals sometimes, I honestly hate selling it just gets boring having to wait for buyers. The other day we were doing mai while waiting and this guy which PR 7 wanted a reduction in price and after we kicked he joined whining that we should just let him increase his level for free because no one else was buying anyways. Was like a 2 year old kid spamming chat while we were 3 manning mai…so annoying

Selling in gw2 is just kinda risky especially if you don’t have people holding spots and most of all its bothersome. Not all buyers are bad some are really nice….. but others

ofc it should be allowed but i don’t think its really that great anymore. It would be cool if they had ways to actually organize the selling, and some official way to get paid but then more people would enter the market for fractals etc. and it would drive the price lower than it already is.

(edited by Nyx.7342)

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IrisTheCasual.3742


Let me tell you guys a story of my friend.

My friend is a very competent player. He does fotm 50 daily for the rewards, and he never turns down a friend’s request for help with 50 even though it means he has to repeat it without the daily reward. It’s not a big deal because he can sometimes sell his spot if the last boss is Jade Maw or Molten Duo. Whenever I sell the slot for my friend, I always send back to him the full amount of gold. He does 20% of the work like everyone else in the party. The daily reward costs 20 g. Everyone else gets the daily, he gets 20 g. It’s fair. Logic.

Then it happened.

He helped another friend of his and her guildies with their fotm 50. He asked to sell his slot. They happily accepted. After selling his spot, they divided the gold equally and send him back 5 g. Astonished, he asked, “Hey guys, everyone did their share of work yet everyone else gets their rewards plus their extra 5 gold. Why do I receive… only 5% of the rewards for 20% of the group’s work?” They ignored him. Worse, the group convinced his friend to give up her slot to sell and then divide the rewards among themselves again. To which, his friend happily accepted. Worst, they felt it’s way too profitable and asked him to do another tier to sell. To which, he replied, “Hey guys, I need the daily rewards, so I’ll stay. If you want to sell your slot, I will help you and I will send you the full amount of gold. If we had low-man it, I would divide the extra slot equally among ourselves. But because you give up your daily, you deserve to get paid the full amount of your effort.” And the deal fell out. They got angry, they thought he was greedy and he had attitude. They couldn’t stand it. They were so angry to accept how the KITTEN GREEDY THEY ARE.

Gosh, internet people who readily sponge off others are the absolute KITTEN – KITTEN – KITTEN worst!

(edited by IrisTheCasual.3742)

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NikeEU.7690


People shouldn’t have even started selling dungeons. If someone is unable to complete a certain dungeon, they should just not get the rewards from it.

You sorta just explained exactly why people DO sell dungeons.


Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IrisTheCasual.3742


People shouldn’t have even started selling dungeons. If someone is unable to complete a certain dungeon, they should just not get the rewards from it.

You sorta just explained exactly why people DO sell dungeons.

You mean why people do BUY dungeons?

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: aophts.9862


Well, selling dungeon paths is wrong in my opinion, because instead of people using the LFG to PLAY with other people, to socialize you know (this is an MMO after all), people just use the LFG of Arah only to sell paths, so if people want to do the paths normally with others that are experienced or newbies, they just can’t because the LFG is filled with sellers instead of players.

“hurr durr use your guild members”

It’s not an argument.

Also, i don’t understand how people can fall for this selling thing, i’ve heard from people that they were kicked after giving the gold, because clearly that is exactly what might happen, the sellers receive the gold and then they kick the buyer.

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DonQuack.9025



Literally my first bingo.

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Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SlyDevil.3952


Well, selling dungeon paths is wrong in my opinion, because instead of people using the LFG to PLAY with other people, to socialize you know (this is an MMO after all), people just use the LFG of Arah only to sell paths, so if people want to do the paths normally with others that are experienced or newbies, they just can’t because the LFG is filled with sellers instead of players.

“hurr durr use your guild members”

It’s not an argument.

Also, i don’t understand how people can fall for this selling thing, i’ve heard from people that they were kicked after giving the gold, because clearly that is exactly what might happen, the sellers receive the gold and then they kick the buyer.

hurr durr the lfg is filled with sellers.

Were you trying to say your first statement wasn’t an argument or the second wasn’t?

Looking For Group tool, literally says nothing about what you need to do with the group.

MMO Massive, large size/lots of something, Multiplayer, includes other players, Online, using dem interwebs, Role Playing Game, you’re playing a character who isn’t you. Also has nothing to do with what you’re doing in a group, or whether you even need to be in a group.

“what might happen” know what else “might happen” they might give you path completion, or you randomly dc, or a roc flies down and carries you off with your chair to feed to it’s children, or, or, or, or… Let’s play the what if game, it engages your imagination and is twice as fun as running arah with those non-existent groups


Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ForeverAway.5948


Well, selling dungeon paths is wrong in my opinion, because instead of people using the LFG to PLAY with other people, to socialize you know (this is an MMO after all), people just use the LFG of Arah only to sell paths, so if people want to do the paths normally with others that are experienced or newbies, they just can’t because the LFG is filled with sellers instead of players.

“hurr durr use your guild members”

It’s not an argument.

Also, i don’t understand how people can fall for this selling thing, i’ve heard from people that they were kicked after giving the gold, because clearly that is exactly what might happen, the sellers receive the gold and then they kick the buyer.

i tryed to by ascolon caverns p1 b4 and got scamed. sent the griver his 6g and got kick to feild of ruin loadscreen

nvr again i learnd my lesson. sellrs arnt real they just scam u and take ur money. i cant belive that anet is ok with all of those grifers.

why does anet let scamers rule lfg? i want to run dungon but evrytime i look at lfg its all zergmeta sellers scaming ppl. cant ever find a real group to join. sucks bc im really good at dungons and thier realy fun

OP got what he diserved. lemme axe u sumin right quik — how much gold have you personly stoln from innocent ppl? how much more do u need until u ppl will stop grifing?

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: doddbox.8153


I’ve been soloing for a long time, I’ve always done it for free as a moral thing and I don’t judge people for selling. I was giving away slots to guildies/ close friends and friends of friends, whatever filled the party.

A guildie who genuinely seemed nice and had manners was asking me if his friends could join and I usually said yes, It turns out he was selling those spots and taxiing people to my group.

Took me a while to realise when one of them asked for a refund, kitten me. The last message I got from him was “LOL” and then I was blocked.

I also had to stop posting free path LFG’s when they started getting hijacked all the time.

Based community.

very special guild tag [tX]

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: NikeEU.7690


People shouldn’t have even started selling dungeons. If someone is unable to complete a certain dungeon, they should just not get the rewards from it.

You sorta just explained exactly why people DO sell dungeons.

You mean why people do BUY dungeons?

Economic incentives have to exist for both parties in order for a market to properly function.


Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Jahroots.6791


I thought the dungeon reward tracks in PVP would have killed Arah selling, to be honest. One run through story and it’s unlocked forever. You don’t even need to win. Just be active for ten minutes at a time and you’ll have unlocked just about everything in a couple weeks.

I suppose it is necessary for the achievement, though.

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: maha.7902


Is that hatred guy still playing and kicking sellers?

holy **** laharl where have you been all this time

Serah Mahariel – Death and Taxes

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: laharl.8435


Is that hatred guy still playing and kicking sellers?

holy **** laharl where have you been all this time

Hey, been console gaming mostly. Currently playing Destiny, you can solo dungeons but sadly you can’t sell them. I hopped on gw2 last night but my toons are horribly outdated. Was just looking for build and dps rotation info. Good to see some familiar faces!

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: thrag.9740


Something to consider. All trade is essentially paying people to do stuff for you. Legendaries? Paying people to do map completion. Ascended? Paying people to gather resources. +20 ar infusions? paying people to do fractals.

Is paying someone to do a dungeon really that different? Its not like its the only example of buying achievements/titles.

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: IrisTheCasual.3742


Is that hatred guy still playing and kicking sellers?

holy **** laharl where have you been all this time

Hey, been console gaming mostly. Currently playing Destiny, you can solo dungeons but sadly you can’t sell them. I hopped on gw2 last night but my toons are horribly outdated. Was just looking for build and dps rotation info. Good to see some familiar faces!

Wow, Teach!!!

Shoot me a message if you see me around.

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Absolute Ze Woah.1074

Absolute Ze Woah.1074

I don’t see how people get offended by selling paths. Those who are buying know full well what they are paying for. That’s why they pay and wait in the party till the party gets filled.

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Shakki.3219


Last time i got scammed selling a path a trio joined me also and insta kicked me… even after loads of pms with them being blatantly honest about their doing and sending these screens to the support… the answer i got was:

we can not help you if you did not sell it on the TP…

since that i am done with the support.

Reaper – Anguîsh

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Surbrus.6942


The way difficulty and rewards go for dungeons, if you actually want a challenge you are required to run the dungeon/fractals undermanned. This not only takes a longer time, but the game itself does not award a greater payout even for simply completing it at a higher difficulty. Selling dungeons/fractals is simply what people are forced to do if they require higher difficulty content and wish to at least not take a hit to their rewards simply for attempting to seek out more challenging content.

Yes, the terribly entitled portion of this game’s playerbase wails in envy over other people buying and selling dungeons and fractals. However this same entitled portion of the playerbase will be just as vocal in their dissatisfaction if Anet actually implemented a proper hard mode for dungeons and fractals (while awarding accordingly). Thus ignoring these whiners is the best policy no matter how Anet ends up addressing the problem with the difficulty level of PvE being set to “Warning: high probability of falling asleep”.

Is it time to stop selling dungeon paths?

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Henry.5713


That person seems to have gotten exactly what he wanted. He managed to upset you and make you wonder whether you should stop selling dungeons…

People asking the support team for help seem to misunderstand what they are actually doing.
They are using a gray market. ArenaNet neither authorizes nor covers the any dealing going on there. It really isn’t their problem.

We should be happy they don’t consider this a black market. That would lead to them banning anyone trying to sell outside of the TP.

There are many ways to scam someone in MMOs. It sucks that it happened to you. Yet, you should be prepared and not take it too hard if you risk trusting anyone on the internet. It is part of doing off the books jobs, even in MMOs.

(edited by Henry.5713)