Issues & bugs in fractals. (Afterpatch)
Player who had the hammer in cliffside disconnected, and hammer never respawned.
Just for the sake of more info, you tried a full party wipe?
Thaumanova golems dealing insane damage…
Asura’s elite skill (summon golem) is now really powerful…
I can see a connection there, seems like there’s an effect that got misstakenly ported.
Aens / Ellantriel / Nao To Mori / Saelyth. Commander
Guias de Raids en español / Spanish raiding guides
Our L50 run just bugged out – after Underground Facility, we didn’t get ported into the next instance, and the party member who entered 1st got some kind of “Instance creation failed” message. We had to restart completely.
Also, is it just me noticing generally less responsive instances in fractals (eg. longer load times inbetween, a lot more disconnects, etc.)
Our L50 run just bugged out – after Underground Facility, we didn’t get ported into the next instance, and the party member who entered 1st got some kind of “Instance creation failed” message. We had to restart completely.
Also, is it just me noticing generally less responsive instances in fractals (eg. longer load times inbetween, a lot more disconnects, etc.)
That seems quite rare. Longer load times maybe but disconnects actually less than before for me.
OT: Thaumanova + golem fix.