It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wurps.3264


The LFG system is a joke, there’s no other way to find a group than spamming chat.

After I typed “LFM AC Explorable” twice within five minutes, the game BLOCKED ME FROM SAYING THE PHRASES “LFM, AC, and Explorable” because it thought I was a gold seller.

I COULD NOT rephrase it, it simply blocked any attempt I made to look for a group.

This is a good example of screwing over players with automatic prevention systems.

(edited by Wurps.3264)

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kaaboose.3897


It is my understanding that Explorable mode is hands down the hardest PvE task in Guild Wars 2. While I do agree there needs to be a better system for looking (Or at least a dedicated chat channel) what you are doing is akin to trying to Look for a raiding group on the fly in old school WoW. You need a guild or some close knit players for this kind of thing.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: HellHound.5480


This is the one thing I agree with right now. Sucks having to be blocked in chat when looking for groups

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Frost.9376


Stop spamming LFG. Do it once, maybe twice, but after that make your OWN group. Somebody has to take initiative to make a group out of the million people spamming LFG so why not make it you?

Also if you’re 80 try going to Orr, Frostgorge, LA and the zone which the instance is in. I usually have no issues finding a group doing that.

GM of Your Math Teacher [MATH] – Northern Shiverpeaks

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wurps.3264


‘Make your OWN’ group, using what, chat, LFG?

Blocked from chat, nobody uses LFG.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Pikafan.3792


Needs to have a (good)dungeon group generator/finder in any game with instanced dungeons, imo.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kryil.6045


You don’t get blocked for saying it two times in 5 minutes. Simple.
I’ve never had problems searching and I’ve shouted enough…

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Xista.7391


Have your group spam too.

In-game opinions of Skyhammer:

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Stormwalker.3261


If you have all the necessary way points, I find a good way to do it is alternate between the zone and the cities. So start in the zone of choice, port to lion’s arch and post an ad, then use the portals in lion’s arch to post ads in the different cities.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Science.4207


According to Arenanet you’re not supposed to pug for explore mode because you need vanilla naxxaramas levels of preparation to tackle them effectively.

I’m starting to wonder about arenanet’s intentions. I’m starting to wonder why they kept the dungeons from the general public until the last moment.

Maybe people would have gotten the word out that the dungeons are about as status quo as you can get in an mmo, and it would have discouraged the people who only became interested in the game because of certain statements to people who “hate mmo’s”

But, hey, i’m not forced to play. Nobody is. We’ll see how that works for them.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: ashesfaded.9476


I have yet to find it difficult getting into a dungeon group. I sent out an ad and immediately get more people sending me tells than I can fit in the group…

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ako.6051


My solution would be join a guild, make some friends or just don’t bother. Explorer mode (As stated by Arena Net in past posts) it designed for a group of individuals who have learned to coordinate and utilise their classes to their fullest.
Story is for a PUG and it’s not hard to find a group for. Asking a few people around you will get you one in moments.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: one of them.7509

one of them.7509

I’ve found that using “LFM” is much more effective than “LFG”. Even if you’re not in a group, the psychology behind seeing LFM seems to make players more likely to join you. It’s kind of funny really.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: roadrunner.8920


It’s true ‘one of them’. LFM is a lot better approach, because people assume you have a group, so they’re willing to whisper you regarding it.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ghyst.8671


The key to being able to run EX mode dungeons is to be in a guild. Since being in my guild, I am able to run dungeons nightly. Clearing EX dungeons is far easier with people you “know” and are using voice chat as well.

[Cloak] – US Anvil Rock – PvE guild obsessed with clearing EX mode dungeons and WvWvW.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Saintfanny.7419


Totally agree, the fact that the dungeons are so stupidly hard to the point that they are not fun to play at all you would think the burden of playing those torurous things would be reduced by having a LFG, cross servers, so you can select what one you want and still go round farming or doin dynamix events as opposed to standing in lions arch bored out of my skull. No one uses chat anymore as they are scared of Anet banning them so no one hardly speaks in /m

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Minifig.5291


How hard is it to sit outside the instance and wait for people to come by and ask if they’re looking for a group?

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: SinfulHope.8045


after reading half of these comments i feel like none of you even read the OP’s post.

he made it clear that he can’t find a group because he gets locked out for “spamming”
the proceeds the comments like

Stop spamming LFG. Do it once, maybe twice, but after that make your OWN group. Somebody has to take initiative to make a group out of the million people spamming LFG so why not make it you?

Also if you’re 80 try going to Orr, Frostgorge, LA and the zone which the instance is in. I usually have no issues finding a group doing that.

you serious? 1) he CANT find a group 2)he gets locked out of Chat, so what? he was spamming for groups for the lulz and actually had 2 people waiting on hand on foot till he gave the word?

Just wanted to respond to this -

According to Arenanet you’re not supposed to pug for explore mode because you need vanilla naxxaramas levels of preparation to tackle them effectively.

no Ex Mode was over hyped about its difficulty, while i agree your average pug prob won’t complete it, it’s still very easy for people to farm these Ex modes pug or not.

with guildes 30 mins tops any Ex mode its a joke really, and with pugs varying on who is in the group40-60 mins obviously there is also a chance your pug will be discouraged and quit but heck thats what you get with pugs.

(puts up flame shield)if Pug Raids can be pulled off in WoW, Pug Ex mode groups will work here, Ex mode has nothing on (eventho nerfed)WoW’s Raids

which is why a very small portion of the community wants these dungeons buffed interms of difficulty because currently its really not that hard at all.

How hard is it to sit outside the instance and wait for people to come by and ask if they’re looking for a group?

oh so you wanna wait around and do nothing till by chance a group picks you up?
and at 80 its 2-3 silvers just to waypoint and if you walk to the dungeon you just spent a decent chunk of time walking to the dungeon and you aren’t even guaranteed that you’re even gonna get a group. see how backwards that is?

heck lets go back to ever quest grind while were at it? better yet lets go back to weapon decay mechanics like UO?

because going progressing backwards is obviously the right choice

Server – Crystal Desert
Guild – Thirteen Thirty Seven
Voip – Raidcall(4784035)

(edited by SinfulHope.8045)

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: DirtyHoudini.2917


Yes, everyone wants there to be an option. It seems like this game launched with so many missing features and gaps

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Burai.4370


LF4M AC Explorable. People would rather join than take the initiative and create the group themselves.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Kaizz.7306


Want to get in a group? Want to never be kicked, unless you really are just bad? Click “Y”. Then Change your icon to blue. Now, this step is really complicated. Press Escape, then go to character creation. Press Create. Choose whatever race. PRESS “GUARDIAN”. Proceed to finish the character. Hit 80. Map travel to LA, or anywhere theres a dungeon and type this “80 Guard LFG XXX Exp”, XXX being the dungeon initials. Prepare to be asked almost immediately to join a group.

Seriously though, don’t spam the chat, just say “Lvl X Class LFG XX Exp/Story”. Type that once, MAYBE twice, after that, make your own group.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Amen.2630


absolutly agree this chat blocking kitten me of like hell!
they should make a system which allows simply a slogan above your head so you can type it and stand around waiting for someone to invite you or whisper you to get an invite!

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wurps.3264


Want to get in a group? Want to never be kicked, unless you really are just bad? Click “Y”. Then Change your icon to blue. Now, this step is really complicated. Press Escape, then go to character creation. Press Create. Choose whatever race. PRESS “GUARDIAN”. Proceed to finish the character. Hit 80. Map travel to LA, or anywhere theres a dungeon and type this “80 Guard LFG XXX Exp”, XXX being the dungeon initials. Prepare to be asked almost immediately to join a group.

Seriously though, don’t spam the chat, just say “Lvl X Class LFG XX Exp/Story”. Type that once, MAYBE twice, after that, make your own group.

I am incredibly disappointed that some people who browse these forums actually take the time to type out a reply that’s entirely irrelevant due to the fact that they did not actually READ the OP post.

You say to make my own group, but notice in the OP post I said I was typing ‘LFM’.

I DID create a group. I could not fill it due to chat lockout, and when I asked my groupmates for help advertising, they got locked out too.

We were not spamming, just posting it every now and then.

But seriously, learn to read.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


Cross server LFG, easy and simple.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: tyri.7348


the only thing that bothers me is that there is no global lfg channel. and im getting banned for spam if i try to find mates for my group in the local map channel :/

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Account.9832


While I don’t like fully automated systems like the one used in WoW, it would be nice if you could select the dungeons you are interested in and see a list of people also interested in doing them. Then you (or someone else) could start a group and invite them.

Can’t be too hard to implement, even if it’s just local (per server) at first.

The current “LFG” window is just too generic, that’s why nobody uses it.

- Al Zheimer

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: moiraine.2753


I don’t agree at all.It is very easy to find a group.Go to the land where the instance is located.Or go to a city.Use the LFP system which is in the game and VOALA you have a group.I talk from personal experience.I almost every day pug groups.I don’t have a guild or a party to do dungeons with so I pug them.And i never had ANY problems to find people.
Saying that is hard to find groups is not right at all.
And i like very much that we don’t have LFG system.
We have LFP which is good enough for me

TxS – Tequatl Slayer Alliance (EU)

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


  • Stand by the gate.
  • Use say, not map.
  • Go to contacts and set yourself to Lfg (blue square)
  • Tell everyone that if they’re Lfg for the dungeon, to set themselves to Lfg too.
  • Click the second tab on the contact window (second or third tab), and it will show everyone looking for group.
  • Right click a name, invite to party.
  • Every time you are doing a dungeon, tell people to use the Lfg tool in the contacts window. It’s annoying (it’s annoying for me to type this for the 389164th time!), but eventually it will sink in.
  • Tell others to look for other players on the Contacts window too!

Btw, those who are set to Lfg have a blue looking-glass icon over their head, by their name.

(edited by lorazcyk.8927)

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: lorazcyk.8927


If there’s no one around, you might have to guest to another server. I had trouble one time because there weren’t many people around, so I hopped on to an American server and it was so full of people by the gate you couldn’t even see the ground.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Tetsuo.2593


The game is about not wasting time and just playing. Spamming whatever chat channel you need to “try” to find a group of people you won’t talk much anyway, baring strategy if needed, instead of having a computer do the leg work for you is just silly.

If you don’t like an automated system, simply don’t use it.

It is far too difficult to find a group for instances.

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Albert.6394


If anyone wants to do TA explorable then send me a whisper in-game.

I’m really hoping that ANet put a dungeon finder ingame soon. Finding a group outside prime-time is a nightmare.