Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


ok so today i joined a lfg group, like many posts “AC P2 @ FINAL BOSS NEED 1 MORE HELP”

so there was a level 35, 700 achivement points (probaly his first character), alevel 39, and two level 80’s with 6k+ achivement points, and me as warriror.

so i figure, ill help these people, some newbies to game, and beat whats considered a hard boss.

they end up wiping constantly (lowbies + one of the level 80 thiefs) and clearly i cant duo. guardian ends up raging out, leaves dungeson and screws everyone out of tokens. i wasnt that mad since i joined at end but seriously to give new players this type of view of the game is ridiculous.

honestly no need for it to stack so much vuln, do so much dps, and HEAL. i think the main prob is heal. i went to go back a little to try to not die while he resses and it just resets, making everyone freak out.

i try to do a good deed, it ends up backfiring and having a new player possibly not like gw2 because of this. no need for ghost eater to be so difficult…

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


He simply hits too hard and not well synchonized with his animation in melee, thats the only problem.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Razeor.6271


I’m not saying that I disagree, but my uneducated guess is that his hitting hard is there so the fight wouldn’t be much of a joke, like certain fights in open-world pve and guild missions – "spend 30 seconds to pull the chains, jump through hoops and 5 seconds faceroll through bosses’.

A bit ironic considering the fun mechanics was added to stop the facerolling.

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malleus Maleficarum.2603

Malleus Maleficarum.2603

Me and a group of experienced guildies all with over 1000 hours played and plenty of dungeon experience couldnt finish him off today, tried for over an hour. The wells he drops kill chances for clean revivals to get back to full strength.

It was pretty frustrating when his health went from about 30% to full instantly for some reason(no oozes were around)

We tried once to set all traps to full before triggering any, and we got him down to about 5% health but then we wiped, and by then we’d lost motivation to keep going, but that seems like the best choice

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ratty.5176


Me and a group of experienced guildies all with over 1000 hours played and plenty of dungeon experience couldnt finish him off today, tried for over an hour. The wells he drops kill chances for clean revivals to get back to full strength.

It was pretty frustrating when his health went from about 30% to full instantly for some reason(no oozes were around)

We tried once to set all traps to full before triggering any, and we got him down to about 5% health but then we wiped, and by then we’d lost motivation to keep going, but that seems like the best choice

OK a few things that help

  1. Don’t hit him more than you need to when he is in Ghost form, as he will create more Ghostlets and then eat them for self healing.
  2. If people go down, wait till he is a ghost, then one person kite him without hitting him, while the rest get people up. This will stop him healing himself, and as long as people keep aggro he won’t reset. This gives you time to sort your kitten out.
  3. Power 1 on your gun will cause him to spawn Ghostlets but will not aggro him.

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Malleus Maleficarum.2603

Malleus Maleficarum.2603

We knew exactly what to do, we just couldn’t stay alive well enough to be effective

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ratty.5176


We knew exactly what to do, we just couldn’t stay alive well enough to be effective

If his health went from 30% → 100% it means you reset him, in otherwords 1 member of the group was not kiting him, and you were all too far away so he thought the fight was over.

If it was an issue of not being able to stay alive, that really is a case of learning to dodge. He has a really big tell before he does the AoEs and you can normally survive long enough to dodge out of them if you are paying attention. His slice attack also has a tell but it’s sometimes hard to see behind the effects.

If 3 people are going down within seconds, then it’s really just a sign that you need to pay attention better.

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: JJBigs.8456


its not learning to dodge because when you melee him he insta drops the aoe and u literlaly dont have time to dodge. also u haev to stand to do oozes’ and he chases and does the attacks + multi aoes. you will be hit guaranteed. fact remains its level 35 recommneded and to expect pug groups to live to him isnt really in line.

Why is : HotW P1, CoF p1 (level 75+ dungeons) easier than a level 35? Regardless of “l2p” mechanics

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ratty.5176


We knew exactly what to do, we just couldn’t stay alive well enough to be effective

If his health went from 30% -> 100% it means you reset him, in otherwords 1 member of the group was not kiting him, and you were all too far away so he thought the fight was over.

If it was an issue of not being able to stay alive, that really is a case of learning to dodge. He has a really big tell before he does the AoEs and you can normally survive long enough to dodge out of them if you are paying attention. His slice attack also has a tell but it’s sometimes hard to see behind the effects.

In other works keep an eye at his animations if you want to be able to dodge the circles.

If 3 people are going down within seconds, then it’s really just a sign that you need to pay attention better.

But it’s also a case that one person can kite him, giving your team time to revive people. Don’t try to revive while he’s spitting Ectoplasm at you. try to pull him away from the corpses.

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ather.5091


I really do not understand what is so bad about this boss.

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


I really do not understand what is so bad about this boss.

shhh it was hard!!!!

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bread.7516


i disagree about the melee animation, i’ve had no problems dodging it.

a little advice i could give to make things easier is get a guardian to pop wall of reflect on him then melee, or get a mesmer with traited focus, then reflect away (also use feedback).

else just charge traps then dps

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: TheMaskedParadigm.3629


That video was pretty funny.

Youtube Channel –

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: RedStar.4218


Take a reflect, put in in front of the trap, this will make him come close to it. Then you simply need to lift the oozes that he spawns right next to the trap. Just don’t instantly die when you go melee without reflects.

And if you don’t have any reflects : the ice balls are thrown in a flurry, so strafe. He can also throw five rings that spread out, so be careful when you fight in melee.

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Seigfried.5938


I really do not understand what is so bad about this boss.

I see a nearly ideal DPS group right there. A mesmer, 2 warriors and a guardian for support. You guys seemed to be pretty organised. But you clearly don’t understand the issue here. It is a level 35 dungeon, the first explorable mode dungeon, do you seriously expected level 35 characters to fare this well?

Gandara → SoS → BG → Gandara → SFR

New bunker meta sux

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Nikaido.3457


I see a nearly ideal DPS group right there. A mesmer, 2 warriors and a guardian for support. You guys seemed to be pretty organised. But you clearly don’t understand the issue here. It is a level 35 dungeon, the first explorable mode dungeon, do you seriously expected level 35 characters to fare this well?

lvl 35 characters would have to range a bit, just like all the other AC bosses. People complained that none of the new AC could be done on lvl 35 and one week after the release of the new ac (I don’t remember the title of thread and I won’t waste time looking for it, if you don’t believe me find it yourself) people who had made new lvl 35, and were playing classes they had almost no experience ran the new AC and succeeded. It did take much longer for them to complete the run but they had less trouble than your average lvl 80 pug. If you really care search the forums you’ll find a video that shows how a group of lvl 35 can handle AC and they even did Kholer.
Also, most of the people who complain against the new AC are using lvl 80s themselves and just want to faceroll content without good gear/build/group set up. That won’t do. If lvl 80 had anything to do with it, then you’d see plenty of “lf3m AC Path 2 lvl 80 only” but almost all pugs will stick to p1 and p3 and will not run p2 even when they request lvl 80s for their group.

If you don’t have the dps to kill this boss in one go then you need to charge all three trap beforehand to make it easier before aggroing the boss. If you still can’t kill the boss despite having three charged traps then you are doing something terribly wrong and the level of your character has nothing to do with it.

In the end, it’s pretty clear that most of gw2 players just can’t handle content that requires having a pulse and some form of qualia, because there are PLENTY of groups that have the level of dps you’re talking about when you’re talking about having the “ideal dps” and yet, all these groups are doing are CoF p1 farms, and you never see these zerkers warriors outside of CoF p1. You don’t see AC posts asking for “zerk war and mesmers” to run AC Path 2 despite the HUGE number of gw2 players who have a zerk war, zerk mes and use them for CoF p1.

When I craftlvled my ele to 80 the first thing I did to get the hang of the class mechanic was to pug a dungeon in a less than ideal group. I don’t remember what started the discussion but suddenly people talked about gear and one the warriors said that “he wouldn’t use zerk for AC and HotW”. Well.. pugs are the cause of their own failures.

- “No tears, please. It’s a waste of good suffering.”

(edited by Nikaido.3457)

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Bright.9160


We even screwed up a bunch on that fight.

Ather aggroed the Ghost eater before he should have, but he pulled it away so we wouldn’t get aggro and broke his aggro.

Then, he put a feedback on it and pushed him out of it (gg for that dude), my wall of reflection only hit half of his projectiles, I forgot to stack might before the fight, my fire field (Hallowed Ground) was placed too far off the ele and I was the only one blasting it for additional might, so we were sitting at about 10-14 might stacks during that fight instead of 25 etc.

Also, that group setup is actually more ideal than the 1 Guard – 3 Warr – 1 Mes setup.

Not to mention, I barely had any support outside of my protection from hammer. My utilities were Wall of Reflection, Hallowed Ground and Purging Flames. All I had was my Virtues to give a little bit of support.

Legion of Doom [LOD] – Death ’n Taxes [DnT]
“People wanting content where Berserker sucks should remember that it needs be so hard
that they will cry, not just a river, but a huge ocean.” – Wethospu

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dub.1273


4 Warriors and one Guardian for AC Path 2, for other AC Path’s it’s simply 5 Warriors.

Dub | [rT]
#LoveArrows2013, never forget.

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: roachsrealm.9284


in my experience, the AoE rings in this fight outright lie. that doesn’t help at all. It’s a tricky fight to be sure. Always have 2 people alternating skill 2, everyone else use skill 1. If you can draw the boss on to the trap first it makes it much easier. Only one person calls targets. this is a great example of a fight where it’s more important to run away and not do damage than it is to zerg it out.

while I agree that it could use some attention, the whole mechanic is a nice team building challenge. please just make it a little more user friendly, or allow some practice with this rather unique mechanic elsewhere in the dungeon path before we get there to teach newbs.

Smitten Mittens (The Gothic Embrace [Goth], Fort Aspenwood)

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


I really do not understand what is so bad about this boss.

I see a nearly ideal DPS group right there. A mesmer, 2 warriors and a guardian for support. You guys seemed to be pretty organised. But you clearly don’t understand the issue here. It is a level 35 dungeon, the first explorable mode dungeon, do you seriously expected level 35 characters to fare this well?

Whoah you left out my LH ele, I see how it is man. >:(

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delay.6908


I really do not understand what is so bad about this boss.

I see a nearly ideal DPS group right there. A mesmer, 2 warriors and a guardian for support. You guys seemed to be pretty organised. But you clearly don’t understand the issue here. It is a level 35 dungeon, the first explorable mode dungeon, do you seriously expected level 35 characters to fare this well?

Whoah you left out my LH ele, I see how it is man. >:(

pffft LH ele does so little damage it barely counts. its all about warriors and clicking 2 to win

Dr Winston | [DnT]

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


I really do not understand what is so bad about this boss.

I see a nearly ideal DPS group right there. A mesmer, 2 warriors and a guardian for support. You guys seemed to be pretty organised. But you clearly don’t understand the issue here. It is a level 35 dungeon, the first explorable mode dungeon, do you seriously expected level 35 characters to fare this well?

Whoah you left out my LH ele, I see how it is man. >:(

pffft LH ele does so little damage it barely counts. its all about warriors and clicking 2 to win

Why u do dis to me T_T

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Ayrilana.1396


Why are people having so many issues with this boss? Any average pug should be able to kill him within 3 traps. The uncoordinated ones can just lead him onto a trap, spawn the ghosts, and just use skill 2.

Like mentioned, people should not be attacking him in ghost form. It’s pretty easy to see as he’s translucent and takes little to no damage. The poison wells are easily avoidable. You just need to pay attention.

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Broadicea.8294


Why u do dis to me T_T

srs question, do you still find the LH/FGS ele as useful in lower level dungeons with how harshly the game downscales crit damage? though I suppose warriors have the same problem so eh.

Retired. Too many casuals.

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Delay.6908


Why u do dis to me T_T

srs question, do you still find the LH/FGS ele as useful in lower level dungeons with how harshly the game downscales crit damage? though I suppose warriors have the same problem so eh.

Even in AC i find them useful in my groups, for example the sider queen with the FGS dies in under 15sec and the champ/silver skelks that are in the corridor die in under 10sec with it. so it still has its uses IMO

Dr Winston | [DnT]

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: swiftpaw.6397


Why u do dis to me T_T

srs question, do you still find the LH/FGS ele as useful in lower level dungeons with how harshly the game downscales crit damage? though I suppose warriors have the same problem so eh.

Even in AC i find them useful in my groups, for example the sider queen with the FGS dies in under 15sec and the champ/silver skelks that are in the corridor die in under 10sec with it. so it still has its uses IMO

Yeh basically functions same as downscaled war, wasn’t paying that much attention but kitten dies fast as usual.. FGS on spider queen is still amazing plus you have the added bonus of access to ice bow for burrows and etc.

Grandmaster Forum Mind Brain
|-Swiftpaw Sharpclaw [DnT]-|

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Wukunlin.8461


in my experience, the AoE rings in this fight outright lie. that doesn’t help at all. It’s a tricky fight to be sure. Always have 2 people alternating skill 2, everyone else use skill 1. If you can draw the boss on to the trap first it makes it much easier. Only one person calls targets. this is a great example of a fight where it’s more important to run away and not do damage than it is to zerg it out.

while I agree that it could use some attention, the whole mechanic is a nice team building challenge. please just make it a little more user friendly, or allow some practice with this rather unique mechanic elsewhere in the dungeon path before we get there to teach newbs.

I used to teach people this path and my method (turned out to be inefficient but thats a different topic :P ) was me kiting the boss around and let the other 4 take their sweet time pulling the ectos. The circles of the wells are pretty accurate as far as I can tell. Maybe a little bit out of time delay some times but if you got aggro, as soon as you see it spit stuff out, hit dodge button then you should be fine. When fighting it I do agree it is possible to miss the red circles but when your health is getting chunked down a good guess would be find another spot to stand, even if it means interrupting a 100b

Oceanic [LOD]

Its time for attention to Ghost Eater

in Fractals, Dungeons & Raids

Posted by: Dolan.3071


Not gonna lie, I haven’t done Path 2 in a very long time, where as I still regularly do 1 + 3. The other facerollers must agree because all the LFG’s are “p1 + 3”. When content is too hard just don’t do it right?

But seriously it’s the cripple that kittens me off, 6 hours of cripple with each swipe. Usually followed by getting AoE’s dumped on me so have to burn both evades just to get out of it only to get crippled again, my cleanses/blocks/evades burned long ago… A little bit more than L2D because the frequency of AoE’s and claw attacks are rather high.

Uriel Asther ~ Warrior | Kaya Lereau ~ Elementalist | Natalie Fox ~ Thief
Skye Eterna ~ Mesmer | Arya Slade ~ Charrdian | Kiera Thine ~ Ranger
Oceanic ~ [LOD] [Noob]