Jade Maw Tutorial Video
I’d suggest changing out your utility bar there, replacing wall and smite condition with retreat and save yourselves for mobility or the occasional party-wide aegis for a tentacle swipe. Though they should be superfluous since a guardian using GS with sword/focus can chain blind for every swipe unless you get caught between two tentacles on phase 2, or if they get off a swipe after death since they lose the blind condition then. But but between aegis and blinds, a guardian should never have to dodge the tentacles and should never get hit. Stand your ground is useful to engage the jade colossi but the blind from leap of faith will take care of the knockdown ring-aoe they do.
Last tip: when you post videos to the forums, use the share link so it doesn’t add all this white space from trying to embed the video:
Just so.
As someone who pugs dungeons/fotm I would hope that no one uses that guide. Not to sound like a tool but there is a lot of things wrong. I only watched the first two minutes but noticed quite a few things wrong.
If you’re going to range them secpter is much better, the 900 range on staff just isn’t enough plus staff is just for TA/WvW. I noticed you also have something like 19k hp which is insane on a guard, even if you’re using tank gear for you’re level 8 fractal run zerker gear is the way to go on maw because you should take zero damage the entire fight.
If you zoom out further you might actually be able to see the two different attacks the tentacles have which would of helped you not getting continuously being knocked down.
The Aoe KD from the jade is dodge able but it gets you every time. I just went back and watched a little further into this and i’m honestly starting to think this is just a troll video so if you are one of those people who are seriously looking for a guide on jade maw please don’t watch this video at all, pug groups are bad enough already.
You also don’t have to run right up to maw to toss a crystal. The further I go into this video the more certain I am that it is a troll video. Wall of reflect also useless.
Anyways a real guide is here.
Granted its just a test as you say but Jade Maw is not difficult. Look into boss battles that players have trouble doing and post that.
Does that really only say level 8? …you started off glitching behind the Terrain for a level 8 run?? …okay whatever… I was gonna say “Great job guys, now do it /w 5 Rangers” but upon review, I don’t think anybody’s got time for dat…
I will listen to what everyone said and change accordingly. Thank you!
As someone who pugs dungeons/fotm I would hope that no one uses that guide. Not to sound like a tool but there is a lot of things wrong. I only watched the first two minutes but noticed quite a few things wrong.
If you’re going to range them secpter is much better, the 900 range on staff just isn’t enough plus staff is just for TA/WvW. I noticed you also have something like 19k hp which is insane on a guard, even if you’re using tank gear for you’re level 8 fractal run zerker gear is the way to go on maw because you should take zero damage the entire fight.
If you zoom out further you might actually be able to see the two different attacks the tentacles have which would of helped you not getting continuously being knocked down.
The Aoe KD from the jade is dodge able but it gets you every time. I just went back and watched a little further into this and i’m honestly starting to think this is just a troll video so if you are one of those people who are seriously looking for a guide on jade maw please don’t watch this video at all, pug groups are bad enough already.
You also don’t have to run right up to maw to toss a crystal. The further I go into this video the more certain I am that it is a troll video. Wall of reflect also useless.
Anyways a real guide is here.
As I said before, this is a test. I was just using this as a learning experience. The next one I make will be a lot better thanks to your guys’ help.