(edited by Farming Flats.5370)
After hundred of wipes on the Vale Guardian and still unable to kill it, me and my fellows guildies decided to try the new raid wing Forsaken Thicket-Stronghold of the faithful. In a few attempts we managed to kill the first boss.
So we are here checking our loots and treasures ,cheering about getting our first Legendary insight and then the big disappointment : It didnt unlock the Forsaken Thicket mastery. In the Masteries panel its says that we need to enter Forsaken Thicket and kill a boss … we just did that… so why no unlock ?
(edited by Farming Flats.5370)
Jumping in here for a second to clarify things with you guys. At the time Gaile replied to you she had the most up to date information from the raid team. After reading through the thread more and discussing it as a team, it’s very clear that McLeod is considered to be an entry level boss by the community.
We’re going to fix the mastery unlock issue in an upcoming patch, as well as add the unlock to the Bandit Trio encounter. We apologize for any confusion that occurred, especially to Gaile to sending her the incorrect information!
Hmmm That’s odd. I agree if it drops insights it SHOULD unlock the mastery line. Btw, why do you think you guys are failing the VG after so many attempts? Is it a pure guild run or some pugs? What are the issues exactly?
That seems like a major oversight…
I’d say raise a support ticket. From the description of the mastery any boss should unlock it, not just VG
Sounds like a bug.
How did you kill Silent McLeod without raid mastery? Without the water mastery anyone would die when entering the cave, and if you have 4-5 people at least with raid mastery i find it odd that you cant kill VG.
How did you kill Silent McLeod without raid mastery? Without the water mastery anyone would die when entering the cave, and if you have 4-5 people at least with raid mastery i find it odd that you cant kill VG.
I didn’t even know the water mastery is used in the fountains :O,
well having one mesmer with it is enough
Mesmer can just run through in less then 10sec, you don’t have to kill the mushrooms.
How did you kill Silent McLeod without raid mastery? Without the water mastery anyone would die when entering the cave, and if you have 4-5 people at least with raid mastery i find it odd that you cant kill VG.
EDIT : ive submited a ticket .. so let’s see what they have to say
Ok , actually 2 or 3 of us killed the VG outside of our guild attempts( by pugging or buying a VG kill ). But the rest of the group never killed VG. To clear things up we killed Silent McLeod and not the keep construct. We did have a Legendary Insight and the big boss Trophy , The legendary armor collection unlock , random loots and even some Turret fragments thingy for guild decoration. So it should count as a Boss … but no mastery unlock.
For the water mastery thing , it’s quite simple .. a single Mesmer ( with the mastery ) run in the cave and port the group on the other side .. this way we can get a small group to capture the towers and effectively skip the cave.
(edited by Farming Flats.5370)
This is obviously a bug, but I think it’s hilarious that even the game doesn’t see that fight as a “boss”.
It could be a bug. My first KC kill doesn’t give me the achievement nor does it unlock the vendor items. It’s only on my 2nd kill that I got it.
Hey there,
I wanted to give you some info from the team in relation to this situation: The Forsaken Thicket Mastery Track unlocks when a boss encounter has been completed. “Siege the Stronghold” is not considered a boss encounter, and thus will not unlock the Forsaken Thicket Mastery Track.
I hope that helps address your question about this particular mastery track and best of luck with Xera and Keep Construct!
(edited by Gaile Gray.6029)
Hey there,
I wanted to give you some info from the team in relation to this situation: The Forsaken Thicket Mastery Track unlocks when a boss encounter has been completed. “Siege the Stronghold” is not considered a boss encounter, and thus will not unlock the Forsaken Thicket Mastery Track.
I hope that helps address your question about this particular mastery track and best of luck with Xera and Keep Construct!
So this wasn’t a bug and they were right to feel disappointed – and Anet is okay with that?
This is part of the company’s attitude shift that I’ve been talking about. When did “player tears” and elite (what I call divisive) content become more important than game community and continuity?
I know that comes across a bit combative – and I apologize for that (not sure how to say it without it coming across that way) – but this really is a major mindset shift compared to the environment this game offered players 3 years ago. This is not a good direction for the game. It feels like it isn’t the same team that gave us GW2.
(edited by Blaeys.3102)
Well, this explains why my friend didn’t get the mastery unlocked when I took him for a bandit trio.
I’m not against this, I never considered Mcloud or trio a true boss, but yes, it should be more clear they aren’t fully considered as raid bosses.
Well, this explains why my friend didn’t get the mastery unlocked when I took him for a bandit trio.
I’m not against this, I never considered Mcloud or trio a true boss, but yes, it should be more clear they aren’t fully considered as raid bosses.
That’s an interesting point. Can you outline how that could be made clearer? I can pass along your suggestions, if you have ideas on what could be presented to dispel any misunderstanding.
Hey there,
I wanted to give you some info from the team in relation to this situation: The Forsaken Thicket Mastery Track unlocks when a boss encounter has been completed. “Siege the Stronghold” is not considered a boss encounter, and thus will not unlock the Forsaken Thicket Mastery Track.
I hope that helps address your question about this particular mastery track and best of luck with Xera and Keep Construct!
i still haven’t received the response from my ticket #2260740 from GM Stinky Ghost on this issue. The GM asked me some specific questions and i answered. So ill wait.
i really believe this is wrong.
1- we defeated Mcleod the Silent
2- we all received a Legendary insight
3- we received the item that start and unlock the legendary armor collection.
4- we all saw that big Mcleod trophy in the middle of the fortress
5- In the Masteries panel its says that we need to enter Forsaken Thicket and kill a boss … we just did that. Last time i checked Forsaken Thicket include all 3 wings. So any Boss killed in a Raid wing should count .. not just VG.
big trophy = Boss , right ?
Mcleod the Silent is a Boss and the mastery is still locked. Fix it !
If i received a legendary insight it mean that i did something and progressed in a raid.
i think it’s a oversight .. and now A.net play the Violin .. ‘’ oh finally it’s not a true boss and it don’t count ’’ This kind attitude shock me and my entire group.
So yeah i earned about 253 magnetite shards just by trying hard and wipe on VG. Just do the math on how many attempts it was …. now we kill Mcleod the Silent and nope ! Not going to happen ,no mastery unlock for you losers !!! Thank you very much !
(edited by Farming Flats.5370)
Well, this explains why my friend didn’t get the mastery unlocked when I took him for a bandit trio.
I’m not against this, I never considered Mcloud or trio a true boss, but yes, it should be more clear they aren’t fully considered as raid bosses.
That’s an interesting point. Can you outline how that could be made clearer? I can pass along your suggestions, if you have ideas on what could be presented to dispel any misunderstanding.
Well at the event window on the top right of the screen you could have with the event title like “Siege the stronghold” an “Raid event: Siege the strongold” “Raid Boss Encounter: Vale guardian” . And in the mastery window “Complete a Raid Boss Encounter to unlock”
Hey there,
I wanted to give you some info from the team in relation to this situation: The Forsaken Thicket Mastery Track unlocks when a boss encounter has been completed. “Siege the Stronghold” is not considered a boss encounter, and thus will not unlock the Forsaken Thicket Mastery Track.
I hope that helps address your question about this particular mastery track and best of luck with Xera and Keep Construct!
i still haven’t received the response from my ticket #2260740 from GM Stinky Ghost on this issue. The GM asked me some specific questions and i answered. So ill wait.
i really believe this is wrong.
1- we defeated Mcleod the Silent
2- we all received a Legendary insight
3- we received the item that start and unlock the legendary armor collection.
4- we all saw that big Mcleod trophy in the middle of the fortress
5- In the Masteries panel its says that we need to enter Forsaken Thicket and kill a boss … we just did thatMcleod the Silent is a Boss and the mastery is still locked.
fix it.
I’m very sorry, but McLeod is not considered a boss by the standards of the raid. The raid bosses are Xera and Keep Construct.
It’s sort of like the Mordrem Extraction Devises that you use in Silverwastes. One part of the verbiage says to use it to salvage body parts from “a boss.” However, it’s clearer when the other wording points out “an underground boss.” At first I thought if I killed a Champion on the surface I would be able to make an extraction. But I hadn’t met the requirements and upon review I understood why I could not do so.
If you can suggest wording that makes the requirements clearer I will be happy to pass it along to the team. Although I am not a decisionmaker in this situation, the team may elect to alter some of the wording in the track description, if this is seen as a preponderant issues and if it is possible to do so.
Thanks for your feedback.
Well, this explains why my friend didn’t get the mastery unlocked when I took him for a bandit trio.
I’m not against this, I never considered Mcloud or trio a true boss, but yes, it should be more clear they aren’t fully considered as raid bosses.
That’s an interesting point. Can you outline how that could be made clearer? I can pass along your suggestions, if you have ideas on what could be presented to dispel any misunderstanding.
Well at the event window on the top right of the screen you could have with the event title like “Siege the stronghold” an “Raid event: Siege the strongold” “Raid Boss Encounter: Vale guardian” . And in the mastery window “Complete a Raid Boss Encounter to unlock”
Interesting suggestions. I don’t know if they are feasible in an interface sense, but I know the team will take at look at this.
Note: This thread had a very uninformative title, so I changed it to be more topic-related.
Well, this explains why my friend didn’t get the mastery unlocked when I took him for a bandit trio.
I’m not against this, I never considered Mcloud or trio a true boss, but yes, it should be more clear they aren’t fully considered as raid bosses.
That’s an interesting point. Can you outline how that could be made clearer? I can pass along your suggestions, if you have ideas on what could be presented to dispel any misunderstanding.
Well at the event window on the top right of the screen you could have with the event title like “Siege the stronghold” an “Raid event: Siege the strongold” “Raid Boss Encounter: Vale guardian” . And in the mastery window “Complete a Raid Boss Encounter to unlock”
Interesting suggestions. I don’t know if they are feasible in an interface sense, but I know the team will take at look at this.
With all the wings released, could the achievement just list the bosses that qualify?
For example, I find how the regional gathering dailies (like shiverpeaks miner) list the qualifying maps very helpful.
So what is happening ? who tell the truth ?
if im reading this correctly i should get my mastery unlock if i kill Mcleod again.
So what is happening ? who tell the truth ?
The customer support representative said “as far as I am aware”. He or she was clearly wrong. Gaile is interfacing directly with the raid team, which customer support representatives don’t do, so take what Gaile says as fact. It’s working as intended.
So what is happening ? who tell the truth ?
The customer support representative said “as far as I am aware”. He or she was clearly wrong. Gaile is interfacing directly with the raid team, which customer support representatives don’t do, so take what Gaile says as fact. It’s working as intended.
yeah right. Its playing with words again.
So what is happening ? who tell the truth ?
The customer support representative said “as far as I am aware”. He or she was clearly wrong. Gaile is interfacing directly with the raid team, which customer support representatives don’t do, so take what Gaile says as fact. It’s working as intended.
Correct. McLeod is not a raid boss in the true definition of the word. Please see my post above for a more detailed example of what that means.
I got my information from the Raids Team. The CS Agent was mistaken, and I have let their team lead know of this error so that hopefully it does not happen again.
Really disappointed by Anet’s stance on this. They really are out to take all the fun out of this game.
(edited by Astralporing.1957)
Really disappointed by Anet’s stance on this. They really are out to take all the fun out of this game.
The game is designed a certain way. Someone did not acquire the mastery because they did not complete the tasks required to do so. Whatever “disappointment” you feel, it seems unwarranted to me.
Hey, I’m in Silverwastes all the times, trying to get the Demolisher kill. I’m “disappointed” that he hasn’t shown up for me yet, of course. But I’m not about to say I’m “disappointed in the company or the devs” for making him challenging and hard to find. That’s the nature of the beast — literally! -- and I respect that.
The nature of this raid is that you must kill Xera or Keep Construct to achieve a mastery. They are the raid bosses, not the sideline enemies that you fight before facing them. In fact, I just looked up McLeod, and found his wiki listing (community written) to be accurate and informative in this regard.
I will take feedback on the wording to the team. Thanks to those who made constructive suggestions.
Really disappointed by Anet’s stance on this. They really are out to take all the fun out of this game.
I cant see why it take out the fun of the game, it gives you an incentive to try to beat one of the bosses at least, if you are into raiding its just a matter of time before you kill KC or Sloth or VG. Or they could made McLeod just as hard as any other real boss, and you would still had 0 LI and 0 Drops.
They are the raid bosses, not the sideline enemies that you fight before facing them. In fact, I just looked up McLeod, and found his wiki listing (community written) to be accurate and informative in this regard.
Not sure what you have in mind, as i haven’t found anything in wiki that would point out to him not being a boss. In fact, the entry for Keep Construct names it a second raid boss.
Also, originally Legendary Insights were meant to drop only from boss fights, were they not? It seems to me that Anet’s team just changed their mind on this at some point after the third wing design has already been done.
The game is designed a certain way. Someone did not acquire the mastery because they did not complete the tasks required to do so.
Then perhaps those tasks should have been specified better. This very thread shows that they weren’t.
And, whether you think it is warranted or not, it’s still disappointing.
It is what it is. McLeod is apparently, not considered a boss by raid standards. My guess? Honestly the very first part (as many have pointed out and since the OP was having trouble with the other bosses) is designed for people who don’t raid/are afraid of raiding. The guy doesn’t even have a timer.
I meant that it called him a powerful member of the White Mantel and not a boss. That’s all. No biggie, just an observation.
But news flash! I said I’d ask the team about that, and we are continuing to discuss this situation. So hold tight — there may be more information coming up.
Really disappointed by Anet’s stance on this. They really are out to take all the fun out of this game.
The game is designed a certain way. Someone did not acquire the mastery because they did not complete the tasks required to do so. Whatever “disappointment” you feel, it seems unwarranted to me.
Hey, I’m in Silverwastes all the times, trying to get the Demolisher kill. I’m “disappointed” that he hasn’t shown up for me yet, of course. But I’m not about to say I’m “disappointed in the company or the devs” for making him challenging and hard to find. That’s the nature of the beast — literally!
-- and I respect that.
The nature of this raid is that you must kill Xera or Keep Construct to achieve a mastery. They are the raid bosses, not the sideline enemies that you fight before facing them. In fact, I just looked up McLeod, and found his wiki listing (community written) to be accurate and informative in this regard.
I will take feedback on the wording to the team. Thanks to those who made constructive suggestions.
I would agree that mcleod or anything in that encounter is not a boss fight, and I repect the idea of completing the challenges as the developers made them, but the idea of only giving access to the mastery just seems so…arbitrary I guess? I mean it has to affect almost no one, it doesn’t provide any “flavor” or anything really. To me it doesn’t seem disappointing, just confusing. Why even bother to make the distinction between “raid boss” and “raid encounter that has an easy boss at the end but he isn’t a raid boss”? That distinction has no bearing on any aspect of the game besides people whose first raid is storm the castle or whatever it’s called. And even then, who cares? Is there concern that some ne’er-do-wells are gonna walk in and do only w3 fight 1 and then start leveling the mastery without getting a real raid boss kill?
If the mastery track is something important enough that it has to be earned with a true boss kill, why are you even allowed to start in wing 3? A group of 10 people without the mastery cannot complete the fight (though they are allowed to try!), yet the mastery track isn’t unlocked by completing it? What?
(edited by Dinosaurs.8674)
An easy way to show in-game that McLoed is NOT a boss would be to downgrade him from a “Legendary” to a “Champion” type portrait.
Similarly, Berg, Zane, and Narella in the Bandit Trio event could also be downgraded to Champions, since they are not bosses, even though they are more powerful than typical trash mobs.
I don’t think anyone could reasonably expect an event where the hardest encounter is from a mere Champion to be considered a boss, especially since all of the actual bosses are Legendary.
Jumping in here for a second to clarify things with you guys. At the time Gaile replied to you she had the most up to date information from the raid team. After reading through the thread more and discussing it as a team, it’s very clear that McLeod is considered to be an entry level boss by the community.
We’re going to fix the mastery unlock issue in an upcoming patch, as well as add the unlock to the Bandit Trio encounter. We apologize for any confusion that occurred, especially to Gaile to sending her the incorrect information!
You know you probably saved the will and perseverance of a entire guild with your post.
We’re going to fix the mastery unlock issue in an upcoming patch, as well as add the unlock to the Bandit Trio encounter. We apologize for any confusion that occurred, especially to Gaile to sending her the incorrect information!
Thanks for the update, Crystal
Jumping in here for a second to clarify things with you guys. At the time Gaile replied to you she had the most up to date information from the raid team. After reading through the thread more and discussing it as a team, it’s very clear that McLeod is considered to be an entry level boss by the community.
We’re going to fix the mastery unlock issue in an upcoming patch, as well as add the unlock to the Bandit Trio encounter. We apologize for any confusion that occurred, especially to Gaile to sending her the incorrect information!
That’s great news, Crystal! I think bunches of players will be really happy about this, and who doesn’t thrilled by a new mastery!
Now if I can only get me wee green gadget by slaying that kittenkittenkitten Demolisher!
Jumping in here for a second to clarify things with you guys. At the time Gaile replied to you she had the most up to date information from the raid team. After reading through the thread more and discussing it as a team, it’s very clear that McLeod is considered to be an entry level boss by the community.
We’re going to fix the mastery unlock issue in an upcoming patch, as well as add the unlock to the Bandit Trio encounter. We apologize for any confusion that occurred, especially to Gaile to sending her the incorrect information!
I know I said I would stay off the forums in another thread, but it is worth coming back in for this.
It is good to see the team remain flexible and open to customer feedback. It is refreshing and greatly appreciated – and reinstills a little lost faith on my part.
I hope the team sees that there is a need/desire in the GW2 community for raids to be more multifaceted and appeal to more than just the “hardcore, hardcore, hardcore” players. I sincerely hope that influences future discussions regarding design and fundamental raid systems.
Again, thank you – this really does make me more hopefully for the future (and, as always, thanks for putting up with me – I probably should have been kicked off the forums months and months ago ).
Related question (which isn’t really a huge issue, but might as well ask): Will the mastery track be unlocked retroactively for players who have already done the encounters (Trio and Siege)? They’re easy enough that it’s not necessary, but curious nonetheless.
I sincerely doubt that, they almost never do retroactive unlocks (and there might not be a good way to check for it anyway). Better do it safe way, than have it break something else in the attempt.
All in all, this is a good news.
I sincerely doubt that, they almost never do retroactive unlocks (and there might not be a good way to check for it anyway). Better do it safe way, than have it break something else in the attempt.
All in all, this is a good news.
They actually have done a few things retroactively, but gradually over time. Still, it’s not a big deal, so it doesn’t matter.
well now, i feel that i MUST chime in here and say that i experienced something similiar with gorseval. i got into a gorseval group that killed him easily. i got loot, including a gorseval mini and a legendary insight, among other things… and low and behold… Forsaken Thicket Mastery Track did not unlock…
going back and forth with support for a few days basically resulted in the following response:
/we’re submitting a report with everything you’ve told us, and if it’s found there is in fact a bug preventing the mastery track unlock, and if there is a bug fix in the future, only then may you possibly receive retroactive unlocking for the track. keep a look out for future patch notes!/
so, basically, this thread caught my attention in a positive way. because if there is a bug for Mcleod, maybe the fix will inadvertantly also fix my gorseval kill NOT unlocking the mastery…
well now, i feel that i MUST chime in here and say that i experienced something similiar with gorseval. i got into a gorseval group that killed him easily. i got loot, including a gorseval mini and a legendary insight, among other things… and low and behold… Forsaken Thicket Mastery Track did not unlock…
going back and forth with support for a few days basically resulted in the following response:
/we’re submitting a report with everything you’ve told us, and if it’s found there is in fact a bug preventing the mastery track unlock, and if there is a bug fix in the future, only then may you possibly receive retroactive unlocking for the track. keep a look out for future patch notes!/
so, basically, this thread caught my attention in a positive way. because if there is a bug for Mcleod, maybe the fix will inadvertantly also fix my gorseval kill NOT unlocking the mastery…
Sounds like a bug. About 2 months ago, I brought a guildy who hadn’t done any raids to a Gorseval run. After killing Gors, he unlocked the mastery track.
Any ETA on this fix, pls?
Patch today :
The “Siege the Stronghold” event in Stronghold of the Faithful will now unlock the Forsaken Thicket Mastery track.
Thank you A.net.
Wanted to unlock the mastery, game update notes and wiki state that siege the stronghold will unlock the mastery. Yet it didn’t? Any word on this?
Screenshot attached showing what I believe is completion of the event
- I got the siege the stronghold achievement as well
Has this bugged since last July? Did it ever work? I see others on wiki making the same claims that the siege the stronghold didn’t unlock it.
You should start a new thread. Whatever was going on over six months ago was fixed.
There’s a bug that makes it not work sometimes.
Apparently support can’t enable your mastery track, so you need to try again. It’s rare, so it’s unlikely to happen twice in a row.
Not affiliated with ArenaNet or NCSOFT. No support is provided.
All assets, page layout, visual style belong to ArenaNet and are used solely to replicate the original design and preserve the original look and feel.
Contact /u/e-scrape-artist on reddit if you encounter a bug.