AC can be done with low lvl toons. The guys did real well for there first time in there. Unfortunately the lvl 35 ranger had to go to bed after a close wipe on the final boss. The other were up most of the final fight.
Just something for those 80 only groups
“The exception proves the rule.”
The fact that it is screen shot worthy for a low level group to (from your screenshots) squeeze off that final boss kill only proves that 80 only groups are justified in wanting all 80’s.
Don’t get me wrong, we know it can be done with lower level toons. In fact when AC was first revamped and there were more tears on the forum then there ever were in Ascalonia a group of players got together and created a video of a full group of level 35’s with average gear completing the dungeon.
Just because it can be done however, doesn’t mean I want to role the dice more then I already am when usin the LFG tool.
What CryxTryx said.
Most people run dungeons for the gold or the tokens, in which case they want (and in my case, I expect) efficiency. Your screen shot shows 3 dead party members, meaning you guys barely killed the boss. Which means the run must have taken a while and involved several wipes.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind running with sub-80’s. And by running I mean switching to your alt once the boss is dead. I’ll hold the cutscene
What CryxTryx said.
Most people run dungeons for the gold or the tokens, in which case they want (and in my case, I expect) efficiency. Your screen shot shows 3 dead party members, meaning you guys barely killed the boss. Which means the run must have taken a while and involved several wipes.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind running with sub-80’s. And by running I mean switching to your alt once the boss is dead. I’ll hold the cutscene
Also notice that in the first screen shot the OP is displayed as a low level character, yet for the boss he has logged on his 80.
This leads me to believe that the boss was not downed on first attempt.
Based on the clock in the screen shots the dungeon also took over an hour to complete.
First screen shot shows the party already past the spider boss at 4:36 and the dungeon was completed at 5:19.
(edited by CryxTryx.9208)
Also notice that in the first screen shot the OP is displayed as a low level character, yet for the boss he has logged on his 80.
Considering you can solo this boss with a level 80, I’d say this doesn’t count as finishing with low levels. (Plus, there’s actually 2 level 80s there at the end — they’re the only survivors.)
Also notice that in the first screen shot the OP is displayed as a low level character, yet for the boss he has logged on his 80.
Considering you can solo this boss with a level 80, I’d say this doesn’t count as finishing with low levels. (Plus, there’s actually 2 level 80s there at the end — they’re the only survivors.)
Right I missed this last detail.
So this party took over an hour to complete an AC dungeon path and still had to switch out to two level 80s at the end to complete and this is suppose to be a ‘take that’ to groups that request level 80s?
What CryxTryx said.
Most people run dungeons for the gold or the tokens, in which case they want (and in my case, I expect) efficiency. Your screen shot shows 3 dead party members, meaning you guys barely killed the boss. Which means the run must have taken a while and involved several wipes.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind running with sub-80’s. And by running I mean switching to your alt once the boss is dead. I’ll hold the cutscene
Also notice that in the first screen shot the OP is displayed as a low level character, yet for the boss he has logged on his 80.
This leads me to believe that the boss was not downed on first attempt.
Based on the clock in the screen shots the dungeon also took over an hour to complete.
First screen shot shows the party already past the spider boss at 4:36 and the dungeon was completed at 5:19.
You Sir are very observant
Oh… wow. One can say his face’s been used to wipe the floor. Well… I’m not going to worsen the burn, just… a suggestion? You might want to do some research first before posting a “take that” thread – Cryx summed up well the purpose of this. If you think the sole act of completing the dungeon means and proves something… well. This only proves you have a lot of patience.
Aight, I guess it’s better than quitting at the Spider Queen.
What CryxTryx said.
Most people run dungeons for the gold or the tokens, in which case they want (and in my case, I expect) efficiency. Your screen shot shows 3 dead party members, meaning you guys barely killed the boss. Which means the run must have taken a while and involved several wipes.
Don’t get me wrong, I don’t mind running with sub-80’s. And by running I mean switching to your alt once the boss is dead. I’ll hold the cutscene
Also notice that in the first screen shot the OP is displayed as a low level character, yet for the boss he has logged on his 80.
This leads me to believe that the boss was not downed on first attempt.
Based on the clock in the screen shots the dungeon also took over an hour to complete.
First screen shot shows the party already past the spider boss at 4:36 and the dungeon was completed at 5:19.
Actual you’re not very observant. I was on my 80 the hole time. No one swapped anything. Like my post said. The lvl 35 ranger had to leave so we just put up an LFM and an 80 joined. I’ve been in all 80 groups were at the end 3 to 4 people are dead. And yeah it was a longer run. A couple guys had issues with the gauntlet. Defending Hodge took a few tries and the final boss took two goes. 4 four first timers two of which are sub 35. I’d say they did pretty good.
You’re right, I mistaked the level 80 who swapped, or was swapped for you. Either way.
You posted this thread in the manner of ‘teaching the level 80 groups a lesson’, and my point is that the only thing you have taught us, is to keep recruiting only 80’s if we don’t want to spend over an hour doing 1 AC path.
No has said for a very long time that it COULD be done. As I said, there is video of an all 35 group doing it and I don’t even think they wipe.
Just because we CAN do it doesn’t mean we should and it certainly doesn’t mean we want to. Thank you for enforcing that feeling today.
But I only have lv80’s, why do you hate me Q_q
But why people use signets of 25% movespeed on dungeons and boss fights. That is all i want to know.
I think very few people argued that AC can be done with only 80s. Like others have mentioned, most prefer 80 because why would you settle to take unknown lowbies and most likely have to carry them, when you can just take fully geared 80s?
It’s the difference between a 10min AC run with no deaths/wipes versus 30+ mins of wipes and ressing. Play how you want and all that, but the first option sounds more appealing to me.
EDIT: Looking at your screen shots, the first one was at 4:36am and you killed the boss at 5:19am. In the time it took you guys to do 1 (one!) path, a group of fully geared 80s could have run 2-3 dungeons in their entirely (read: all the paths) with no wipes.
Birgitte / Graendhal / Aveandha
Death and Taxes [DnT] |
Death and Taxes [DnT] |
(edited by Darthaemos.6370)
But why people use signets of 25% movespeed on dungeons and boss fights. That is all i want to know.
gtta go fast son
Defeated by packet loss.
Nice signet of air, and how did they do fine? They were sodding dead. Dead players shouldn’t be awarded completion credit!
(edited by Cries Of Sorrow.5864)
But why people use signets of 25% movespeed on dungeons and boss fights. That is all i want to know.
I also want to know. Any playhowiwant that would like to answer this?
I would guess that the people using them never change their utility bar and its not that they specifically spec for Run Speed during boss fights, its that they just leave the signet up 24/7
But why people use signets of 25% movespeed on dungeons and boss fights. That is all i want to know.
aoe blind on 30s cd? yes please.
But why people use signets of 25% movespeed on dungeons and boss fights. That is all i want to know.
aoe blind on 30s cd? yes please.
you are trolling , right?
Ele blinds? 12 ticks AoE blind lasting for 11 seconds AoE blind every few seconds
There’s no excuse to use Signet of Air in fights
Rezardi [DnT] – Elite Playhowiwanter US
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
NemesisMMNecro [rT] – Trans-Transsylvanian RPer EU
I am currently leveling an alt but as a courtesy to the group, I use an 80 in the dungeon and switch at the last second while someone holds the cut scene for me in order to give my alt the experience. Yes, dungeons can be completed with characters at a low level but it makes things a lot less painful if you use a higher level character.
I prefer to group with level 80’s since it leaves more room for error. They have more stats, even with being downscaled, and more traits/utilities. They are also mire likely to know their class better than someone just starting out and are properly geared. When people level, they are often rarely not up to date on armor/weapons.
Every time I have been with a low level, they are the first to die. I did AC story with several of them and they were consistently face planted into the ground. I personally do not feel like carrying people through the dungeons. Nor do I feel like spending more of my free time doing a dungeon that can be completed quicker with an all 80 group.
There’s really know reason for a low level to run dungeons anyway. If you’re going for rares then that’s a waste since they’re cheap and they’ll be obsolete by the time you have enough tokens for them as you level up pretty quickly. If you’re going for exotics, there’s no need to get the armor now as you can’t equip it.
I’m not saying you can’t do dungeons as a low level but be aware that a large percentage of players do not want to play with them.
Ele blinds? 12 ticks AoE blind lasting for 11 seconds AoE blind every few secondsThere’s no excuse to use Signet of Air in fights
I use it for the extra stun break. Usually the 2 is more then enough, but I like to have the extra insurance if I mess up. Sure I could bring Mist Form or Glyph of Elemental Power, but I like the 25% speed when swiftness isn’t up.
Ele blinds? 12 ticks AoE blind lasting for 11 seconds AoE blind every few secondsThere’s no excuse to use Signet of Air in fights
I use it for the extra stun break. Usually the 2 is more then enough, but I like to have the extra insurance if I mess up. Sure I could bring Mist Form or Glyph of Elemental Power, but I like the 25% speed when swiftness isn’t up.
Oh Em Gee, I totally forgot about stunbreak. Well there you go. Aoe blind AND a stun break? It’s also great because you can arrive first to the various bosses and be all like “first!” while they’re like “darn it! ele is op!”