(edited by Neutro.3079)
Key for imbued shaman fractal boss
Yeah it’s 1 tactic.
Another is, depending on your group, focus the bubble while being in melee range and have guardians pop block projectiles barriers, mesmers with feedback, eles with #4 with edit : focus (not scepter) while attuned to air etc …
In other words, focus bubble while protecting your party and then kill larvas.
This boss becomes incredibly easy with a guardian doing this anti projectiles barrier and then pulling all mobs at the same place
(edited by KratosAngel.7289)
Agree, just a tactic like many others. Useful, why not. I can tell you, no need to root, a couple fear on boss and all larva will be dead (or at least most) when he’s charging back out of fear. Fearing larvas same time too, results larva phase is more easy. See, just an other tactic.
(edited by Lucas Ashrock.8675)
Yeah it’s 1 tactic.
Another is, depending on your group, focus the bubble while being in melee range and have guardians pop block projectiles barriers, mesmers with feedback, eles with #4 with scepter while attuned to air etc …
In other words, focus bubble while protecting your party and then kill larvas.
This boss becomes incredibly easy with a guardian doing this anti projectiles barrier and then pulling all mobs at the same place
Scepter doesn’t have a #4
I think you’re referring to the focus.
Which I doubt your ele will have. I’ve run with a lot of eles and have never seen an ele besides myself use a focus in a dungeon.
You can have guardians popping reflect/absorb like crazy during add phase. This is a video of me and another guardian owned the boss with near range immunity.
Yeah sorry I meant focus for number 4, sorry for kitten mistake >_<
I never thought about using Avatar of Melandru form for that fight. Thanks for the protip! The group I usually run with usually has at least two fears packed to fear the boss away from the sacrificial subject to give us a lot of time to deal w/ the elemental adds.
Protip for necromancers: If you have at least 10 points in death magic, using the Greater Marks traits will make your marks unblockable, allowing you to fear the boss with your staff 5 ability. This is also handy for other annoying bosses that like to block for an eternity like the charr fractal boss or the midway boss in dredge fractal.
Warriors: the “Fear Me!” ability works pretty well in these situations too!
Fear works with staff, regardless of that trait point. Still ye, make it working better in general, but not needed on the fractal we are talking about here.
Fear works with staff, regardless of that trait point. Still ye, make it working better in general, but not needed on the fractal we are talking about here.
For a long time I had no points in death magic and whenever I tried using my staff 5 on him, it would just say “blocked.” Same thing with the Death Shroud fear. Maybe I wasn’t pressing 5 hard enough or I was somehow missing a very slow target with the mark. Can anyone else confirm this?
Also there isn’t always a cut and dry method to some of these more challenging encounters due to varying class variety when pugging fractals. All advice is useful as most people don’t run with the same groups, so people need to learn to improvise and contribute with any utility they can.
(edited by onion.8710)
Uhm. I don’t have marks unblockable, i remember it working as expected. I’ll pay more attention next time to check if fear triggered. For what i remember i have fun pushing him away. Maybe was him just moving and my fear was blocked?
I’ll check next time.
Reflect works on adds cuz all they do are projectiles.
I used to use a strat similar to this, but I would fear the boss away when he was in the shell giving us time to kill the adds before popping the shell. They nerfed this strat though and now fear does nothing to the boss.
It seems like now that I can’t use this strat, this boss is the hardest boss in the game. The other night I got to this boss on scale 28 and wiped for 2 hours before everyone gave up. Tonight on scale 30 our group we wiped on him for an hour before deciding he was too hard for us.
Both of these groups had no guardian though, and at least 1 person with low agony resist who would get downed constantly from the arrow.
I personally think this boss needs to be nerfed if you absolutely need a guardian to be able to kill him. At lower scale fractals (1-20) this boss isn’t that bad, but at high scales the adds can take you from 100% to downed in less than a second. Change the scaling on adds’ damage and health and this boss would be well balanced imho.
Level 80 Norn Warrior
There are 2 things any high level fractal runner needs in their inventory, Ash Legion Spy Kits, and Potions of Elemental Slaying. Potent Potions of Elemental Slaying cost less than 10copper each, and the -8% elemental damage makes a huge difference. Also very helpful during the snowblind fractal, and the elemental at the end of dredge. It’s actually very surprising how seldom food use is as well, unless its magic find. Even if you buy the cheap stuff, with like +70 toughness or something, that’s a huge difference.
Highly suggest picking those up.
(edited by datbabykilla.4307)